1. Scope of Journal
arrived to the office. Accepted date will be assigned
Textile Coloration and Finishing, the Journal of the
Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers, publishes
original research on all aspects of coloration, finishing
The following specific items should be noted.
and related textile science and technology, which has
(1) Title: The title should be concise but informative
not been or is not to be published elsewhere.
enough to facilitate information retrieval. Acronyms are
The editors welcome regular articles, notes, letters,
not allowed in the title. Chemical name rather than
chemical symbol are to be used in the title. Textile Coloration and Finishing publishes ISSN print
(2) Author′s Names and Affiliations: Author′s full name
edition(1229-0033) and electronic edition(2234-036X).
should be provided in the order of given name, middle name and family name. The affiliations of the authors
2. Electronic Submission of Manuscripts
at the time the work was performed should be presented,
A file of manuscript in any reviewing steps should be
with the institution and department names presented in
submitted via online submission menu at http: //www.
full, along with the city, state and country. Do not
ksdf.or.kr. Unless prepared properly according to the
include local address information, such as street name.
guidelines, all manuscripts may have to be rejected
Corresponding author should include telephone and fax
solely because they require excessive editing. Instructions
numbers as well as e-mail addresses on the cover
to authors should strictly be followed before submission
of any manuscript to the journal. In case typed manu-
(3) Abstract: An abstract of about 300 words or less
script has to be submitted, consult with the publication
must be accompanied with each manuscript. The abstract
coordinator of the society. Contact information for the
should briefly state the purpose of the research, new or
corresponding author, including an E-mail address, fax
unusual methods used in the experimental procedure,
number, and telephone number, must be provided with
significant results, and the conclusions of the articles.
all submissions. Authors are asked to sign a copyright
The abstract should avoid the use of jargon and other
terminology that would render its content inaccessible
Questions should be sent by email to ksdf@ksdf.or.kr
to the nonspecialist. No footnotes for references may
appear in an abstract. At least 5 key words should be followed after the
3. Peer Review Process
Author′s abstract, beginning with the headline key
All manuscripts are subject to experts peer review
process. Reviewers are consist of three. The reviewers
(4) Text Sections: The text of each paper should be
make effort to ensure that manuscripts are fairly and
divided into three or more sections. Typical section
independently reviewed(http://www.ksdf.or.kr/screen).
titles are as follows: 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental Procedure, 3. Results
4. Preparation of Manuscript
and Discussion, 4. Conclusions (or Summary)
Manuscripts must be typed in clear and concise English
(5) Acknowledgment: A brief acknowledgment section may
or Korean typed in Word (Microsoft 2007), hwp on
be presented immediately proceeding the reference section
one side of A4 paper with adequate margin, including
to acknowledge the financial or non financial support.
the reference section. All pages less than 20 pages in
(6) References: References are to be listed at the end
length including tables and figures should be numbered
of the paper in the order they are cited in the text,
consecutively. Received date and revised date will be
using each Author′s first initials and last name. Do not
assigned after the manuscript or revised manuscript are
use et al. in the references. Chemical abstracts abb-
reviations must be used. Citations of other than the
(10) Notations: The SI system of units should pre-
generally available literature should be avoided if
ferably be used for any numerical information. Nomen-
possible. Formats of typical references are as follows:
clature should appear at the end of each paper.
1. T. K. Kim, K. J. Jang and S. Jeon, Synthesis of
Symbols should be listed in alphabetical order with
Red Disperse Dyes with Various Diazo Com-
ponents, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. Korean Soc. Dyers & Finishers),22(1), 300(2010). DOI 5. Proofs and Reprints 10.5764/TCF.2010.22.1.300
Galley proofs with reprint order forms are sent to the
2. G. Socrates, “Infrared and Raman Characteristic
author. Proofs should be checked against the manuscript
Group Frequencie, 3rd ed.”, John Wiley & Sons,
and returned as soon as possible, along with the
3. Y. Tetsuya, T. Sikeru, D. Katsutosi, Korea Pat.
6. Publication Charge and Reprints
4. Y. J. Lee, J. H. Park, and B. D. Jeon, A Study on
Upon the submittance of manuscripts, authors will be
Neutral Salt Effects of Dyeing for Aramid, Pro-
charged of review process. And the authors and their
ceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and
institutions (or companies) are required to pay a publi-
Finishers Conference, Daegu, Vol.20, p.187, 2008.
cation charge. Color illustrations or Additional reprints
5. Y. L. Jang, A Study on Dyeing according to pH
will be furnished when ordered with the return of
and Mordant in Dyeing of Gromwell, M.S.(Ph.D.)
galley proofs. Authors must pay the fee after their
Thesis, Ehwa Women's University, 2010.
manuscript has been accepted for publication.
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetracycline
(7) Figures: Each figure must be clearly identified
with a figure number and caption. Micrography should be glossy, black and white prints and must have a
7. Copyright
labeled unit length within the body of the picture.
A file of the published manuscript will be sent to
(8) Tables: The title should be as concise as possible.
the corresponding author. All accepted manuscripts,
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and
artwork and photographs become the property of the
given a clear descriptive title at the top.
Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers according to
(9) Equations: Equations should be neatly typed, punctured
the copy right transfer which should be submitted
and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered
Authors preparing manuscripts should follow these
Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the corresponding
instructions and use the checklist provided at the end
author will be notified on the decision of the reviews
in 3 to 4 weeks. Corresponding author receiving reviews
Manuscripts are accepted for review with the under-
and editorial recommendations for revision of a manuscript
standing that no substantial portion of the study has
has 3 months to complete revision and return the
been published or under consideration for publication
manuscript in the editor otherwise it may be con-
elsewhere and that its submission for publication
has been approved by all of the authors or by the
institution where the work was carried out. The pre-
● Title / ● Author names / ● Corresponding author
requisites for publication will be originality, clarity,
● Abstracts / ● Keywords / ● Organization of text
and significance as relevant to a better understanding
● References / ● Tables / ● Figures
COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM Textile Coloration and Finishing Manuscript Title: Author(s):
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The undersigned, with the consent of all authors, hereby transfers, to the extent that there is copyright to be transferred, the exclusive copyright interest in the above cited manuscript, including the printed version in any format (subsequently referred to as thework), to the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers subject to the following (Note: if the manuscript is not accepted by the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers or if it is withdrawn prior to acceptance by the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers, this transfer will be null and void and the form will be returned.):
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D) No proprietary rights other than copyright is claimed by the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers. E) For works prepared under Korean Government contract or by employees of a foreign government or its
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Although none of the original manuscripts written • Consistency of church ordinances (baptism, by Moses or Paul or the other biblical writers have been Lord’s supper) as practiced by the early church preserved (no doubt providentially; otherwise they prior to the circulation and collection of the New might have become objects of worship), we can have Testament books, with their initiati
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