3 aspirin pg 1 & 2 records 1 - 10

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failure and other kinds of strokes.” (FDA Consum 2003;37:36.) Does an aspirin a day actually keep a heart attack away? Is it possible to take
Another report in the British Medical too much aspirin? Will I develop any complications if I take aspirin on a daily
Journal cautions that “the benefits basis?
These are just some of the questions that patients ask Dr. Baker about aspirin
ease” and that “the balance of benefits (acetylsalicylic acid) therapy.
and risks of aspirin in people 70 or over has not been clearly defined in rin use in the primary prevention of randomized trials.” (BMJ cardiovascular disease is still debated 2005;330:1440-43.) risks versus benefits,” admit represen- ceutical company (Pharmacotherapy ease. “Because aspirin therapy has not in 2003, when its Center for Drug who are under 30, it is uncertain Evaluation and Research launched a whether it would provide any benefit Dr. Baker believes that drugs merely public education campaign to remind to them.” (Diabetes Forecast mask symptoms — as opposed to ad- consumers that aspirin is not without 2003;56:31.) dressing the source of pain, illness and disease — and that they all have inher- Risk-Free Alternatives
cent aspirin tablet has side effects, as are less than conclusive — and the Exercise dilates your body’s blood
you’ll discover in this issue of Opti-
mal Health University®.
reliance on aspirin and other And, unlike aspirin, there are no side The Heart of the Matter
“elective” drugs in favor of all-natural solely as an across-the-board pain Not for the Healthy
diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, ing platelets from sticking together fessionals agree that long-term aspirin and forming heart-attack inducing use to prevent a heart attack or stroke in healthy people is unnecessary.” and other diseases linked to obesity. Suddenly everyone was jumping on the aspirin bandwagon, taking That’s why it’s vital to avoid self-“preventive” doses whether they diagnosing and self-treatment. An needed them or not. A massive media aspirin may appear tiny and harmless, campaign further fueled this aspirin- der aloud if this was really such a wanted side effects, such as stomach good idea after all. “The issue of aspi- Dr. Joseph Baker, Limerick Chiropractic Center (610) 489-1000
332 West Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA 19468

Why do American men have such a posed the lowest surgical risk from fering a hemorrhagic stroke. But in substantially higher rate of CHD than excess blood loss. However, Japan, the odds are reversed, accord-Japanese men? Diet. If American men adopted the traditional Japanese diet tween 100 mg and 200 mg] caused a sity Hospital and Kyoto University high in soy and vegetables and lower relatively high hemorrhagic event Graduate School of Medicine. in meat and fat, they might possibly rate.” (Am J Cardiol 2005;95:1218.) that aspirin therapy would do more But the authors of the study noted that in Europe, 150 mg of aspirin per day cal and dangerous. A Japanese man Aspirin May Up Risk of the
‘Other’ Type of Stroke
as a moderate-dose regimen in the hemorrhagic stroke: something he’s Unlike ischemic strokes, which may United States. statistically more likely to experience. strokes can occur when people have … And Asthma
aspirin works as a blood thinner, you After reviewing 21 studies concerning aspirin sensitivity in patients with Meanwhile, the annual Japanese rate asthma symptoms, researchers noted for hemorrhagic stroke is 1.14 per that adverse reactions “typically begin 1,000 men vs. 0.37 for American men. Digestive Disease
tion of aspirin. These patients usually ers involved in this study concluded Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are sensitive to all nonsteroidal anti- that “the assumptions and implications (NSAIDs), including aspirin, produce inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).” (Am digestive problems in 50 percent of Fam Physician 2004;70:1586.) use in other countries.” (Am J Med percent of the population develops Just how big of a problem is this? Ac- peptic ulcers from the same drugs (Am Talk With Your Doctor
Gastrointestinal tract disorders (GIT) pirin sensitivity and high rates of If you are already taking daily aspirin, are also a side effect of NSAIDs. cross-sensitivity to other common don’t discontinue your regimen with-When researchers in India analyzed NSAIDs.” Natural but Perhaps Still Risky
“patients with coronary artery disease “NSAIDs, especially aspirin, were Some of the herbs known to thin the crease their risk of withdrawal-related implicated in a maximum number of blood naturally include angelica root, cor o n ar y e v e n ts . ” ( AOR N J patients.” (Pharmacoepidemiol Drug anise, celery, chamomile, fenugreek, 2004;79:108.) Saf 2004;13:859-62.) root, parsley, passionflower herb, But do talk with your doctor of chiro- sweet clover, meadowsweet, poplar practic now about all-natural alterna- and willow bark. Natural remedies tives for lowering your risk of devel- drome (IBS). After surveying 643 that include anti-platelet properties oping CHD. Together, you can make a people, researchers noted that 12 per- include bromelain, clove, onion and smooth transition from drug depend- cent reported IBS symptoms and that turmeric. the disorder “was significantly associ- ated with the use of analgesics However, just because they are “all Optimal Health University™ is a professional service of (acetaminophen, aspirin or nonaspirin natural” doesn’t mean they can’t spark PreventiCare Publishing®. The information and recom- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory the same negative side effects as aspi- mendations appearing on these pages are appropriate in most instances; but they are not a substitute for rin and prescription blood thinners. consultation with a health care provider. Optimal That’s why it’s vital to talk with a Health University™ may be photocopied (NOT re- doctor of chiropractic before adding printed) exactly as they are published noncommercially by current subscribers ONLY to share with patients or Aspirin Increases Surgery Risk …
potential patients. Optimal Health University™ may NOT be reprinted in any print or electronic publication including newsletters, newspapers, magazines or Web Global Guidelines Differ
sites. Any other reproductions are subject to Preventi- Care Publishing® approval. Copyright, 2005. Preventi-Care Publishing®. 1-912-897-3040. dose aspirin therapy — which they have a higher risk of developing coro-defined as less than 100 mg per day —

Source: http://limerickchiropractic.com/pdfs/aspirin%20a%20day.pdf

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