
Rules of Racing Supplement
Table of Contents
Chapter 13. Health Rules.…….………….…………………………………………………………….4 §1304. Mandatory Health Screening….………………….……………………………………….4 Chapter 15. Permitted Medication………….…………………………………………………………….4 §1507. Bleeder Medication….…………………………….……………………………………….4 §1509. Definitions……….………………………………….…………………………………….6 Chapter 17. Corrupt and Prohibited Practices…………………………………………………………….6 Total Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Testing . 6 §1721. Modern Therapeutic Measures………….……………………………………………….…6 §1727. Drugs Which Affects Performance; Guarding Horse.………………………………….…6 §1733. Racing a Horse Under Investigation………………………………….……………….….7 §1743. Racing a Horse Under Investigation………………………………….……………….….7 §1791. Testing for Dangerous Substance Abuse….………………………………………….……7 Part V. Racing Procedures……………………………………………………………………………….8 Chapter 63. Entries . 8 §6359 Shoes. . 8 Part XI. Claiming Rules and Engagements . 8 Chapter 99. Claiming Rule…………………………………………………………………………………8 Timing of Entering of Next Claiming Race . 8 §9913. Vesting of Title; Tests ………………………………….…………………………………8 Description; Selection; Principle…………………………………………………………. 10 §11603. Wagering Pool………………………………………………. . 10 §11605. Denominations………………………………………………. . 10 §11607. Approval; Notation………………………………………………. . 10 §11609. Procedure………………………………………………. . 10 §11611. No Winning Ticket………………………………………………. . 10 §11613. Cancelled Races………………………………………………. 10 §11615. Dead Heats………………………………………………. . 11 §11617. Closing Time; Disclosure………………………………………………. 11 §11619. Entry of Field………………………………………………. 11 §11621. Scratches and Non-Starters………………………………………………. . 11 §11623. Display………………………………………………. . 11 §11625. Unforeseen Circumstances………………………………………………. . 11 Chapter 118. Super Hi-Five . 12 §11801. Super Hi-Five . 12 Title 46 . 13 PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS. 13 Chapter 5. Assistant Trainers and Other Employees . 13 Rules of Racing Supplement
Chapter 7. Jockeys and Apprentice Jockeys . 13 §1107. Registration of Partnership and Limited Liability Company . 14 §1109. Partnership and Limited Liability Company Papers . 14 §1115. Alteration of Partnership and Limited Liability Company Registration . 14 §1119. Percentage Interest . 14 §2103. Stable Registration . 14 §2105. Corporation . 14 §2107. Reports . 15 §2107. Licensed Trainer Registering Stable . 15 Rules of Racing Supplement
amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 37:1393 (May 2011). HORSE RACING
Chapter 15. Permitted Medication
Part I. General Provisions
§1507. Bleeder Medication
Chapter 3. General Rules
A. No bleeder medication may be administered to a §309. Protective Helmets and Safety Vests
horse in training for a race during any race meeting except upon compliance with the following. A. All persons exercising or schooling horses are compelled to wear protective helmets recommended 1. Only a licensed veterinarian may prescribe, by the stewards and approved by the commission, and dispense and administer bleeder medication. a safety vest designed to provide shock-absorbing 2. No horse entered to race may be administered protection to the upper body, as evidenced by a label bleeder medication within four hours of post-time of with a rating of 5, by the British Equestrian Trade Association. This shall also apply to association outriders and pony riders in post parade. Anyone B. A horse shall be considered a known bleeder failing to comply with this requirement may be fined 1. it is observed bleeding by a commission AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. veterinarian during and/or after a race or workout; 2. an endoscopic examination authorized by the Adopted by the Racing commission veterinarian or state steward, conducted Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of within one hour of a race or workout, reveals blood in Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:423 (December 1976), amended LR 3:19 (January 1977), LR 4:271 (August 1978), the trachea and/or upper respiratory tract of the horse amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of examined; Administration, Racing Commission, LR 33: (2007). 3. a statement from a commission or association veterinarian of any other racing jurisdiction, Chapter 13. Health Rules
confirming that a specific horse is a known bleeder is received by the commission or stewards having §1304. Mandatory Health Screening
jurisdiction of the race meeting where such horse may B. No horse shall be allowed to enter the confines C. A horse may be removed from the bleeder list of a racetrack of any association holding a license to only upon the direction of a commission veterinarian, conduct a race meeting or race in Louisiana unless it who shall certify in writing to the stewards the has had an Equine Piroplasmosis (EP) test taken recommendation for removal. within 12 months of the date of entry upon the D. The commission veterinarian at each race racetrack and/or race, with a negative result for meeting shall maintain a current list of all horses, Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. Record of the which have demonstrated external evidence of negative test shall be attached to registration papers of exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage from one or the horse upon entry to the racetrack. The trainer of both nostrils during or after a race or workout as the horse is responsible for insuring that a negative observed by the commission veterinarian. Piroplasmosis test result is in the racing secretary's office as required by this rule. E. A bleeder, regardless of age, shall be placed on the bleeder list and be ineligible to run during the AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 14:226 (April 1988), Rules of Racing Supplement
2. second time, within a 365 day period, for 30 upon the commission veterinarian, using the prescribed form, that the horse to be placed on the voluntary bleeder medication list; 3. third time, within 365 day period, for 180 2. the request is actually received by the commission veterinarian or his/her designee by the 4. fourth time, within a 365 day period, lifetime 3. the horse race with bleeder medication and 5. should a horse which is on the bleeder list race remain on the voluntary bleeder medication list unless three times within 365 days without bleeding, it shall and until the trainer and attending veterinarian make a be considered a first-time bleeder when next it is joint, written request on a form provided by the observed bleeding by a commission veterinarian or an commission to the commission veterinarian to remove endoscopic examination, conducted within one hour of a race, reveals blood in the trachea and/or upper respiratory tract; 4. once removed from the voluntary bleeder medication list, a horse may not be voluntarily placed 6. for the purposes of this rule the period of back on the list for a period of 60 days unless the ineligibility begins on the first day bleeding was commission veterinarian determines on recommendation and concurrence of the attending 7. the voluntary administration of bleeder veterinarian that it jeopardizes the welfare of the medication without evidence of an external bleeding horse. Once a horse is voluntarily removed from the incident does not subject a horse to the above periods list twice within a 365-day period, the horse may not be voluntarily placed back on the list for bleeder F. The licensed veterinarian prescribing, medication for a period of 90 days. dispensing, and administering bleeder medication H. In order to insure that the use of bleeder must furnish a written report to the commission medication is reported accurately, the commission veterinarian at least one hour prior to post-time for the shall have the right to perform or have performed first race of the day on forms supplied by the testing of blood or urine of any horse eligible to race commission. Furnishing of such written report timely at a meeting, whenever it is deemed necessary by it or shall be the responsibility of the prescribing, its stewards. The veterinarian administering the dispensing, and/or administering veterinarian. The approved bleeder medication shall surrender the following information shall be provided, under oath, syringe used to administer such medication for testing upon request of the commission veterinarian, a 1. the name of the horse, racetrack name, the steward or either of their designated representatives. date and time the permitted bleeder medication was I. Post race analysis of fursoemide must show detectable concentrations of the drug in serum, 2. the dosage amount of bleeder medication plasma or urine sample that is indicative of 3. the printed name and signature of the licensed 1. Specific gravity of post-race urine samples veterinarian who administered the bleeder may be measured to ensure that samples are medication. sufficiently concentrated for proper chemical analysis. Specific gravity shall not be below 1.010. If G. Approved bleeder medication may be the specific gravity of the urine is below 1.010 or a voluntarily administered intravenously to a horse, urine sample is unavailable for testing, quanitation of which is entered to compete in a race subject to furosemide shall be performed in serum or plasma. compliance with the following conditions: 2. Quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma 1. the trainer and/or attending veterinarian may not exceed 100 nanograms of furosemide per determine it is in a horse's best interests to race with bleeder medication, and they make written request Rules of Racing Supplement
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 6:174 (May 1980), AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. amended LR 9:547 (August 1983), amended by the Department of Economic Development, Racing Commission LR 15:7 (January 1989), LR 22:12 (January 1996), LR 23:950 (August 1997), amended by the Division of Administration, Racing Economic Development, Racing Commission LR 26:1992 (September 2000), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 32:1221 (July 2006), LR 33:845 (May 2007). §1509. Definitions
§1721. Modern Therapeutic Measures
Bleeder Medication—drugs or medications which A. Full use of modern therapeutic measures for the are permitted by the commission and are recognized improvement and protection of the health of a horse is by the veterinary profession for the treatment of authorized. However, no medication, including any exercise-induced hemorrhage. prohibited drug, permitted medication, chemical or Permitted Medication—Furosemide, by single other substance, or any therapeutic measure may be intravenous injection not less than 150 mg and not administered, caused to be administered or applied by any means to a horse during the 24-hour period before post time for the race in which the horse is entered a. approved adjunct, bleeder medications: unless otherwise provided by Rule. Ethacrynic Acid, Bumetanide, Estrogen, Ergonovine, Amino Caproic Acid, Carbazochrome. B.1. The presence of exogenous anabolic steroids in a race horse is strictly prohibited. The presence of Veterinarian—a person who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in Louisiana, and who is licensed AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. c. testosterone at levels above the normal physiological state of the stallion, gelding or mare is HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 6:174 (May 1980), 2. The administration of any of these endogenous amended LR 9:548 (August 1983), amended by the Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 35:951 (May 2009). steroids within 45 days of a race day shall be considered a violation. A violation of this sub- paragraph shall be regarded as a Class III violation Chapter 17. Corrupt and Prohibited Practices
§1720. Total Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Testing
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission 4. In the event a sample drawn from a horse in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing contains an amount of TCO2 which exceeds the Commission, LR 2:449 (December 1976), amended LR 3:45 levels described above, the following penalties (January 1977), LR 4:287 (August 1978), LR 6:174 (May 1980), LR 6:543 (September 1980), LR 35:463 (March 2009). §1727 Drugs Which Affects Performance;
b. The second time the laboratory reports Guarding Horse
an excessive TCO2 level, the stewards shall A. No person shall administer, or cause or suspend the trainer for the duration of the race knowingly permit to be administered, or connive at meeting plus ten days or for a period not to the administration of any drug not permitted by exceed six months, whichever is greater, the Chapter 15 to any horse to be entered or entered for a purse shall be redistributed and the case race. referred to the commission. Rules of Racing Supplement
B. No person shall feed, or cause or knowingly (September 1998), amended by the Office of the Governor, permit to be fed, or connive in any manner to feed Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 33: (2007). products which contain any drug not permitted by Chapter 15 to a horse to be entered or entered for a §1743 Possession of Drugs, Syringes or Needles
A. No person shall have in his possession, within C. Every owner, trainer or groom must guard, or the confines of a race track or within its stables, cause to be guarded, each horse owned, trained or buildings, sheds or grounds, or within an auxiliary attended by him in such manner as to prevent any (offtrack) stable area, where horses are lodged or kept person or persons from administering to the horse, by which are eligible to race over a race track of any any method, or feeding to a horse products which association holding a race meeting, any prohibited contain any drug, not permitted by Chapter 15. drugs, hypodermic syringes or hypodermic needles or similar instruments which may be used for injection. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, a licensed veterinarian may have in his possession such HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission drugs, instruments or appliances, etc., as required in in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing the practice of general veterinary medicine. Commission, LR 2:449 (December 1976), amended LR 3:45 (January 1977), LR 4:287 (August 1978), LR 12:11 (January 1986), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of B. No person shall have in his possession, within Administration, Racing Commission, LR 37:1393 (May 2011). the confines of a race track or within its stables, buildings, sheds or grounds, or within an auxiliary §1733. Racing a Horse under Investigation
(offtrack) stable area, where horses are lodged or kept A. When a report as described in §1729 is which are eligible to race over a race track of any received from the state chemist, the state steward association holding a race meeting, any feed products shall immediately advise the trainer of his rights to containing drugs not otherwise and expressly have the “split” portion of the sample tested at his expense. The stable shall remain in good standing pending a ruling by the stewards, which shall not be AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. made until the split portion of the original sample is HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission confirmed positive by a laboratory chosen by the in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing trainer from a list of referee laboratories. The Commission, LR 2:449 (December 1976), amended LR 3:45 horsemen’s bookkeeper shall not release any affected (January 1977), LR 4:288 (August 1978), amended by the purse monies until the results of the split portion of Department of Economic Development, Racing Commission, the sample are received by the commission. If the LR 16:765 (September 1990), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR penalty options as described in §1737 and §1797 include a redistribution of the purse or a referral to the
commission the horse allegedly to have been §1791. Testing for Dangerous Substance Abuse
administered any such drug or substance shall not be
allowed to enter or race during the investigation, and until the completion of the stewards' hearing. 4. For a licensed person's third violation, he shall be suspended up to a maximum of 15 years and denied access to all racetracks, off-track AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. wagering facilities and approved training facilities in Louisiana. His/her reinstatement may be allowed upon proof of enrollment and continued Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of attendance in a commission approved drug Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:449 (December 1976), rehabilitation program with a minimum of one amended LR 3:45 (January 1977), LR 4:287 (August 1978), LR year stay in a halfway house, at which he/she 7:262 (May 1981), LR 9:755 (November 1983), amended by the must attain the highest level of Recovery Department of Economic Development, Racing Commission, LR 18:367 (April 1992), LR 23:951 (August 1997), LR 24:1682 Dynamics, step 12 of an AA/NA program, and otherwise submit proof he/she is currently and has Rules of Racing Supplement
been drug-free. In addition, he/she must sign a start on the 31st day following the claim for any consent agreement with stipulations as determined claiming price. This provision shall not apply to starter handicaps in which the weight to be carried is assigned by the handicapper. A similar rule in other AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 4:141, R.S. 4:142 and R.S. 4:148. of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 13:289 (May 1987), HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the amended by Department of Economic Development, Racing Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR Commission, LR 15:620 (August 1989), LR 16:394 (May 1990), 30:1476 (July 2004), amended by the Office of the Governor, LR 17:172 (February 1991), LR 17:648 (July 1991), amended by Division of Administration, Racing Commission LR 33:2422 the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing §9913. Vesting of Title; Tests
Part V. Racing Procedures
B. The successful claimant may request on the Chapter 63. Entries
claim blank at the time he makes his claim that the §6359. Shoes
horse be tested for the presence of equine infectious A. A horse starting in a race, shall not be shod with anemia via a Coggins test and/or erythropoietin ordinary or training shoes. Toe grabs with a height greater than two millimeters, bends, jar caulks, stickers and any other appliance worn on the front shoes of horses while racing or training on all racing 2. Should the test for recombinant erythropoietin surfaces are prohibited. Bar plates may be used only and/or darbepoietin prove positive, it shall be cause with the consent of the stewards, and permission to for a horse to be returned to his previous owner and discontinue their use must be obtained from the barred from racing in the state of Louisiana until such stewards. C. Additionally, if such erythropoietin and/or AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 4:148. darbepoietin positive result is found, the claimant, HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in claimant's trainer or claimant's authorized agent shall 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:438 (December 1976), amended LR 3:34 have 48 hours in which to request the claim be (January 1977), LR 4:280 (August 1978), LR 35:463 (March declared invalid, such request to be made in writing to Part XI. Claiming Rules and
immunoassay recombinant erythropoietin and/or Engagements
darbepoietin shall be sent to the Louisiana State Racing Commission’s state chemist. Chapter 99. Claiming Rule
F. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of §9905. Timing of Entering Next Claiming Race
this Part, a horse shall not be subject to A. Except as otherwise provided herein, a disqualification from the race and from any share of claimed horse shall not enter in optional or claiming the purse in the race, and the trainer of the horse shall races for 30 days after being claimed in a race in not be subject to application of trainer’s responsibility which the determining eligibility price is less than the based upon the finding by the laboratory that price at which the horse was claimed. The day erythropoietin and/or darbepoietin was present in the claimed shall not count, but the following calendar day shall be the first day and the horse shall be AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. entitled to enter whenever necessary so the horse may Rules of Racing Supplement
Adopted by the Racing dollar payable to those bets combining winners of the Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of first and second legs with an betting interest scratched Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:446 (December 1976), in the third leg. The breakage shall not be deducted amended LR 3:42 (January 1977), LR 4:285 (August 1978), LR 5:136 (June 1979), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission LR 30:1476 D. If betting interests are scratched in both the (July 2004), LR 31:3160 (December 2005), LR 35:2756 second and third legs after the start of the first leg, a consolation payoff shall be computed for those bets combining the winner of the first leg with the betting interests scratched in both the second and third legs as Part XIII. Wagering
follows: from the gross pool shall be deducted the Chapter 115. Triple Play
takeout and the remainder shall be divided by the amount bet on the winner of the first leg combined §11515.
Scratches and Nonstarters
with all other betting interests (less breakage) to A. In the event a triple play ticket designates a determine the consolation price per dollar payable to selection in any one or more of the races comprising those tickets combining the winner of the first leg the triple play and that selection is scratched, excused with the scratched betting interests from both the or determined by the stewards to be a nonstarter in the second and third legs. The breakage shall not be race, prior to the official start of the first leg, all tickets designating that horse shall be refunded and E. If all three legs of the triple play are cancelled or declared “no contest,” the entire pool shall be B. In the event the scratch was made in the refunded. second leg after the start of the first leg, a consolation payoff shall be computed for those bets combining R.S. 4:149, R.S. 4:149.1 and R.S. 4:149.2. the winners of the first and third legs with the scratched betting interest as follows: from the gross of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 14:80 (February 1988), pool shall be deducted the statutory take-out and then amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of the amount represented by bets on combinations Administration, Racing Commission, LR 33:282 (February involving betting interests scratched from the third leg (reduced by the take-out thereon). The resulting §11517.
Dead Heats
remainder shall be divided by the amounts bet on the A. In the event of a dead heat for win between combination of such first and third leg winners with two or more horses in any triple play race, all the all betting interests (less breakage) to determine the horses in the dead heat for win shall be considered as consolation price per dollar payable to those bets official winning horses in the race for the purpose of combining winners of the first and third legs with a calculating the pool and payoffs. There shall be a betting interest scratched in the second leg. The separate payoff price, per dollar calculated, for each breakage shall not be deducted from the pool. winning combination as follows: from the gross pool C. If a betting interest is scratched in the third leg is deducted the takeout, consolation payoff amounts, after the start of the first leg, a consolation payoff if any, and amounts wagered on all winning shall be computed as for those bets combining the combinations. The balance shall be divided by the winners of the first and second legs with such number of different winning combinations upon scratched betting interest as follows: from the gross which bets were sold, each resulting allocated part pool shall be deducted the statutory take-out and then being assigned to each respective winning the amount represented by bets on combinations combination. An allocated part plus the amounts bet involving betting interests scratched from the second on each winning combination when divided by the leg (reduced by the rate of the take-out thereon). The amount bet on each winning combination (less resulting remainder shall be divided by the amount breakage) shall be the resulting payoff per dollar per bet on the combination of such first and second leg winners with all betting interests in the third leg (less breakage) to determine the consolation price per Rules of Racing Supplement
designated in the program, and pick N tickets will be R.S. 4:149, R.S. 4:149.1 and R.S. 4:149.2. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 14:80 (February 1988), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Administration, Racing Commission, LR 33:282 (February Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1014 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). §11609. Procedure
Chapter 116. Pick N
A. After the wagering closes for the first race of the §11601. Description; Selection; Principle
N designated pick N races, the commission will be A. The pick N is a form of pari-mutuel wagering deducted from the pari-mutuel pool in accordance where N is a varying number of races. Bettors select with Louisiana law. The remaining net pool, subject the first horse in each of N consecutive races to distribution among winning ticket holders shall be designated as the pick N by the permit holder. The distributed among the holders of tickets which principle of a pick N is in effect a contract by the correctly designate the winner in each of the N races purchaser of a pick N ticket to select the winners of comprising the pick N and the aggregate number of each of the N races designated as the pick N. The sale winning tickets shall be divided into the net pool and of pick N tickets other than from pari-mutuel machines shall be deemed illegal and is prohibited. 1. In the event no ticket is sold combining AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. winners of all the races comprising the pick N, the holders of tickets which correctly designate the most HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR official winners, but less than N, in each of the N 28:1014 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). races comprising the pick N shall be deemed winning ticket holders, and the aggregate number of winning §11603. Wagering Pool
tickets shall be divided into the net pool and be paid A. The pick N pool shall be held entirely separate from all other pools and is no part of a daily double, AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. exacta, trifecta, quinella, or any other wagering pool. The pick N pool is a pool wherein the bettor is HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the required to select N consecutive winning horses and Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1014 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. §11611. No Winning Ticket
A. In the event no winning ticket is sold that would HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR require the distribution of the pick N pool as 28:1014 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). mentioned in §11609, the association shall make a complete refund of the pick N pool.
§11605. Denominations
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. A. Pick N tickets shall be sold in not less than HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008).
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the §11613. Cancelled Races
Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission LR 28:1014 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). A. If for any reason one or more of the races comprising the pick N is/are cancelled or declared "no §11607. Approval; Notation
race," the net pool shall be distributed as provided in A. Races in which pick N pools are conducted shall be approved by the commission and clearly B. In the event the pick N pool is opened and wagers accepted, and all N races comprising the pick Rules of Racing Supplement
N are cancelled for any reason, the association shall AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. make a complete refund of the pick N pool. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR §11621. Scratches and Non-Starters
28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). A. At anytime after wagering begins on the pick N §11615. Dead Heats
pool should a horse, entire betting entry or field be scratched, excused or declared a non-starter in any A. In the event of a dead heat for win between two pick N race, no further tickets selecting such horse, or more horses in any pick N race, all such horses in betting entry or field shall be issued, and wagers upon the dead heat for win shall be considered as wining such horse, betting entry or field, for purposes of the horses in the race for the purpose of calculating the pick N pool shall be deemed wagers upon the horse, betting entry or field upon which the most money has AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. been wagered in the win pool at the close of win pool betting for such race. In the event of a money tie in HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR the win pool, the tied horse, betting entry or field with 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). the lowest running number, as designated by the §11617. Closing Time; Disclosure
official racing program, shall be designated as the favorite for substitution purposes. For the purpose of A. No pari-mutuel ticket for the pick N pool shall this Section, when horses are prevented from starting be sold, exchanged or cancelled after the time of the by any malfunction of the starting gate itself they closing of wagering in the first of the N races shall be considered as having been excused by the comprising the pick N except for such refunds on pick stewards. After close of betting, there shall be no N tickets as required by this regulation, and no person refund, except as provided in §11611 or §11613. shall disclose the number of tickets sold in the pick N AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. pool or the number or amount of tickets selecting winners of pick N races until such time as the HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the stewards have determined the last race comprising the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR pick N to be official. At the conclusion of the race 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). immediately prior to the last race of the pick N, the §11623. Display
association may display potential distributions to A. These rules shall be prominently displayed in ticket holders depending upon the outcome of the last the betting area of the association conducting the pick AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). §11619. Entry or Field
§11625. Unforeseen Circumstances
A. Those horses constituting an entry or a field as A. Should circumstances occur which are not defined within the rules of racing shall race in any foreseen in these rules, questions arising thereby shall pick N race as a single wagering interest for the be resolved by the association and/or commission in purpose of the pick N pari-mutuel pool calculations accordance with general pari-mutuel practices. and payouts to the public. A scratch after wagering Decisions regarding distribution of the pick N pools has begun of any part of an entry or field selection in such race shall have no effect with respect to the status of such entry and/or field as a viable wagering AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Rules of Racing Supplement
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the and distributed as a single price pool among those Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 28:1015 (May 2002), amended LR 34:869 (May 2008). 1. To those who selected first-, second-, third-, Chapter 118. Super Hi-Five
and fourth-place finishers in order. If there are no §11801. Super Hi-Five
A. The Super Hi-Five is a form of pari-mutuel 2. To those who selected first-, second-, and wagering which consists of combining five horses in third-place finishers in order. If there are no such a single race that will subsequently finish first, second, third, fourth and fifth in that race. It is not a 3. To those who selected first-, second-place parlay and has no connection with or relationship to finishers in order. If there are no such wagers, then any other pari-mutuel pool, except as otherwise set 4. To those who selected the first-place finishers. 5. If there are no such wagers, then the B. The net pool and payout shall be determined in consolation pool shall carryover and be added to the net pool for the next qualifying Super Hi-Five race as 1. The net pool is awarded to ticket holders who determined by the racetrack hosting the race to be selected first-, second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-place D. The minimum number of wagering interests 2. If there are no such wagers, then the net pool required to offer Super Hi-Five wagering shall be shall be carried over and paid out in the following E. The racetrack hosting the race on which the a. The entire pool shall be carried over and Super Hi-Five wager is offered may cancel the Super- made available on the next qualifying Super Hi Five wagering for any reason, including by way of Hi-Five race determined by the racetrack example only any circumstance necessitating hosting the race, and is combined with and scratches or other events reducing the field of added to the net pool for such qualifying race, competition. Super Hi-Five wagers on races in which and made available for payout, or and unless wager has been cancelled or the race declared no b. The racetrack hosting race can, at its option, contest shall be refunded. Any carryover pool added announce a consolation pool, 25% of the net to the net pool of a Super Hi-Five race which is pool, will be offered. The offering of a cancelled shall carry forward to be added to the next consolation pool shall be announced at least 72 hours in advance of the first day upon F. If less than five horses finish and the race is which a consolation pool will be offered, and declared official by the stewards or judges, then pay shall be publicized. Notice of the consolation off shall be made to ticket holders selecting the pool may be announced, by way of example, finishing horses in order of finish as provided above. via press release, internet, simulcast signal, G. In the event of a dead heat in any finishing position, the wagers be paid as follows: C. If there are no ticket holders who selected first-, 1. All wagers selecting either of the dead-heat second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-place finishers in positions with the correct non-dead-heat position shall order and a consolation pool is offered, then a consolation pool shall be established. The 2. Payouts will be calculated by splitting the pool Consolation pool shall be equal to 25% of the Net equally between each winning combination, then Pool as determined by the racetrack hosting the race dividing split pools by the number of winning tickets. Rules of Racing Supplement
A dead heat will produce separate and distinct Part XLI. Horseracing Occupations
payouts respective to each winning combination. H. If there is any accumulated carryover pool on Chapter 5. Assistant Trainers and Other
the final day of a meet by the racetrack hosting races Employees
on which Super Hi-Five wagering was offered, the §531. Worker’s Compensation Insurance
accumulated carryover pool shall be combined with A. In addition to all other requirements for a the final net pool of the final Super-Hi-Five race of trainer's license, each applicant therefor must furnish the meet to be paid out in accordance with this rule. an individual certificate of insurance issued in his or If no ticket is sold that would require a distribution her name only by the Louisiana Horsemen’s under this rule, then the pool shall be held separately Benevolent and Protective Association, or a waiver and carried over to be offered on the first Super Hi- thereof, covering his or her employees and which
names the Louisiana State Racing Commission as a
Five race scheduled by the racetrack hosting the race, certificate holder for purposes of coverage and and thereafter, to be distributed in accordance with cancellation of policy. Any exceptions to the form and content of the certificate may be considered on I. If a horse is scratched or declared a nonstarter, no further tickets may be issued designating such horse and all Super Hi-five tickets previously issued AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. designating such horse shall be refunded and the money deducted from the gross Super Hi-Five pool. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of J. For purposes of statutory deductions and Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 4:274 (August 1978), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of commissions, the net amount does not include any Administration, Racing Commission, LR 29:1820 (September amounts carried over from any previous Super Hi- K. The racetrack hosting the races may participate Chapter 7. Jockeys and Apprentice Jockeys
with other racetracks in a Super Hi-Five national §725. Jockey Fee Schedule
carryover pool. In such instances, the carryover pool, A. Prior to the start of each race conducted by an if any, may be carried out to, or in from, another association licensed by the commission, sufficient money shall be on deposit with the horsemen's L. Races in which Super Hi-Five pools are bookkeeper in an amount equal to pay the losing conducted shall be approved by the commission and mount fee of a jockey for that race. In the absence of shall be clearly designated in the program. a special agreement, the fee of a jockey shall be as follows. M. This rule shall be prominently displayed throughout the betting area of each track and Unplaced
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR PROFESSIONAL AND
Rules of Racing Supplement
HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:429 (December 1976), amended LR 3:25 AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 36:2864 HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission § 1115. Alteration of Partnership or Limited
in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:431 (December 1976), amended LR 3:28 Liability Company Registration
(January 1977), LR 4:276 (August 1978), LR 5:23 (February 1979), LR 12:12 (January 1986), amended by the Department of Economic Development, Racing Commission, LR 16:112 B. Any alteration in a limited liability registration, (February 1990), amended by the Office of the Governor, to be effective, must be reported in writing to the Division of Administration, Racing Commission, LR 35:2756 racing secretary, signed by member(s) and/or managing member(s) possessing authority to bind the Chapter 11. Owners
limited liability company, and approved by the stewards. §1107. Registration of Partnership and Limited
Liability Company

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing B. Each limited liability company must be Commission, LR 2:429 (December 1976), amended LR 3:25 registered with the commission, and its application (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 36:2864 must be signed by the member(s) or managing member(s) where designated. Every member having § 1119. Percentage Interest
an interest of 5% or greater in the limited liability company shall be required to obtain an owner's B. Each member’s percentage of interest in a AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. limited liability company shall be declared in the HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Commission, LR 2:429 (December 1976), amended LR 3:25 (January 1977), LR 4:274 (August 1978), LR 36:2863 HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:429 (December 1976), amended LR 3:25 § 1109. Partnership and Limited Liability
(January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 9:546 (August Company Papers
Chapter 21. Stables
B. Limited Liability Company shall, among other things, provide for the following: § 2103. Stable Registration
1. the name and address of each and every A. Each stable name must be duly registered member of the limited liability company; with the commission. In applying to race under a 2. the relative proportions of such interests; stable name, the applicant must disclose the identity 3. whether management is reserved to the or identities behind the stable names. If a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation is involved the rules covering such must be complied with. 4. with whom the power of entry and declaration AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 4:148. 5. the terms of any contingency, lease or any other HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing Commission, LR 2:429 (December 1976), amended LR 3:26 AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 36:2864 Rules of Racing Supplement

§ 2105. Corporation
register a stable name, except that a trainer may A. Any corporation or a lessee or lessees of a register the stable name of a limited liability company corporation shall be considered qualified to obtain a or partnership of which a trainer is a member or license as an owner or to obtain the right to race under partner, provided that the use of such stable name has a stable name if each member of the board of directors of the corporation owns at least five percent AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation and HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission if each of the members of the board is also licensed as in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, an owner and providing that the corporation and the Racing Commission, LR 2:430 (December 1976), amended LR lessee or lessees of the corporation are otherwise 3:26 (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 36:2864 qualified for license. No other owner or officer of, or other person with an interest in such corporation shall be required to be licensed as an owner in order to race under a stable name. However, the name of such owner or other person with an interest in the REVISED STATUTES
corporation, together with his percentage ownership in such corporation or as an owner, shall be submitted Part I. Horse Racing
to the commission before issuance of a license or right to race is granted by the commission to the §149.5.
Account wagering
A. As used in this Chapter, “account wagering” AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. means a form of pari-mutuel wagering in which an individual may deposit money in an account with an HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission authorized licensee and then use the account balance in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing to pay for pari-mutuel wagers made in person, by Commission, LR 2:430 (December 1976), amended LR 3:26 telephone call, or by communication through other (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 9:546 (August 1983), LR 36:2864 (December 2010).
B.(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of § 2107. Reports
law to the contrary, the commission shall adopt rules regulating account wagering and shall authorize corporation, limited liability company, or partnership, account wagering to be conducted by a licensee which owns or leases horses for racing purposes in operating a pari-mutuel live horse racing facility the state of Louisiana and also any such corporation, located in any municipality having a population in limited liability company, or partnership, shall make excess of four hundred fifty thousand persons as of and file with the commission as and when requested by it, a report or reports under oath containing such (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to information as the commission may specify. Upon the contrary, a facility authorized to conduct account refusal or failure to file any such report or reports, the wagering shall pay to the licensed racing facilities in commission may refuse a license or may revoke any the state located within the same area as provided for in R.S. 4:214(A)(3) the highest source market percentage paid to the licensee by any other account AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. wagering carrier located outside of the state. HISTORICAL NOTE: Adopted by the Racing Commission (3) Any source market commission outside of the in 1971, promulgated by the Department of Commerce, Racing area provided for in R.S. 4:214(A)(3) shall be divided Commission, LR 2:430 (December 1976), amended LR 3:26 (January 1977), LR 4:275 (August 1978), LR 9:546 (August equally among active account operators residing in C. Subject to applicable federal laws, including § 2109. Licensed Trainer Registering Stable
but not limited to the Interstate Horseracing Act of A. No licensed trainer of race horses shall 1978, 15 USCA 3001 et seq., and the Wire Rules of Racing Supplement
Communications Act, 18 USCA 1081 and 1084, the (2) A licensee of race meetings authorized to commission shall permit an authorized licensee to conduct account wagering in this state, if the races are conduct account wagering on any live horse races conducted at his facility and races conducted at other facilities upon which the licensee of said facility is lawfully authorized to accept offtrack wagers. D. The licensee may deduct commissions from wagers placed through account wagering and make any such commission payable to the person or entity conducting the race for the privilege of conducting pari-mutuel wagering on the race. E.(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, all provisions of law and of the rules of the commission governing pari-mutuel wagers on horse races placed in person within the grounds on which a race meeting is licensed to be conducted and the distribution of the pools created by such wagers shall apply to account wagering. (2) Each wager placed pursuant to regulations authorizing account wagering shall be treated as a wager placed within the enclosure at which the licensee is authorized to conduct a race meeting. (3) The provisions of law or contract, if any, governing the distribution of shares of the takeout from wagers placed in this state in separate pari-mutuel pools on races run in another state, to this state as pari-mutuel taxes, or respectively to breeder awards and to purses in this state, shall remain in effect for wagers placed through account wagering, as if the wager had been placed at the licensee's facility. With the concurrence of the licensee, the Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association, and the appropriate breeders’ organization, the share of breeder awards or purses may be modified as long as the modification does not impair the interest of any other person or entity entitled or authorized to participate directly in the distribution. F. No system of account wagering located outside of this state shall accept wagers from residents or other persons located within this state, nor shall residents or other persons located within this state place wagers through account wagering systems located outside of this state, except with the permission of either one of the following: (1) A licensee of race meetings, concerning wagers on races conducted in this state by that licensee.

Source: http://www.lrc.state.la.us/documents/RULEBOOKSUPPMAY11.pdf


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