A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States Cite as
Lawrence RA. 1997. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in theUnited States (Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin). Arlington, VA:National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States (Maternaland Child Health Technical Information Bulletin) is not copyrighted with the exception of tables1–6. Readers are free to duplicate and use all or part of the information contained in this publi-cation except for tables 1–6 as noted above. Please contact the publishers listed in the tables’source lines for permission to reprint. In accordance with accepted publishing standards, theNational Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) requests acknowledg-ment, in print, of any information reproduced in another publication.
The mission of the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health is to promoteand improve the health, education, and well-being of children and families by leading a nation-al effort to collect, develop, and disseminate information and educational materials on maternaland child health, and by collaborating with public agencies, voluntary and professional organi-zations, research and training programs, policy centers, and others to advance knowledge inprograms, service delivery, and policy development. Established in 1982 at GeorgetownUniversity, NCEMCH is part of the Georgetown Public Policy Institute. NCEMCH is fundedprimarily by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Health Resourcesand Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Published byNational Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health2000 15th Street, North, Suite 701, Arlington, VA 22201-2617(703) 524-7802(703) 524-9335 faxInternet: info@ncemch.orgWorld Wide Web: http://www.ncemch.org
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This publication has been produced by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Healthunder its cooperative agreement (MCU-119301) with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, HealthResources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices.
publication. Technical reviews and recommen-dations were contributed by many individu-
In its report Breastfeeding: WIC’s Efforts to
als, including Dr. Cheston M. Berlin, Jr.,
Promote Breastfeeding Have Increased (1993), the
Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Margaret
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) recom-
Prevention; Dr. Armond S. Goldman, Univer-
Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department
sity of Texas; Dr. Audrey Naylor, Wellstart
International; Dr. Mary Francis Picciano,
develop written policies defining the condi-
Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Walter J.
tions that would contraindicate breastfeeding
Rogan, National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences; and Dr. Carol West Suitor,
cate this information to all pregnant and
Institute of Medicine. Thoughtful comments
breastfeeding participants of the Special
were received from Ms. Brenda Lisi and Ms.
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,
Alice Lockett, representing the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. The document also
reflects the contributions of NCEMCH com-
USDA, developed a plan to respond to GAO’s
munications staff—Carol Adams, director of
recommendation. In late 1994, MCHB award-
ed a contract to Dr. Ruth Lawrence, a nation-
Anne Mattison, editorial director; and Oliver
ally recognized expert in the area of breast-
feeding, to develop a policy document on themedical contraindications of breastfeeding. The policy document was reviewed by othernational experts in the field of infectious dis-
Benefits and Risks
eases, environmental toxins, acute and chron-ic diseases, and metabolic disorders. In July
1996, the policy document was submitted toGAO to assist states in developing policies. To
ensure widespread dissemination, the docu-
breastmilk (human milk), it is important first
ment has been prepared as a technical infor-
to establish breastmilk’s distinct and irre-
mation bulletin (TIB) for distribution to
placeable value to the human infant.
DHHS and USDA regional offices, state and
Breastmilk is more than just good nutrition.
local health departments, WIC state and local
Human breastmilk is specific for the needs of
agencies, and other interested organizations
the human infant just as the milk of thou-
and health care providers. USDA is encourag-
sands of other mammalian species is specifi-
ing WIC state agencies to develop policies
cally designed for their offspring. The unique
regarding contraindications to breastfeeding
composition of breastmilk provides the ideal
that take into consideration the information
nutrients for human brain growth in the first
presented in this document and that are con-
year of life. Cholesterol, desoxyhexanoic acid,
sistent with the policies of their respective
and taurine are particularly important.
Cholesterol is part of the fat globule mem-brane and is present in roughly equal
amounts in both cow milk and breastmilk.
National Center for Education in Maternal and
Maternal dietary intake of cholesterol has no
impact on breastmilk cholesterol content. The
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
cholesterol in cow milk, however, has been
Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and Ms.
removed in infant formulas. These elements
are readily available from breastmilk, and the
essential nutrients in breastmilk are readily
providing guidance in the preparation of this
transported into the infant’s bloodstream. The
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
bioavailability of essential nutrients (includ-
ing the microminerals) means that there is
great efficiency in digestion and absorption.
infants who were exclusively formula-fed,
Comparison of the biochemical percentages of
until the publication of data on the growth
breastmilk and infant formula fails to reflect
curves of infants who were exclusively breast-
the bioavailability and utilization of con-
fed.8 The physiologic growth curves of breast-
stituents in breastmilk compared to modified
fed infants show a pattern similar to that of
cow milk (from which only a small fraction of
formula-fed infants at the 50th percentile,
with significantly few breastfed infants in the90th percentile. This is most evident in the
The presence of living leukocytes, specific
examination of the z scores, which indicate
antibodies, and other antimicrobial factors
that formula-fed infants are heavier compared
protects the breastfed infant against many
common infections. Protection against gas-trointestinal infections is well documented.1
Protection against infections of the upper and
tions have been evaluated in case–control
lower respiratory system and the urinary tract
studies, cohort-based studies, and mortality
is less recognized, although those infections
studies in both clinic and hospitalized chil-
lead to more emergency room visits, hospital-
izations, treatments with antibiotics, and
world.1–3,10,11 The results all show clearly that
health care costs for the infant who is not
breastfeeding has a protective effect, especial-
ly in the first six months of life. A random-ized controlled trial indicated that withhold-
ing cow milk and giving soy milk provided
infections in infants has been evaluated in a
no such protective effect.7 The incidence of
number of studies examining the relationship
acute otitis media in formula-fed infants is
between respiratory infections and breast-
feeding or formula feeding in these infants.4–6
infants,12,13 not only because of the protective
These studies confirm that infants who are
constituents of human milk but also because
breastfed are less likely to be hospitalized for
of the process of suckling at the breast, which
respiratory infection, and, if hospitalized, are
protects the inner ear.14 When an infant bot-
less seriously ill. In a study of infant deaths
tlefeeds, the eustachian tube does not close,
from infectious disease in Brazil, the risk of
and formula and secretions are regurgitated
death from diarrhea was 14 times more fre-
up the tubes. Child care exposure increases
quent in the formula-fed infant and the risk of
the risk of otitis media, and bottlefeeding
death from respiratory illness was 4 times
more frequent.6 The association of wheezingand allergy in relation to infant feeding pat-
In addition to the protection provided by
terns has also shown a significant advantage
breastfeeding against the presence of acute
to breastfeeding. In a report from a seven-year
prospective study in South Wales, the advan-
revealed a reduced incidence of childhood
tage of breastfeeding persisted to the age of
lymphoma,11 childhood-onset insulin-depen-
seven years in non-atopics, while in at-risk
dent diabetes,15 and Crohn’s disease16 in
infants who were breastfed the risk of wheez-
infants who have been exclusively breastfed
ing was 50 percent lower (after accounting for
for at least four months, compared to infants
who have been fed infant formula. In addi-
overcrowding).7 Breastfeeding is thought to
tion, breastfed infants at high risk for develop-
confer long-term protection against respirato-
asthma by two years of age show a reduced
incidence and severity of symptoms in early
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
life.17 Some studies suggest the protective
formula, the performance by the breastfed
effect continues through childhood.17–20
In addition to clinically proven medical ben-
Nourishment with breastmilk is a combina-
efits, breastfeeding empowers a woman to do
tion event, in which nutrient-to-nutrient inter-
something special for her infant. The relation-
action is significant. The process of mixing
ship of a mother with her suckling infant is
isolated single nutrients in formula does not
guarantee the nutrient or non-nutrient bene-
bonds. Holding the infant to the mother ’s
fits that result from breastfeeding. The com-
breast to provide total nutrition and nurturing
position of human milk is a delicate balance
creates an even more profound and psycholog-
of macronutrients and micronutrients, each in
ical experience than carrying the fetus in utero.
the proper proportion to enhance absorption. Ligands bind to some micronutrients to
In studies of young women enrolled in the
enhance their absorption. Enzymes also con-
tribute to the digestion and absorption of all
assigned to breastfeed or not to breastfeed
nutrients.1 An excellent example of balance is
the action of lactoferrin, which binds iron to
support person throughout the first year post-
make it unavailable for E. coli bacterium
(which is dependent upon iron for growth).
domized to breastfeed changed their behav-
When the iron is bound, E. coli cannot flour-
ish and the normal flora of the newborn gut,
lactobacillus bifidus, can thrive. In addition,
interacted more maturely with their infants
the small amount of iron in human milk is
almost totally absorbed whereas only about
10 percent of the iron in formula is absorbed
by the infant. Examples of multiple functions
of proteins in human milk include preventing
infection, preventing inflammation, promotinggrowth, transporting microminerals, catalyz-
ing reactions, and synthesizing nutrients.29
noted by Newton23 to be more mature, secure,and assertive, and they progressed further onthe developmental scale than non-breastfed
Risk/Benefit Ratio
children. More recently, studies by Lucas24and other investigators25 have found that pre-
Breastfeeding may provide the mother with
mature infants who received breastmilk pro-
several benefits, including reduced risk of
developmentally at 18 months and at 7 to 8
cancer.30–32 Women who breastfeed return to
years of age than those of comparable gesta-
tional age and birthweight who had received
formula by tube. Such observations suggest
incidence of obesity in later life.29,33 The bene-
that breastmilk has a significant impact on the
fits of breastfeeding are so strong and com-
growth of the central nervous system. This is
pelling that very few situations definitively
further supported by studies of visual activity
contraindicate breastfeeding. The decision to
in premature infants who were fed breastmilk
breastfeed in the presence of a possible con-
compared to those who were fed infant for-
traindication should be made on an individ-
mula.26 When similar studies were performed
ual basis, considering the risk of the complica-
in term infants, visual acuity developed more
rapidly in the breastfed infants.27 Even when
tremendous benefits of breastfeeding. The
benefits of being breastfed are greater for the
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
infant born in poverty where crowding, poor
mineral loss experienced during pregnancy
environment, and higher infection rates pre-
and lactation is temporary. Bone mineral densi-
vail. For example, in developing countries,
ty returns to normal following pregnancy and
the death rate from diarrhea and other infec-
even following extended lactation when miner-
tions in the first year of life is 50 percent for
al density may exceed the original base line.40
infants who are not breastfed. Thus, although
Serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations
some studies suggest that breastfeeding when
are greater in lactating than in nonlactating
women. Lactation stimulates increases in frac-
infant’s risk of HIV, at this time, breastfeeding
tional calcium absorption and serum calcitriol
under these circumstances is still recommend-
most markedly after weaning.41 Postweaning
concentrations of parathyroid hormone are sig-nificantly higher than in other stages and uri-
There is general agreement that a woman’s
increasing number of pregnancies, increasinglength of oral contraceptive use, and increas-
Whenever the clinician is confronted by a
ing duration of lactation are protective against
situation that might suggest a conflict in
encouraging breastfeeding, the theoretical
between lactation and epithelial ovarian can-
risk should be measured against the projected
cer was studied from a multinational data-
benefits of breastfeeding. The discussion that
base, short-term lactation was as effective as
follows is relevant only when the risk/benefit
long-term lactation in decreasing the inci-
ratio is considered for individual cases.
dence of ovarian cancer in developed coun-tries where ovulation suppression may be lessprolonged in relation to lactation.35 In a study
Risks Associated with Breastfeeding
of African-American women, who are knownto have a lower incidence of ovarian cancer,
There are no nutritional contraindications to
breastfeeding for six months or longer as well
breastfeeding infants unless they have special
as four or more pregnancies and oral contra-
health needs. Infants with intestinal lactase
ceptive use had an effect in further reducing
deficiency, galactosemia, or phenylketonuria
(PKU) require special diets that reduce theintake of lactose, galactose, or phenylalanine,
When researchers controlled for other vari-
respectively. Infants with galactosemia require
ables such as age and parity, a reduced risk of
total artificial specific lactose-free formula;
infants with PKU may be partially breastfed at
who have lactated was reported in a study of
the discretion of the physician.1,43,44 Because of
over 5,000 cases in the United States.37 The
the low level of phenylalanine in breastmilk,
longer the lactation, the greater the protection.
the breastfed infant may be given a high pro-
A population-based case–control study of
portion of breastmilk and require very little
1,211 cases failed to show such a relationship
phenylalanine-free formula. The formula-fed
when duration of breastfeeding was less than
infant can tolerate very little regular formula
in addition to the phenylalanine-free milk to
duration of breastfeeding, the greater the pro-
between 5 and 10 milligrams per deciliter. All
infants need some phenylalanine in their diet.
The risk of osteoporosis in later life is great-
est for women who have never borne infants,
Maternal Diet
somewhat less for those who have borneinfants, and measurably less for those who
have borne and breastfed infants.39 The bone
infants in the United States under ordinary
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
circumstances, even if the maternal diet is not
The need for dietary counseling during lac-
Subcommittee on Nutrition During Lactation
maternal stores.47–49 Regardless of the moth-
was impressed by the strong evidence that
er ’s intake, it is recommended that breast-
mothers are able “to produce milk of suffi-
feeding mothers be screened for nutritional
cient quantity and quality to support growth
and promote the health of infants.”29 Studies
reporting volume of milk produced relate the
restrictive eating pattern, she should be coun-
variability to the demand or consumption by
seled to make the necessary changes. Table 1
the infant and not the dietary intake of the
presents suggested measures for improving
mother.45 It is known that maternal intake of
excess fluids does not increase milk produc-
Suggested Measures for Improving the Nutrient Intakes of Women with Restrictive Eating Patterns Type of Restrictive Eating Pattern Corrective Measures
Excessive restriction of food intake (i.e., ingestion of
Encourage increased intake of nutrient-rich foods to
<1,800 kcal of energy per day), which ordinarily
achieve an energy intake of at least 1,800 kcal/day;
leads to unsatisfactory intake of nutrients compared
if the mother insists on curbing food intake sharply,
with the amounts needed by lactating women
promote substitution of foods rich in vitamins, min-erals, and protein for those lower in nutritive value;in individual cases, it may be advisable to recom-mend a balanced multivitamin-mineral supple-ment; discourage use of liquid weight loss diets andappetite suppressants
Complete vegetarianism (i.e., avoidance of all ani-
Advise intake of a regular source of vitamin B ,
mal foods, including meat, fish, dairy products, and
such as special vitamin B -containing plant food
products or a 2.6 µg vitamin B supplement daily
Avoidance of milk, cheese, or other calcium-rich
Encourage increased intake of other culturally
appropriate dietary calcium sources, such as col-lard greens for [African Americans] from the south-eastern United States; provide information on theappropriate use of low-lactose dairy products ifmilk is being avoided because of lactose intoler-ance; if correction by diet cannot be achieved, itmay be advisable to recommend 600 mg of ele-mental calcium per day taken with meals
Avoidance of vitamin D-fortified foods, such as for-
Recommend 10 µg of supplemental vitamin D per
tified milk or cereal combined with limited expo-
Source: Reprinted with permission from Nutrition During Lactation.29 Copyright 1991 by the National Academy ofSciences. Courtesy of the National Academy Press, Washington, DC. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
1. Restriction of total intake to less than 1,800
kilocalories energy per day is associated
women adhere to nutritionally unsound diets.
If the mother refuses such advice, the infant’s
erals. In extreme cases where the mother is
amounts of the nutrient in question.29 Poor
maternal diet is not a contraindication tobreastfeeding. The urgency of dietary coun-
2. Complete vegetarianism (veganism)—that
seling in the lactating woman is to replenish
is, avoidance of all animal protein (meat,
fish, dairy products, and eggs)—is com-monly associated with diminished mater-nal body stores of B6 and B12. It is impor-
tant to recognize that symptoms may occur
Infectious Diseases and
in the breastfed infant before they appear
in the mother. Supplementation of themother ’s diet is the preferred route oftreatment, although in symptomatic cases
In general, acute infectious diseases in the
the infant may require direct treatment ini-
mother are not a contraindication to breast-
tially. This is not a contraindication to
feeding, if such diseases can be readily con-
breastfeeding. A daily vitamin B12 supple-
trolled and treated.53 In most cases, the moth-
er develops the infection during breastfeed-
ing. By the time the diagnosis has been made,the infant has already been exposed and the
3. Avoidance of milk and other dairy prod-
best management is to continue breastfeeding
so that the infant will receive the mother’s
antibodies and other host resistance factors in
certain allergic problems in their offspring.
breastmilk. This is true for respiratory infec-
Avoidance of these dairy products is asso-
tions such as the common cold. Infections of
ciated with inadequate intake of calcium,
the urinary tract or other specific closed sys-
tems such as the reproductive tract or gas-
during lactation. Low calcium intake does
trointestinal tract do not pose a risk for excret-
not affect the composition of the milk, but
ing the virus or bacteria in the breastmilk
unless there is generalized septicemia. When
the offending organism is especially virulent
intake of other calcium-rich foods such as
or contagious (as with beta-hemolytic strepto-
greens, nuts, fish with bones, and tofu.
should be treated, but breastfeeding is not
supplements totaling 1,200 milligrams per
4. Inadequate dietary sources or exposure to
protect against infection, and their presence is
not affected by nutritional status. Protection
increasing maternal vitamin D in the diet
against infection is important in the United
or supplementing the mother’s diet with
States, especially among infants exposed to
multiple caregivers, child care outside thehome, compromised environments, and less
attention to the spread of organisms.3 One of
the most important and thoroughly studied
maternal diet or giving supplements. It is
agents in breastmilk is secretory immunoglob-
ulin (specifically, secretory IgA), which is pre-
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
sent in high concentrations in colostrum and
result of the virus in the first year of life if
early breastmilk and in lower concentrations
they are protected by breastfeeding, whereas
throughout lactation when the volume of milk
50 percent of all non-breastfed infants in this
is increased.54 Secretory IgA antibodies may
population and in the general population die
neutralize viruses, bacteria, or their toxins and
during their first year for lack of the protec-
are capable of activating the alternate comple-
tive constituents of breastmilk.53,59–61
ment pathway.55 The normal flora of theintestinal tract of the breastfed infant, as well
as the offspring of all other mammalian species
studied until weaning, is bifidobacterium or
lactobacillus.54 These bacteria further inhibit
developing an ethical study with adequate
the growth of bacterial pathogens by produc-
sample size and controls, a computer model
ing organic acids. This is in striking contrast to
was developed to assess the impact of breast-
the formula-fed infant, who has comparatively
feeding practices on the mortality of children
little bifidobacterium and many coliforms and
under five years of age in developing coun-
enterococci. In addition, although the attack
tries (using parameter values for a hypotheti-
rates of certain infections are similar in breast-
cal East African country).62 Cessation of
fed and formula-fed infants in the same com-
breastfeeding in urban areas was projected to
munity, the manifestations of the infections are
result in a 108 percent increase in mortality in
children under age five whose mothers were
breastfed. This appears to be due to anti-
HIV negative at the time of the infant’s birth,
and a 27 percent additional increase in mor-tality among those whose mothers were HIV
A few specific infectious diseases are capa-
positive. The numbers projected for rural
ble of overwhelming the protective mecha-
areas were even higher. These calculations
nisms of breastmilk and breastfeeding, as
detailed in the discussion that follows.53,57
breastfeeding in the case of maternal HIV.59,62
Present studies in the United States that
Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
dothymidine (AZT) during pregnancy andimmediate treatment for their infants at birth
Clinically effective treatments for human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired
infants, with a reduced rate of infection.
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are still
Although AZT is not a contraindication for
being developed; therefore, any behavior—
breastfeeding, both mother and infant would
including breastfeeding—that increases the
require postpartum treatment. A carefully
risk of transmitting the virus from mother to
infant should be avoided in the United States.
Clinical Trials Group Protocol 076 (ACTG 076)
Even though the value of being breastfed is
yielded the most important result in clinical
great, failure to breastfeed does not result in a
AIDS research to date. The study demonstrat-
large increase in mortality among U.S. infants.
ed that HIV transmission could be prevented
Not all infants born to U.S. HIV-infected
in approximately 67 percent of infants when
mothers are infected at birth, but present lab-
oratory techniques require several months to
mother both intragestationally and during the
intrapartum period, and to the infant during
known from work in Africa that infants with
HIV who are breastfed do better than thosewith HIV who are not breastfed.59 Fifteen per-
Much publicity has surrounded the issue of
cent of HIV-positive infants in Africa die as a
breastfeeding by women who became infect-
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
ed with HIV while lactating.58,60,64,65 It seemed
cyte counts, beta -microglobulin levels, or
initially that most of these cases occurred
clinical case criteria.57 Much is still to be
because of a maternal transfusion with conta-
minated blood postpartum, so that the path-
breastfeeding and transmission of HIV to the
way of the infant’s exposure seemed clear.
recipient infant and about the associated indi-
One study found a 29 percent risk of vertical
cators, since all infants breastfed by HIV-posi-
transmission (mother to infant) if the mother
Australia, 3 of 11 infants (27 percent) breast-fed for nine months or more by mothers who
An estimation of risk of HIV-1 transmission
received contaminated transfusions (and by
through the breastmilk of infected mothers
was determined in a study of 168 breastfed
and 793 formula-fed infants of seropositivewomen. Odds ratios were determined by
duration. This study found that the longer the
third of infants of infected mothers develop
AIDS through vertical transmission. Of the
period (28 days), the greater the risk of
pediatric AIDS cases, 84 percent are due to
vertical transmission. There are three pointsperinatally, however, at which the disease
In reviewing the role of breastfeeding in
could be transmitted: (1) during intrauterine
HIV infection, the following major issues con-
gestation, (2) during delivery, through blood
and secretions, and (3) postnatally, throughmaternal milk and potentially saliva and
1. The risk of vertical transmission of HIV
tears. Studies have shown postpartum con-
version in women without transfusions, prob-
2. The effect of breastfeeding on HIV-infected
ably from sexual activity. Knowing the route
of infection in the mother does not establish
3. The effect of breastfeeding on noninfected
the route in the infant. In at least four report-
ed cases, infected maternal transfusion didnot result in disease in the breastfeeding
4. The effect of lactation on HIV-infected
infant.65 The potential transmission of HIV-1
5. The effect of AZT on transmission of HIV
quantified. Recommendations are thereforebased on perceived risks and benefits.57
Advances in treatment during the perinatal
period may provide the solution in the next
Efforts to detect HIV-1 P24 antigen (by the
decade. If medication can control viral shed-
ding, breastfeeding with all its benefits may
means of polymerase chain reaction) in the
be available to the infants of HIV-infected
HIV-1 DNA in 70 percent of specimens at 0–4days postpartum.67 Samples collected 6–12
While studies and reports about HIV infec-
months postpartum yielded a 50 percent cap-
tion in the perinatal period continue to accu-
ture rate. P24 antigen was detected in 24 per-
mulate, its association with breastfeeding is
cent of the milk samples of 37 seropositive
still unclear. In the United States, the position
women at 0–4 days postpartum but not in
subsequent specimens. The presence of HIV-1
Prevention (CDC) with regard to HIV-positive
DNA or P24 antigen in milk was not signifi-
cantly associated with maternal CD4 lympho-
Health Organization (WHO) states that, in
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
developing countries or areas where the risk
seronegative but at particularly high risk of
of infant mortality from infection is great,
seroconversion (e.g., injection drug users
and sexual partners of known HIV-positive
event of maternal AIDS.10 (This position is
undergoing review and investigation, which
mendation.) Where the risk of mortality from
appropriateness of breastfeeding. In addi-
other infections is not great, mothers with
tion, during the perinatal period, informa-
HIV should be counseled on alternatives to
risk of transmitting HIV through humanmilk and about methods to reduce the risk
breastfeeding and transmission of HIV in the
HIV during the peripartum period andthrough human milk and the potential
• Women and their health care providers
benefits to her and her infant of knowing
need to be aware of the potential risk of
and transmitted. The health care provider
period, as well as through human milk.
mendation to assist the woman in deciding
• Documented, routine HIV education and
routine testing with consent of all women
• Neonatal intensive care units should devel-
seeking prenatal care are strongly recom-
op policies that are consistent with these
both to prevent the acquisition and trans-
require gloves for the routine handling of
• At the time of delivery, education about
HIV and testing with consent of all women
might be frequent or prolonged, such as in
assists in counseling on breastfeeding and
guidelines developed by the United States
screening all donors for HIV infection and
decrease the likelihood of acquisition and
assessing risk factors that predispose to
infection, as well as pasteurization of all
• Women who are known to be HIV infected
must be counseled not to breastfeed or pro-vide their milk for the nutrition of their
• In general, women who are known to be
women with previously positive skin tests
and no evidence of disease.69 In the event of
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
possible tuberculosis in the mother, the urgent
ted from mother to fetus via the placenta or
problem is to establish the mother ’s and
infected amniotic fluid, except in cases of
infant’s status, initiate maternal treatment,
and if necessary also initiate treatment in the
postpartum from active disease would be by
droplet formation from intimate contact, not
Diagnostic tests include identification of the
tubercle bacilli by culture from sputum orgastric washings or other fluid. The skin test
The duration of infectivity is usually a few
is the only practical tool for identifying infect-
weeks after initiation of appropriate antibiotic
ed asymptomatic individuals. A positive reac-
therapy.53 The success of treatment, however,
tion is first detectable from as early as three to
depends on the drug susceptibilities of the
six weeks to as late as three months after
organism, the number of bacilli in infected
sputum, and the frequency of the cough. Compliance with treatment is a key factor.
If all tests are negative, therapy for the
The patient is considered noninfectious when
infant can be discontinued. An infant born to
the sputum is negative on repeated smears
a mother with known tuberculosis should be
and cultures and the cough disappears.
placed on preventive therapy immediately,
Infants with primary tuberculosis are usually
consisting minimally of daily isoniazid (INH).
not contagious because their lesions are usu-
ally small, few if any bacilli are found in spu-
tum, and cough is minimal or absent.
Differentiation between tuberculosis infec-
Treatment of active disease consists of at
tion and active disease is important. If infec-
least six months of therapy. In most cases,
tion with Mycobacterium tuberculosis occurs
INH, rifampin, and pyrazinamide are given
but is contained because of immune respons-
es, delayed hypersensitivity to the bacilli can
result in a positive skin test, but the chestroentgenogram (x-ray) is normal and no signs
If active disease is discovered during preg-
or symptoms characteristic of the disease are
present. Individuals with the disease, howev-
rifampin is given.53 Pyrazinamide usually is
er, have clinical signs and symptoms and may
not given because of inadequate information
have a chest x-ray that is characteristic of the
about its potential teratogenic properties.
disease.53 The interval between the initial
Ethambutol may be added to the initial regi-
infection and the onset of disease may be
men if a resistant strain of Mycobacterium
weeks to years. Cases of active disease are
tuberculosis is suspected. Isoniazid, ethambu-
currently most commonly seen in urban, low-
tol, and rifampin appear to be relatively safe
income areas and in non-white racial and eth-
for the fetus, and the benefit of medication for
nic subgroups in the United States. Specific
active disease outweighs the risk. In pregnant
groups with the highest incidence of disease
women with a positive skin test but no major
are first-generation immigrants from high-
risk factors, preventive therapy can be post-
risk countries, Hispanics, African Americans,
Asians, American Indians, and AlaskanNatives. The homeless and residents of cor-
rectional facilities are at greatest risk.
women with previously positive skin tests
Transmission of the bacillus is usually by
and no evidence of disease.69 An individual
inhalation of droplet nuclei produced by an
with a recent conversion to a positive skin test
adult or adolescent with cavitational lung dis-
should be evaluated for active disease with a
ease, and the portal of entry is usually the res-
medical history, physical examination, and
piratory tract. Tuberculosis is rarely transmit-
chest x-ray. If there is no sign of disease,
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
breastfeeding can begin or continue. If the
Pyridoxine (B ) is recommended as an adjunct
mother has suspicious symptoms, especially a
to therapy with INH in adults and adoles-
productive cough, direct contact with the
cents and in breastfeeding infants of mothers
infant to breastfeed or to bottlefeed should be
receiving INH. INH has a maternal half-life of
discontinued until the diagnosis is made. If
about six hours. Food decreases the absorp-
the mother wishes to breastfeed, she should
tion in the infant, so INH is less well absorbed
pump her breasts to establish and maintain
from the breastmilk. The AAP rating for INH
is 6 (i.e., compatible with breastfeeding).72 The
process. An electric pump may be required in
infant’s therapeutic dose can be modified to
order to successfully establish the milk sup-
account for a small amount from the breast-
ply. If the mother is disease-free, breastfeed-
ing may then proceed, and previouslypumped milk may be provided to the infant.
Rifampin is also secreted into breastmilk in
If there is disease, appropriate medications
small amounts. It can also be given to infants
should be initiated.71 Breastfeeding may be
directly and is considered safe for lactating
initiated or resumed after two or more weeks
women. Serum concentrations peak at about
of adequate maternal therapy. During this
time, lactation can be maintained by pumping
milk/plasma ratio is less than 1; it is protein
and saving the milk since the disease is not
bound and only .05 percent of the adult dose
transmitted via the milk. If it is safe for the
reaches the milk. The peak level is estimated
mother to be in contact with the infant, she
to be 4.9 milligrams per liter of milk.70,71 The
AAP rating for the drug is 6 (compatible with
where non-breastfed infants have a 50 percent
breastfeeding). It is important to note that the
mortality rate from other infections, breast-
drug may turn the milk orange, as it does
other secretions such as tears, sweat, and
should be treated from the beginning.
breastmilk. Ethambutol is less orally bioavail-
during lactation depends on the safety of the
able (77 percent), the serum concentration
drug itself for the infant. (Drugs and breast-
feeding are discussed fully in the section on
ratio of the agent is less than 1. About 1 to 5.7
medications.) As with most antibiotics, some
percent of the therapeutic dose is found in the
of these compounds cross into the breastmilk.
milk.1 AAP has given ethambutol a rating of 6
It is important to note that the infant of a
mother who requires antituberculosis medica-tions should also be treated, regardless of
Pyrazinamide also appears in breastmilk in
very small amounts and is readily absorbedorally, but little study has been done on it and
Use of these medications during lactation
the AAP has not rated it. Pyrazinamide is bac-
has received some attention.70 INH is secreted
tericidal and well tolerated by most infants.
into breastmilk, providing from 6 to 25 per-
The agent rarely causes hepatotoxicity in
cent of the therapeutic dose for an infant. The
agent has been found in the suckling infant’surine but not in measurable amounts in the
Streptomycin in short courses is given a rat-
blood. Since INH is given to neonates, it is not
ing of 6 (compatible with breastfeeding) by
considered a contraindication to breastfeed-
the AAP. Even though only small amounts of
ing. While hepatotoxicity has been reported in
the antibiotic reach the milk, extended treat-
some infants on full therapeutic doses, it has
not been reported in breastfeeding infants.69
because of the potential for ototoxicity.72
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
Mandatory prenatal testing for HBV exists
mastitis or a breast abscess. Local infections,
in most states, so the mother’s status with
therefore, are not a major factor in the deci-
respect to the disease is known at delivery. All
sion to terminate breastfeeding. If it is safe for
infants born to mothers with active disease or
the mother to be in contact with the infant, it
persistent hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
should receive hepatitis B specificimmunoglobulin (HBIG) immediately at birthor as soon thereafter as possible. In addition,
these infants should be started on the immu-nization program, receiving their first dose of
All types of hepatitis are not the same; each
hepatitis vaccine within 24 hours after birth or
type carries different risks of contagion, path-
ways of exposure, and possible treatments
should receive the second dose at 3 to 4 weeks
and preventive measures. The major types—
of age, and the third dose between 6 and 18
A, B, and C—will be discussed separately.
months of age.53 As soon as HBIG is given,breastfeeding may begin. When a mother is
Hepatitis A is an acute illness associated
unregistered and no prenatal testing has been
with fever, jaundice, anorexia, nausea, and
malaise. It is rarely fulminant and does not
receive HBIG immediately, followed by vacci-
become chronic. It is usually transmitted from
nation with hepatitis B vaccine in the new-
person to person through fecal contamination
born nursery. If there are facilities to quickly
and through an oral-fecal route. Food-borne
test the unscreened mother, the infant can be
given the vaccine immediately or within 12
case spread in child care facilities is well doc-
hours after birth and then given HBIG as soon
as the results are known to be positive, but no
index case or a food handler with the disease,
later than one week after birth. Universal vac-
gamma globulin (GG) 0.02 milliliters/kilo-
cination of all infants, including those born to
gram should be given as soon as possible, but
mothers who are HBsAg-negative, is recom-
no later than two weeks after exposure.53
A newborn infant is rarely infected by vertical
In developing countries, where hepatitis is
transmission from an infected mother during
common and HBIG and vaccine are not avail-
delivery. Universal precautions are the appro-
able, breastfeeding is recommended because of
priate management for the newborn infant.
its tremendous benefits to the infant.53 In this
Breastfeeding is permitted and gamma globulin
country, HBIG and vaccination are necessary
is given to the infant if the mother developed
to remove the remote chance of infection when
the disease within two weeks of delivery. Severe
the mother is HBsAg-positive.53 Breastfeeding
disease in newborns has not been reported, with
is permitted after the infant receives HBIG.
or without gamma globulin.53 When a mother
The first dose of hepatitis B vaccine is given
with hepatitis A has received gamma globulin,
before discharge. Table 2 presents the recom-
mended schedule of HBIG and hepatitis B vac-cine to prevent perinatal transmission of HBV.
Breastfeeding should not be discouraged in
seroconversion to fulminant fatal hepatitis or
hepatitis C (HCV) carrier mothers without co-
chronic liver disease in the carrier state.
infection.73 Hepatitis C, parenterally transmit-
Recent developments in prevention and man-
ted, was originally identified as non-A non-B
hepatitis. It is characterized by the insidious
onset of jaundice and malaise, with few or no
symptoms associated with positive serologic
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information BulletinRecommended Schedule of Hepatitis B Immunoprophylaxis to Prevent Perinatal Transmission Infant born to mother known to be HBsAG-positive Infant born to mother not screened for HBsAg
If mother is found to be HBsAg positive, give0.5 mL as soon as possible, not later than1 wk after birth
†HBIG (0.5 mL) given intramuscularly at a site different from that used for vaccine.
‡ First dose is same as that for infant of HBsAG-positive mother. Subsequent doses and schedules are determined by
§Infants of HBsAG-positive mothers should be vaccinated at 1 mo of age.
llInfants of HBsAG-positive mothers should be vaccinated at 6 mo.
Source: Adapted with permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics,53 table 3.19. Copyright American Academyof Pediatrics.
tests on routine screening for insurance, blood
are rare but false positives are common.74 The
donation, or employment.53 About 50 percent
presence of the HCV RNA genome or related
of serologically confirmed individuals devel-
antigen in the circulation during infection is a
op chronic liver disease including cirrhosis; in
reliable marker for viremia but the analytical
rare cases, individuals develop hepatocellular
methods are not refined or practical. There is
no specific treatment, although alpha interfer-
administration of blood or blood products
on may be beneficial in a small proportion of
including some early batches of RhoGAM.
cases. Gamma globulin has not been success-
Person-to-person spread, including sexual
ful for prophylaxis of this infection. HCV
contact, is suspected but not confirmed.53,74 At
causes a slowly evolving disease with major
risk are parenteral drug users, persons receiv-
potential for morbidity and mortality associ-
ing blood transfusions or blood products,
health care workers with frequent bloodexposure, and household and sexual contact
It has been established that HCV is vertical-
ly transmitted from mother to infant, and therisks of transmission are correlated with the
level of HCV RNA antibodies in the mother
anti-HCV antibodies. False negative results
and in the cord blood.73,75,77–79 Ohto et al.75
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
conducted a series of three independent stud-
ies on transmission of hepatitis C virus from
also contained antibodies and HCV RNA. The
mothers to infants. In the first prospective
infant was not breastfed and at four months
study of 53 antibody-positive mothers and
was antibody- and RNA-negative. Unfortun-
their infants (54 infants, including one set of
ately, the breastmilk was not analyzed.
twins), three of the infants (5.6 percent)became positive within six months. The moth-
ers of these infants were HCV RNA-positive
mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis C
at the time of delivery. None of the infants
virus, none of the 94 babies of mothers with
anti-HCV alone (without HIV) became infect-
became infected. In the second prospective
ed, and by age one year their titers were nega-
study, one of six infants born to women with
tive.79 Furthermore, 71 (76 percent) of these
known disease became infected. In the third
infants, 23 of whom were born to HCV RNA-
study, three infected infants were followed
retrospectively, and their mothers were all
although they were breastfed. In this study,
co-infection with HIV was associated with
in mothers of infected infants were all signifi-
HCV infection in the infants. These authors
did not feel that breastfeeding was a signifi-
infants. Other studies have reported 0 to 13
percent of infants born to anti-HCV-positive
women to be HCV infected.80 No womanwhose HCV RNA titer was negative or less
than 106 per milliliter transmitted disease to
were HCV-positive, 22 of the mothers were
also infected with HIV. Of the infants whosemothers were HCV-positive but not HIV-posi-
In response to queries, Ohto et al. reported
tive, none acquired HIV infection. Of the 22
that of a group of 63 infants studied, 6 of the 7
infants whose mothers were co-infected with
infected infants were breastfed; however, 33
HCV and HIV, 8 of the infants (36 percent)
of the 56 noninfected infants were also breast-
fed; 6 of the 7 mothers of the noninfected
HIV. These data support the concept that HIV
infants who were breastfed had HCV RNA in
enhances the risk of neonatal infection.79
their serum at a titer > 106 per milliliter (i.e.,comparable to the titers of mothers with
infected infants). The duration of breastfeed-
tion, Lin et al.73 reported that both HCV anti-
ing differed between the two groups.
Although the findings were not statistically
colostrum of all 15 mothers. Although the
significant, the infected infants nursed 6.6 ±
mothers’ titers varied from 1:80 to 1:40,000
and the RNA concentrations varied from 104
nursed 2.0 ± 2.9 months. When the entire
to 2.5 x 108 copies/milliliter, the colostral lev-
group of 63 infants (for all three studies in the
els were lower. The 11 breastfed infants had
series) was considered, the duration of breast-
feeding for the 6 infected breastfed infants
one year. Breastfeeding duration had ranged
was 6.6 ± 3.6 months, compared to 3.3 ± 3.1
mean of two months. Lin et al. concluded that
breastfeeding should not be discouraged inHCV carrier mothers without co-infections
and proposed the following explanations:73,74
woman who received an infected blood trans-fusion at seven months’ gestation and deliv-
1. HCV levels are too low in colostrum to
ered an infant who had anti-HCV antibodies
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
2. A small amount of HCV may be inactivat-
immunosuppressive therapy for transplant.
ed in the infant’s gastrointestinal tract.
Infections acquired transplacentally, during
3. The integrity of the mucosa of the infant
the intrapartum period, or in early infancy
may preclude infection by the oral route.
may be a problem. Congenital infections usu-ally are asymptomatic but can result in later
hearing loss or learning disability. About 5
percent of infected infants have profoundinvolvement with growth retardation, jaun-
Venereal Warts
dice, microcephaly, intracerebral calcifica-tions, and chorioretinitis.81 Infections acquired
Venereal warts are epithelial tumors of the
at birth from maternal cervical secretions or
skin and mucous membranes of the anogeni-
breastmilk usually are not associated with
(HPV).53 They vary from asymptomatic infec-
acquired infections usually do better if they
tion to condylomata acuminata, skin-colored
are breastfed, because of the continuing sup-
growths with a cauliflower-like surface. In
ply of maternal antibodies provided in their
females, the usual sites are cervix, introitus,
mother’s breastmilk. Infants, usually prema-
labia, perineum, vagina, and perianal areas.
ture infants infected through CMV seroposi-
Typically, they are asymptomatic, but they
tive blood, have developed lower respiratory
may cause itching, burning, localized pain, or
tract infections.82 Blood products for neonates
bleeding. Transmission to the infant could
are now specifically screened for CMV and
occur during passage through the birth canal.
On rare occasions, the warts have been associ-ated with laryngeal papillomas. Lesions have
not been reported on the breast. The viruses
ubiquitous. For infants, the birth process and
that cause warts elsewhere are distinct from
child care exposure are the common sites.
those causing genital warts.53 Venereal warts
Effects on the infant are greatest when the
in the genital area are not a contraindication
mother develops a primary infection during
pregnancy. CMV is usually acquired duringlate adolescence. Young mothers are at greaterrisk for developing the disease during preg-
Herpes Viruses
nancy. In a random study of postpartumwomen, 39 percent had CMV in their milk,
In the human, there are four known herpes
vaginal secretions, urine, and saliva.81 Of the
viruses: cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes sim-
infants who were breastfed, 69 percent devel-
plex virus (HSV), herpes varicella-zoster virus
oped infections while the antibodies were pre-
(VZV), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). CMV,
sent in the milk. The infants shed the virus,
VZV, and EBV are believed to be antigenically
but did not develop disease. Transmission of
observed in immunofluorescent assays.
CMV from breastmilk is related to the dura-tion of breastfeeding. Reactivation of CMV in
Cytomegalovirus causes systemic infections
the breastmilk peaks between 2 and 12 weeks,
a time when transplacental antibody is wan-
ing. Infants who continue to receive antibody
asymptomatic.53 Although infections acquired
or associated protective factors via the milk
postnatally can be similar to those found in
rarely manifest any symptoms. Non-breastfed
infectious mononucleosis, infection is rarely
infants can be infected via other secretions,
including saliva; they do not receive protec-
individuals who are being treated for malig-
tive antibodies or other host resistance factors
present in breastmilk82 and may have signifi-
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
cant residuals of the disease (e.g., micro-
from breastfeeding until they are completely
mother is shedding virus in her milk because
covered and the mother should be instructed
of the passively transferred maternal antibod-
to wash her hands carefully before handling
ies. Premature infants with low concentra-
the infant. A mother with herpes labialis (cold
tions of transplacentally acquired maternal
sore) or stomatitis should wear a disposable
antibodies can develop disease from fresh
surgical mask and wash her hands carefully
breastmilk containing the virus.53 Freezing
when touching her newborn until the lesions
destroys the virus, and breastmilk can be
have crusted and dried. Whether breastfeed-
frozen at -20 degrees centigrade for seven
ing or formula feeding the mother should not
days before feeding it to the infant for the first
kiss or nuzzle her newborn until the lesions
few weeks, until the titer of antibody received
via the milk increases. (Some experts considerstorage for three days at -20 degrees centi-
Herpes varicella-zoster virus (which causes
chicken pox) is one of the most contagious ofdiseases.85 The incidence is reported at
5/10,000 pregnancies. As the vaccine becomes
neonatal period is often severely debilitating
more widely used and natural disease less
or fatal. It can be manifested as a generalized
likely, new guidelines may be necessary.
systemic infection, as localized central ner-
Presently, risk of infection to the neonate
vous system (CNS) disease, or as localized
depends upon when the disease occurs dur-
infection of skin, eyes, and mouth. Typical
ing the mother ’s pregnancy or postpartum
vesicular lesions are helpful diagnostic signs.
period. Congenital chicken pox, by definition,
The infection is most frequently transmitted
occurs in neonates younger than 10 days of
to the infant during passage through the birth
age and is associated with significant mortali-
canal when the mother has an infected lower
ty. Varicella virus DNA has been detected in
genital tract. In 33 to 50 percent of cases, there
breastmilk, but the spread of disease from
is risk of neonatal disease from a primary
mother to infant after delivery is by direct
lesion in the mother. The risk to the infant
contact, not by feeding. Infants born to moth-
born to a mother with recurrent HSV is, at
ers who have varicella can develop the infec-
most, 3 to 5 percent. Disseminated neonatal
tion between 1 and 16 days of life. The usual
time interval from onset of rash in the mother
to onset in the neonate is 9 to 15 days.
The cases reported in the literature associat-
ing neonatal herpes with breastfeeding have
involved lesions on the breast itself.83,84 HSV
delivery and no lesions are present in the
cultures are easily obtained and the virus usu-
neonate, mother and infant should be isolated
ally grows in a few days; smears of secretions
from each other. Only half of the neonates will
are readily done and serum antibody titers
develop the disease, but all of them should
can be obtained. A definitive diagnosis of a
suspicious lesion on the breast can be made
(ZIG) immediately at birth. When the mother
quickly and breastfeeding withheld temporar-
becomes noninfectious, she can be with her
ily until herpes is ruled out. This is especially
important in the first few months of life whenthe neonate is very prone to serious infection
Epstein-Barr virus is the principal cause of
infectious mononucleosis, which is usually a
with herpetic lesions on their breasts refrain
disease of adolescence and young adult life
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
and is rarely recognized in infants and young
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) have been iso-
children. An association between pregnancy
lated from breastmilk, menstrual fluid, pla-
and EBV has not been established, and breast-
centa, lochia, amniotic fluid, embryo, and
feeding is not restricted during Epstein-Barr
fetal brain in 33 percent of the subjects in one
humans has not been demonstrated. It is pos-sible that unpasteurized cow milk could be a
vehicle of transmission. The human mother,
infections of humans throughout the world.
however, would provide appropriate antibod-
The protozoan organism is ubiquitous, caus-
ies via her milk. From this information, it
ing a variety of illnesses previously thought
to be due to other agents or unknown causes.1
depriving the neonate of breastmilk when the
The normal host is the cat. The pregnant or
mother is known to be infected with T.
lactating woman should not handle kitty lit-
ter. Kitty litter should, however, be disposedof daily, as the oocysts are not infective for thefirst 48 hours after passage. In humans, preva-
lence of positive serologic test titers increaseswith age, indicating past exposure, and there
Mastitis is rarely a cause for discontinuing
is equal distribution in males and females in
breastfeeding. It usually does not occur until
the United States.86 The risk to the fetus is
10 days postpartum (or later) except in rare
related to the time when maternal infection
occurs. In the last months of pregnancy, the
her breasts or nipples before delivery.73
protozoa are most frequently transmitted tothe fetus, but the infection is subclinical in the
Mastitis is an infectious process in the breast
newborn. Early in pregnancy, transmission to
producing localized tenderness, redness, and
the fetus occurs less often but does result in
heat, together with systemic reactions of fever,
severe disease. Once the placenta has been
malaise, and sometimes nausea and vomiting
infected, it remains so throughout pregnancy.
(i.e., flu-like symptoms). Mastitis is usually
Characteristics of Engorgement, Plugged Ducts, and Mastitis Characteristics Engorgement Plugged Duct Mastitis
Source: Reprinted with permission from Lawrence,1 table 8-5. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
due to an acute bacterial infection of a duct or
2. Ensure bed rest, with the mother’s only
lobule of the breast, precipitated by trauma or
responsibility being to feed the infant.
transient obstruction of the duct due to pres-
3. Select the antibiotic that is effective and
safe for the infant. A minimum of 10 to 14
drainage. It must be distinguished from a
days’ treatment will reduce the incidence
plugged duct or engorgement. The key differ-
ential points are compared in table 3. Beforethe development of antibiotics, when women
4. Apply local treatment of cold packs or
mastitis was epidemic in hospitals. Today,
however, mastitis may be acquired in the hos-pital and then develop during the first four
weeks postpartum at home if the mother or
infant is colonized with a virulent bacteria.
quickly. If surgical drainage is necessary,
Because treatment is given at home, hospital-
breastfeeding should continue; the surgeon
ization for mastitis is rare and large series are
may leave a drain in place. Applying firm
pressure over the incision will minimize thedrainage of milk through the incision during
feeding. Between feedings, the surgical drain
lococcus aureus and, less commonly, E. coli.
When the infection is bilateral and the motheris especially toxic, the bacteria is usually beta
Selection of the best antibiotic for mastitis
depends upon safety and efficacy. In general,
and infant should be treated aggressively. A
antibiotics pass into the milk. If the antibiotic
mother should always be instructed to contact
can be given to the infant directly, it is consid-
her physician if unusual symptoms occur, so
ered safe for use during lactation.89 Thus, only
a very small number of antibiotics should be
promptly. Inappropriately or inadequately
treated cases of mastitis predispose to recur-
tetracycline, streptomycin, and ciprofloxacin.
rent or chronic mastitis. Most reports indicate
In most cases, there are sufficient alternatives
that the cases of acute mastitis that result in
so that breastfeeding need not be discontin-
poor outcomes, including abscess and recur-
ued.1,72 Generally, breastfeeding should con-
rent disease, had significant delay between
tinue during acute mastitis. In rare circum-
the onset of symptoms and the start of antibi-
stances when the abscess drains into the duct
otic therapy.87,88 Recurrent mastitis can also be
system, breastfeeding is contraindicated on
traced to inadequate treatment when antibi-
that breast. Infected lesions on the breast,
otics are discontinued before a full 10 to 14
such as superficial boils, impetigo, and herpes
simplex are contraindications to breastfeedinguntil the lesions clear.
involve early evaluation by the physician,mid-stream cultures of the milk from the
Lyme Disease
affected breast, and antibiotics. The followingkey points outline the recommended manage-
Lyme disease has attracted increasing atten-
tion since it was identified in the UnitedStates in 1975.53 The greatest concentration of
1. Continue to breastfeed on both breasts,
cases is in the Northeast. Lyme borreliosis is a
usually starting with the unaffected side
tick-borne infectious disease caused by the
and taking care to totally empty the affect-
spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. The spiro-
chete has been found in the fetus during preg-
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
nancy and results in fetal death if untreated. If
Medication/Prescription Drugs
the mother is adequately treated during preg-
and Street Drugs
nancy, the outcome is good.90 The mother andinfant need not be isolated from each other or
If the disease is diagnosed postpartum, the
expressed regarding the question of medica-
mother should be treated immediately. The
tions taken by lactating women and the risk
spirochete has been found in breastmilk,91 so
to the suckling infant. In reality, very few
the infant should also receive treatment, espe-
drugs are contraindicated during breastfeed-
cially if any symptoms (e.g., rash, fever) devel-
ing.72 Each situation should be evaluated on a
op. Indirect fluorescent antibody and ELISA
tests are available. Once maternal treatment
important factors include the pharmacokinet-
has begun, lactation can continue. The treatment
ics of the drug in the maternal system and
prescribed is doxycycline or amoxicillin or the
also the absorption, metabolism, distribution,
cephalosporins for at least 14 days. If the infant
storage, and excretion in the recipient infant.
is healthy and the mother has initiated treatment
Variables that should be considered in the
for Lyme disease, the infant can be breastfed.
decision include gestational age, chronologi-cal age, body weight, breastfeeding pattern,and other dietary practices. Ultimately, the
Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1
decision is made by assessing the risk/benefitratio (i.e., the risk of a small amount of the
drug compared to the tremendous benefit of
virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is increasing in parts of
the world such as the West Indies, Africa, andsouthwestern Japan.92 There is virtually no
transmission from the mother to the fetus,
Committee on Drugs has prepared a rating of
infected cells. On the other hand, infected
might be prescribed for women while lactat-
lymphocytes have been found in the milk of
ing.72 Following are the numerical ratings:
infected mothers. Mathematically, it can becalculated that if 10 percent of cells in human
colostrum are T-lymphocytes, and if 1 percent
of them are infected, then 1 milliliter of milk
2. Drugs of abuse: contraindicated during
will contain 1,000 infected T-cells. In a study
in Japan,93 the incidence of mother-to-childtransmission of HTLV-1 was 30 percent
3. Radioactive compounds that require tem-
among breastfed infants, 10 percent among
4. Drugs whose effect on nursing infants is
formula-fed infants. Though it has not been
confirmed whether the presence of infectedcells in the milk actually causes disease,
5. Drugs that have been associated with sig-
future studies may demonstrate that breast-
milk and its antibodies are actually protective.
and should be given to nursing motherswith caution
6. Maternal medication usually compatible
United States, trends may change. At the pre-
sent time, it is recommended that, in theUnited States, the mother with HTLV-1 dis-
7. Food and environmental agents: effect on
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
Table 4 presents the list of drugs contraindi-
“pumped” into the milk and has a milk/plas-
cated for breastfeeding. It is important to note
ma ratio greater than 1. Radioactive iodine
that bromocriptine suppresses the production
appears in high concentrations in milk. Some
of one of the main lactogenic hormones, pro-
radioactive iodine compounds take more time
lactin.72 However, if a woman has been able to
to clear the body than others; for example,
iodine 131 (131I) takes two weeks to clear the
infant while on bromocriptine for pituitary
body, while gallium 67 (67GA) takes only two
adenoma, the drug is not a contraindication to
days.1 Table 5 lists the radioactive compounds
breastfeeding her infant. It will be particularly
and the time they take to clear from the milk.
important, however, to monitor her milk pro-
duction. Thus, bromocriptine should not be
instructed to pump her milk to maintain her
rated 1 but rather 5 or 6, and its use in indi-
vidual cases should be decided by the moth-er’s physician.
multiple doses for therapeutic purposes, it
Radioactive compounds, if given for diag-
may take weeks or months to clear radioactiv-
nostic purposes in a single dose, require tem-
ity from the milk and breastfeeding usually
porary cessation of breastfeeding.1 Once the
radioactive compound has cleared the moth-
pounds are used therapeutically (e.g.,131I used
er’s plasma, breastfeeding may be resumed.
for thyroid malignancy), the primary disease
The time, however, varies from compound to
is usually serious, presenting an additional
Drugs That Are Contraindicated During Breastfeeding Reason for Concern, Reported Sign or Symptom in Infant, or Effect on Lactation
Suppresses lactation; may be hazardous to the mother
Possible immune suppression; unknown effect on growth or association with car-
Possible immune suppression; unknown effect on growth or association with car-
Possible immune suppression; unknown effect on growth or association with car-
Vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions (doses used in migraine medications)
One-third to one-half therapeutic blood concentration in infants
Possible immune suppression; unknown effect on growth or association with car-
Anticoagulant: increased prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time in one
*Drug is concentrated in human milk.
Source: Adapted with permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs,72 table 1. CopyrightAmerican Academy of Pediatrics. Maternal and Child Health Technical Information BulletinRadioactive Compounds That Require Temporary Cessation of Breastfeeding* Recommended Time for Cessation of Breastfeeding
Radioactivity in milk present 2–14 d, depending on study
Radioactivity in milk present 15 h to 3 d
*Consult nuclear medicine physician before performing diagnostic study so that radionuclide that has shortest excre-tion time in breastmilk can be used. Before study, the mother should pump her breast and store enough milk in freezerfor feeding the infant; after study, the mother should pump her breast to maintain milk production but discard all milkpumped for the required time that radioactivity is present in milk. Milk samples can be screened by radiology depart-ments for radioactivity before resumption of nursing.
Source: Adapted with permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs,72 table 3. CopyrightAmerican Academy of Pediatrics.
breastfeeding for the infant. The pharmacolog-
ic properties of the drug that will affect pas-
Drugs72 require individual consideration.
sage into the milk are often known, even in
the absence of extensive studies measuring the
with breastfeeding. Drugs of abuse (rated 2)
actual amount of drug that reaches the breast-
and environmental agents (rated 7) will be
milk. If compounds are quickly metabolized
discussed separately. The AAP list is not
by the mother, little trace of the agents may
exhaustive, and other resources may need to
remain in the plasma at feeding time. Thus,
such medications are not a problem for the
available in other references; see Briggs89 and
suckling infant. Compounds taken only occa-
sionally by the dose (such as aspirin for
Lactation Study Center ([716] 275-0088) pro-
headache) are rarely a problem. They clear the
vides additional information to professionals
maternal plasma in a short period of time and
through an extensive computer database that
do not accumulate in the infant. If the peak
is updated continually. Often, more than one
maternal plasma time for the drug is known,
drug is available for a given therapeutic need
this will help in planning dosing times in rela-
and it may be possible to change the medica-
tionship to feedings. Some medications are so
tion to one that is less likely to cross into the
poorly absorbed orally that they are given to
milk or that is not well absorbed from the
the mother by injection or nasal spray. Such
drugs have low oral bioavailability and wouldnot be absorbed from the infant’s stomach.
Therefore, before breastfeeding is summari-
ly discontinued, adequate information should
be sought and the clinician should consider
infant play an important role in the way com-
the risk of the drug versus the benefit of
pounds are metabolized by the infant; gesta-
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
tional age has an effect in the first few months
expressed as (milliliter kilogram-1 minute-1).
of life because of the immaturity of liver
This concept takes a pharmacokinetic parame-
metabolism and renal excretion. Thus, a drug
ter (drug clearance) and a physiochemical
that might be of concern for an infant at one
parameter (the milk/plasma ratio) to deter-
week of age might be of little concern at four
mine infant exposure.98 Thus, high clearance
drugs (those requiring large doses to achieveclinical effect) have lower levels in the milk.
Clearance rates, however, are not readily avail-
attempted to simplify the concept of deter-
able for most drugs. While these calculations
have theoretical significance, they have little
infant.94–96 The three-compartment pharmaco-
practical application in the clinical setting.
logic model of Wilson et al.95 assumes thatbreastmilk is the third compartment and only
In general, only small amounts of medica-
tions that are acidic, water soluble, highly
removing milk. This model suggests that the
protein bound, and with low oral bioavail-
amount of the drug in breastmilk can be cal-
ability pass into milk. Drugs of large molecu-
culated if the level of the drug is known in
lar size (e.g., insulin, heparin) do not cross the
one of the other compartments (e.g., the plas-
ma). When breastmilk is not being removed,the breastmilk compartment equilibrates with
Because of the wide selection of therapeutic
compartment two, the interstitial compart-
medications available today, the clinician can
ment.95 Application of this model is depen-
select an alternative medication for the moth-
dent upon knowing the rate constant for each
er if one drug is known to develop high levels
drug—a factor not readily available.
in the milk. Antibiotics usually cross intobreastmilk to some degree. In general, if the
Another model involves the volume of dis-
antibiotic is considered safe enough that it
tribution of the parent compound.97 The vol-
could be given directly to the infant, it is con-
ume of distribution is determined by the total
amount of drug in the body divided by the
concentration of the drug in the plasma. This
assumes the most elementary kinetic model in
when the nursing infant is under six months
which the body is a single compartment and
of age. Some antibiotics are not absorbed oral-
the drug is assumed to distribute evenly.
ly and must be given parenterally (aminogly-
Actually, if the volume of distribution of a
cosides); thus, little is absorbed from the gas-
drug is known, then the amount available to
trointestinal track and no threat is posed to
the infant via the milk can be calculated if the
the infant receiving a small amount in the
weight of the mother and the dose of the drug
are known.97 In general, drugs with a smallvolume of distribution (≤ 1) have milk/plas-
ma ratios of 1 or higher (that is, some gets
directly to infants—especially premature
into the milk). Drugs with a large volume of
infants—to stimulate them to breathe, but
distribution and a small dosage have very
low concentrations that appear in the milk.
because they do not clear it quickly. Thus,
The volume of distribution of many common
than three to four times a day will accumulatein the infant after a few days and may cause
exposure index, which has been described as afunction of a coefficient (10 milliliter kilogram-1
Information about a wide group of antihy-
minute-1). The drug clearance in the infant is
pertensive drugs indicates that a few of them
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
cross into the milk in high levels (e.g.,
about molecule size, pH, protein-binding, and
nadolol, atenolol), while others appear at very
other properties. Local poison control centers
low levels (captopril and metoprolol).100,101
can also provide additional information, as
AAP gives atenolol, nadolol, captopril, and
can other sources (see Briggs89 and Lawrence1).
metoprolol a rating of 6 (compatible withbreastfeeding). Street Drugs and Drugs of Abuse
In assessing a specific woman’s risk/benefit
of breastfeeding her infant, it can be stated
Generally, drugs of abuse are contraindicat-
that, generally, most medications taken by the
ed during breastfeeding. The AAP presents a
mother are considered safe. Those that are
list of such items in table 6. Although the con-
contraindicated are listed in tables 4 and 5.
traindication of illicit drugs such as ampheta-
Otherwise, the mother should be encouraged
mines, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and phen-
to breastfeed, and the health care professional
cyclidine is undisputed, universal agreement
has not been reached concerning all of the
drug that the mother needs. Usually, the ques-
tion about a medication comes after lactationis established. Time can be taken to evaluate
the best medication to accomplish the thera-peutic goal without compromising the infant.
recommended, these can be viewed as a mat-
ter of risk/benefit ratio: the risk of some nico-
drug, the mother can pump and discard her
tine exposure versus the tremendous benefit
milk during treatment. The infant will need to
of being breastfed. Formula-fed infants of
receive formula by cup or bottle during that
mothers who smoke also excrete nicotine and
time. Metronidazole (Flagyl) used for tri-
cotinine in their urine. Infants who live in
chomonas vaginalis and amoebiasis is consid-
households where adults smoke have a high-
ered a problem when the infant is under three
er incidence of pulmonary problems, especial-
months of age, because the drug passes into
ly infections and asthma.105 Breastfeeding
milk.102 Instead of a 10-day course of therapy,
provides some protection from both infection
and asthma; breastfed infants of smokers do
given in a 1- to 2-gram dose and that the milk
better than those who are formula fed.
be pumped and discarded for 12 to 24 hours.
Absorption of nicotine is greater from the res-
Metronidazole is occasionally used in new-
piratory tract than from breastmilk. The nico-
tine absorbed from milk is less than 5 percentof the average daily dose of the adult.106 The
While lists can be helpful in identifying the
nicotine levels in maternal serum reflect
few compounds that are contraindicated, lack
smoking technique and tend to increase with
increased depth of inhalation and the number
be used as a reason to avoid breastfeeding.
of puffs per cigarette.106 The risk of sudden
The health care professional who cares for the
infant death syndrome (SIDS) is significantly
infant can determine the safety of the com-
higher in infants who are not breastfed and
pound by reviewing the available data. The
whose mothers smoke; in other words, breast-
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)104 is not a reli-
able source because the manufacturers are
required to say that a specific drug or com-pound is not recommended during lactation
Smoking is not a contraindication to breast-
unless they have carried out extensive studies
feeding. Smoking may adversely affect milk
wean sooner. No reports have been published
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United StatesDrugs of Abuse: Contraindicated During Breastfeeding* Drug Reference Reported Effect or Reasons for Concern
Tremors, restlessness, vomiting, poor feeding
Only one report in literature; no effect mentioned
Shock, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, restlessness, decreased milk production
*The Committee on Drugs strongly believes that nursing mothers should not ingest any compounds listed here. Not onlyare they hazardous to the nursing infant, but they are also detrimental to the physical and emotional health of the moth-er. This list is obviously not complete; no drug of abuse should be ingested by nursing mothers even though adversereports may not be in the literature. †Drug is concentrated in human milk.
Source: Adapted with permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs ,72 table 2. CopyrightAmerican Academy of Pediatrics.
associating nicotine from breastmilk with
utes post maternal ingestion. The infants were
observed to suckle more frequently but con-
sumed less milk in the presence of alcohol.
Nutrition During Lactation.29 Mothers who
The mothers had been unaware of any differ-
smoke should be urged not to smoke in the
same room as the infant at any time and not
alcohol or drink with the speed established in
these experiments.109 Alcohol appears in milk
if there is alcohol in the serum while nursing. Acetaldehyde, which is the major metabolite
of ethanol and believed to be the major sourceof alcohol toxicity, does not appear in breast-
Alcohol (ethanol) presents another series of
questions. In countries where, for centuries,alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer
have been consumed with daily meals, breast-
considerable attention in the lay press in 1989,
feeding is universal, and no apparent prob-
lems have been reported. More recently in the
United States, studies have been reported
obtained with the Bayley Scales of Infant
regarding the effect on suckling infants when
alcohol is present in the breastmilk. These
for exposure to alcohol through breastfeed-
studies involved the rapid consumption of 40
ing.111 The scores of infants of breastfeeding
to 90 milliliters of absolute alcohol by lactat-
mothers who drank alcohol occasionally (e.g.,
one to two drinks per week) did not differ
controls.108 Blood levels were drawn every 30
from those of infants breastfed by mothers
minutes for four hours, and levels in the milk
paralleled the maternal blood levels. The milk
drank heavily (a six-pack of beer per day)
was noted to smell of alcohol at peak levels,
showed slight gross motor delay at one year.
paralleling the concentration of alcohol in the
No follow-up has been reported. It is impor-
milk, which peaked between 30 and 60 min-
tant to note that these infants may well have
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
them to breathe, but they are dosed only once
have been expressing effects of fetal alcohol
a day at first because they do not clear the caf-
syndrome. The study did not report details of
confounding socioeconomic factors or deficitsin maternal interactions, which also affect
Herbal and food products
With the blend of cultures and traditions,
Committee on Drugs lists alcohol as usually
widely used. Much of the traditional and cur-
compatible with breastfeeding.72 The Institute
rent use of these herbs surrounds pregnancy,
During Lactation has concluded that no pub-
herbal teas contain innocuous flavors, others
lished scientific evidence demonstrates that
contain pharmacologically active components
that form the basis for folk medicine treat-
beneficial impact on lactation performance.29
ments. A number of natural herbs contain bel-
ladonna (atropine) and are recommended to
that if alcohol is used, intake should be limit-
create euphoria and ease pain. Other herbs
ed to “no more than 0.5 grams of alcohol per
kilogram of maternal body weight per day. . . .
which, when taken to excess, can cause bruis-
grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight
been a favorite of traditional midwifery but
corresponds to approximately 2 to 2.5 ounces
have been banned in Canada and other coun-
of liquor, 8 ounces of table wine, or 2 cans of
tries because of the association with veno-
Licorice, garlic, and ginseng are other herbs
with potent pharmacologic properties that
Caffeine consumption is of national inter-
enjoy great popularity among certain cul-
est, and many caffeine-free beverages are
tures, but that have been reported to have
available. Beverages that are naturally caf-
caused serious problems. Licorice in large
feine-free may differ from those that are
amounts alters potassium levels.115 Garlic has
decaffeinated. A study done in rats in Costa
caused serious burns when worn against the
Rica suggests that other components of coffee
skin. Ginseng has been responsible for syn-
itself—exclusive of caffeine—affect iron con-
centrations when volumes equivalent to threecups of coffee per day are consumed.112 The
The clinician should inquire about all foods
chief concern with caffeine is related to the
and beverages when taking a medical history.
fact that infants in the first few weeks of life
If an herbal product is being taken in exces-
do not excrete caffeine rapidly.1 Only small
sive amounts, the contents should be checked.
amounts of caffeine appear in breastmilk, but
Such “self-medication” has posed many prob-
if the mother consumes considerable caffeine
lems and should be evaluated in the breast-
day after day, the caffeine accumulates in the
feeding mother. The regional poison control
infant. The infant becomes symptomatic (i.e.,
center may be able to assist in identifying the
irritable, wakeful, jittery). Symptoms prompt-
active properties of most herbs. The medicinal
ly abate with a decrease in caffeine consump-
use of herbs per se is not a contraindication to
tion. Maternal consumption of one to two caf-
feine-containing beverages per day is notassociated with problems.99 As noted earlier,caffeine is sometimes given directly to infants(especially premature infants) to stimulate
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United StatesEnvironmental Contaminants
only industrial workers exposed to dioxinsare believed to be at risk for any absorption.123
Environmental contamination of breastmilk
Very few workers are exposed to TCDD now.
has been investigated in many sites around
Because testing is still extremely costly, a
the world. In general, chemicals that are
woman with an inordinate exposure in indus-
lipophilic (dissolve in fat) are found in the
try should not breastfeed, but the magnitude
lipid fraction of breastmilk. The risk of envi-
of the exposure should first be verified.124
Exposure to TCDD is not a general concern
based on a woman’s exposure to chemicals.
The greater her exposure, the greater the lev-els in her milk. Women in Vietnam, Turkey,Japan, and Taiwan with high levels of chemi-
foodstuffs.117 Women currently at risk in this
The levels of DDT and other insecticides in
country may have had major exposure in an
breastmilk vary with exposure.125 Since DDT
industrial accident. However, a spill of poly-
was banned in the United States in 1972, the
chlorinated biphenyl in North Carolina did
threat to the average citizen has become mini-
not result in increased levels in mothers’
mal. In developing countries, the risk contin-
ues in rural areas among agricultural work-
exposure, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
ers. In India, China, Guatemala, and Mexico,
were unintentionally put in cattle feed, thus
rural women have high levels of exposure.
entering the food chain.119 More than 90 per-
cent of the residents in this area, including
lished pesticide residues limits and recom-
pregnant and lactating women, had measur-
able amounts in their body fat and breastmilk.
(ADI) of DDT and its metabolites of less than
In the face of this information, however, few
From a practical standpoint in the United
States, the average woman is not consideredat risk for excessive levels of DDT in her
breastmilk.124,126 If there is a possibility of
cides: 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T. The compound 2, 4,
these compounds, the situation should be dis-
with 2, 3, 7, 8 TCDD, the best-known diox-
cussed with the physician, and, when appro-
in.120 Agent Orange was widely used as an
priate, testing can be arranged through a
herbicide in Vietnam.121 Pooled milk samples
state-approved laboratory before recommend-
ing whether the mother should breastfeed.
Vietnam contained the dioxin. Although the
Breastmilk is not considered a major source of
original data from Vietnam were believed to
DDT by the World Health Organization.
be flawed technically, nursing infants areknown to retain almost all of the 2, 3, 7, 8 sub-
Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) is
stituted dioxins that they ingest from breast-
the most stable derivative of the pesticide
milk. On a body weight basis, nursing infants
have a dietary intake of TCDD and its equiva-
ened duration of lactation in the general pop-
lents that is 100 times greater than that of
ulation in North Carolina.118 A follow-up
adults.122 Exposure of the fetus is also signifi-
study was conducted in Mexico, where rela-
cant; however, transfer of dioxin-like com-
tively high DDE levels exist.127 The authors
pounds across the placenta is incomplete.
concluded that DDE may affect women’s abil-
Exposure of the general public is low, and
ity to lactate and postulated that this exposure
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
may contribute to lactation failure in parts of
exposure limits for daily intake, set by the
the world where DDT and DDE are prevalent.
World Health Organization.131 Breastmilk lev-els are used epidemiologically as markers of
human exposure within a community’s expo-
furans in pregnant Japanese and Taiwanese
sure because of the close correlation between
women who were heavily exposed to contam-
breastmilk levels and levels in the fat stores.
ination produced small-for-gestational-age
infants with transient darkening of the skin
Lakes region were tested by the state of New
(“cola babies”). Polybrominated biphenyls
York in 1978, and no chemical (PCB, PBB) was
(PBBs) are similar compounds and have been
associated with a one-time heavy exposure to
pling of residents. Thus, unless the circum-
stances are unusual, breastfeeding should not
be abandoned on the basis of insecticide cont-
1975.119 Women in the United States with the
greatest risk of high exposure to PCBs or PBBshave worked with or eaten excessive amounts
The cyclodiene pesticides and their metabo-
of fish from sport fishing in contaminated
lites detected in breastmilk include aldrin,
dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor and its epoxide,chlordane, oxychlordane, and trans-
Studies have refuted earlier observations of
concern. No information is available in the
United States concerning the levels of poly-
tachlor epoxide.120 Their levels in breastmilk,
chlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) or poly-
however, are very much lower than those of
chlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in anglers
DDT, and only a fraction of women have lev-
who consume a great deal of fish.128 Others
els above the detection limit.120 According to
considered by some to be at high risk live
heptachlor in breastmilk samples are contrary
involved in environmental spills. Except in
to the fact that these chemicals are trans-
cases of unusually heavy exposure, however,
formed to epoxide derivatives (e.g., aldrin to
there is no contraindication to breastfeeding.
dieldrin) in living organisms and ecosys-
When there is a question about environmental
exposure and safety of breastfeeding, the state
organo chlorine insecticides of higher toxicity
health department can be consulted for spe-
than DDT and have been banned in industri-
cific advice or to measure plasma and breast-
alized countries for over a decade. The only
milk levels. The epidemiologists usually are
source that might remain is from foodstuffs
aware of the risks in a given geographic area
imported from Third World countries.124 In
and know whether it is necessary to measure
the United States, levels in breastmilk have
breastmilk levels once lactation is fully estab-
dropped and are reported undetectable.120
lished. If this sampling is planned far in
Heptachlor and its epoxide, which have been
advance during the pregnancy, little time
limited to use in some southern states for ter-
need be lost. Unless the exposure is unique
mite eradication, have decreased in impor-
and excessive, the infant can be breastfed
tance and have not been reported in breast-
until levels are returned from the laboratory.1
milk in this country within the last decade.
Technical chlordane, a mixture of 26 com-
lished concerning the dilemma of pollutants
pounds, is common in termite control in the
in breastmilk.118,126,129,130 It has been suggested
that the body burden at birth can be added to
trans-nonachlor have been detected in breast-
by exposing the infant to small levels in the
milk in some regions, including the southeast-
milk, which may indeed exceed the allowable
ern United States (0.08 parts per million),
A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
the breastmilk than across the placenta.136
Infants who have been exposed in utero can
seven donors). The most recent measurements
be expected to lose lead if their daily intake
were reported in 1985.120,125,132 In the 1990s,
via breastmilk is less than 5 micrograms per
the general public in the United States is
day.137 If a woman has an elevated lead level,
not at risk for exposure to the cyclodiene
it is wise to measure the infant’s serum and
the milk, even if the maternal level is less than40 micrograms/deciliter. Milk levels are one-tenth to one-fifth of maternal levels. County
Heavy Metals
or state health department laboratories usual-ly have lead screening programs. The home
environment should be evaluated if the moth-
cury, arsenic, and cadmium can be related to
er’s level is above 10 micrograms/deciliter,
water supplies, cow milk, and even infant for-
and a program to reduce the mother’s level of
mulas.133 Typically, breastfed infants are
lead should be initiated. In studies comparing
exposed to lower amounts than formula-fed
feeding methods, formula-fed infants have
infants because formula is mixed with water
higher lead levels than breastfed infants.100
that may contain the heavy metal. Lead is a
Breastfeeding is not contraindicated unless
heavy metal that still exists in the environ-
the maternal level of lead exceeds 40 micro-
ment in older housing, lead pipes, certain
industries, and auto exhaust pollutants.
Iraqi wheat exposure, and also in some parts
National Health and Nutrition Examination
of the Great Lakes from industrial exposure in
Survey (NHANES III) in 1988–94, compared
the 1970s.138,139 Exposure of the general public
is limited to industrial exposure of specific
(1976–80), reveal a drop across all ages.134 It is
presumed that eliminating leaded gasoline
exposure to organic mercury (usually methyl
and removing lead solder from food and soft
drink cans have been responsible for this
tal fillings is a small exposure for many in the
when a metallic mercury spill from a large
American children living in major cities have
thermometer was cleaned up with the family
the highest lead levels (≥ 10 micrograms/
vacuum cleaner. The mercury remained in the
dust bag and was gradually vaporized andinhaled by the family each time the vacuum
screening program for children has identified
individuals before they are symptomatic andhas also identified women in their childbear-
ing years because they live in the same envi-
Seychellois children following in utero expo-
ronment as children with elevated levels of
sure to methyl mercury from a maternal fish
lead.135 More women are asking the question:
diet showed no association between maternal
Is it safe for me to breastfeed? Generally, the
hair mercury level during pregnancy and an
answer has been: If the blood lead level is less
adverse neurodevelopmental outcome of the
than 40, it is safe to breastfeed because the
infant at six months.140 At 19 and 29 months
levels of lead in the milk will be low or unde-
after the subjects’ births, the results showed
tectable. Considerably less lead passes into
possible association between high levels of
Maternal and Child Health Technical Information BulletinSummary of Medical Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States OK to Breastfeed Conditions INFECTIOUS DISEASES
Acute infectious disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Respiratory, reproductive, gastroitestinal infectionsHIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIV positiveActive tuberculosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After mother has received 2 or more weeks of
Hepatitis A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As soon as mother receives gamma globulinHepatitis B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After infant receives HBIG, first dose of
hepatitis B vaccine should be given before hospital discharge
Hepatitis C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If no co-infections (e.g., HIV)
Venereal warts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YesHerpes viruses
Cytomegalovirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YesHerpes simplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Except if lesion on breastVaricella-zoster (chicken pox). . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As soon as mother becomes noninfectiousEpstein-Barr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes
Toxoplasmosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YesMastitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YesLyme disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As soon as mother initiates treatment HTLV-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No
Antimetabolites (see table 4) . . . . . . . . . . . NoRadiopharmaceuticals (see table 5)
Diagnostic dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After radioactive compound has cleared mother’s
Therapeutic dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No
Drugs of abuse (see table 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exceptions: cigarettes, alcoholOther medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drug-by-drug assessment
Herbicides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure unlikely (except workers heavily
DDT, DDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure unlikelyPCBs, PBBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levels in milk very lowCyclodiene pesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure unlikely
Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unless maternal level ≥40 mg/dLMercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unless mother symptomatic and levels
Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure unlikely
Radionuclides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk greater to bottlefed infants
Note: This table provides a brief summary. Each situation must be decided individually. Contraindications are rare inthe United States. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States
exposure and activity levels in males, with
other parameters being unrelated to mercurylevels. This study involved a population in
As stated in the introduction, breastmilk
which 90 percent were breastfed in the first
provides more than just good nutrition—its
week of life and 50 percent were still being
unique composition provides the ideal nutri-
breastfed at 6 months. The breastfeeding cor-
ents for human brain growth and protects the
infant against infection. Breastfeeding has dis-
time.140 However, there were no adverse out-
tinct, species-specific, irreplaceable value that
is ideal for the infant’s growth, development,and emotional well-being. It is important,
however, for health care professionals to beaware of those rare situations when the moth-
er should be counseled not to breastfeed.
Japan, where cadmium intake is higher, pre-
Table 7 summarizes the information present-
traindications to breastfeeding in the United
rice. No clear-cut cases of cadmium exposure
States. Breastmilk should not be withheld
through breastmilk have been reported.122
from any infant unless absolutely necessary.
Itai-Itai disease is believed to be due to cadmi-um, but it may have other etiologies. Cadmium exposure has not been an issue inthe United States; the major concern related tocadmium intake is cigarette smoke. Heavy
metals are not a usual risk for breastfedinfants. Any woman with an exposure should
Lawrence RA. 1994. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the
be evaluated by her physician. Heavy metals
Medical Profession (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby Company.
are rarely a contraindication for breastfeed-ing, and only under special circumstances of
Cunningham AS, Jelliffe DB, Jelliffe EFP. 1991.
Breast-feeding and health in the 1980s: A global epi-demiologic review. Journal of Pediatrics 118:659–666.
Hanson LA, Adlerberth I, Carlsson B, Castrignano
SB, Dahlgren U, Jalil F, Khan SR, Mellander L, EdenCS, Svennerholm AM, et al. 1989. Host defense ofthe neonate and the intestinal flora. Acta Paediatrica
Radionuclides have been followed environ-
Scandinavica 351(Suppl.):122–125.
mentally since the nuclear age began. The
Pisacane A, Graziano L, Zona G, Dolezalova H,
Cafiero M, Coppola A, Scarpellino B, Ummarino M,
teeth of infants in St. Louis was much greater
Mazzarella G. 1994. Breast feeding and acute lower
respiratory infection. Acta Paediatrica 83:714–718.
Beudry M, Dufour R, Marcoux S. 1995. Relation
Chernobyl nuclear explosion, breastmilk was
between infant feeding and infections during the
found to be lower in strontium 90 and iodine
first six months of life. Journal of Pediatrics126:191–197.
131 than cow milk and other parts of the foodchain and the water supply.142
Victora CG, Smith PG, Vaughan JP, Nobre LC,Lombardi C, Teixeira AM, Fuchs SM, Moreira LB,Gigante LP, Barros FC. 1987. Evidence for protec-
tion by breastfeeding against infant deaths from
under unusual circumstances of environmen-
infectious diseases in Brazil. Lancet 2(8554):319–322.
tal exposure in individual cases, breastfeeding
is not contraindicated because of environmen-
Eldridge BA, Layzell JC, Merrett TG. 1993. Infant
tal hazards and may be safer than formula
feeding, wheezing, and allergy: A prospective
study. Archives of Disease in Childhood 68:724–728. Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin
Dewey KG, Heinig MJ, Nommsen LA, Peerson JM,
21. Bryant CA. 1986. Overcoming Breastfeeding Barriers.
Basic Requirements Propecia—can donate 4 weeks after last doseBe 17 years of age—there is no upper limitProscar—can donate 4 weeks after last doseSoriatane (Acitretin)—can donate 3 years after last doseApheresis donation may have additional requirementsThyroid medication—can donate if stabilized Donation Frequency Medical conditions Platelet donors may donate every 48 hours
PERMETHRIN SPOT-ON TOXICOSES IN CATS Jill A. Richardson, DVM ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Urbana, IL SUMMARY Spot-on insecticides are becoming popular type of flea control for pets. Spot-on products available include those containing fipronil, imidicloprid, methoprene, and permethrin. Currently, over 15 brands of permethrin spot-on products are labeled for "use i