and generous support of NJIT, Peter was honored with the uni-versity’s 2008 Edward F. Weston Medal.
1989 and today is president and principal of the firm. Based in Brooklyn, New York, JF Con-tracting works with city, state and federal agencies, as well as Anastasia, Peter and Elsa Papanicolaou with clients in the private sector. The firm’s expertise encompasses Weston honor interior and exterior renova-
for Peter
government offices, manufactur-ing and warehousing facilities, safer homes
With straW
Martin Hammer (Arch) ’80 is
Top: Two room house, Battal, Pakistan. Above: Martin Hammer (left), Hamid Ullah (home owner), Surkhab Kahn buildings are earthquake-safe, energy and resource efficient, and low cost. Variations of straw nJit’s iron
time athlete Peter Turek ’75
(CE) placed 19th out of 50 in
proposed Straw Bale Building Code for the State of California. n 1 4 N J I T M A G A Z I N E | s p r I N G 2 0 0 9
We Want to hear from you!
Do you have news about your career, your family, an avocation? Share it in a class note for NJIT Magazine. And be sure to let us know if you have a new address.
On the Web, use the form a
By e-mail, send news and photos with graduation year(s)
NJIT Magazine invites new correspondents to join Mal Simon
Via U.S. mail to: Robert A. Boynton,
in sharing news about class members and alumni organizations.
Professor emeritus of physical education and athletics, Mal was
director of physical education and athletics as well as men’s
Eberhardt Hall NJIT Alumni Center, Room 218 soccer coach for 30 years. In 1993, he received the Cullimore
Medal for his service to the university.
If you would like to be a regular correspondent, don’t hesitate to
get in touch by sending an e-mail to the editor of NJIT Magazine

Hank Shinol ’62
First, the latest news from Mal — John Walsh ’66 and Paul Tubbs
’68 recently met for the first time
and Greg McEntee, son of Bob
McEntee ’62 for longest drives,
and Gary Nelson, friend of Bill
St. Pierre ’63, and Mal Simon
Yaroslav “Ike” Kostal ’65, now
talking with Russ Furnari ’79
Alex Khowaylo ’63 chaired The
Tom Ruck ’63 is retired from
Andy Handwerker ’63, Alex’s
Bob Welgos ’62 at the Newton
some: Roger Edwards ’63, Ben
Gazdowicz ’67, Roy Knutsen
’62 and Rich Schroeder ’66.
N J I T M A G A Z I N E | s p r I N G 2 0 0 9 1 5
Edmund H. Hecht (ME), president
Samuel J. Armijos, AIA (Arch)
has published Fabric Architecture, Signage and Shelter (W. W. Norton Michael Passaretti (CoE),
Rubik Sheth (ME) is working
Timothy Krulan (ET) has
Paul A. Jarvis (EE), who writes
in memoriam
John Hendrix MS (CE) has
Michael Rogalski (CE) received
Mary Alice Keenan ’47
Robert E. Shuck ’65
a l u m n i c a l e n d a r
corPorate cluBs
alumni reunions
saVe the date!
at The Prudential Center
in Newark
young alumni cluB
JUNE 12-14
NJIT Alumni Association
or by email to
presentation of Alumni
Achievement Awards and
regional cluBs
Van Houton Award for
Teaching Excellence
1 6 N J I T M A G A Z I N E | s p r I N G 2 0 0 9


Read John Noveske's last Facebook post of what drugs all these gun toting murderers were taking This is the last post J before he was killed:Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shootingin Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killingthemselves. Klebold's medical records have never been made

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Información Terapéutica del Sistema Nacional de Salud Tratamiento de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: Anorexia y Bulimia A B S T R A C T En el momento actual, los trastornos de la alimentación seconsideran síndromes, y por tanto, suelen definirse en función de The eating disorders as we define them today are con-la aparición de un grupo de síntomas. En este artícu

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