Avenue de cour 14 bis - CH 1007 Lausanne
Semina e plantis in horto botanico cultis lecta
ALLIACEAE Aster Allium Centaurea
14 simplicicaulis Boiss. & Huet
AMARYLLIDACEAE Leucojum Echinacea Narcissus Lactuca A Onopordum NTHERICACEAE Anthericum Santolina APHYLLANTHACEAE Aphyllanthes Silybum Xanthium APIACEAE Dorema BERBERIDACEAE Eryngium Jeffersonia
21 dubia Benth. & Hook. f. ex Baker & Moore
Levisticum BORAGINACEAE Cerinthe
22 major L. f. pupurescensMyrrhis Lithodora Petroselinum BRASSICACEAE A Alyssoides SPHODELACEAE Bulbine
25 utriculata ssp. bulgarica (Sagroski) Hartvig
ASTERACEAE Brassica Arctium Erysimum ERICACEAE Erica Lunaria EUPHORBIACEAE Sinapis Ricinus CAMPANULACEAE FABACEAE Campanula Baptisia Codonopsis Cytisus Erinacea Pratia Genista C ARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus Lathyrus
35 haematocalyx ssp. pindicola (Vierh.) Hayek 48 roseus Steven
Ononis Saponaria HYACINTHACEAE Silene Camassia C LUSIACEAE Hypericum Veltheimia D I IPSACACEAE RIDACEAE Dipsacus Anomatheca Scabiosa LAMIACEAE Monarda POACEAE Briza Rosmarinus POLYGONACEAE Salvia Muehlenbeckia Scutellaria Rheum
59 orientalis ssp. pinnatifi da J.R.Edmondson 72 rhaponticum L.
Stachys P RIMULACEAE Primula LILIACEAE Erythronium RANUNCULACEAE LINACEAE Anemone Linum Clematis MALVACEAE RESEDACEAE Althaea Reseda PAEONIACEAE RHAMNACEAE Paeonia Ceanothus PAPAVERACEAE ROSACEAE Papaver Acaena RUTACEAE P Dictamnus LANTAGINACEAE Plantago Ruta SCROPHULARIACEAE SOLANACEAE Digitalis Nicotiana VIOLACEAE Viola Scrophularia ZINGIBERACEAE Verbascum Roscoea In memoriam Mary-Claude ROBERT 1960 - 2010
Cet Index Seminum est le fruit des derniers travaux de Mary-Claude Robert au Jardin Botanique de Lausanne. Nous souhaitons que les graines du présent catalogue répandent le souvenir de sa gentillesse et de sa précision dans le monde entier, à travers vos cultu-res et vos jardins. This Index Seminum is the result of recent work by Mary-Claude Robert at the Lausanne Botanical Garden. We hope that the seeds of this catalog spread the memory of her kindness and her precision in the world through your crops and your gardens.
Spotsylvania County Human Resources Inside this issue: Benefits for Spotsylvania County Employees The following is provided to inform you, as a new full-time employee, of benefits that are now available to you and your dependents. Some benefit items like health insurance require you to respond within 30 days of eligibility or you will have to forego benefits until open en-roll
The TDS Nomad packs tremendous functionality into a powerful and full-featured rugged handheld computer. In addition to integrated 6.92” (17.6 cm.) x 3.92” (10.0 cm) x 1.96” (5.0 cm) Bluetooth, GPS and WLAN, the Nomad is available with digital camera 21 ounces (596 g) including rechargeable battery and barcode scanner. Featuring superior processing speed and plenty of SDRAM and Flash