ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks
Afghanistan Aruba* Ascension Island Australia Anguilla* Antigua and Barbuda* Argentina ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Azerbaijan Bahamas* Bangladesh Barbados Bermuda ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks British Virgin Islands Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Brunei Darussalam Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Botswana Burkina Faso Cabo Verde ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Central African Republic* Cambodia* Cameroon* Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China Cayman Islands ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Macao Special Administrative Region of China Comoros* Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks
Curaçao Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Czech Republic Djibouti* Dominica ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Dominican Republic Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) El Salvador Equatorial Guinea* ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks French Polynesia ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Grenada* Guatemala Guinea-Bissau* Honduras* Gibraltar ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Kazakhstan ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Kiribati* Lithuania Luxembourg Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Madagascar Malaysia Lesotho* ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Micronesia (Federated States of) Mongolia Maldives Montenegro Marshall Islands* Montserrat* Mauritania* Mauritius Mozambique ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Nicaragua Netherlands Norfolk Island New Caledonia New Zealand ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Pakistan Portugal Papua New Guinea* Paraguay Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Philippines ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Sao Tome and Principe* Saudi Arabia Russian Federation Saint Helena Seychelles Saint Kitts and Nevis* Sierra Leone* Saint Lucia* Singapore Saint Vincent and the Grenadines* ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Sint Maarten Slovakia South Sudan* Slovenia Sri Lanka Solomon Islands* Somalia* South Africa ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks
Suriname* Swaziland* Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand Switzerland The former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Timor-Leste* Trinidad and Tobago* Tristan da Cunha* Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands* ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks United States of America United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Uzbekistan Zimbabwe Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of)
ACA stands for anhydrous codeine alkaloid;
AMA stands for anhydrous morphine alkaloid;
AOA stands for anhydrous oripavine alkaloid; and
ATA stands for anhydrous thebaine alkaloid.
*Annual estimates were established by the Board.
presentation of the material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the
part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning
the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or
of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries. Countries and areas are referred to by the names that were in official use at the time the
publication et la présentation des données qui y figurent
n’impliquent de la part du Secrétariat de l’Organisation
des Nations Unies aucune prise de position quant au
statut juridique des pays, territoires, villes ou zones, ou
de leurs autorités, ni quant au tracé de leurs frontières
ou limites. Les noms de pays ou de zones figurant dans
le présent document sont ceux qui étaient officiellement
Wallis and Futuna Islands*
en usage au moment où les données ont été recueillies.
publicación y la forma en que aparecen presentados los
datos que contiene no implican, de parte de la Secretaría de las Naciones Unidas, juicio alguno sobre
la condición jurídica de países, territorios, ciudades o
zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la
delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Los países y
zonas se mencionan por el nombre oficialmente utilizado
en el momento en que se recopilaron los datos
ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks World Total 2014
Conc. of poppy straw (Total) anhydrous codeine alkaloid
Conc. of poppy straw (Total) anhydrous morphine alkaloid
Conc. of poppy straw (Total) anhydrous oripavine alkaloid
Conc. of poppy straw (Total) anhydrous thebaine alkaloid
ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks
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HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIO LOGY (L) STANDARDS - Draft Anatomy and Physiology Students investigate concepts related to the health sciences. Through instruction, including laboratory activities, they apply concepts associated with human anatomy and physiology. Studies will include the process of homeostasis and the essentials of human function at the level of genes, cells, tissues, and