
wwasnews: newsletter of Waterloo-Wellington Autism Services
Office: 871 Victoria Street North, Suite 201, Kitchener, Ontario, N2B 3S4 * phone (519) 741-3651 Newsletter #14, Summer 1994
. At present all of these are unpaid and part-time PROGRAM (SEEP) -- UPDATE
work-experience placements--but with some potential . We would like to take this opportunity to thank all .At my last report in our March newsletter, SEEP the owners and managers of businesses who made had just entered its sixth week. We are now ending our possible openings for the three SEEP placements so far.
fifth month of operations! The WWAS Staff with the Each has shown genuine interest in assisting SEEP active support of the Board have been very busy during Participants to work towards and reach their this time--completing orientations with all SEEP employment goals. They have also been extremely participants, further identifying each participant's accommodating and flexible in working with us to set employment interests and potentials, working on continued program development and on ways ofevaluating all aspects of SEEP. Our primary focus, WHAT OUR PEOPLE THINK OF SEEP
especially over the last two months, has been on "JobDevelopment and Placement"--to identify, secure and One of our SEEP participants communicates mainly
set up paid jobs and work experience placements for by typing on a computer with voice output. Asked
SEEP Participants. We have had some exciting what he thought about his new work experience
successes to date. So far, three of our six Direct placement, he replied that he is a HARD WORKER
Participants in SEEP are in work experience placements AND SMART, and that he LIKES BEING OUT IN THE
with Katherine and Elizabeth, WWAS Vocational COMMUNITY and MAKING NEW FRIENDS. Asked why
Instructors, providing one-to-one job coach support.
work is important, said WORK IS PURPOSEFUL, and
A- began working in mid-June at the Listowel Co-op
and is looking at library work in Palmerston as well!
B- has been working since the beginning of June at
. Our primary placement targets for the next month three different churches in Cambridge and will shortly are for part/full time paid employment positions for two other SEEP Participants, B- and J-, in the Cambridge P- began working in mid-June at White Rose Craft and
area, with some possible work experience as well. We will also be looking for additional placements for A., B.
and P. while assisting them with succeeding at their SEEP is a one-year, "hands on" training and
current placements. You can look forward to further consultative model program which will work in
updates in our fall newsletter. In the meantime, if you collaboration with existing non-specialized agencies
have any questions about SEEP please don't hesitate to which now provide some kind of day program for
contact the WWAS Office, phone (519) 741-3651.
adults with autism/pdd. The main objectives of SEEP
are to provide the necessary training, support and
consultation to enable:

1. Capable autistic/pdd adults to reach their potential
Second Annual General Meeting and First Annual in supported and even competitive employment, and
2. Agency staff and co-workers to work more
effectively with targeted and, in turn, additional adults
in future.
Clinical Team to support the SEEP program. Elizabeth WWAS WILL:
Bloomfield co-ordinates the newsletter.
ENSURE that adults with Autism/PDD living in
Waterloo-Wellington have both a range of purposive

Directors, staff, members and friends turned out to vocational training and safe and caring places of
support WWAS on a lovely spring Saturday in mid- residence in which a variety of competencies can be
May. They were raising funds to keep the SEEP learned;
program alive and ensure that WWAS has the means to SUPPORT families in Waterloo-Wellington who have an
grow and to help all the people affected by autism/pdd adult son or daughter with Autism/PDD by
in our region. The sale itself raised over $1,275 and a collaborative planning for services and interventions
supplementary mini sale in the Shalays' garage (on a that meet the needs of the families and the individual
wet day) a further $55. An associated drive to sell with Autism/PDD;
MacMillan's muffin and cookie mix made a profit of CO-OPERATE with professionals and agencies
$245.50. WWAS thanks everyone who supported this working with individuals with Autism/PDD to increase
big effort with donations of goods, ideas and hard work.
. Learning from this first experience, the WWAS individuals' social, communicative, recreational,
Fund Raising Committee has begun to plan the Second
vocational and other competencies;
Annual MONSTER YARD SALE for Saturday,
SHARE with our community its successes in meeting
May 13, again in the parking lot of the Latter Day
the needs of individuals who have been described as
Saints Church at the corner of River Road and Lorraine "our most vulnerable citizens."
Avenue in Kitchener. We found a demand for largeitems as well as strong interest in children's books, toys SECOND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
and games; books, puzzles and games; plants; old WWAS members and guests met at the Stanley records; antique Christmas decorations; fishing gear; Park Baptist Church on May 12 for the formal business tools; old watches. We appeal to our circle of friends of an annual meeting and to hear an overview by and supporters to beg and collect any potentially re- saleable goods from your friends, relations and Enhancement Program's first months. Jamie Perry neighbours during the months before the next sale.
introduced vocational instructors Elizabeth Debergh and Bright ideas for innovative ways of making money are Katherine Robinson who presented profiles of two welcomed. So are people willing to serve on the SEEP participants and commented on the challenges, committee or help before and on the day. We really the types of work that can be hoped for, and the overall need you! Contact Stan Shalay, Fund Raising Chair, 95 receptiveness of prospective employers. One guest was Queenston Crescent, KITCHENER, ON, N2B 2V6, Ms Joan Cameron, our Program Supervisor in the WHY DO WE NEED TO RAISE FUNDS
responsibility, the WWAS by-laws provide that one- Funding for SEEP has been a huge challenge for third of the Board retires or is eligible for re-election WWAS. For the past few years, there have been no each year. Re-elected to the Board are Elizabeth "new" community development dollars from the Bloomfield, Jane Forgay and Stan Shalay. Roger Ministry of Community and Social Services to enable Hollingsworth continues as President, Bernard Hermsen organizations such as WWAS to establish services that as Vice-president and Stephen Jones as Treasurer, while are critically needed by individuals with autism. SEEP Jane Forgay has taken over the office of Secretary to the depends primarily on donations from the private sector Board from Elizabeth Bloomfield. Stan Shalay chairs and a limited fiscal grant from MCSS. Our single the Fund-Raising Committee on which Jane, Roger and largest donation has been a very generous grant of Stephen also serve. Susan Honeyman and Will $13,750 from the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Boeschenstein co-chair the Vocational Program Foundation to provide almost half the annual salary Committee, which includes Bill Barnes as well as the costs of one Vocational Instructor. We are most grateful three WWAS staff. Susan and Will, with our consultant for other gifts from individuals, foundations, companies and honorary director, Dr Susan Bryson, form the and service clubs during the past year. WWAS still needs more than $30,000 to meet its budget for the brochure from Micro Data Training Centre which SEEP program in 1994, and lots more to keep SEEP outlines the program. Please consider Micro Data for alive in 1995 and to let it expand to help more of our your future computer equipment, servicing and training adults develop skills to handle meaningful employment needs--and assist WWAS in its fundraising efforts by and enjoy a better quality of life. Our challenge now is designating WWAS as your charity of choice (see to make SEEP a lasting reality in providing services that are critically needed by adults with autism/PDD in ourregion.
* Do you know of other effective ways in which WAS Newsletter # 14, Summer 1994
organizations to raise funds?Please share them with a member of the Fund RaisingCommittee.
* A number of SEEP Participants could greatly
* Please keep in mind the Second Annual MONSTER benefit from one-on-one volunteer support especially in YARD SALE of WWAS (Saturday May 13, 1995) and the evening and on weekends to enable them to save, beg and store goods that could be sold then.
participate in social, recreational and other activities. Ifyou are interested in becoming a volunteer either a few UPCOMING CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS
hours a week--or month, please contact the WWAS AND NETWORK MEETINGS
Office, 741-3651.
* Special Volunteer request from K-W Extend-A-
The Geneva Centre Autism Summer Training August Family An 19-year-old man with autism living in the
15, 16 and 17 (University of Guelph, Ontario) Elmira area needs a one-on-one volunteer a few hours a There are two Modules, on Introductory and Advanced week in the evenings and/or on weekends for social training. For more information contact The Geneva recreational activities. Please contact Kathy Meyers at Southwest Network for Professionals in Autism Friday, CONGRATULATIONS TO
October 14 at CPRI in London, Topics will include * to WWAS Board member Susan Honeyman for Relaxation Therapy and the WWAS SEEP program! recognition by Autism Society Ontario as a For more information contact Jennifer Cantello at The distinguished professional (as well as volunteer) in autism services. Susan shares the 1994 GerryBloomfield Award for Professional Service to Autism WWAS NEWSLETTER
with Dr Peter Szatmari of Chedoke-McMaster For the past three years and more, newsletters have been sent to upwards of 200 contacts, as well as * to WWAS Program Director Jamie Perry for election WWAS members. The WWAS Board has decided that as Vice-President of Autism Society Ontario.
while it would like to continue this free distribution, itmust devote its scarce resources to keeping the SEEP FUNDRAISING INITIATIVES
program alive. Thus we announce that, unless you are a * Micro Data Computers located in Kitchener, serving current member of WWAS (this will be the last free Waterloo and Wellington wide offers Sales and newsletter we can mail you. We will gladly keep you Services in computer equipment and Training on on our mailing list if we receive a membership Computers through their Micro Data Training Centre.
(donation of at least $25 per calendar year) or a Through a special donation program to local charities, newsletter subscription ($5 per year) y August 31, Micro Data will donate a portion of a consumers 1994. Please make cheques payable to Waterloo-
equipment cost and course fees to a charity of their Wellington Autism Services and return in the
choice. WWAS has hooked up with this venture. If you enclosed addressed envelope or send to the WWAS are planning to purchase computer equipment or wish Treasurer, Stephen Jones, 54 Thorndale Drive, to take a computer course through Micro Data you can designate WWAS as your charity choice. Enclosed is a THE FRONT LINE.
Almost everyone reading this newsletter has some Anyone with access to Internet and experience with
idea of the enormous challenges of living every day Email may apply to be a member of the AUTISM
with autism/pervasive developmental disorders. Mostof us are family members, professionals, agency staff, LISTSERV electronic interest group. Jane Forgay, a
or close friends who know at least something about the director of WWAS, is a member and monitors an
practical problems and stress of "living always above a average of 5 new messages a day. Jane is willing to
fire hall, never knowing just when the alarm will sound provide instructions on how to apply for access to
and one will have to swing into action." This page is the AUTISM electronic bulletin board.
specially for those who live with autism on the front Recent messages and topics include: a description
line. Our concerns are often pushed to the back, leaving of the "squeeze machine" designed by Temple
people with autism and their primary caregivers feeling Grandin (a woman with autism and a Ph.D. in Animal
isolated and frustrated. But we need not be alone.
Science); anxiety-reduction and relaxation
This new feature of wwasnews is designed to air
techniques for the mother of a young child with
practical problems and share useful tips or solutions.
We recognize that autism takes many forms and calls autism; and the potential advantages of cutting out
for various coping strategies. You may find that some gluten and casein from the diet to reduce
problem you are enduring has been solved or eased by compulsive, over-eating, aggression, tantrums and
someone else in a way that can help you. Or you may mood swings.
care to share some coping strategy, to help others.
If you are on the front line, this is your page! Here WE RECOMMEND Nancy Dalrymple’s booklet, are some examples of how the page could be useful.
Helpful Responses to Some of the Behaviors of
We will not identify you or your family, but we can put Individuals with Autism (Indiana Resource Center for
you in touch with others with similar concerns, Autism, Indiana University, 1992). Available from IRCA, 2853 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-2601, phone (812) 855-6508 (or from the Geneva Centre in AUTISM AND SEIZURES
With one young adult, medication to regulate the frequency of grand mal seizures has the effect of BEHAVIOR: Person does not move when asked to dosomething disrupting routines and programs for one week each COMMON INTERPRETATION/RESPONSE: Person is time. He takes Dilantin, Valproic acid and Tegretol non-compliant and stubborn and will do things only s/he every day. "Following a seizure (once every 6 weeks but frequency may vary from 4 to 8 weeks), he will AUTISM INTERPRETATION: (any or all) Person may not sleep for about 24 hours getting up only to take know what is going to happen next, may not have processed medication or use the bathroom. For most of the the information because of a delay in processing. Person following week, he will drink plenty of fluids but will may not be able to shift attention to the new stimuli or may eat only selected foods in very small amounts. Some not be able to start the motor response. Person may want to days no food is eaten at all. Anti-seizure medications have more choice of when s/he does things or fewer must be given several times daily as prescribed. But directions and commands from others. Person may beexpressing refusal and the reason for this shou/ld be when taken on an empty stomach, these usually result in diarrhoea and other medications (currently HELPFUL RESPONSES: Allow processing time * Provide Loperamide Hcl) must be taken to correct this." Thus, touch cues or gestures * Teach ways to indicate refusal though the grand mal seizure may last only one or two more directly * Provide visual schedules to let person minutes, the consequences and total recovery time last know the order of events * Provide visual choices about a whole week when he is unable to attend any order of activities, reinforcers, or other things about which the person can make decisions * Model and participate Who has similar experiences? Who knows what
more in activities with the person and reduce long or m//ight help reduce the disruption to regular

Source: http://www.ont-autism.uoguelph.ca/pdf/wwasnews14.pdf

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