This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on Treatment. Any Questions?
This month’s Journal features an article by 275.13 mg/day in responders (4 of 11) and
866.67 Ϯ 214.52 mg/day in nonresponders (7 of
the future of clinical practice, whereby treat-
11). Ninety-five percent of the divalproex group
ment development is guided by brain imaging.
achieved a serum valproate level higher than 75
Specifically, Pavuluri and colleagues sought to
evaluate the effect of risperidone or divalproex
At baseline and the end of the trial, partici-
on brain circuits mediating affect and working
pants completed a 7-minute fMRI scan paired
memory in children and adolescents with bipolar
with a two-back working memory task. Specifi-
disorder (BD). To achieve this goal, they random-
cally, angry, happy, or neutral faces were pre-
ized youths with BD to receive risperidone plus
sented for 3 seconds each in blocks of 10 faces of
placebo or divalproex plus placebo and con-
the same type. Participants pressed a button if
ducted pre- and post-treatment functional mag-
they saw the same face presented two trials
netic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans.
previously. Between face-type blocks, partici-
The study’s main finding was a differential
pants had 20 seconds of rest for their brain
effect of treatment on fMRI outcomes but not on
activity to return to baseline. Typically develop-
clinical outcomes. Specifically, compared with the
ing controls (n ϭ 15; 14.5 Ϯ 2.8 years old) were
divalproex group, the risperidone group, irrespec-
recruited and underwent scanning twice as a
tive of treatment response, had a greater change in
baseline reference for the fMRI data.
the activation of the left ventral striatum—an area
The results indicated that the risperidone
rich in dopamine-2 receptors that mediate reward
treatment was associated with alterations in stri-
processing. In contrast, the divalproex group, irre-
atal activity, whereas the divalproex treatment
spective of treatment response, had a greater acti-
was associated with alterations in frontal and
vation in the left inferior frontal gyrus and right
temporal activities. What does this mean for
middle temporal gyrus—areas implicated in atten-
practitioners—now and in the near future? Two
tion and memory. This suggests the possibility that
medications may be used in a personalized medi-
First, combining neuroimaging and treatment
cine approach to target precise cognitive or emo-
methods in the same study holds the potential to
tional processes gone awry in a particular patient
advance the understanding of how current treat-
ments work by identifying the predictors of re-
sponse (or nonresponse) and clarifying the cogni-
(13.6 Ϯ 2.5 years old) who were in a manic or
tive and emotional processes underlying specific
mixed mood state. After a 1-week medication
psychiatric disorders that could be used as targets
washout period (4 weeks for fluoxetine or aripipra-
for novel treatments. This is the same mechanistic
zole), participants with BD underwent scanning
biomarker approach that has yielded such success
and were randomized to either treatment arm.
in cancer chemotherapy, most notably pediatric-
onset acute lymphoblastic leukemia, where bio-
provement of at least 50% in the Young Mania
markers gleaned from tissue samples have trans-
Rating Score. At the end, the risperidone dose
formed the 5-year survival from nil to around 85%
was 1.35 Ϯ 0.46 mg/day in the responders (six of
10) and 1.45 Ϯ 0.35 mg/day in the nonresponders
Extrapolating to the extreme from the present
(four of 10). The divalproex dose was 852.14 Ϯ
study—and needing additional research—it is
possible that, in the future, youths with BD
time when research funding remains flat or in
whose pretreatment scans indicate abnormal re-
decline. Although this study was supported by
ward processing may be treated with risperidone
the National Institutes of Mental Health, this may
to address their aberrant neurocircuitry or those
be more difficult in the future. Thus, future
whose pretreatment scans indicate that impaired
studies will require transparent and ethical col-
attention and memory might be treated with
laborations between academia and the pharma-
divalproex. We are not there yet, and anyone
ceutical industry, because drug development in
promising that now is far over-reaching the
the United States is primarily a private-sector
bounds of the data. However, studies similar to
venture. Unfortunately, there have been too
that by Pavuluri and colleagues have begun to
many recent examples of such relations gone
elucidate the neural mechanisms of treatment not
awry that not only attract media attention but
only in pediatric but also in children or
also erode patients’ trust. However, without such
partnerships done right, we will remain stuck
Moreover, this approach is not the exclusive
Thus, our profession’s progress to improve
province of medication trials. Studies pairing imag-
treatment options hinges on our ability to do this
ing and nonpharmacologic treatment have exam-
task, to navigate these collaborations success-
ined the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy,
fully, today. This article suggests that we can
such as a study of adolescents with obsessive-
provide better, more data-driven treatments—
cently been used to study cognitive remediation,for example, in adults with In the
future, such studies may lead to the elucidation of
Dr. Dickstein is with Bradley Hospital PediMIND Program, Alpert
neural markers of treatment response (or nonre-
sponse) that would guide a selection of nonmedi-
Disclosure: Dr. Dickstein receives research support from the NationalInstitute of Mental Health.
cation or medication treatments in a personalized
Correspondence to Daniel P. Dickstein, M.D., Division of Child and
medicine approach common to cancer treatment.
Adolescent Psychiatry, E.P. Bradley Hospital, 1011 Veterans
Second, it is important to note that such stud-
Memorial Parkway, East Providence, RI 02915; e-mail:
ies are becoming increasingly difficult to con-
duct. Either methodology is expensive on its
0890-8567/$36.00/2012 American Academy of Child andAdolescent Psychiatry
own, but the combination of a clinical trial plus
neuroimaging requires significant resources at a
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