Prescription drug medication request form - highmark west virginia
PRESCRIPTION DRUG MEDICATION REQUEST FORM FAX TO 1-866-240-8123 Fax each form separately. Please use a separate form for each drug.
Print, type or write legibly in blue or black ink. See reverse side for additional detailsPATIENT INFORMATION Subscriber ID Number CLINICAL / MEDICATION INFORMATION Drug Name Alternatives Tried / Used By Patient (if applicable) Drug Name Medical Rationale / Reason for Drug Therapy / Treatment Plan PHYSICIAN INFORMATION (needed for mailing notification - please print legibly) Physician Name MEDICARE COMMERCIAL REQUEST TYPE
Once a clinical decision has been made, a decision letter will be mailed to the patient and physician.
To view the formulary on-line, please visit our web site at INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM
1. Submit a separate form for each medication.
2. Complete ALL information on the form. NOTE: The prescribing physician (PCP or Specialist) should, in most cases, complete the form.
3. Please provide the physician address as it is required for physician notification.
4. Fax the completed form to 1-866-240-8123
Or mail the form to: Medical Management and Policy P.O. Box 279; Pittsburgh, PA 15230 CLINICAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES In general, when requesting coverage for a medication, the following information in the bullet points below is required: PRIOR AUTHORIZATION
Below is a list of common drugs and/or therapeutic categories that require prior authorization:
• Agents used for fibromyalgia (e.g. Cymbalta, Lyrica, Savella) • Testosterone therapies • Miscellaneous Items: contraceptives, Provigil, immediate release fentanyl products • Specialty drugs (e.g. Enbrel, Sutent, Tracleer, etc.) MANAGED PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE (MRXC)
The MRXC program includes coverage for specific drug therapy categories with set thresholds or limits. The MRXC program uses specific criteria as set forth by Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee to assessthe information provided to support requests for additional quantities.
Below is a list of common drugs and/or therapeutic categories that are managed under our MRXCprogram:
• Medications used to treat Migraines (e.g. Amerge, Imitrex, Maxalt, etc.) • Medications used to treat Onychomycosis (Lamisil and Sporanox) • Leukotriene Modifiers (Singulair, Accolate, and Zyflo) • Pain Management (OxyContin, Opana ER, etc.)
Please note that the drugs and therapeutic categories managed under our Prior Authorization and MRXCprograms are subject to change based on the FDA approval of new drugs.
To view the formulary on-line, please visit our Web site at
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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THE RENEWABLE DEAL, ASPECT TWO, PLANK 6: HEALTH Chapter 2 THE CAUSES OF THE UNITED STATES HEALTHCARE SYSTEM CRISIS Sixteen percent of the U.S. economy as of 2006 is consumed by health care costs; in 1960, 5.2percent of GDP went to pay for health care. From 1997 to 2003 U.S. health care spending wentfrom 13.1 percent to 15.3 percent of GDP. In March 2008 the Centers for Medicare andMedicai