Microsoft word - ubc female sexual dysfunction workshop brochure.doc

Registration Form
Who should attend?
Female Sexual Dysfunction Workshop
This workshop is primarily intended for mental health practitioners and trainees. This psychology, psychiatry, counselling, and social Students/Trainees (On/Before Oct 31) $65 work. Practitioners and trainees in other areas of health care, including physicians and nurses in general practice and obstetrics/gynecology will The UBC Psychology Clinic
We are a Canadian Psychological Association Female Sexual Dysfunction:
Education activities. Attendees will receive 6 CPA Approved CE credits. A certificate will be Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
available to confirm attendance for continuing from a Psychological Perspective
Space is limited, so early registration is strongly encouraged. A discounted fee of $130 is available for those professionals registering Finding Your Way
Please send cheque payable to:
Why Attend?
Time will be devoted to practicing these skills The workshop will consist of a mix of reviews and materials will be made available for your of important research literatures, case vignettes, and exercises in developing case formulations Sexual difficulties affect at least 30% of women across the ages and stages of reproductive health. Distressing sexual concerns negatively Training Objectives
affect many aspects of a woman's personal and interpersonal life, and play an important role in opportunity to share their clinical experiences in determining overall quality of life. Despite 1 1/2 - To understand the prevalence of sexual terms of treatment challenges and possible decades of an intense and costly search for the "female Viagra", there is, to date, no Health normative or adaptive changes that should Canada or FDA-approved medication available About Lori A. Brotto, Ph.D., R.Psych.
- To provide a current overview on major Lori A. Brotto, PhD, R.Psych., is an Associate This workshop is designed to provide instruction Professor and clinical psychologist in the to the clinician who wants to incorporate some - Assess a woman's sexual complaint using Department of Gynaecology at the University of aspects of sexual dysfunction management into British Columbia, and is Associate Editor for their clinical repertoire. Among the topics to be - To understand when a physical examination, two journals: Archives of Sexual Behavior and laboratory investigation, or consultation Sexual and Relationship Therapy. She has dysfunction from adaptive changes in sexual published over 90 journal articles and book functioning, how to consider biological and - To make a diagnosis using DSM-5 criteria chapters, and almost 100 invited presentations. sociocultural interactions in a client's presenting and understand some of the issues associated Dr. Brotto is frequently interviewed and cited in sexual complaints, considering when to request a the media, and her work has been featured in the physician consult, making a diagnosis using New York Times, Discovery Channel, and NPR, DSM-5 criteria for sexual dysfunction in - To develop a biopsychosocial formulation among others. She is also a workgroup member women, and how to select appropriate treatment based on an individual's concerns and their - To understand, superficially, some of the Dysfunctions. Her research interests focus on developing and testing mindfulness-based treatments for women's sexual difficulties, and Special emphasis will be given to the use of she also has special interests in cancer and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in the - To learn how mindfulness-based cognitive management of low desire and genital pain in therapy has been applied effectively to the


Boletín de ficom no. 9

Bol e tín de FICOM A n t e s B o l e t í n d e l C o n c u r s o d e P r i m a v e r a p a r a M a e s t r o s F E D E R A C I Ó NI B E R O A M E R I C A N AD E C O M P E T I C I O N E SC o m i t é E d i t o r i a l : J a v i e r A l f a r o , C a r l o s B o s c h , Ó s c a r C h á v e z , I ñ a q u i d e O l a i z o l a , A l i c i a E s c a l e r a , M a r c e l a G o n z á

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