Mifepristone in south australia – the first 1343 tablets
professional Ea Mulligan Hayley Messenger Mifepristone in South Australia The first 1343 tablets
completed the steps required to obtain a licence
to market mifepristone in Australia. One avenue for medical practitioners to access
Mifepristone has recently become available in Australia but its use is restricted.
an unlicensed drug is to gain the support of a Human Research Ethics Committee (constituted
according to National Health and Medical
To describe the use of mifepristone in South Australia in the period
Research Council guidelines) and then to apply to
2009–2010 and to explore options that may become available to
the TGA under the Authorised Prescriber scheme.4
A group of South Australian medical practitioners
sought authorisation to prescribe mifepristone for induction of first and second trimester medical
Mifepristone has been added to regimens for early and second
abortion and for cervical priming before first and
trimester abortions – both medical and surgical abortions. It has been
second trimester surgical abortion. Approval was
most commonly used in early medical abortions. In this audit the
granted in 2008 and supplies arrived in February
complication rates of early medical abortion with mifepristone compared favourably to early surgical abortion. There are implications in service
2009. Details of regimens for mifepristone use in
delivery of early medical abortion compared to early surgical abortion.
South Australia are shown in Table 1. Since then, mifepristone has been gradually introduced into
Keywords: abortion, induced; mifepristone; misoprostol
The progesterone antagonist mifepristone
Outcomes following medical and surgical abortions
in five metropolitan public clinics and medical
abortions conducted in two obstetric units were
has expired. After extensive use in many
reviewed following approval from three Human
countries, including France (since 1988),
Research Ethics Committees. Data sets comprised
all women who had medical or surgical abortions
(since 1991), the United States of America
up to 9 weeks gestation in the largest clinic and all
those who had first trimester medical or surgical
2001), there is now ample evidence of its
abortions in four smaller clinics during the period
safety and efficacy in inducing abortion.1
1 January 2009 to 31 December 2010. In addition,
the records of all women who were prescribed
mifepristone for second trimester medical abortion
cervical ripening before surgical abortion,
or cervical priming before second trimester surgical
abortion in the same period were reviewed.
regulation, postcoital contraception and
Outcome data was gathered by interrogation
of an electronic clinical data repository (OACIS) containing records generated by the
The arrival of mifepristone in Australia was
eight metropolitan public hospitals. Where an
controversial.3 Use is regulated by the Therapeutic
encounter with the public health system within
Goods Administration (TGA), however it remains
28 days of abortion was recorded, the diagnosis,
an unlicensed drug as no company has yet
pathology and radiology reports and discharge
342 Reprinted from AUSTRAlIAN FAMIly PHySICIAN VOl. 40, NO. 5, MAy 2011 Mifepristone in South Australia – the first 869 tablets professional
summary were reviewed. In addition, paper
bleeding and/or pelvic pain; 1 in 100 was admitted
priming agent, 321 were also treated with
records were reviewed in every case where
for treatment of an abortion related problem (most
mifepristone preoperatively. In the following 28
often retained products of conception) and some of
days, five of these women (1.6%) presented to
Nine hundred and forty-seven mifepristone
these were treated with D&C surgery.
emergency departments with gynaecological
tablets were prescribed for early medical abortion,
The likelihood of being admitted for treatment
symptoms. One was admitted for treatment of a
321 for preoperative preparation before early
of complications and of having D&C surgery to
surgical abortion (dilation and curettage of
remove retained products of conception were
uterus [D&C]), 49 for second trimester medical
both significantly (p<0.001) higher following early
mifepristone in addition to misoprostol and/or
abortion and 26 for preoperative preparation
medical abortion than they were following early
osmotic dilation before second trimester surgical
before second trimester surgical abortion (dilation
abortion (D&E). There were four (15%) cervical
and evacuation [D&E]) procedures in the first 24
Complications following first trimester abortion Experience and complications of second trimester medical Table 3 shows the serious complications following
There were 5823 early surgical and 947 early
first trimester abortion including surgical injury,
medical abortions conducted in the five centres
significant blood loss (>1000 ml with or without
Mifepristone was given before misoprostol for
in 24 months. In addition, there were 26 second
transfusion), treatment failure (continuing
second trimester medical abortion in 49 cases.
trimester surgical abortions using mifepristone
pregnancy after abortion) and systemic sepsis (with
The delay from induction to delivery varied from
and 49 second trimester medical abortions
admission for intravenous antibiotic treatment).
3 hours to over 55 hours. The mean time from
These were all rare events within 28 days of first
misoprostol (or other oxytocic) administration to
trimester medical or surgical abortions.
delivery was 17 hours and the median was 10
Adverse outcomes following first trimester abortion Cervical preparation with
Two cases progressed to surgical D&E, one
mifepristone before surgical Table 2 shows the complications in the 28 days
due to failure of the cervix to dilate and one
following first trimester abortion. More than 1 in
due to maternal distress. Ten cases required
50 women presented to an emergency department
Among 5823 women who had first trimester
manual removal of the placenta and prophylactic
with gynaecological symptoms, most often
surgical abortions with misoprostol as a cervical
antibiotics. There were two postpartum haemorrhages. One required transfusion and
Table 1. Regimens for mifepristone use
overnight intensive care admission. One woman had high vaginal culture which was positive for
Early medical abortion up to 63 days gestation Streptococcus pneumoniae, and was treated with
Mifepristone 200 mg oral followed by misoprostol 800 µg per vagina, sublingual or buccal after
intravenous and subsequently oral antibiotics.
0–72 hours. Further doses 200 µg misoprostol per vagina, sublingual or buccal three times per day on subsequent 2 days if cramping or heavy bleeding persist
This was the only objectively proven infection in the series. Five others presented with symptoms
Second trimester medical abortion
of retained products of conception. Four of
Mifepristone 200 mg oral followed by admission for induction of labour 0–72 hours later with 800 µg misoprostol per vagina and up to four further doses of 400 µg every 3 hours
these were treated surgically (D&C). These complications are shown in Table 4. Cervical priming before surgical abortion
Mifepristone 200 mg oral, hours or days before admission for surgery
Discussion The rate of any adverse outcome following early Table 2. Common complications of first trimester abortion
abortion is low. large numbers are required to
Type of abortion Emergency Admission Dilation and
demonstrate any difference in the frequency
department curettage
of these infrequent events between different
treatment groups. This audit only captured care
provided in public hospitals and not complications
treated by general practitioners. The power of
this audit was not sufficient to demonstrate any
significant advantage in adding preoperative
mifepristone to standard cervical priming with
misoprostol before early surgical abortion and
little can be made of the likelihood of the most
Reprinted from AUSTRAlIAN FAMIly PHySICIAN VOl. 40, NO. 5, MAy 2011 343 professional Mifepristone in South Australia – the first 869 tablets
other centres and are comparable to medical
Table 3. Serious complications of first trimester abortion
terminations using only misoprostol.9 In addition,
Type of abortion Haemorrhage Treatment Admission Surgical
mifepristone administered 24–48 hours before
>1000 mL for sepsis
misoprostol is known to reduce the rate of failed
medical abortion,10 while use of a shorter interval
between mifepristone and misoprostol doses
may reduce time to delivery, as can other factors
such as parity and lesser gestation.9 While the
unplanned intervention rate in South Australia
parallels other Australasian findings, the series was too small to be able to draw conclusions, in
particular when commenting on induction times,
Table 4. Complications of second trimester medical abortion Adjustments on existing abortion services Complication Incidence
Adopting mifepristone has various impacts on
• dilation and curettage for retained products of conception
existing abortion services. Women are encouraged
to present early for early medical abortion.
• failed induction requiring dilation and evacuation
They may present very early, with a pregnancy of unknown location. Transvaginal ultrasound
and serial beta human chorionic gonadotrophin
estimations are employed more frequently in
clinics offering this option, as clinicians seek to
Women selecting early medical abortion are
Significant haemorrhage >1000 mL +/– transfusion
expected to manage pain, bleeding and nausea
serious adverse outcomes of early abortion except
frequent than with first trimester abortion.
at home with the support of another adult. More
Cervical tears were prominent among later
time is required to prepare these women, and to
Comparison between the outcomes of early
surgical abortions conducted with mifepristone as
engage them in the care process than is the case
medical and surgical abortion has been made,
a cervical priming agent, while placental retention
before surgical abortion; longer appointments are
however, the groups differ in that early medical
requiring manual removal was particular to later
abortion was only offered to women at less than
As women (and referring GPs) become more
9 weeks gestation while women who had surgery
Following midtrimester medical abortion,
familiar with early medical abortion, the number
included those with gestation up to 12 weeks.
of women selecting this option has risen from 276
Women self selected medical abortion and factors
subsequent admission were frequent. Manual
in 2009 to 539 in 2010. Doctors spend more time
such as previous obstetric experience are probably
removal of placenta and the high rate of
talking to patients in the clinic and less time in
associated with willingness to undertake this
unplanned surgical intervention (rate of 32%)
the operating theatre as more medical and fewer
procedure. Despite these confounding factors,
in these cases imposes additional costs as
the findings that women were more likely to be
well as placing demand on operating theatre
admitted and to have D&C surgery after early
resources. However, medical termination for
mifepristone occasionally results in abortion while
medical abortion than they were after early
fetal abnormality may enable fetal examination
awaiting surgery. While this is a safe outcome,
surgical abortion are consistent with the results
which could convey valuable information for
it can cause anxiety. Surgery may need to be
reported in one much larger5 and one more tightly
ongoing care and counselling that primary surgical
termination may not.8 The significant maternal
Australian GPs and
Relatively few abortions are conducted in the
and fetal risks of continuing a pregnancy where
early medical abortion
second trimester. In South Australia only 7% of
genetic termination is offered must be weighed
abortions are performed after 14 weeks and less
against the complications of termination.
Medical practitioners willing to undertake the
than 2% after 20 weeks gestation.7 With small
process required to gain access to mifepristone
cohorts, it was difficult to assess the significance
intervention in the South Australian cohort are
have been obstetricians in tertiary referral
of complication rates. Complications were more
high, they are similar to the rates described in
centres and GPs providing abortion in specialised
344 Reprinted from AUSTRAlIAN FAMIly PHySICIAN VOl. 40, NO. 5, MAy 2011 Mifepristone in South Australia – the first 869 tablets professional
clinics. General practitioners and specialists in
private practice may have been precluded from
Ashok P, Wagaarachchi P, Templeton A. The
antiprogestogen mifepristone: a review. Curr
using mifepristone by lack of access to an ethics
committee or they may have been dissuaded by
Petersen K. Early medical abortion: legal and
medical developments in Australia. Med J Aust
mifepristone in Australia, prescribing will
da Costa C. Medical abortion for Australian
women: it’s time. Med J Aust 2005;183:378–80.
become less difficult. General practitioners
Niinimaki M, Pouta A, Bloigu A, et al. Immediate
will continue to be restrained from providing
complications after medical compared with surgi-
early medical abortion in jurisdictions where
cal termination of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol
legislation requires abortion to be provided in
Kulier R, Gülmezoglu AM, Hofmeyr GJ, et al.
hospitals (Northern Territory, South Australia
Medical methods of first trimester abortion.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;2:CD002855.
and the Australian Capital Territory). If access
Chan A, Scott J, Nguyen A-M, et al. Pregnancy
to mifepristone becomes more straightforward,
outcome in South Australia 2008. Adelaide:
GPs in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales,
Pregnancy Outcome Unit, SA Health, Government
of South Australia, 2009. Available at www.
Western Australia and Tasmania will be able to
consider providing early medical abortion. General
come-operations-sahaelth-2008.pdf [Accessed 2
practitioners who already diagnose pregnancies
Boyd P, Tondi F, Hicks N, et al. Autopsy after ter-
mination for fetal anomaly: retrospective cohort
pregnancy may then wish to include early medical
abortion among the services they provide.
Dickinson JE, Brownell P, McGinnis K, et al.
Mifepristone and second trimester pregnancy
Important points
termination for fetal abnormality in Western
Australia: worth the effort. Aust N Z J Obstet
• Given a choice, some women prefer early
10. Chai J, Tang O, Hong Q, et al. A randomized con-
medical abortion to a surgical procedure
trolled trial to compare two dosage intervals of
misoprostol following mifepristone administration
in second trimester medical abortion. Hum Reprod
• Gaining access to mifepristone is difficult for
GPs, but it may become more straightforward in the future.
• Both surgical and medical abortion are safe
and effective, however, retained products of conception treated with D&C are more likely after early medical abortion.
• Complications become more frequent for both
medical and surgical abortion as pregnancy progresses into the second trimester.
Ea Mulligan BMBS, BMedSc, MHAdmin, PhD, FRACGP, FRACMA, FACHSE, is Research Associate, School of law, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia. ea.mulligan@flinders.edu.auHayley Messenger MBBS, BSc, is a registrar, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia.
Conflict of interest: none declared. References
Gynaecologists. The care of women request-
ing induced abortion. london: Royal College of
Reprinted from AUSTRAlIAN FAMIly PHySICIAN VOl. 40, NO. 5, MAy 2011 345
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn’s Disease ● Endoscopy and biopsies of the upper and lower intestine Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)? How is Crohn’s disease treated? I BD refers to a chronic inflam- The aim of treatment is to decrease the inflammation causingthe damage to the intestines. Even though a cure is not yetpossible, control of symptoms can be very effective in
Prof Banie Boneschans CV- B BONESCHANS 1 PERSONAL PARTICULARS Boneschans, Barend 13 Krom Street, Potchefstroom, 2520, South Africa 1.1 Language skills Afrikaans 1.2 Computer skills Computer literate with excelent skills in the operation of the folowing software 1.3 Professional registration Registered as a Pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy Council w