The reduction of rhinitis symptoms by nasal filters during naturalexposure to ragweed and grass pollen
Background: Prototype nasal filters were developed to collect inhaled pollen.
This study evaluated the efficacy of the filters for prevention of rhinitis symp-
toms during acute outdoor pollen exposure.
Methods: A randomized double-blind design was used. Subjects (n ¼ 46) with a
1Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Royal
history of autumn exacerbation of rhinitis and positive skin test to ragweed,
Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney, New
Bermuda and/or Bahia grass wore either active or placebo nasal filters for 2 h in
autumn in a park containing these species. Major and Total Symptoms scores
Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney
were recorded at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min.
and Northern Rivers Area Health Service, LismoreNew South Wales, Australia
Results: Subjects wearing active nasal filters had significantly reduced scores, atall time-points compared with placebo group (all P < 0.05). Of 14 individualsymptoms measured, seven were significantly reduced (number of sneezes, runnynose, itchy nose, sniffles, itchy throat; itchy eyes and watery eyes) and anotherthree showed a trend towards lower severity. The nasal filters also enabled the
Key words: allergen avoidance; nose filter; prevention.
resolution of existing symptoms. Maximal difference in symptoms was seenimmediately after subjects had spent 20 min sitting beside a large patch of
Conclusion: This is the first clinical trial of a nasal filter. The results suggest
it has potential for enhancing rhinitis management during acute allergen
Avoidance of allergens is advocated as the first step in
management of allergic rhinitis, and as an adjunct to
medications (1, 2). It is recognized, however, thatavoidance of pollens and fungal spores is difficult to
The nasal filter is shown in Fig. 1. The airflow resistance and cap-
achieve because of their ubiquitous nature (1). Facemasks
ture efficiencies for ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Bermuda
provide personal protection; however, they are only used
grass (Cynadon dactylon) and Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum)
by 1% of people (3). While the mainstay of rhinitis
pollen (Greer Laboratories Inc., Lenoir, NC) were measured at flowrates of 4.6, 10.3, 21.7 and 32.5 l/min as previously described (4).
management is pharmacotherapy, 74% of people reportthat medications do not adequately control their symp-toms, and 65% report avoiding some medications
The study utilized a double-blind placebo-controlled design. The
We have previously described nasal filters, worn inside
study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee of Northern
the nose that collect inhaled particles using the principle
Rivers Area Health Service, and subjects gave written informed
of impaction (4). They are easy to breathe through, and
consent. Eligible subjects were over 16 years old, had a history of
have a high capture efficiency for particles above 8 lm in
rhinitis exacerbation in the autumn and were skin prick test-positive
diameter (4), which includes all pollens (5). Given the
to mixed ragweed, Bermuda grass and/or Bahia grass (Table 1).
prevalence of allergic rhinitis, the level of dissatisfaction
Exclusion criteria were: complete nasal obstruction, recent sinusitis,history of severe asthma exacerbations, or use of nasal steroids/
with current medications and lack of acceptance of an
antihistamines/systemic decongestants within the last month. The
effective method to prevent exposure outdoors, we tested
study location was a semirural park with abundant flowering Bahia
a prototype nasal filter to determine if it would reduce
and Bermuda grasses and ragweed. Prior to arriving at the park
symptoms of allergic rhinitis during high natural expo-
subjects wore disposable dust-masks to reduce the development of
baseline symptoms. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of
Self-assessed rhinitis symptoms and peak nasal inspiratory flowwere recorded at baseline and at 30 min intervals during thechallenge. Self-recorded symptoms were combined into twocomposite variables: Major Symptom Complex (MSC) and TotalSymptom Complex (TSC) severity scores (6–8). To ensure that atleast moderate levels of ragweed pollen exposure were experi-enced by all participants, each group sat beside a large patch ofragweed for 20 min, during the period 30–60 min after filterinsertion.
Ambient pollen levels were measured using a Burkard 7-day volu-metric spore trap, running at 10 l/min, located 3.5 m above theground at the challenge site. Individual pollen exposures weremeasured by the number of pollen grains collected on the adhesivecore of the active nasal filters. Samples were stained with Calberla’s
Figure 1. The nasal filter prototype is made up of a soft medical
solution (9) and ragweed and grass pollen were counted under a
grade silicone and has an inner polypropylene core is coated
with an adhesive. The placebo filters were of identical externalappearance, but did not have an inner core (inner core has been
removed from only one nostril in this picture). To accommodatedifferent sized noses, two sizes of nasal filter were used.
In a questionnaire administered 1 week after the challenge, sub-jects were asked to score their global satisfaction with the nasalfilters.
Table 1. Baseline subject characteristics
The primary outcome variables were change in MSC and TSC
scores from baseline, using all time-points. Secondary outcome
variables were changes from baseline in the individual components
of MSC and TSC. Overall differences between groups were exam-
Duration of allergic rhinitis, years (range)
ined by repeated measures anova, and t-tests were used to analyse
differences between treatment groups at each time-point. Differ-
ences between groups in the frequency of sensitization were exam-
ined by chi-squared test. Statistical significance was defined as
In the test rig, pollen capture for Bahia, Bermuda and
MSC, Major Symptom Complex, range 0–1360 (number of nose blows, number of
ragweed averaged 98% for active and 3.5% for placebo
sneezes, runny nose, sniffles, itchy nose and watery eyes); TSC, Total Symptom
filters, across the range of flow rates. Airflow resistance,
Complex, range 0–2448 (MSC symptoms plus itchy eyes, itchy ears, itchy throat,
cough and postnasal drip); SPT-positive ¼ skin prick test weal ‡4 mm2.
* ¼ P < 0.05 between active and placebo groups.
2O/L/s for active and 1.6 cmH2O/L/s for placebo
Pollen exposure on the challenge day was measured at
102 grains/2 h from the spore trap, and 68 pollen grains/
eight groups, and each group received either active (n ¼ 22) or
person/2 h from the active filters (geometric mean
placebo (n ¼ 24) nasal filters (Fig. 1). To eliminate visual unblind-ing: neither participants nor group supervisors (medical students)
had previous experience of the nasal filters; the way the filtersworked was not explained to the participants or supervisors;
supervisors were blinded to the randomization allocation; withineach group all subjects received the same type of filter; there was no
Baseline MSC scores, prior to filter insertion, were 339.8
contact between groups; and the external appearance of the active
and 187.3 for the active (n ¼ 22) and placebo (n ¼ 24)
and placebo filters, once inserted, was identical.
After baseline assessments, subjects removed the dust-masks
filter groups, respectively (P ¼ 0.02). Over the 2-h chal-
and placed the nasal filters into their nostrils. Subjects were asked
lenge period MSC decreased in the active group and
to breathe through the nose for 2 h, while engaging in only mild
increased in the placebo group compared with baseline
activity (sitting, walking, eating) in a central location in the park.
(Fig. 2), resulting in highly significant differences between
Nasal filters for ragweed and grass pollen
Time (min)
Figure 2. Mean absolute change in MSC scores between active
and placebo nasal filter groups. Overall difference between act-ive and placebo P ¼ 0.0076, repeated measures anova. Error
bars are 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each mean. #P < 0.001, *P < 0.05 (t-test). MSC ¼ Major Symptom
Complex (number of nose blows, number of sneezes, runny
nose, sniffles, itchy nose and watery eyes). –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 % Baseline
Figure 3. Percentage change from baseline in each symptom
the groups (overall, P ¼ 0.0076). At 30, 60, 90 and
score for active and placebo filter groups at 60 min. *P < 0.05
120 min the net difference in MSC for active compared
at 60 min (t-test). Individual symptoms that were significantly
with placebo filters were )25, )68, )39 and )50% points
reduced by the filters during the 2 h study were: number of
respectively. The maximum difference was seen at 60 min,
sneezes, runny nose, itchy nose, sniffles, itchy throat, itchy eyes
immediately after the 20 min period of sitting beside a
large patch of ragweed. Similar differences between activeand placebo filters were seen in TSC scores (data notshown, overall P ¼ 0.023).
For seven of the 14 individual symptoms, there was a
significant reduction in severity and for a further three
This is the first reported clinical trial of nasal filters for
symptoms there was a consistent trend towards lower
the prevention of symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The nasal
severity in the active filter group than the placebo group.
filters collect inhaled particles by impaction (4), resulting
The strongest effect was seen for the symptoms of sniffles
in high capture efficiency for particles above 8 lm and
(overall, P ¼ 0.004), rhinorrhea (overall, P ¼ 0.035) and
negligible air-flow resistance (4, 10). Most pollen grains
itchy nose (overall, P ¼ 0.034), especially at 60 min
are above 15 lm in diameter and ragweed, Bermuda and
(Fig. 3) where highly significant differences were found.
Bahia pollens which are 18, 28 and 34 lm, respectively
During the 2-h challenge period, significant reductions
(5) were captured with high efficiency in the nasal filter
were also observed in number of sneezes, itchy throat,
itchy eyes and watery eyes (P < 0.05, t-test). For number
In the clinical trial of natural outdoor pollen exposure,
of nose blows, nasal blockage and peak nasal inspiratory
the net difference in MSC scores were the result of
flow, there was a trend to improvement in the active
decreases in symptoms in the active filter group ()18 to
group but the differences were not significant. The active
)33%) and increases in symptoms in the placebo filter
filters did not appear to influence postnasal drip or cough,
group (+7 to +35%), with a maximum net difference in
while a significant (P < 0.05) increase in itchy ears was
MSC of 68% at 60 min. While this study did not compare
the efficacy of the filters to rhinitis medications, a surveyof the literature indicates that both the magnitude andonset of symptom reduction with active filters compares
very favourably with that from medications (6–8, 11). The
Ninety-three percent of subjects said they would be
rapid reduction of pre-existing symptoms in the active
prepared to wear the filters again, with most people
filter group may expand the utility of the filters. In studies
prepared to use them in private situations such as around
of rhinitis medications, which have used similar acute
the house (88%) or in the garden (81%) compared with
challenge experiments, there has been a well-recognized
visiting friends (46%) or playing golf (33%).
placebo effect (6–8), which was not observed for the
placebo filter group, although the low baseline symptoms
(12). Conventional allergen avoidance strategies such as
may account for this. Of note is the beneficial effect of the
mattress encasing, when practiced with high allergen load
nasal filters on ocular symptoms (Fig. 3), which is
in a normal domestic setting, often appear to fail to
consistent with the converse observations of ocular
reduce allergens to a level where significant improvement
symptoms occurring following direct nasal challenge (1).
in symptoms occur [see meta-analysis (13)]. Additional
Although the active nasal filter group had significantly
studies are required to examine the feasibility of using the
higher baseline symptoms than the placebo group, this
nasal filters for longer periods, as would be needed for
did not explain the significant reduction in symptoms
in the active group. A post hoc analysis of data forindividuals with similar mid-range baseline symptoms inboth groups (n ¼ 10/group) showed a significant reduc-
tion in MSC and TSC for the active filter group ()35%),while symptoms in the placebo group increased by
Authors thank Prof. John Beard, Northern Rivers University,
approximately 28% (P < 0.05). The active and placebo
Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney and Mr Mark
groups also differed in the prevalence of sensitization to
Barlettt, Northern Rivers Area Health Service, for their assistance
Bermuda grass (Table 1); however, this was not related
in setting up this project. Drs Janet Rimmer, Connie Katelaris andNorbert Berend reviewed the trial protocol. Authors appreciate the
to baseline MSC scores (P ¼ 0.89, t-test).
support provided by the NSW Department of State and Regional
The nasal filters may also have an application for the
Development and Inhalix Pty Ltd. The authors also thank Kath
prevention of exposure to perennial allergens, especially
O’Driscoll for assistance with recruiting and running the trial and
those from house dust mites where the majority of
Dr Diana Bass for help with location of a suitable site. Thank you
allergen is carried on particles above 10 lm in diameter
to all the subjects who volunteered for this study.
port: allergic rhinitis and its impact on
airway resistance loads in older adults.
and safety of cetirizine, loratadine, and
placebo for seasonal allergic rhinitis.
7. Day J, Briscoe M, Wilditz M. Cetirizine,
Selner J. Allergic rhinitis: the patient’s
seasonal allergic rhinitis: effects after
13. Gotzsche P, Hammarquist C, Burr M.
management of asthma: meta-analysis.
MK. Recognition of pollen and otherparticulate aeroantigens by immunoblotmicroscopy. J Allergy Clin Immunol1988;82:608–616.
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