Roger’s House Pediatric Palliative Hospice, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lactose intolerance is a clinical deficiency of the
C.H., a three-and-a-half-year-old Caucasian boy,
intestinal enzyme lactase, which is responsible for
was admitted for a routine respite stay at a
hydrolyzing the milk sugar lactose into glucose
pediatric palliative care hospice in the fall of 2006.
and galactose for absorption. Such a deficiency
C.H. was born with complex congenital anomalies
results in abdominal pain, distention, borborygmi,
including pontine dysplasia, optic pituitary dys-
flatulence, diarrhea, or, occasionally, systemic
plasia, central diabetes insipidus, adrenal insuf-
ficiency, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and gastric
symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, fatigue,
eczema, and mouth ulcers upon ingestion of dis-
glycemia. In 2004, a fundoplication procedure had
accharide (1). In children, symptoms can become
been performed to manage his severe gastro-
severe and prolonged, and may also be associated
esophageal reflux disease. Although there was
with complications such as bacterial proliferation,
no prior history of lactose intolerance, he was on
dehydration, and metabolic acidosis. Infants with
an enteral lactose-free feed with a strict volume
galactosemia, a condition in which galactose
intake of 1,845 ml daily. In the summer of 2006,
cannot be converted to the metabolically useful
a dietary switch from the formula Peptamen
sugar glucose, experience similar illness with
Jr. (Nestlé Inc.) to Nutren Jr. (Nestlé Inc.) was
lactose ingestion (2). Lactose intolerance affects
concurrent with resolution of his dumping syn-
33 to 50 percent of the world’s population and
drome and hypoglycemia, as well as his seizures.
becomes increasingly common with age, as most
Although these symptoms had resolved, C.H.
mammals lose 70 to 90 percent of their lactase
continued to suffer from gastrointestinal discom-
enzyme within a few years of weaning (3, 4).
fort and intense pain, manifested as sporadic
Lactase deficiency varies widely with race: Afri-
screaming episodes and abdominal distention.
can American, Native American, Middle Eastern,
C.H. communicated only via touch, since he could
and Asian populations have the highest incidence
not see, hear or speak. C.H.’s mother described his
(60 to 90 percent), whereas only 10 percent of
symptoms as “neurological screeching;” his bloat-
ing was so intense that venting of his gastric tube
affected (5). While there is patient variation in
using a syringe yielded 1,000 ml of gas at a time.
C.H. was on a complex medication regimen that
tolerance, the majority experience gastrointestinal
included desmopressin (Ferring Pharmaceuticals,
symptoms after the ingestion of approximately
0.025 mg p.o bid, 0.05 mg p.o qhs), clonidine
10 g of lactose, equivalent to one glass of milk (5).
(Novopharm Ltd., 0.05 mg p.o qhs), hydrocorti-
Currently, diagnostic tests employ loads of 50 to
sone (Pfizer Inc., 3.5 mg p.o bid), clobazam
100 g of lactose, but the use of such high quanti-
(Novopharm Inc., 5 mg p.o daily), levothyroxine
ties has been questioned since sensitivity to
(Abbott Laboratories., 0.025 mg p.o daily),
lactose levels of 3 g or less has been demonstrated
omeprazole (AstraZeneca Inc., 10 mg p.o bid),
(5, 6). In fact, the modest presence of lactose as a
metronidazole (Apotex Inc., 180 mg p.o bid), mor-
bulking agent in pharmaceutical products has
phine hydrochloride (ICN Pharmaceuticals. 1 mg
been the source of medication intolerance in
p.o. q3h prn) and Microlax enemas (Pharmacia
several instances. We report the case of a complex
Inc., prn). Small bowel bacterial overgrowth was
pediatric patient who experienced such a reaction,
the working diagnosis for his gastrointestinal
and in whom treatment with exogenous lactase
symptoms, and a formulation of L. acidophilus &
L. casei (Bio-K+ International Inc., 30 ml p.o qid)
was given in addition to the metronidazole for
followed the ingestion of flutamide capsules,
this purpose. C.H.’s mother and the palliative care
which contain at least 210 mg of lactose each (11).
team finally resorted to morphine to alleviate his
In another case, inhalation of cromolyn sodium
pain (1 mg three to four times daily), which
capsules containing only 20 mg of lactose each.
calmed him down and induced sleep, but did not
induced similar symptoms (10). It should be noted
that up to 80 percent of the cromolyn dose inhaled
In September 2006, the pharmacist suspected
from a turbuhaler can be swallowed, indicating
lactose intolerance after discerning the number of
that the patient reacted to an exposure of less than
tablets containing lactose as a binding agent, as
per their drug monographs in the Compendium
of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) (7).
taking, five contained lactose. The quantity of
Exogenous β-galactosidase with 3000 units of
lactose in each of those medications is outlined in
lactase activity (known under the generic name of
Table 1. C.H. had a total intake of approximately
lactase, Life Brand, 3000 Units) was initiated with
360 mg of lactose per day. Consistent with previ-
C.H.’s medications and feeds, and he improved
ous case reports, this quantity is sufficient to
drastically. His screaming abated, his abdominal
induce medication intolerance in a highly sensi-
swelling decreased, and he was able to discon-
tinue the morphine within three weeks. Metronid-
Symptoms of lactose intolerance occur when
azole was also removed from his regimen within
undigested lactose reaches the large intestine,
one month. C.H.’s abdominal girth also improved
osmotically draws in fluid, and is fermented by
over subsequent weeks; according to his mother
colonic bacteria (12). The precise pathogenesis of
he eventually decreased by two pant sizes. Most
C.H.’s symptoms may not be entirely explained
notably, C.H. began to grow. For a full year prior
by this mechanism, since the quantity of lactose he
to starting the lactase supplements he weighed
consumed was so small relative to the symptoms
11 kg; within nine months after the lactase, he
he experienced. Petrini et al. have proposed a
gained more than three kilograms. C.H. has since
mucosal hypersensitivity, perhaps immune-medi-
remained a more content boy, and the effect on his
ated etiology for this type of reaction (9). It is clear,
however, that lactase deficiency was the source of
C.H.’s medication intolerance. A temporal rela-
tionship between lactase supplementation and
Lactase deficiency varies widely in severity but
clinical improvement supports this finding.
the majority of patients can tolerate a dose of 12 to
Following the administration of lactase, three sig-
18 g of lactose (8). Certain patients, however, have
nificant changes occurred: (1) the resolution of
been noted to experience gastrointestinal symp-
C.H.’s screaming and a drastic reduction in gas-
toms after exposure to much lower quantities (6),
trointestinal distention, (2) the successful discon-
and there appears to be no minimal threshold of
tinuation of gastrointestinal and pain medications,
lactose consumption required for inducing sensi-
and (3) an increased rate of weight gain. Although
tivity. There have been documented cases of
no hydrogen breath test or intestinal biopsy was
performed to definitively diagnose lactose intoler-
adverse reactions to the lactose filler in their med-
ance, C.H.’s case provides indirect but strong evi-
ications (9-17). In one report, the onset of diarrhea,
dence that medication intolerance can occur due
borborygmi, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort
Table 1 / Lactose content of C.H.’s medications Quantity of lactose Daily dose Daily lactose Medication per tablet (mg/tab)a (no. of tablets/day) ingestion (mg/day) >357.3 mg/day
a Obtained from contacting respective manufacturersb Not disclosed by manufacturer
CONCLUSION Date received, August 22, 2008; date accepted,
After months of discomfort, treatment with exoge-
nous lactase supplements alleviated the distress
and pain in a complex palliative care patient.
Many drug formulations contain lactose, owing to
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its useful physical and chemical properties as a
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2. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs.
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3. Tolstoi LG. Adult-type lactase deficiency. Nutrition Today 2000;
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before we saw a difference. He became a muchhappier little boy, caring for him was easier, the level
13. Zarbock SD, Magnuson B et al. Lactose: the hidden culprit
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in medication intolerance? Orthopedics 2007; 30(8): 615-617. hospitalizations decreased and he started growing
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must be considered even in complex patients, and
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WORKING TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE OUR BEST Dear Parents, Carers & Friends of St. Peters, Welcome Back - I hope you have had an enjoyable half term. There are some very sun kissed children and parents, so I am guessing that some of you flew off to exotic places! It is lovely to see the children back in school, for this my favourite half term. The lead up to Christmas is so exciting in scho
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