Dear Parents, Carers & Friends of St. Peters, Welcome Back - I hope you have had an enjoyable half term. There are some very sun kissed children and parents, so I am guessing that some of you flew off to exotic places! It is lovely to see the children back in school, for this my favourite half term. The lead up to Christmas is so exciting in school. Foundation Stage - Due to the Open Morning, there will be no Forest School for both the Thursday and the
Friday group. Forest School will recommence on the 12th and 13th November.
Miss Harwood requires a parent helper for Forest School on Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings to work with our Reception class. Anybody interested should come and see Miss Harwood or the office. Please note a CRB check will be required. If you have already registered as a helper and would be interested in helping with Forest Schools we would love to hear from you. We hope that you have enjoyed looking at your ‘Learning Journeys’ with your children. Thank you to those who have brought them back in and the lovely comments which you have written. Any outstanding books need to be returned as soon as possible. Thank you. Nativity Play for Foundation Stage Pupils - Please be aware that the Foundation Stage children will be performing a Nativity Play on Thursday 3rd December at 6.00 p.m. and Friday 4th December at 2.00 p.m.* in school. Parents may also like to take their pupils to the family service in Church on the week beginning 7th December. Please see your child’s class teacher if you require a letter to request family service tickets. (*Tickets request letters will be coming out shortly).
Stay & Play - Foundation Stage will be holding their first stay and play session on Wednesday 11th November between 8.30 and 10 a.m. All parents and carers are welcome to come along and spend some time with the children in the unit. (Toddlers are welcome to accompany you too). We hope that this will be an enjoyable session. Poppies - We will be selling poppies in school once again this year. We will keep some at the main office and Year 4 children will visit classrooms once each day. Please send in coins with pupils to pop into their trays until the poppies arrive. Swine Flu Update - Please inform us if your child has been confirmed as having swine flu or is treated with Tamiflu. The message from the local authority is ‘business as usual’. Your child can attend school if a family member has swine flu providing that they themselves are not displaying symptoms. There are many other illnesses in evidence at the moment. Please remember to keep your child at home for 48 hours if they have had sickness and/or diarrhoea. Hoorah! - Many congratulations to our Year 4 swimmers who won nearly all races at the swimming gala today. I was so proud of them, if a little croaky from shouting so hard from poolside! Well done Boys and Girls – you are a credit to our school. ☺
Car Park - As the weather becomes more inclement and the evenings draw in, please take care when driving to and from school. Please also take care in the car park. Nothing is more important than keeping the children safe. NSPCC Workout - Thank you so much for your support, we collected £2356 up to the 20th October. The NSPCC will be coming back shortly to collect the remainder of the money and to distribute badges to the children who have not yet received them. Individual Photographs - Please send any orders for photographs into school by Friday 6th November. Class Assembly –1LL– Agate will be performing their class assembly on Friday 13th November at 8.45 a.m. Family and friends are warmly invited to join them. PTA – Firework Display – Don’t forget our school firework night this Friday, 6th November. Last chance to buy tickets in gazebo this Wednesday 4th November between 2.45 – 3.15 p.m. For anyone unable to purchase at this time, if you would like advance tickets please send money in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class and hand to teacher. We will return tickets in your child’s bookbag. We shall also be selling tickets at the open morning this Friday. Adult Advance Ticket £3.00 On the Gate £4.00 Children £1.00 Pre-School Children Free Thank you – we hope you enjoy yourselves. St Peter’s Church News/Services – This Sunday at 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion for all ages together. Information - We are sending out information of the County Insurance Scheme for pupils, an updated term time list which includes dates until July 2011, Easyfunding information as detailed in the last TIOT, a flyer for a ‘Parents in Partnership’ meeting inviting parents/carers of children and young people with disabilities and/or additional needs to a conference being held at Worcester Racecourse on the 19th November 10.00 a.m. until 1.30 p.m. The School Link Book Club leaflets are also being distributed, please send any orders into school by 21st November – please note that we cannot accept cash with the order. We have leaflets available in school containing information for Parentline Plus – this is a charity providing support to parents, they offer support for families ‘through the rough times’. Samaritan’s Purse – Thank you for the Shoe Boxes that have already been sent into school. Boxes will be collected by the Samaritans Purse on Friday 20th November 2009. Yours sincerely Mrs T O’Keeffe-Pullan Headteacher
Tabb Tiger Band 2012-2013 Consolidated Medical Form Student Name _______________________________________________ Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # ______________________ Primary Doctor with Phone #: ______________________________________ d/Drug Allergies: NONE KNOWN OR YES, as noted here _______________
Hip International / Vol. 12 no. 4, 2002 / pp. 383-387Early resection of heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty: A review of the literatureDepartment of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ghent University Hospital, Gent - Belgium ABSTRACT: Early excision of heterotopic ossification was performed in 8 patients at an average of 10.2 months after total hip arthroplasty. All patients re