Curriculum Vita—Al M. Panu
Contact Information
(678) 717-3610 (O) E-mail: Professional University of North Georgia
Experience Senior Vice President for University Affairs, 2013-present
The Senior Vice President for University Affairs (SVPUA) serves on the cabinet reports to the
President and is responsible for the oversight of the Gainesville campus, the Oconee campus, and
the Cumming campus of the UNG. The SVPUA also serves as the senior administrator responsible
for the institution’s Complete College Georgia initiative, the academic support services, the
University College, the learning support program, the ESL program, the academic advising center,
the testing centers, the center for adult learners and military.
Gainesville State College, GA
Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2011-2013
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2010-20
The Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer of the College and reports to
the President. Responsibilities include leadership and supervision of all credit and non-credit
educational programs as well as academic support services, the library, and the learning resources
center. The Vice President provides leadership in program development and community outreach
and works closely with the President and other members of the Executive Council to develop the
budget and make other decisions involving the welfare of the collegiate community.
Gainesville State College, GA
Dean of the School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 2011-11
Chair of the Division of Science, Engineering & Technology, 2007-10
Serves as administrative leader of school’s curriculum, programs, academies, centers, institutes, etc.
Monitors adherence to professional discipline standards and accreditation as applicable. Develops
and recommends to the VPAA the school’s budget for personnel, travel, materials, advertising
materials, equipment and supplies, printing and publications, contracts, lease/rental contracts.
Supervises department chairs, unit heads, and support staff within the school.
Conducts and/or coordinates annual evaluations of department heads, faculty and staff in School.
Recommends new faculty hires with associated rank, salary and time toward tenure to VPAA for
approval. Recommends faculty for reappointment, tenure, and promotion to the VPAA.
Works collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders on priorities and programs identified
through the college and school strategic planning process. In consultation with VPAA Office, seeks
to establish and maintain partnerships with units in the University System of Georgia. Coordinates
the school’s public relations activities in consultation with GSC public relations officer. Maintains
and coordinates all program review and curricular assessment within the school’s programs.
Resolves student grievances on academic issues including grade appeals, course substitution,
transfer issues, academic exchange
Teaches two courses within each two year period
Kennesaw State University, GA
Assistant Dean of the College of Science & Mathematics, 2000-04
Associate Dean of the College of Science & Mathematics, 2004-05
Reports to the Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics. Resolves student grievances on
academic issues including grade appeals, conflicts with faculty, etc. Responsible for the design,
content, and upkeep of the College’s website. Responsible for election and appointment of faculty
to the college’s standing committees, and other ad hoc committees. Responsible for the selection
and recognitions of faculty and students honored through College’s awards. Responsible for the
Enplas Lecture series. Responsible for the undergraduate Mentor-Protégé Research Program.
Represents the Dean when needed. Represents the college at the University level on matters of
tenure and promotion processes and procedures. Other duties as assigned.
Teaches one to two courses each semester. Education Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Georgia, 1986.
M.S., Chemistry, University of Alabama in Birmingham, 1980. B.S., Chemistry, Tuskegee Institute, 1978. Educational Training Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Emory University, 1986-87
Beyond Last Earned Solution conformation studies of transforming growth factors
Degree (peptides) by circular dichroism (CD).
Short American Council on Education (ACE) Institute for New Chief Academic Officers, 2011-12.
Training University System of Georgia Board of Regents Executive Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA, 2009.
American Council on Education (ACE) Chairing the Academic Department Workshop, Alexandria, VA, 2004. Governor Teaching Fellowship, Athens, GA, 2000. Computational Chemistry, taught by W. Here and W. Huang, Wavefunction Inc., 1999. Fundamentals of NMR Spectroscopy, taught by Dan Trafficanti, NMR Concepts, 1998. Teaching Through Learning Channels, taught by Performance Learning Systems Inc., NJ, 1991. Basic training in use of ChemX, taught by Chemical Design Inc., NJ, 1990. Teaching Experience & Professor of Chemistry and Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Administrative Gainesville State College, 2011-2013.
Professor of Chemistry & Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Gainesville State College, 2010 to 2011. Professor of Chemistry & Dean of School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Gainesville State College, 2010 (CHEM 3442K). Professor of Chemistry & Chair Division of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Gainesville State College, 2007-2009 (CHEM 1151, 1152, 3441K). Associate Professor of Chemistry, Kennesaw State University, 2006-2007 (CHEM 3362, 3361. 3362L, 3361L). Visiting Professor of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005-2006 (CHEM 2312). Associate Professor of Chemistry & Associate Dean, College of Science and Mathematics, 2004-2005 (CHEM 3362). Associate Professor of Chemistry & Assistant Dean, College of Science and Mathematics, 2000-2004 (CHEM 1151, 3361, 3362, 3420, 4430). Associate Professor of Chemistry, Kennesaw State University, 1993-2007 Teaching undergraduate chemistry courses (CHEM 105, 106, 111, 112, 3361, 3362, 3420, 4490). Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Kennesaw State College,1988-1993 Teaching undergraduate chemistry courses (CHEM 105, 106, 111, 112, 240, 241, 342, 443). Temporary Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Kennesaw College,1988 Teaching undergraduate chemistry courses (CHEM 105, 106, 240, 241). Teaching Assistant, University of Georgia, 1981-86. Teaching and supervision of undergraduate chemistry laboratory courses at all levels. Teaching Assistant, University of Alabama in B'ham, 1978-80 Membership in Golden Key National Honor Society, 2000-present
Professional & Honor
Societies American Chemical Society, 1982-86, 1999-2006
American Society of Pharmacognocy, 1984-86 Honors & Activities Golden Key Honor Society, 2000.
KSU College of Science and Mathematics Distinguished Teaching Award Winner, 1998 Nominated for the Kennesaw State University Distinguished Teacher Award, 1991, 1992, 1994,1996, 1998,1999, 2000 Semi-finalist for Kennesaw State College Distinguished Teacher Award, 1994, 1996, 2000 Who is Who Among America’s Teachers, Fourth Annual, 1996 North East Georgia American Chemical Society Division Most Outstanding Graduate Student in Chemistry Award, 1983. Competition based on scholastic aptitude and other factors. Most Outstanding Graduate Student in Chemistry Award, University of Alabama in Birmingham, 1980. Competition based on scholastic aptitude and other factors. United Negro College Fund Pre-med summer Fellowship, 1977. Competition based on scholastic aptitude Professional Presentations American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2011
& Posters “Challenges and Opportunities in Fostering a Culture of Using Pedagogies of Engagement for
STEM Instruction at a Predominantly Transfer Institution” Georgia Academy of Science, 2005 "Molecular Modeling Studies of Conformationally Constrained Analogs of Mefloquine" Georgia Academy of Science, 2005 "Synthesis of 2,7-Disubstituted-3-((E/Z)-penta-2,4-dienyl)quinoline-4-carboxylic acid" Georgia Academy of Science, 2003 "Synthesis of 3-((2-bromopyridin-3-yl)methyl)quinoline-4-carboxylic acid" American Chemical Society National Meeting, 2002 “Isolation and Structure elucidation of Constituents of Neurolina Lobota” Georgia Academy of Science, 2002 “Isolation and Structure elucidation of Constituents of Neurolina Lobota” Georgia Academy of Science, 2002 "Synthesis of Conformationally Restricted Derivatives of the Antimalarial Compound Mefloquine" Georgia Academy of Science, 1998 "Synthesis of Conformationally Restricted Derivatives of the Antimalarial Compound Mefloquine" KSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 1998 International Cannabis Research Society, 1994 "Construction of a 3D Model of The Cannabinoid Receptor: Determination of Transmembrane Helical Ends and Helical Phase" International Cannabis Society, 1992 "Characterization of a Region of Steric Interference at the Site of Action of the Cannabinoids" Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1991 "Characterization of a Region of Steric Interference at the Site of Action of the Cannabinoids" Georgia Academy of Science, 1990 "Synthesis and Characterization of 1-benzyl-4-substitued-3-piperidine carboxylic acid N,N-diethylamide" University of North Carolina Charlotte, Department of Chemistry, 1990 "Selected Applications of Circular Dichroism in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry" National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, 1988 "Methods for Calculating Protein Conformation from Circular Dichroism" Research Projects Panu, A. M., Synthesis of Conformationally Constrained derivatives of Antimalarial Mefloquine;
Isolation and Characterization of Antimalarial Compounds Derived From Medicinal Plants, 1996-2007. Panu, A. M., Kubanek, J., Bio-assay Guided Fractionaltion of Xenia, Red Alga, and Reteporellina Extracts, 2006. Reggio, P. H., Panu, A.M., Molecular Modeling Studies of Cannabinoids, and Cannabinoid Receptors, Kennesaw State College, 1991-95. Panu, A.M., Sadjadi, F.,Synthesis of 1-Benzyl-4-Substituted-3-Piperidine Carboxylic Acid N,N-Diethylamide, Kennesaw State College, 1990. Zung, J., Panu, A.M., Warner, I., Induced Circular Dichroism of b-Cyclodexin-Methyl Orange Complex, Emory University (Post Doc, 1987). Panu, A.M., Live, D., Circular Dichroism of Transforming Growth Factors, Emory University (Post Doc, 1987) Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S.W., Diterpenoid Alkaloids from D. andersonii Gray (Ph.D. dissertation, 1986). Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S.W., Exciton-Split Circular Dichroism of C19- diterpenoid Alkaloid Derivatives (Ph.D. dissertation, 1986). Publications Bramblett, R.D., Panu, A.M., Ballesteros, J.A., and Reggio, P.H., Construction of A 3D Model of
The Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor: Determination of Helix Ends and Helix Orientation. Life
, 56 (1995), 1971.
Hill, R.K., Gapud, B.D., Hagishita, S., Panu, A.M., Chirality Due to 13C
Substitution. Preparation and Chiroptical Properties of (1S,4R)-[2-13C]-2,6-
Diketocamphane. J. Org. Chem., accepted for publication pending revisions.
Joshi, B.S., Puar, M.S., Bai, Y., Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S. W., The Structure of
Andersobine, A New Alkaloid from Delphinium Andersonii Gray.Tetrahedron,
50 (1994), 12284.
Reggio, P. H., Panu, A. M., Miles, S., Characterization of a Steric Requirement for Cannabinoid
Activity, J. Med. Chem., 36 (1993) 1761.
Pelletier, S.W., Panu, A.M., Kulanthaivel, P., Olsen, J.D., New Alkaloids From Delphinium
Andersonii Gray. Heterocycles 27 (1988), 2387.
Desai, H.K., Joshi, B.S., Katz, A., Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S.W., Structure of
Heterophylloidine and Panicutine. Heterocycles 24 (1986) 1275.
Desai, H.K., Joshi, B.S., Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S.W., Separation of Diterpenoid Alkaloids Mixtures
Using the Chromatotron. J. Chromatogr. 322 (1985), 223.
Panu, A.M., Pelletier, S.W., Exciton-Split Circular Dichroism of C19-
diterpenoid Alkaloid Derivatives (Ph.D. dissertation, 1986).
Grant Awards Kennesaw State University Start-Restart Grant ($15,000), 2005.
RSEC Program ($24,000 for part-time replacement) –at Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. KSU Master Teaching Award for project “Increasing Students Chemistry Learning through Chemistry of Consumer Products”, 1999. National Science Foundation (NSF) ($55,402), 1997 & 1998 “A College/Community-Operated Young Scholar Program in “Environmental Toxicology for High Ability/High Potential Students” National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) Minority Supplement Grant ($ 48,753 over two years), 1993, 1994. Molecular Modeling of The Trans-Membrane Domains of The Cannabinoid Receptor. Summer Stipend for a Pilot Project Award, Kennesaw State College, 1990 Design and Synthesis of Antagonists of Hallucinogen Receptors.



19 and 16, and a daughter aged 11. Separated from her husband for EXAMINATION four years, she looks after the children by herself, apart from every On examination, Joni was very guarded when moving in any direction second weekend when her ex-husband has the younger two children. and held herself very rigidly throughout the consultation. She winced Joni has had low back pain for the past

Pii: s0090-4295(97)00700-0

ADULT UROLOGY USE OF INTRALESIONAL VERAPAMIL TO DISSOLVE PEYRONIE’SDISEASE PLAQUE: A LONG-TERM SINGLE-BLIND STUDYJAMIL REHMAN, ALEXANDRU BENET, AND ARNOLD MELMAN ABSTRACT Objectives. Multiple conservative therapies for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease have been offered with variable and poor response rates. Calcium channel blockers have been shown in vitro and in vivo to inhibit

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