Microsoft word - newsoct-10d.doc

TEAM—RT Together Everyone Accomplishes More ---- Result Teamwork
The Joint Commission
The medical center is stil expecting “The Joint Commission” at any time. They wil stay a week and wil fol ow patientsthroughout their stay. They wil talk to the staff not so much the leaders as they want to know that the information is gettingwhere it needs to go.
Tip: Always know where the exits are on your floor and where the fire extinguishers and pul stations are. They can stop
you at any time and ask.
1.25mg Albuterol
If a physician orders aerosol treatments with 1.25mg Albuterol, DO NOT change it without clarifying it with the physician.
Several physicians want their patients on 1.25mg Albuterol.
Some patients are on 1.25mg Albuterol at home.
Epic is now the legal physician’s order.
You cannot just change these types of orders without checking with the physician.
Team members are reminded that if you run out of a form that al forms can be found in the forms folder located where ouronline manuals are at. If you find that a form is missing from that folder please notify Mike C.
Instructions for Printing Labels:
Highlight current admission. (Do not double click) Change printer to your current location being sure to select the tray that contains the labels.
RT Protocol Update
We also have updates on our RT Protocols on EPIC.
While mostly for team leaders, assessors, and lung specialists, it is a good read for any and al team members.
Mandatory Medical Center –Team Member Power point
There is a should read and sign off on (if they were not at themeeting).
This power point talks about the medical center’s finances and the future.
This item could just as easily be placed under quality, customer, community, or culture. It covers them al .
These same team members should read and sign off the Intubations
We can only charge for intubations we actual y do. We CANNOT charge for those we assist on.
A little reminder of the medical center’s definition that a customer is anyone you interact with during your shift.
Remember you can be connected to the medical center as long as you can be identified as working here such as stopping at
Wal-Mart on your way home with your badge in view.
The fiscal year has started again, so get your community service hours earlier this year. Sign up Now.
Meetings –

Department Meeting is on Monday October 25, 2010 in Park Boardroom @ 1700-1800.
Respiratory Care Week
The week of October 24-30 is Respiratory Care Week. We wil have some CEUs available as always.
PFP Evaluations
The Supervisors should be placing their lists up with whose PFPs they are doing and what times are available.
Tobacco Free Not Just Smoke Free
The medical center does not have a smoke free policy; it has a tobacco free policy. The use of tobacco in any shape or form
is strictly prohibited. Thus, those of you that chew or use snuff are also prohibited from doing so on medical center Responsibilities
You have always been responsible for keeping tabs of your own deadlines and responsibilities but we have also keptan eye out, trying to help and remind team members of due dates. We have provided you with many ways to keepup with your certifications, call offs, etc.
Mike C has changed the current Due Dates link on the Resources Menu to a Deadlines menu link. You will need tocheck this link at least once a week which should not be too bad as you are supposed to be checking the homepage a couple of times a week anyway. You can also check your TM Signoffs link located right under the Deadlines link. Allyou have to do is enter your employee number and you can see the all the sign offs we have for you for that givenyear. Also from TM Signoffs you can go directly to something you have forgotten to signoff.
Reward and Recognition
Latest Tackle Box Rewards and Recognition
We will recognize those who received rewards and who gave it and why.
Recipient of
Reason for Reward
Giver of Reward
For their fine work during O2 tank changeout Team Member Recognition for their past year of work
10/01/1975 PFT, ABG, OH Cal – keep up the good work.
10/13/1975 Keep up the great work, none of us could do or would 10/03/1990 LOA – get your butt back here.
10/19/1998 Good luck on your studies.
10/18/1999 Team Leader- Keep up the good work.
10/04/2004 Team Leader – Keep up the good work.
10/04/2004 Team Leader – Keep up the good work.
Posted on the first of month, sign off by end of month. Check “My Signoffs” section if you are not sure if you signed off. If you didn’t read the department meeting minutes go back
and read them. Please read and sign off online by October 31, 2010.


Nota de conducta

CRITERIOS QUE SE DEBEN DE TOMAR EN CUENTA PARA CALIFICAR LA DISCIPLINA CRITERIOS Aporta activamente con su comportamiento en la formación de valores. Cumple a cabalidad con las disposiciones del plantel. Se preocupa por el grupo. Es proactivo en su interacción con el grupo; genera ideas y trabaja por cumplirlas. Muestra solidaridad, generosidad y demás características de liderazgo po

(microsoft word - \305rsrapport 08.doc)

Årsrapport 2008 .1 Mission .2 Organisation.3 Aktiviteter .5 Netværk .11 Bilag 1 .13 Oversigt over forsøg, GCP-enheden har modtaget protokol for i 2008 .13 Missionen for Københavns Universitetshospitals GCP-enhed var i 2008: ”Formålet med Københavns Universitetshospitals GCP-enhed er at hjælpe sundhedsfaglige forskere ved planlægning, udførelse og gennemfø

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