A randomised, double-blind, comparative efficacy trial of three head lice treatment options: malathion, pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide and MOOV Head Lice Solutionby Kerryn A Greive BA/BSc (Hons), PhD – Research and Development Manager, Ego PharmaceuticalsPhillip M Altman BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD – Altman Biomedical ConsultingJames S Rowe BPharm, MSc, PhD, MPS, MRACI, C Chem – Scientific Director, Technical Consulting ServicesJohn A Staton MAIP (Dip), MAI Ex (Dip) – Commercial Director, Technical Consulting ServicesV M Jane Oppenheim BSc (Hons), PhD – Scientific Director, Ego PharmaceuticalsAbstract Head lice are a growing source of parental and social concern. The introduction of pesticide based head lice treatments several decades ago saw the infestation rate fall dramatically; today, due to growing pesticide resistance, the head louse is staging a come back. New, effective, clinically proven head lice treatments are urgently needed to control the growing head lice problem. MOOV Head Lice Solution is the first herbal based head lice treatment to be registered by the TGA and has been clinically tested to ICH-GCP standards. A randomised, double blind, comparative efficacy trial of MOOV Head Lice Solution against malathion and pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide was conducted using Queensland primary school children who had active head lice infestations. MOOV Head Lice Solution achieved a cure rate of 33/40 (82.5%), versus malathion 11/37 (29.7%, p<0.0001) and pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide 13/36 (36.1%, p<0.0001) The 82.5% cure rate for MOOV Head Lice Solution was achieved without the use of supportive combing, thus representing a significant reduction in time cost to caregivers. All three treatment products were well tolerated by the subjects. MOOV Head Lice Solution is the first TGA registered herbal based head lice treatment and is more than twice as effective as pesticide based head lice treatments. Introduction
Lice are most often found behind the ears or at the
Head lice has been a community concern since
back of the neck, and they attach their eggs to the hair
the earliest civilisations, with evidence of head lice
shaft close to the scalp.7 A head louse must feed on the
infestations found on 5,000-year-old Egyptian
host’s blood every three to six hours or it will dehydrate
mummies.1 Today the head louse is making a come
back after a number of relatively quiet decades.2,3 In
Although distressing to parents and children alike,
Australian schools head lice infestation rates of up to
head lice are harmless and there is no evidence to support
35.1% have been published,4,5 with head lice the third
cleaning bedding, clothing or furniture; lice found on
most commonly reported outbreak in day care centres
chairs, pillows and hats are dead, sick or elderly.7
Although an itchy scalp is often considered a good
Although largely a condition of childhood and
indicator of a head lice infestation, one study found
most commonly affecting children aged 3-11 years,2
that 36.1% of children with an infestation and 20.6%
a head louse infestation can be passed from child to
of children without an infestation reported having an
parent, student to teacher, sibling to sibling, or from
itchy scalp.9 The majority of head lice infestations are
any prolonged head to head contact.7 Head lice do not
asymptomatic.7 It is therefore important that every
discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race or social
member of the household be checked – adults7 and
class.8 Head lice are not concerned with hair type, colour
children – if a family member has head lice. The head lice cycle
parental frustration so great that drastic alternatives
A louse egg that has been laid on a hair shaft is called
such as kerosene and veterinary flea products21 are
a ‘nit’. The nits are firmly attached with proteaceous
being used on children in a desperate attempt to cure
biological glue.8 There are currently no commercial
recalcitrant head lice infestations. The lack of reliable
products available that will dissolve this glue.8 The nit
treatment products is becoming a health and safety risk
will hatch six to 10 days after deposition. The louse will
then go through three growth stages, each marked by an
Heath departments in Australia have been
exoskeleton moult. The first moult occurs two to three
recommending wet combing as a method for treating
days after hatching with subsequent moults around five
head lice infestation.22-24 This method involves saturating
and 10 days after hatching. Once the lice have moulted
the hair with conditioner and combing it with a nit
for the third time they are adults and able to mate and
comb until no more head lice are found. This procedure
reproduce. The female will begin to lay eggs one to two
is repeated every two days until no head lice are found
days after mating, and will continue to lay three to eight
for 10 consecutive days of combing.22,23 This method
eggs a day for the next 16 days. A louse will die around
is laborious, time consuming and does not produce
satisfying cure rates as a treatment on its own25 or
One female louse can produce up to 128 lice in
improve cure rates when used in conjunction with
one generation, and over 8,000 in just two. A head
traditional treatments.14 A family with several children
lice infestation will consist of lice and eggs at all
can spend many hours each night wet combing in an
attempt to cure an infestation. When conducted by
trained nurses in a clinical, controlled setting with a
Unlike many conditions of childhood such as chicken
standardised protocol, wet combing has a reported cure
pox, a past head lice infestation offers no protection from
rate of 50-60%.18,26 A home based trial using parents to
the next infestation. It is common for a cycle of cure
perform the wet combing achieved a cure rate of only
and reinfestation to be seen, i.e. the infestation is cured
38% and concluded that wet combing as the first line
during school holidays, and reinfestation occurs within
treatment for head lice is inappropriate.25 This conclusion
is supported by the Cochrane review that concluded
physical methods such as wet combing were ineffective
Treatments for head lice
On the market today are a host of products that
There is a clear need for an effective, natural and quick
claim to cure a head lice infestation. An international
head lice treatment that can deliver the results parents
review of head lice treatments from the Cochrane
need without a significant lifestyle impact. MOOV Head
Collaboration11 concluded that although permethrin,
Lice Solution AUST R 128237, is a natural-based head
synergised pyrethrin and malathion were once effective,
lice treatment that utilises eucalyptus oil in an optimised
the emergence of drug resistant lice means that there is
base, and is the first herbal based head lice treatment to
no direct contemporary evidence for the effectiveness of
these compounds. While malathion, permethrins and
piperonyl butoxide/pyrethrins have been the mainstay
In order to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of
of the battle against head lice, their residual nature and
MOOV Head Lice Solution a double blind, randomised,
misapplication has led to a dramatic increase in resistance
comparative clinical trial was conducted. This trial was
in head lice populations.12 This resistance has been found
conducted according to the International Conference
in Australia13 and across the world.14-19
on Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)
guidelines, and addressed the protocol criticisms outlined
The increasingly poor performance of traditional head
in the TGA Head Lice Review20 and the Cochrane
lice products has led to a surge in the commercialisation
of herbal or natural based head lice treatments. While
herbal based head lice treatments are appealing, a 2003
review20 by the Therapeutic Goods Administration
of Australia (TGA) found no published clinical trials
This phase four clinical trial was a multi-centred,
supporting the efficacy or safety of the herbal head lice
randomised, three-parallel group, comparative, double
products on the Australian market. This was supported
blind study designed according to ICH-GCP guidelines.
by the Cochrane review which concluded that there
The protocol was registered (NCT00381082) and
was no evidence for herbal treatments.11 This has been
approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee
recognised in the wider scientific community.7
of the University of Queensland (Clearance no.
2003000184). The parents of the children involved
The poor efficacy of traditional products and the
provided written informed consent. The children gave
unproven nature of herbal products is resulting in
verbal consent to participate in the trial at the start of
the trial at any time, and adverse events were monitored
each treatment day. The trial was conducted in 2004 and
involved Queensland primary school children from seven
Per protocol assessment
The three products tested were registered with the
To be considered per protocol, the subject must have
TGA for the treatment of head lice: Banlice Mousse
received two treatments of Banlice or KP24, each seven
AUST R 46708 containing 16.5mg/g piperonyl butoxide
days apart, or three treatments with MOOV, each seven
and 1.65mg/g pyrethrins; KP24 Medicated Foam AUST
days apart. In addition, all primary school aged siblings
R 18867 containing 1.0% malathion (maldison); and
of the subject who were found to be infested must have
MOOV Head Lice Solution AUST R 128237 containing
received at least one treatment with either Banlice or
KP24, or two treatments with MOOV in the context of
Banlice Mousse and KP24 Medicated Foam were
purchased from a pharmacy wholesaler, while
MOOV Head Lice Solution was supplied by Ego
Efficacy assessment
A ‘cure’ was defined as the absence of live lice as
Although Banlice and KP24 claimed that only one
diagnosed by wet combing of the hair. The primary
treatment was required to effect a cure, both were
efficacy endpoint was the cure rate seven days after the
applied twice using the manufacturers’ directions, with
last application, i.e. day 14 for Banlice and KP24, and
a week between applications, i.e. at day 0 and day 7.
day 21 for MOOV. Wet combing is considered the best
The use of two applications for Banlice and KP24 was in
technique for diagnosing a head louse infestation.27,28 For
accordance with the recommendations of the TGA Head
this study the wet comb technique was standardised and
MOOV Head Lice Solution was applied three
Despite the difference in appearance of the three
times with a week between applications as per the
treatments, double blinding was maintained. The
manufacturer’s directions, i.e. at day 0, day 7 and day
treatments were randomly assigned to the subjects.
14. As head lice eggs can take up to 10 days to hatch, the
One group of personnel applied the treatments, while
use of three applications was designed to ensure that any
a second group carried out the efficacy assessments.
lice hatching from eggs laid immediately before the first
Although it was not possible to blind the treatment
application would be kil ed by the third application.
personnel, the subjects were unaware that three different
treatments were involved. The efficacy assessors were
Subjects were screened for head lice using visual
physically removed from the treatment areas, and were
inspection and dry combing. Those children meeting the
unaware of which treatment the subjects had received.
entry criteria were randomised to receive one of the three
Safety assessment
The entry criteria were: primary school children;
Safety was assessed by comparing the adverse events
presence of live head lice, not just eggs; available for
reported by the three treatment groups.
trial duration; parent or guardian wil ing to abstain from
using any other head lice product, including head louse
combs, on their child for the duration of the trial; parent
or guardian gave written informed consent. Efficacy
The exclusion criteria were: history of allergies or
During the study period, September to November
adverse reactions to head lice products or the specific
2004, 822 subjects were examined, of which 237
components being tested; treatment for head lice in the
had live head lice. Of these 237 subjects, 152 met the
four weeks before day 0; presence of scalp disease; more
inclusion and exclusion criteria and were enrolled; 113
than one fixed place of residence. In addition, if a subject
were assessed as per protocol for the purposes of safety
had primary school aged siblings, those siblings had to
and efficacy analysis. Of the 113, 36 were treated with
be screened, and enrolled if they had head lice. Banlice, 37 were treated with KP24 and 40 with MOOV.
Reasons for a subject being deemed not per protocol
During the trial, subjects were free to wash their hair
were: an infested primary school aged sibling not treated
with ordinary shampoo and conditioner and to comb
with the minimal application of Banlice, KP24 or MOOV
with standard combs. Head louse combs, other head
(20); use of alternative head lice treatments during the
lice products, hair dyes or bleaches were not permitted
trial (12); subject did not undergo the entire treatment/
during the trial. Subjects were free to withdraw from
assessment, i.e. due to non-attendance at school (7).
The cure rates were determined one week after the
combing, efficacy was determined one week after the
final product application: day 14 for KP24 and Banlice,
final application, subjects were randomised, the study
day 21 for MOOV. KP24 had a cure rate of 29.7%,
was double-blinded and adequately powered to allow
Banlice had a cure rate of 36.1% and MOOV had a cure
statistical analysis. In addition, the siblings of the
enrolled subjects were examined for head lice. MOOV Head Lice Solution achieved an 82.5%
TABLE 1: Cure rates for the primary efficacy endpoint
cure rate, while Banlice and KP24 achieved cure rates
of 36.1% and 29.7% respectively. MOOV Head Lice Solution is not only significantly more effective than
Banlice (p<0.0001) and KP24 (p<0.0001), it is twice as
Banlice and KP24 have promoted their ability to kill
head lice and eggs in one application. In accordance with
† Significantly better than either comparator (p<0.0001)
the recent recommendations from the TGA20 Banlice and
KP24 were applied twice in this study, with seven days
Using chi-squared tests with a Bonferroni adjustment
to allow for multiple comparisons, it was found that
MOOV Head Lice Solution was applied three times,
MOOV was significantly more effective in curing head
each application being seven days apart. Head lice eggs
lice infestations than either Banlice (p<0.0001), or KP24
can take up to 10 days to hatch, so by including a third
application in the treatment regimen, any lice that hatch
from an egg laid immediately before the first application
will be killed by the third application. This reduces
Of the 152 subjects enrolled, 23 adverse events were
the likelihood of the primary head lice infestation
reported: 18 for MOOV, three for Banlice, two for KP24.
continuing. While MOOV Head Lice Solution kills eggs
The adverse events related to scalp sensations experienced
and lice, the survival of only a few out of thousands
by the subjects during product application, i.e. itching,
of eggs is sufficient for the infestation to continue. By
a hot sensation, stinging and burning. All the adverse
incorporating a third application into the regimen, it
events resolved completely within five minutes of the
ensures that the infestation is eradicated.
products being washed from the hair.
Transient, mild to moderate adverse events were
reported for all three treatments and were largely
described as itching, stinging or burning. The sensations
Head lice are a community concern that is not
dissipated when the treatments were washed out after
being sufficiently addressed by current treatments,
the prescribed application periods. Overall the three
be they traditional, herbal or combing. The World
treatments were well tolerated by the subjects.
Health Organisation has recognised that without new
compounds it will be difficult to maintain effective
Treatment failure versus
control of head lice,29 and with head lice infestations
causing increasing parental frustration, and fear and
While MOOV Head Lice Solution is significantly
anxiety in children,2,7 effective treatments are needed.
better than the comparator products, it did not
MOOV Head Lice Solution is an herbal-based head
achieve a 100% cure rate. As preliminary clinical data
lice treatment that has been clinical y proven to be more
submitted to the TGA demonstrated that MOOV
effective than both malathion and piperonyl butoxide/
Head Lice Solution killed all live lice on the scalp in one
application, and the three treatment protocol ensures
that eggs and all hatching lice are killed, the 17.5%
This present study addressed all the concerns raised
failure rate can be attributed to reinfestation. The final
in the Cochrane Review11 and the TGA Review20 and
efficacy checkpoint was seven days after the last product
included strict definitions of head lice infestation,
application, giving seven days for reinfestation to occur.
i.e. live head lice had to be found, eggs alone were
As it was not possible to treat all the children in a given
not enough. Further to this, subjects that had been
class or school due to lack of parental consent, it is likely
treated with a head lice product in the previous four
that children cured after the last application may have
weeks were excluded to avoid complications from any
become reinfested before the final efficacy endpoint,
residual product, combing procedures were defined
and thus be counted as treatment failure. Unlike many
and standardised, trained operators performed the
other childhood diseases, having head lice once does not
prevent repeat infestation. A highly efficacious treatment
children, this represents a significant improvement in the
in combination with constant vigilance is the best
lifestyle impact of a head lice infestation.
Reinfestation is an ongoing concern for diligent
parents. Although currently no product can prevent
reinfestation, the availability of an effective head lice
The relatively low cure rates for Banlice and KP24
product will always make the treatment of a head lice
may be explained by resistance within the louse
population, or by the stringent definition of a cure as
measured one week after the last treatment application.
It has clearly been demonstrated that head lice around
the globe is becoming increasingly resistant to traditional
MOOV Head Lice Solution has been shown in a
head lice treatments such as malathion and permethrin.
randomised, double-blind clinical trial in a relevant
population to be twice as effective in curing head lice
19 The residual nature of these materials results in low
levels remaining in the hair for many days after product
infestations as two popular treatments, piperonyl
application. These persistent low levels, allow for the
butoxide with pyrethrins, and malathion.
selection and dominance of resistant lice. Although
MOOV Head Lice Solution is the first herbal-based
once very effective, due to their residual nature, these
head lice treatment registered by the Australian TGA. In
treatments have now become ineffective.
addition it does not need to be combined with combing
MOOV Head Lice Solution has a volatile active
to effect a cure; this represents a significant time saving
combination that will enable the high cure rates observed
for parents and an improvement in the lifestyle impact a
in this trial to be maintained into the future. Once the
product is washed from the hair, any residual eucalyptus
MOOV Head Lice Solution is an effective head lice
oil will rapidly volatilise from the hair. This should
treatment using natural active ingredients that provides
prevent the emergence of resistance, thus helping to
a quick treatment protocol that is twice as effective as
maintain the efficacy of MOOV Head Lice Solution.
traditional treatments and does not require supportive
Wet combing
The best technique for detecting a head lice infestation
Kerryn Greive and Jane Oppenheim are employed full time by Ego
is the wet-combing technique.27,28 The conditioner that is
Pharmaceuticals, the sponsor of the clinical trial and manufacturer
combed from the hair provides a contrast to the black-
of MOOV Head Lice Solution. James Rowe, Phillip Altman and
grey lice that are combed from the hair. An infestation
John Staton are consultants employed by Ego Pharmaceuticals.
is confirmed by finding live lice.7 Nits on their own do
not represent an active infestation and should not be
treated as one.7 Once a head lice infestation is confirmed
by finding live lice, treatment should begin immediately
to prevent the infestation getting worse or transmitting
to others. Prophylactic or ‘just in case’ treatment should
It is common for head lice products to recommend
1. Burgess IF. Human head lice and their management. Adv Parasitol 1995;
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2. Chosidow O. Scabies and pediculosis. Lancet 2000;355:819-26.
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3. Roberts RJ, Burgess IF. New head-lice treatments: hope or hype? Lancet
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increases the time burden of treatment. If a head lice
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is redundant in the treatment of head lice.
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Prepared for the Medicines Evaluation Committee, Therapeutic Goods
h e r b a l m e d i c i n e – h o w b l a c k i s y o u r c o h o s h ?
My readings over the years have suggested
Natural y, at the first sign of liver problems, remedial
that hepatotoxicity remains one of the principal
action should be taken by ceasing the use of the herb
manifestations of herbal toxicity, when it occurs. The
or herbal medicine in question. Determination of liver
liver is the major site of biotransformation of foreign
enzyme values, risk factors (such as alcohol and age), and
molecules, those exotic to our normal biochemical
co-administration of other drugs may then be warranted.
system. Many organic phytochemicals have an inherent
The symptoms of liver damage may include a yellowish
ability to bind to or interfere with the chemical
jaundiced skin tone, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anorexia,
components of metabolic pathways, and of course, that is
why they may be physiologically active. In consequence,
natural compounds may exert a lethal effect on cells,
In conclusion, I do tend to be ambivalent about
cellular components or biochemical processes.
relative risk in all things. The final decision is the
patient’s after due consideration of all the available
A number of herbs have a reputation for inducing
evidence presented to them. However, one may well ask
some degree of hepatotoxicity, and let’s face it, even
whether good, unbiased information has been presented
that popular social drug alcohol, when consumed to
to them in the first place. In health, opinions are often as
excess for an extended period of time, may also initiate
many as the molecules involved. Now, where did I put
cirrhosis of the liver. Liver damage caused by herbs such
my car keys? Am I prepared to take the risk of driving?
as coltsfoot, borage and comfrey can be firmly linked to
Of course I am, we all are, aren’t we?
the presence of covalently-binding pyrrolidizine alkaloids
that cause human hepatic veno-occlusive disease. The
Dr Bob Longmore is a consultant on herbal matters. He lectures
question of whether the herb kava is truly hepatotoxic
in pharmacognosy and holds the honorary position of Adjunct
may be linked to the method of preparation of extracts
Associate Professor at Curtin University of Technology, WA. email: longmore@westnet.com.au
using organic solvents such as acetone or methanol.7
Chaparral, Larrea tridenta, is definitely hepatotoxic due
to nordihydroguaiaretic acid8 and should certainly to be
1. Castleman M. The New Healing Herbs. Rodale 2001;87-90. 2. Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. Herbal Medicines, 2nd edition. London
The constituents of black cohosh responsible for
2002. The Pharmaceutical Press;141-6, and references contained therein.
potential hepatotoxicity have not been formally identified
3. Black cohosh and liver toxicity – an update. Aust Adv Drug React Bull, Jun
as such but my bet is on the quinolizidine alkaloid
4. ADRAC. Hepatotoxicty with black cohosh. Idem. 2006;25:6.
N-methylcytisine, a known teratogen, and related
5. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). New labelling requirements and
consumer information for medicines containing black cohosh. Update 29 May
candidates present in black cohosh.1 Perhaps the question
2007. At www.tga.gov.au/cm/0705blkcohosh.htm
of this potential is related to variation in naturally
6. Law R. Safety of dietary supplements; At: www.laleva.cc/petizione/english/
occurring concentrations of these alkaloids together with
7. Balick MJ, Lee R. Traditional use of sakua (kava) in Pohnpei: lessons for
variation induced by extraction methods? The question
integrative medicine. Alternative Therapies.2002;8(4):96-8; available in summary at HerbClip, http://content.herbalgram.org/naturemade/herbclip/
remains open at the moment, but begs a modicum of
caution to be exercised in the use of black cohosh.
8. Natural products – plants (sources of mild or lethal toxicity). At http://faculty.
and generous support of NJIT, Peter was honored with the uni-versity’s 2008 Edward F. Weston Medal. 1989 and today is president and principal of the firm. Based in Brooklyn, New York, JF Con-tracting works with city, state and federal agencies, as well as Anastasia, Peter and Elsa Papanicolaou with clients in the private sector. The firm’s expertise encompasses Weston honor inte
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