A Survey of Edmonton Area Smokers’ Opinions About Tobacco
About how many cigarettes do you currently smoke per day?
Have you used smokeless tobacco (this includes snuff dipping, “snus,” chewing tobacco, and other non-smoked oral tobacco products) at least 10 times in your life?
Have you used medicinal nicotine products (this includes nicotine patches and nicotine gum) at least 10 times in your life?
If yes, what methods have you used to try to quit smoking? (check all that apply)
Stopped all at once (“cold turkey”).
Gradually decreased the number of cigarettes smoked in a day.
One-on-one counselling or a stop-smoking clinic or program .
Switched to chewing tobacco or snuff.
Zyban / Wellbutrin /Buproprion or other medication, not including medicinal nicotine.
Any other method (please specify: __________________________________________)
Do you expect to quit smoking within the next 2 years?
Have you ever considered quitting smoking, but continuing to use nicotine, by switching from smoking to smokeless tobacco?
I believe that using tobacco in any form is as bad for you as smoking. I believe that using nicotine in any form is as bad for you as smoking. I believe that smokeless products are more likely to cause addiction than smoking. I believe that smokeless tobacco would increase my risk of oral (mouth) cancer. I believe that using smokeless tobacco is socially unacceptable or gross (because you have
to spit or it makes a mess in your mouth).
Smokeless tobacco is hard to use. Smoking is important to my social life. There are things I enjoy about smoking besides just getting nicotine. I tried switching to smokeless tobacco but I did not find it satisfying. Other reason, please specify: __________________________________________________
Have you ever considered quitting smoking, but continuing to use nicotine, by switching from smoking to medicinal nicotine? Yes
I believe that using nicotine in any form is as bad for you as smoking. I believe that medicinal nicotine products are more likely to cause addiction than smoking.
The labels on medicinal products say they should only be used for a limited period of time. Smoking is important to my social life. There are things I enjoy about smoking besides just getting nicotine. Medicinal nicotine products are too expensive. I tried have used these products to try to quit but I did not find them satisfying. Other reason, please specify: __________________________________________________
If a new product provided nicotine in a way that was almost as satisfyingas smoking, could be used without anyone noticing that you were using it and reduced your health risks by 50%, would you consider switching to this product?
If a new product provided nicotine in a way that was almost as satisfying as smoking, could be used without anyone noticing that you were using it and reduced your health risks by99%, would you consider switching to this product?
A Survey of Edmonton Area Smokers’ Opinions About Tobacco
This survey is being conducted by researchers from the University of Alberta School of Public Health. It will improve our understanding of smokers’ preferences and experiences. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous. The only identifying information that we will ask for is your age and gender. We are interested in your honest opinions and will not attempt to persuade you of anything, recruit you for anything, or sell you anything. By completing the survey on the back of this page, you consent to let us use the answers you give, pooled with other people's responses to the survey, in our research.
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