I’m a Tourette I’ve got lots of talents
When Dr. Mary Robertson said that she would
watch: I’ll soon become a successful man
like to do more for people with Tourettes in Canada, I asked her to write a poem for the
This was on Thursday, the day before she was
I need to be seen and heard just like you
to make the keynote address that would open our annual conference in Edmonton on
Her presentation on Friday morning was the highlight of the conference, updating us on old
topics and new developments. Her talks are
success breeds success so I won’t go wrong
always entertaining and she covered a wide
range of subjects and packed a lot into a short time.
Dr. Robertson concluded her presentation with
so when I say the ‘f’ word; please don’t hear
this poem that she had written overnight, for
Dr. Mary Robertson is currently Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychiatry at the University College London (England) and Visiting Professor and Honorary Consultant to the Tourette Clinic at St George’s Hospital and Medical School, London. She is the author of 258 publications, has written 3 books on Tourette Syndrome and has had 81 poems published. She is also a member of the Professional Advisory Board for the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada. February 2007 Page 1 How to Reach Us London Chapter
TS Conference - Niagara Falls in September 2007
National Office President’s Message
Thanks go out to Dr. Mary Robertson for our front
page feature. Feel free to copy this poem and use it
where you can, perhaps taking it to school and
sharing it with teachers and fellow students or
showing it to grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
TSFC London Chapter Administrative Committee
Jennifer gives us an honest assessment of the book she reviewed – “After Disability: A Guide to
President ………………. Ray Robertson
Vice-president ………… Gerard Johnson
Getting on with Life,” demonstrating that not every
Treasurer ……….……. Linda Johnson
book with an interesting title should be read by
Director at Large ……. Nadyne Gooding
everyone. This is why we review books. As she
states in her review, this book would benefit those
whose lives are “significantly limited by” TS.
TSFC London Chapter Advisory Committee
Coincidently, Mitch, a close friend of Jennifer’s, was
the victim of an auto-bike encounter, in late 2006 that
left him with no ability to consciously control
movement below his neck. His condition has
improved and continues to improve, but still leaves
Our Mission
him only able to move one finger centimeters in any
The Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada is a
single direction. Jennifer asked if she could keep this
national voluntary organization dedicated to improving the
quality of life for those with or affected by Tourette
book to share with Mitch before returning it to our
Syndrome through programs of: education, advocacy,
library and of course she can. Mitch, we’re hoping
self-help and the promotion of research.
Please don’t “drink and drive” and please “bike
Our Vision
All People who have Tourette Syndrome will lead quality
lives as accepted and valued members of an informed,
Dear Doctor takes a look at 5 commonly asked
questions regarding TS medications. Dr. Mary
Jenkins talks about a variety of medications, when to
Regular Contributing Authors
In “What’s new in Research” Brigitte Heddle looks at
a recent paper that asks is OCD really an anxiety
disorder? The process the authors used to arrive at
their conclusions and some of the intermediate results are very interesting.
February 2007 Page
We have included a school speech written by 10 year
old Brock Mazzocato that has been published in The
Winston Gazette, a publication of Camp Winston. In
After Disability: A Guide to Getting on with Life
discussion with Peter Copp, Assistant Camp Director
at Camp Winston, he informed us that their waitlist
Lisa Bendall, forward by David Onley
has over 400 children and the wait is at least a couple
Toronto: Key Porter Books Ltd, 2006
of years. So, if you are interested in Camp Winston’s
program for kids with TS, contact them early.
After Disability is a practical hand book aimed at
Canadians who are new to a life with disability. It
The Brake Shop team at CPRI was somewhat
offers guidance on the type of everyday matters
surprised at our printing of the article “Discipline
which are simple for non-disabled people to navigate,
Made Easy” in our August 2006 newsletter. In a
but which demand much more thought and effort for
collaborative effort they have responded to the “1,2,3
those afflicted with life-altering conditions.
Magic” approach to children’s behaviour issues.
The author, Lisa Bendall, has decades of experience
in the area of disability advocacy, primarily from
One of the programs the CPRI Brake Shop has made
working as the editor of Abilities Magazine. She has
available for families with TS is called “Give Me a
written this book to provide a basic information
Brake.” We have heard many good things about this
package to answer all the questions she regularly
program, so, when Lisa Jacobs, a member of our
chapter, added her kudos about the program, we
asked her to “put it in writing.” She did and we have
Statistics Canada defines disability as a condition
her story in this newsletter. Thanks, Lisa.
where “everyday activities are limited because of a
health-related condition or problem.” The book is
Once again we have included our schedule of
not specifically written for people with TS, but those
upcoming Bingo events. If you ever wanted to help
with strong symptoms of TS, OCD, ADHD or other
people with TS without a lot of training or
associated disorders may well fall into this
specialized knowledge this is a great opportunity.
designation. Most of the information provided is,
however, aimed at mobility impairments such as
We Get Letters – This is exciting! We received a
Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis or
letter to the editor from a reader with comments
about our November 2006 feature article “Our
Actions—Their Futures.” The writer suggested that
The book provides invaluable information on setting
some areas of the article were meant more for people
up your life to achieve the most you can under your
with physical handicaps and didn’t necessarily apply
particular limitations. It discusses topics such as
to kids with TS. We’ll include the letter in our next
assistive devices and technology for mobility
impairments; practical renovations for your home to
provide easier access; financial considerations such
If you would like to tell us what you think about an
as tax exemptions, workers compensation and
article in one of our newsletters, our newsletter in
benefits; equal opportunities for employment and
general or even just about TS, put it in writing and
education; how to navigate the systems of accessible
transportation; interpersonal issues such as dating and
parenting with a disability; and how to carry on your
Along with some other shorter stories and a couple of
advertisements, that’s our February 2007 newsletter.
One of the most helpful elements in the book is the
contact information section at the end of each
chapter. Public and private associations and
businesses that provide services and information are
listed by province and nationwide, such as the
February 2007 Page
Accessible Housing Society in Calgary, the Parenting
With a Disability Network and the Centre for
Books are also listed, as well as informative websites
such as NEADS, an online job registry for people
This letter is in response to the “1-2-3 Magic” book
with disabilities, and the Online Occupational
summary which appeared in a previous instalment of
After Disability is highly recommended for those
While our team very much applauds the efforts of
sufferers of TS whose lives are significantly limited
TSFC London in disseminating a wide variety of
by the disorder, or for others who suffer from
approaches to parenting and treatments for TS and its
associated disorders, we feel compelled to caution
your readers against accepting any and all of these
practices as gospel without a healthy dose of scrutiny.
This holds true for approaches also read in Today’s
Parent, heard on Oprah…or taught in our clinic for that matter, which is why our Self-Management
Group includes an adult-only session where parents
Our Chapter has raised over ten thousand dollars to
and teachers alike can debate the relative merits (or
help families with TS since we began running bingos
potential liabilities) of the practices we endorse.
This is not to say that some approaches are “right”
Bingos provide a way for people who want to be
and “effective”, and others are “wrong” and
volunteers and help others with TS but only have a
“useless”. What we ARE saying is that different
few hours each month to contribute. It doesn’t
children exhibit ‘bad’ behaviour for different reasons
require hours of preparation or hours spent doing
(e.g. poor behaviour versus a skill deficit), and
reports after the event. Just set aside 3 - 4 hours each
different approaches are optimally suited for each of
month and if it can fit into your schedule, call us and
“1-2-3 Magic” is without doubt an excellent approach
for some children, parents, and issues. It is not, in
our estimation, a helpful tool for dealing with “leaky
brakes” though (chronic deficits in ability to self-
regulate movements, noises, attention, impulses,
thoughts, emotions, etc.). This opinion is in part
created from our clinical experience – innumerable
families that have come to our service citing “1-2-3
Magic” as a shining example of what HASN’T
worked for their family. It is also in part created
from our basic theoretical model of the “Brake
Our TSFC Bingos are at Lucky Days Bingo,
Shop”. For example, an approach that assumes
opening a dialogue with your ‘irrational’ child is
We can use your help from 5:45pm to 9:30pm.
counterproductive, assumes a child who is incapable
of insight into his/her skill deficits and is not in need
If you are interested in helping other families with TS
of empathy for his/her situation. An approach that
by working at a Bingo event contact us at:
assumes a child WILL stop themselves at the count
of “2”, assumes a child who is even CAPABLE of
stopping him/herself in the moment. An approach
that hangs the stress of an impending consequence
February 2007 Page
over the child’s head at the moment of defiance
assumes two things: it assumes a child whose skill
deficits will not worsen with stress and it assumes
Maybe you noticed, stared, giggled, questioned or
that the child isn’t already motivated to stop this
wondered “Brock, why do you blink so much?" Funny,
behaviour. Finally, an approach that instructs a
because I asked myself the same question before my
parent to be more calm and deliberative in his/her
doctor talked to me and my family. My mom thought my
parenting approach assumes a parent who does not
eye lashes were too long and asked the eye doctor if she
have the same genetic predisposition towards “leaky
Good morning judges, teachers, Mme Gamble and fellow students. Today I would like to talk to you about Tourettes
Of course, ultimately we recommend that you consult
Plus Syndrome. I chose this topic because I was just
with your own mental health professional before
diagnosed in the summer of 2004 with my mom who also
choosing ANY approach – your own team will know
has it. When the doctor told us we had this mom and I
your family’s individual factors and needs best. It is
had no clue what they were talking about as do many of
for this reason that our Family Resource Centre
you probably. I think it is important for me to tell others
offers a disclaimer on all of its literature and videos
about it so they can understand me and not feel like they have to stare and giggle or wonder – “what is that guy
A lot of times I do things that I cannot control. yup. like
In collaboration with the CPRI Brake Shop team
blinking my eyes, or shrugging my shoulders. Some
people swear or make silly sounds. Maybe even twitch
their head. Not only do I do some of these things but it
makes my brain play tricks on me, and I cry for no reason or even get angry. A lot of times I get upset because I
don't want to feel this way and I don't know why I do but I
am learning to deal with it. My medicine helps me lots.
“I get upset a lot because I don't want to feel this way and I don’t know why I do, but I am learning to deal with it.”
It was really strange how it all happened to me. One day I
got really, really, really angry and can't remember what
happened. Mom and dad told me that I got really upset
and started to do things that I never did before like punching, kicking, screaming and I even picked Mom up
and pushed her off of me. When we saw the doctor,
mommy, daddy and grandma talked and talked and talked
to the doctor. I swear I did not think we were ever going to
2007 to review financial reports for the year
leave that place. He told them that I had Tourettes Plus
2006 and to elect officers for the following
and that when I forgot what happened that is when I had a
“rage" attack which made me get very angry. Finally we were sent home to research this disorder and these are
nominations for the positions of President,
Tourettes Syndrome is a nerve disorder. It means that
Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and/or
when I was born some of my nerves in my brain were
criss-crossed and so it sends messages to some parts of
made at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
my body to do certain things which are called “tics". The
Plus meant that I also have other disorders which are all a part of it, like Obsessive Compulsive [Disorder] which
means that I do certain things over and over again like
when I go to bed my bed has to be in a certain way before
I can be comfortable or even lining up all my toys in a
certain way before I can play with them. The other is
February 2007 Page
Attention Deficit [Disorder] which means that I can only
concentrate on things for a little bit and then I need to take a break because my brain gets tired so usually when I do
my homework it takes me 3 or 4 times longer than
Dr. Mary Jenkins answers some commonly asked questions
everyone else because I can only do it for a little while at a
about medication treatment for Tourette Syndrome
time. This happens a lot at school when I am in class
because if someone does something even as little as taps
Consideration of medication treatment for a child or
their foot I lose track of where I am and focus on that.
adult with Tourette Syndrome involves a detailed
medical assessment and identification of the key
Hyperactivity is another disorder that sometimes gets me
problem areas. Medications may be used to treat tics,
in trouble because sometimes I get a little carried away and get really super silly and dad or mom say “Boo, time
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-
to slow down a bit" but sometimes that can spin the other
compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, and
way and I get really sad and cry and cry and cry for
aggressive behaviours. In all cases, medication is
nothing at all… that part is not too nice. The last thing is
only one part of the treatment plan. A number of
anxiety which just means that I get panic attacks which
medications have been well studied and much is
mean sometimes my body freezes and I feel like I can't
known about their effectiveness, indications, and
move or that someone is squeezing me really tight and won't let go. Have you ever felt like you have to sneeze
and can’t or you tried to hold in a cough but it drives you
bananas and you do it. Well, that is what my tics feel like.
When is medication treatment “recommended”?
Tourettes is something I was born with. I find it easy to
talk to my mom about it because she knows what I am
The final decision to use medication follows a
feeling and can help me out a bit. At first I felt sad, a little
detailed discussion with the physician and patient.
embarrassed and different from everyone and I did not
Many factors must be taken into account including 1)
want anyone to know because I did not want them to laugh at me. Now, because I belong to a group {where}
the severity of the problem, 2) the impact that the tics
everyone has it and I find out a lot of things, I kind of feel
or behaviours may be having on the person’s school,
special having it… hey… who gets the chance to go out of
work, family, social life, and overall quality of life, 3)
town every three months to see their doctor and go
the interaction of medication with other medications,
shopping and miss school…I DO!!!!!!! Really Mr. Brand I
4) the potential for the medication to control the
symptoms, and 5) the potential side effects of the
Anyways, that's pretty much me. So now when you see me doing these things you will know why and probably
won’t even notice anymore because really it’s not that
Medication is recommended for the treatment of tics
bad. So if you have any questions come and ask me.
if the tics are causing problems in any aspect of the
Don’t be afraid. I’m just like you. “I’m just a kid!!”
person’s life AND if he or she wishes to start
treatment. For mild tics, often medication is not
A speech given to his school. Brock is 10 years old.
needed. For more moderate or severe tics,
Reprinted with permission from “The Winston Gazette.”
medication may be recommended depending on the
degree of difficulty. If the tics are causing problems
in the person’s quality of life, we would recommend medication – if the tics were not causing problems,
we may not recommend medication. Ultimately, the
A recent publication, listing tics and compulsion,
decision to start or not start medication is up to the
included “brushing against walls and doorways when
passing by” - - a favourite of mine. As I looked
around the house for evidence of this, I found dark
areas in a number of places where oils from the back
of my arms have marked the walls. At one location, I
Many times I am asked for a medication to make the
happened to glance down, and found the same
tics “go away”. Although we continue to search for
evidence left on the wall by Montgomery, our 5 year
the ideal medication to treat tics, the quest continues.
old, 15 pound, grey, longhaired, house cat. Is this
None of the tic medications are a cure for the
disorder. When tic medication works well, we expect
February 2007 Page
it will lessen the tics to the point that they are
great deal of distress and pain for the person and the
manageable or more tolerable, but it will not make
purpose of medication is to relieve some of this
the tics “go away”. Often on hearing this
distress. If the medication is causing side effects that
information, especially in cases of mild tics, patients
make someone feel “different”, then that is probably
In conclusion, careful evaluation and consideration
must be taken before starting a medication to treat
Many medications are used to treat tics. The most
Tourette Syndrome. Although we have discussed
commonly used medications include Clonidine
medications, this is only one piece to the overall
(Catapres), Risperidone (Risperidal) and Pimozide
management of the disorder. Education, counseling,
(Orap). In addition, many other medications have
and behavioural strategies are all important
been well studied and found to be effective including
Metoclopramide (Maxeran), Olanzapine (Zyprexa),
and Haloperidol (Haldol). Other medications such as
Tetrabenazine (Nitoman) have been found to be
useful, but have not been as well studied. The choice
of medication is determined by the severity of the
Parent Self-help Meetings
tics, the presence of other problems (such as
inattention), and the potential side effects. In all
The London Chapter of the TSFC hosts monthly
cases the risks and benefits of medication must be
parent Self-help meetings from 7pm to 9pm on
reviewed. The medications with the fewest side
the second Thursday of each month, except for
effects are generally not as “strong” and so may be
prescribed for milder tics. Some medications, such
as Clonidine, have been found to be helpful in
Will medication for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Directions: Go south on Rectory Street to the end
The short answer is “No”. It was always thought the
of Rectory. Turn left. You are now on Trafalgar
medication for ADHD; in particular, stimulant
Street. Madame Vanier is approximately 100-200
medication such as Ritalin, would cause tics or make
tics worse. This question was examined in three well-designed, reliable studies in children with tics,
Our Resource Library is available during
started on stimulant medications. The studies
meetings and books can be taken out on loan.
concluded that stimulant medications do not cause tics. In most cases, tics were not increased by
The Kids Klub meets at the same time as the
stimulant medication and in some instances;
Parents Meeting. (Please see our website
stimulant medication resulted in improved tics. This
www.tourette-london.ca for a list of rules for Kids
improvement was thought to be due to the
improvement in ADHD symptoms. In a few cases, there was a brief, transient increase in tics, and then
the tics returned to the baseline level.
Will the medication make me a “different person”?
The goal of starting medication in Tourette Syndrome
is to improve the person’s quality of life. In many
cases, the symptoms of Tourette Syndrome cause a
February 2007 Page
In an article published in the Journal of
experience anxiety to varying degrees. On this issue
Psychopharmacology in 2006 [20(6) (2006) 729-731]
there is disagreement to what role anxiety plays in
written by David Nutt and Andrea Malizia, the
OCD. The authors go on to say that if various
authors are taking a look at a debate in scientific
syndromes that have anxiety as part of its definition
circles regarding OCD. The authors of this article
are analyzed it becomes difficult to separate them
look at it from the perspective of what medicines are
unless they are grouped into separate families. The
authors warn that at this point not enough is known
about the differences and similarities between various
The debate stems from some researchers who
anxiety disorders and caution against splitting the
challenge OCD as an anxiety disorder. It has been
suggested by some that OCD is an impulse control
disorder or a habit disorder rather than an anxiety
The point of this whole discussion of whether OCD is
an anxiety disorder or not is to determine what
Back in 1967 OCD was one of the first anxiety
disorders to show response to antidepressants (shown
The authors conclude by saying that it can still be
in study by Fernandex and Lopez-Ibor). At the time
argued that there are considerable similarities
it was thought that this meant OCD had an
between the anxiety in OCD and other anxiety
association with depression. Then other anxiety
disorders and the reasons for OCD. The authors feel
disorders also responded well to antidepressants
that OCD may be a complex mixture of anxiety
including panic attacks. By 2003 in a study by Nutt
mixed with behaviours and habits, but definitely that
and Ballenger it was mentioned that all anxiety
“the anxiety itself is similar to that seen in the other
anxiety disorders and responds to the same
treatments.” The authors go on to predict that a
The authors write that OCD is different from other
anxiety disorders both in some symptoms, such as
benzodiazepines may be more helpful in the early
ritualistic behaviour, as one example, and its
stages of what they call danger-related OCD, “when
association with tic disorders. Furthermore, OCD
the rituals are less established and anxiety is more
can be caused by immune related attacks. Brain
GAD-like (I am not sure what GAD-like refers to),
imaging studies have also found over-activity in a
benzodiazepines might be more helpful than they
part of the brain that is not over-active in other
would be later in the illness when anxiety relates to
anxiety disorders. It is mentioned that effective drug
prevention of rituals. It might also predict that
treatment and psychotherapy and a particular kind of
benzodiazepines would be more useful in danger-
neurosurgery can have a positive impact on OCD.
than desire-related anxiety generally.” The authors
Yet, the same type of neurosurgery has been used in
admit that the data on use of benzodiazepines is old
Sweden for panic disorder and with good results
and goes back to 1991 and 1993 and are asking
reported. These findings have caused a certain
readers of this article if they are aware of newer data
amount of interest in the possibility that OCD may be
an impulse control disorder or a habit disorder rather
than an anxiety disorder. The authors mention a
Now, you ask why write an article about whether
study by Bartz and Hollander from 2006 as an
OCD is an anxiety disorder or not? Why is that
example of researchers putting forth good arguments
relevant for us, who either have OCD or have a loved
one who has OCD? Isn’t it only relevant for the
doctors who prescribe the medications? My answer
The authors, however, state that if OCD is eliminated
to those questions is that it is definitely relevant for
from the group of anxiety disorders other issues arise.
both the patient and his/her families, because we are
First of all it is a fact that many patients with OCD
working together with the doctors on finding the right
February 2007 Page
treatment for the patient. This gives us the obligation
medication that was geared towards impulse control
to educate ourselves as much as possible about the
and not usually used for OCD, as far as I know. But
those were the issues we were dealing with: a boy
who suddenly seemed to give into any impulse that
My son has OCD and Tourette’s and had for a few
entered his head. Well, it seems to work. So if we
years done well with the medicines prescribed for
all, not just the doctors, educate ourselves on various
him. All of a sudden these medications seemed to
medications and what symptoms they have treated
stop working and our son fell apart and could
successfully and where science is heading we stand
especially not cope with school. We had to re-
in a much better position of helping the patient
evaluate the treatment for our son together with his
choosing the right treatment whether it be in the form
specialist. In the end we opted for trying out a
of medication, therapy or other treatments.
The CPRI Brake Shop service for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders presents
For the family member (including the adolescent child), educator, spouse, friend,
neighbour, bus driver, babysitter…or anyone else invested in learning more about Tourette
Syndrome and its associated conditions (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Sensory
Processing Dysfunction, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, oppositional-defiance,
Each week is devoted to a different topic:
“leaky brake” disorders and their misperceptions sensory issues/cognitive-behavioural management review, and panel of experts (professional, parent, child, supports)
Various “CPRI Brake Shop” team members will present these topics. Time for questions and networking is allotted. Each spot is reserved for a particular attendee, and successive
sessions assume past information. Hence, you are encouraged to attend all sessions.
Annual fall and spring courses offered. Enrolment is without charge. To reserve a spot
for the next available 6-week programme beginning April 4, 2007, call
February 2007 Page
Our son Matthew was diagnosed with Tourette's
Syndrome 3 years ago at the age of 9 and a half. He
also has ADHD. Matthew's tics are not too severe
2: How do I know that my beaker is filling?
and have been managed with medication since his
diagnosis. Over the past year or so, however, we
have experienced increased rage and frustration
The program also uses Dr. Ross Green's approach
attacks. We were having problems dealing with these
attacks and trying to diffuse them before they
occurred. Matthew was also having problems dealing
Each week there was a review of the previous week
with these explosions. That's when CPRI came to the
and then we built from there. Session 3 involved
identifying what fills my beaker and that's when the
boys came alive. They got to draw all the things they
We found out at our monthly Tourette meeting about
feel before, during and after an explosion. It was the
a program at CPRI called 'give me a break'. It is a
best session I think. Week 5 was the adult session
self management group for children with Tourettes
only and we were fortunate to have Matthew's
and their parents to attend. The course runs over 9
teacher attend also. She also found the program very
weeks, with week 5 being an adult only session. We
were unsure about the course at first, because of the
school Matthew would miss (the class runs on
I think Matthew got quite a bit out of the program,
Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 am), plus he is not
more than anything we have tried so far. It was also
always a willing participant in discussions.
an eye opener for me. I was able to personally relate
to much of the topics being covered. We all have a
The program was wonderful. Dr. Duncan and the
'beaker' and different things cause it to fill and
staff put us right at ease and made everyone feel
overflow. Learning techniques to empty the beaker
welcome and included. The group is small, only 6
and reduce the overflows has made a noticeable
children. They all had Tourette's and other associated
difference in our family. We have been trying to
disorders, so could relate to each other. The premise
continue with all the good stuff that we learned.
of the program was simple and easy to relate to.
Things are definitely better around our house and I
They use the 'beaker' analogy to identify the level of
would recommend the program to any other families
frustration the child is experiencing. The 3 main
experiencing rage/anger related to Tourettes or other
behaviours. It is well worth the missing of school
. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
CPRI Brake Shop:
Putting The Brakes On Sleep Difficulties
Because we can accidental y ‘train’ our bodies to have
a number of ways to improve sleep hygiene. At the end of
problems fal ing asleep, it is very important to practice
this handout is a checklist with further ideas to assist you.
good sleep hygiene to prevent this unintentional ‘bad’
learning from occurring. Children with ‘leaky brakes’ may
So let’s give ‘em a brake!
have bodies that are more susceptible to this kind of
learning. Good sleep hygiene can also make it easier for
- Keep a regular sleep schedule. Don’t vary
children who are biological y predisposed to sleep
bedtime/wake-up times by more than 1 hour even on
difficulties to adapt to regular sleep schedules. Below are
weekends, and stick to a set routine. Do the same things
in the same order every time – you might even want to
February 2007 Page
create a ‘script’ together so the words you share when
- Bedtime Fading. Put some reverse psychology to use.
your child is in bed are the same each night. Structure,
“You wanna stay up? Fine – stay up reeeally late”!
as a general rule, is always very helpful for children with
Keep the activities boring (“this is what adults do when
‘leaky brakes’ – it fosters a predictability in their lives (and
they stay up late”) and keep the child awake until they’ve
therefore a feeling of control) that can be otherwise
gone through the bedtime routine and been put into bed
lacking given their poor control over their own bodies,
at a time that is 30 minutes past when they would
attention, emotions, and thoughts. This schedule should
natural y fal asleep. The child is tired enough that putting
have a child in bed before 11 p.m. and up before 8 a.m.
him to bed is not a battle – and no fights equal no extra
stimulation! Over time, this ‘re-trains’ your child’s body
- No naps during the daytime. Instead, wear them
that bedtime is a time of relaxation and the bed is a
out during the day. Exercise is good, but not right before
source of relief for their exhaustion. Once this occurs, the
bedtime because exercise arouses the body and raises
bedtime can be inched back slowly (15 minutes at a time)
your temperature. To fal asleep you need your body
and eventual y to the desired time (or at least a time
temperature to lower instead. One thing we know about
where the child stil seems wel -rested in the morning). It
the body is that it automatical y lowers its temperature
is worth emphasizing that this is not intended to ‘trick’ the
(making you feel drowsy) 4-6 hours after you exercise.
Therefore, by getting the blood pumping through some
sort of activity 4-6 hours before bedtime, we can get our
- More reverse psychology. Oftentimes it is the stress
bodies to natural y prepare us for sleep right when we
around WANTING to fal asleep that ironical y causes
people to have problems fal ing asleep. They are trying
too hard! One way to take the stress out of the equation
- Beds are for SLEEPING in! The bed should be used
is to emphasize staying awake instead. Have the child
for sleeping only – this wil actual y teach the child’s body
prepare for bed and get settled in, and then tel them how
to prepare for sleep as soon as you are lying in this place
important it is for them to NOT fal asleep. It removes the
and at this time. Lying in bed for hours reading or eating
confuses your child’s body, because now a variety of
activities (some involving powering the body up, some
- What if my child has Tourette Syndrome? If your
involving powering the body down) are now linked to the
child experiences painful tics, a massage or warm
bed. If the child frequently plays in his/her bed, this can
bath/shower may help to relax his/her body. If muscles
even train the child’s body to link activity with beds,
are chronical y tight due to long-standing tics, chiropractic
meaning that (s)he wil become stimulated rather than
care may be necessary to correct any subluxations and
al ow the body to be ‘re-trained’ how to relax.
- Stimulation is bad! In order to al ow the body to shut - What if my child is Obsessive-Compulsive?
down, sources of stimulation need to be avoided in
Does your child complain that his/her head won’t stop
preparation for bedtime. Avoid fights shortly before lights
long enough for him/her to get to sleep? One technique
out. Caffeine is a stimulant, and so no colas, Mountain
to experiment with is the use of a TV in the bedroom.
Dew, teas, coffee, or chocolate in the late afternoon or
Sometimes a television program can serve as a distracter
evening should be permitted. As a rule of thumb;
long enough for the child’s body to relax and drift off. For
eliminate these items from the child’s diet 6 hours before
this strategy to work, certain components are very
bedtime. Final y, is the room too loud or too bright for
the child to fal asleep? Remember that your child may
have ‘leaky brakes’ over his/her senses, and so sounds
- - Use a television equipped with a timer that can be
and/or light in the room that wouldn’t bother you wil
set to turn off after a specified time period (e.g. an
hour). That way the child is not awakened later in the
night by the noise. If this technique works for your
- ‘Graduated Extinction’. Decide how long you are
child, the amount of time the TV is left on can be
going to wait before you check in on your crying child,
and stick to it. Don’t pick your child up or otherwise
reward your child for those behaviours – just go ‘in and
- - Choice of show is crucial: it should be a low-
out’ long enough to ensure everything is al right.
stimulation show (i.e. without lots of explosions and
Increase this amount of time each night over many
excitement). It should also be very predictable, either
nights. Because this plan means that NO ONE sleeps wel
because the structure of the show is always the same
for a few nights, you might choose a weekend/holiday to
(like the way Law & Order always fol ows the same
formula), or the content is familiar (a show or episode
watched repeatedly). Knowing what’s coming next in
February 2007 Page
the show is, in itself, comforting, and contributes to
A final point: for the child who is genetical y predisposed
to sleep difficulties, these techniques do not “cure” the
- What if my child has Attention-Deficit
problem. Rather, they create an environment that al ows
Hyperactivity Disorder? Al ow the need for longer-
the child to sleep in a regular schedule despite their
than-usual routines. Given the problems children with
natural tendencies. Light bulbs wil shine brightly until
ADHD can have around regulating their energy levels, it is
they burn out, as that is how they are designed to be –
more important to ride their ‘waves’ (when their energy is
only by attaching them to a timer wil they fol ow the
low and they are nodding off, DON’T re-arouse them by
schedule we set without need for intervention. For this
running them through a routine). If your child is on a
reason, you should not be surprised if problems re-occur
stimulant medication, be aware that certain dosages at
after some sort of disruption in the schedule (due, for
later points in the day can interfere with sleep. Be sure to
example, to an il ness or a vacation). Think of that
speak to your physician and/or pharmacist about the
disruption as being like a power outage on the timer –
appropriate administration of this drug.
just as the light bulb would revert back to its natural
tendencies, so do these children. We must simply reset
- Added bonuses – better brakes, fewer headaches!
the timer before we can expect the light bulb (or the
One way to avoid power struggles around the use of
child!) to again fol ow the schedule we desire.
these techniques is to let children know “what’s in it for
them”. Arguments around lights out can easily look to
If you’d like more detail than what is provided here, a
children like just another way an adult is tel ing them what
good book to read is Sleep Better! A Guide to Improving
to do. Assure them that this isn’t the case – not only wil
Sleep for Children with Special Needs, by Dr. V. Mark
their brakes work better the next day the longer they
sleep (like a battery being recharged), but recent research
suggests that using good sleep hygiene can reduce the
2004, Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay, Psychologist
frequency and duration of migraine headache episodes
(Bruni, Gal i, & Guidetti, 1999). ___________________________________________________________________________________
Speaking on: Children Do Well If They Can Collaborative Problem Solving: Overview of General Model
This newsletter was produced for the London Chapter of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada by Ray Robertson
and Gerard Johnson. Anyone wishing to make suggestions or comments about the content or if you would like to
contribute an article for inclusion in the newsletter, please contact Gerard Johnson via email at:
"The information provided on a particular medication and/or treatment is individual. Please consult your physician for the
best treatment for you. Opinions expressed in the material printed in this publication represent the opinions of the author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Foundation, nor does acceptance of advertising for products or services in any
way constitute endorsement by the Foundation. Every effort has been made to locate the copyright owners of the
material quoted in the text. Omissions brought to our attention wil be credited in a subsequent printing. Grateful
acknowledgement is made to those publishers/authors who asked that their ownership be noted."
February 2007 Page
Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment, and Education Report Prepared for the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment and Education . 3 1. Introduction . 3 2. Introduction to HIV/AIDS . 3 2.1 HIV Transmission . 5 2.2 HIV Testing . 6 2.3 Symptoms of HIV . 7 2.4 HIV Treatment . 7 2.5 Diagnosis of AIDS . 8
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