Grand master

Grand Masters
Chamber Pots
Joint Masters
Scribe Master
Hash Cash
Hare Master
Hash Flash
Life Pee’er
Hereditary Pee’ers

Next Run No: 1611
Date: 13th June 2011
Start: Heritage Site car park, Minions
On Down: The Caradon Inn, Upton Cross
Hare: Tampax

This week’s Monday ritual which goes by the name of the Hash revolved around bogs,
virgins and Racy. Before the off from The Plume (all having been forgiven) during our
Beloved Leaders opening address, his tongue got twisted around Shrink and Shrek – not a
sight for the faint hearted! They are off to the far side of the World (N.Z.) and their last run
is on June 27“‘. It’s a very long way to go to avoid TVH3 if you ask me. Racy had a flying
start, her fancy having been tickled by Todd’s tail. A smaller band than usual set off as it
was half tem·(something about needing to put families first, apparently).
The Hares did a sterling job sending the Shorts hither & thither amongst the Longs, who
regrouped on Hart Tor. The Moor resounded with their piratical chorus of
‘ohhhaaarrrggghh’. Now there are various ways of tackling a bog. ‘The experienced jump
from tuft to tuft, the virgins slip right in’ as one old hand put it. Some enlightened semi-
virgins followed Lost, not always the best policy as his name would suggest, but it paid off
tonight as they came through unscathed. Jon Mcgurkin, another almost virgin, was
spotted nipple deep in the bog muttering it was the second time this year. Unless he
enjoys it, always a strong possibility with a Hasher, perhaps an improvement in bog
technique is called for. Racy avoided the bog altogether as she was wearing her road
trainers, which seems rather against the Hashing spirit. Those that got back early
pronounced it a good run, those that didn’t get wet.
A lively on down ensued with the dulcet tones of the Hash Ensemble regaling Hot Rocks
with ‘Happy Birthday’. P60, a real pro Hasher, was celebrating an amazing 30 years of
hashing. ln the spirit of recycling our GM was giving out small children’s T shirts from a
few Christmases ago. Racy gamely tried one on, not blushing at baring if not her all, then
certainly her underwear. Suggestions a bucket of water be thrown over her were stoutly
resisted. Not to be left out, Windy was given a pop up packet from our caring GM in a
suggestive fashion. Viagra we wonder'? Whinge was heard whinging that a six year old had beaten him in a Chagford run. Went through his legs apparently. Jen Farrant was named, and as she had worked in the Plymouth Aquarium, Wanda; and Bottomfeeder were suggested. Groper came through, having to do with fish and bottoms. Trust the Hash to lower the tone! On.On. On.


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