Articles Elena Kostadinova* 1. Introduction Summary:
Segmentation has been a central fundamental to traditional marketing for
concept in marketing theory and practice
decades. It is believed that these three
for decades. Since F.B. Evans` controversial
activities, performed in that order, describe
article "Psychological and objective factors
the content of strategic marketing. Two main
in the prediction of brand choice: Ford versus
ideas underlie the STP concept: first, markets
Chevrolet" (1959) several studies have been
are not homogeneous but "differentiated"
conducted in attempt to capture meaningful
relationships between brand choice and second, the needs of individual segments psychographic, demographic and behavioral
should be met by developing an appropriate
variables. The idea that different brands
appeal to different profiles of customers
concept of product differentiation). With
is intuitively adopted by practitioners and
the rise of the concept of positioning in the
academics as conventional marketing interpretation of Ries and Trout, emphasis emphasizes the importance of segmentation,
brand differentiation and positioning concept of market segmentation to the to marketing success. But does brand idea of brand segmentation and the idea of preference really discriminates between product differentiation moved to the idea of customers? The purpose of this paper is to
image (imaginary) differentiation. This idea
present the results of an empirical study of
inspires a natural tendency of managers to
the Bulgarian market for 1) four categories
divide customers into "ours" and "others",
of fast moving consumer goods and 2) three
which in turn involves the search of different
categories of durable products. The main
positioning lines in order to differentiate their
objective of the study is to examine the
brand from that of their competitors. But is
existence of brand level segmentation of the
brand segmentation not just a manifestation
of market segmentation? And if we find significant differences in the client bases
Key words: segmentation, brand
of Mercedes and Volkswagen, for instance,
can we attribute those differences to the brands themselves or to their belonging to
JELclassification: M3
* Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategic planning, University of National and World economy, Bulgaria, 1700 Sofia, email address:
The first study to draw attention to the
paper presents the results of a study of
the Bulgarian markets of four widely used
variables in predicting brand choice categories of fast moving consumer goods was made by Franklin B. Evans, who in
– beer, yogurt, sausages and toothpaste
and three categories of durable products
automobile brand image of two of the most
– mobile phones, laptops and cars. The
popular brands by that time – Ford and
following principles underlie the selection of
Chevrolet and their owners` personality.
these particular categories: 1) maturity of
The study compared the abilities of the market (the presence of multiple and psychological and objective variables to
established brands, free competition); 2)
predict automobile brand choice showing that
experience of the customers (knowledge of
measures, whether separately or combined,
the category, clear preferences); 3) variety
were only weakly related to the ownership
(the categories should be representative of
the market); 4) involvement (the categories
strong debate as by that time the purchase
selected should have different levels of
of a car had a deeper symbolic meaning to
customer involvement); 5) the presence of
Americans and companies strived to build
strong marketing efforts for positioning and
distinctive images of their brands. Since
differentiation of the brands. The markets
of these categories in Bulgaria have mostly
existence of predictive relationship between
brand choice and different sets of variables,
previous research focuses on stable, well-
the USA. One of the purposes of the study
the data of BMRB International’s Target
is to examine if previous findings about
Group Index for 42 varied industries in the
United Kingdom, the results of which testify
to the lack of brand segmentation. Other
studies on the subject include Geraldine
2. Main Hypothesis
Fennel, Greg Allenby et al. presented in their articles "The Effectiveness of
that there is no brand level segmentation
for Explaining Brand and Product Category
– brands` profiles do not differ in ways
Use" (2003) concluding that demographics
and general descriptors are not appropriate
for explaining relative brand preference as
existence of brand level segmentation is
they describe what type of person is more
whether a manifestation of hidden market
likely to use a certain product category
segmentation or an exception to the rule.
but do not provide information about the
motivating conditions that lie behind the
with the help of the following supporting
preference of a particular brand. "No brand
level segmentation? Let us not rush into
segmentation - similar brands in terms of
judgment" (Marketing research, 2002). This
price, brand penetration and market share
would have similar demographic profiles of
brand) for each variable. The magnitude of
their customers; H2: There is no brand level
the differences between the profiles was
segmentation - similar brands in terms of
estimated by calculating the mean absolute
price, brand penetration and market share
deviation (MAD) which was preferred to the
would have similar psychographic profiles of
traditional standard deviation as a more
stable indicator of dispersion for non-normal
3. Methodology
distributed data. The psychographic profiles of the brands were outlined through the
The MSoD1 (Many Sets of Data) system for psychographic segmentation
approach was adopted for the purposes of
this study. The MSoD approach requires the
Jelev and which is based on the following
three dimensions: 1) Buyer power (Low –
integration and comparison of several sets
of data, drawn from different populations.
goods); 3) Orientation (Saving - Spending).
This approach contrasts with the traditional
The system includes 30 variables, such as "I
like trying out the new things on the market, "I
which lead to instant resolutions but do not
budget well when I go shopping", "I consider
contribute to theory building or have any
myself financially sound", measured on
5-point Likert agree-disagree scales. The
analysis also included a set of 18 variables
comprised the use of several samples which studied the respondents` lifestyles, of data for seven categories of products
beliefs and consumer behavior such as "I
collected in three waves. The analysis of the
try to live healthy", "The opinions of others
data was separated into two parts – analysis
of the psychographic profiles of each brand
and analysis of the demographic profiles of
through personal face-to-face interviews.
the brands. Since the markets of the four
categories of fast moving consumer goods
following the age and gender distribution
can be seen as repertoire, the subsamples of
of the adult population in Sofia and major
users of each brand consist of respondents
cities in Bulgaria. The sizes of the samples
who have indicated that 1) the brand is the
for the two categories of FMCG and durable
one that they use most frequently or 2) is
products are accordingly 1082 and 870. Both
among the brands the respondent uses most
samples consist of different respondents
frequently. The study of the three categories
and data collection is sufficiently remote
of durable products included current users of
in time, which makes them suitable for the
each brand. The study data was processed
implementation of the research approach.
by the methods of descriptive statistics.
4. Results
Both demographic and psychographic profiles of each brand were compared to
In summary, the results were positive and
the average percentage profile (the average
supported the hypotheses. The profiles of
1 See Ehrenberg A. and Bound J., "Turning data into knowledge", Chuck Chakrapani (Ed.) "Marketing research – state of the art perspectives", 2000
the users of competing brands did not differ
relatively small. In both studies, most of
significantly. The deviations from the average
the significant differences were found for
psychographic profile larger than five above- and below-average priced brands. percentage points were 16% for the durable
Logically, the users of expensive brands
products and 26% for the FMCGs. Although
in general few differences were found to
financially reasonable, more open to trying
expose the existence of meaningful brand
new products, eager to pay more for quality
segmentation, some grouping was observed
items and bring more entertainment. Users
of cheaper brands on the other hand, tend
Bulgaria. At first, it appears that the profiles
to prefer the old established brands to the
of the German Volkswagen and Opel new ones and deprive themselves of many brands are in tune with their popular image
things to live. They do not tend to buy things
that is being imposed by their advertising
they do not need. Similar brands in terms
campaigns – according to the results of our
study, two brand owners are more likely to
share were not found to have significantly
be conservative and less inclined to take
different psychographic profiles of their
risks than the owners of another popular
users. These relationships can be seen in
brand in Bulgaria – Peugeot. However, figure 1 which compares the user profiles these differences cannot be attributed to
of 8 popular beer brands along Dimension
the brands` differentiation and segmentation
1 (Openness). Similar groupings were found
but to some specifics of the Bulgarian car
with the toothpaste category where origin-
market, in which only a small portion of the
population buys new cars and German brands
are known for their durability and reliability.
French cars on the other hand are perceived
brands – for the FMCGs category only 15%
as too fragile and non-suitable for Bulgarian
of the deviations from the average profile
French cars buy mostly newer cars. To sum
and 12% for the durable products. It is also
up the situation, the car park of Volkswagen
consists of older and respectively cheaper
penetration in the higher income groups and
vise versa. Table 1 summarizes the results for
though the two brands are competing in the
six psychographic variables for the users of
same class. So, we may assume that behind
seven beer brands and Table 2 compares the
brands` demographic profiles against each
lies a well known demographic and market
other and against the average brand. Zagorka,
priced (standard class) national brands and
users of the more expensive foreign Ariana is a cheaper mass brand (economy brands of beer and users of national class). Table 3 and 4 summarize the results average and low-priced brands although
for the same variables for the category of
the absolute monetary difference between
laptop computers. Differences higher than five
the prices of the two groups of brands is
percentage points have been highlighted. Articles Fig. 1. Percentage of beer users who have agreed or completely agreed with the statements reflecting Dimension 1 (Openness)Table 1. Deviations from the average profile for six psychographic and lifestyle variables (Beer)When a new I usually I consider product comes uncommon I spend too opinion of Beer brand out I am among much time others is financially the first to buy things I important shopping don`t need Average MAD (All brands)
Becks has 11% more users than the average brand who have agreed with the
statement "It is not uncommon for me to buy
things I don`t need". Kamenitza has 6% less
of the users of Heineken belong to the low
users than the average brand. The mean
absolute deviation for the statement "I consider
myself financially sound" for all brands is 2.
between the profiles of competing brands is
consists of 53% male users and 47% female
also evidenced by the low values of the mean
users. Zagorka has 51% male users and
absolute deviation as shown in Table 5. Articles Table 2. Brand profiles by gender, age and income (Beer)Gender (%) Income (%) Beer brand The average Table 3. Deviations from the average profile for six psychographic variables (Laptop computers)Table 4. Brand profiles by gender, age and income (Laptop computers)Gender (%) Income (%) The average Articles Table 5. Mean absolute deviations for the seven product categoriesDemographic variables Psychographic variables Product category Lifestyle variables (MAD) All categories 5. Conclusions
might have customers which significantly
differ in terms of social class, lifestyle and
personal features and demographic differ mostly by their size and market characteristics does not necessarily penetration2 and users are usually split-suggest that we can predict consumer
loyal to a set of brands3. It is also known
that most customers do not perceive their
thing as "our customers"? Competing
preferred brands as "unique", nor do they
bases and are perceived as substitutable
type of association4; the users of small
brands have similar attitudes against the
segmentation, e.g. brands from different
2 See Ehrenberg, A.; Goodhardt, G.; Barwise, P. (1990) "Double Jeopardy Revisited", Journal of Marketing, Vol.54, no. July, p.82-91. 3 See Brown G. (1952-1953) "Brand Loyalty – Fact or Fiction", Advertising Age, 23 June 1952 – January 1953 (series). 4 See Romaniuk, J.; Gaillard, E.; "The relationship between unique brand associations, brand usage and brand performance: analysis across eight categories", Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 23, Issue 3-4, 2007. Articles
than their competitors but to be regarded
6. Scope of the Study and Possible
as a good example of their category. We
Follow-Up Research
can no longer "put a golden stripe and
One of the limitations of the study is the
said, therefore creative advertising and
consolidate the results achieved so far.
no longer need to restrict their efforts
included – only seven. Further research
should cover services markets, financial
vast and attractive mass market is being
products, powerful advertising, more markets for example, as those are not
stable and fully structured, products vary
That`s why, it is recommendable be tested for the existence of brand
that companies: 1) define the most segmentation – such economic situation
important attributes that customers seek
in a product; 2) deliver these attributes,
meeting and where it is possible, more intelligent and resourceful buyers
exceeding customers` expectations looking for better value for their money,
about the product itself 3) examine often overcoming their habitual shopping
and follow closely the dynamics of behavior. Other variables might also be
consumers` priorities – the mass market
is more volatile and difficult to predict
and things that are most important sought by the customers, motivating
so they can include them in their buying
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