TELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND e-HEALTH Volume 10, Number 2, 2004 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine whether home telehealth, when integrated with the health facility’s electronic medical record system, reduces healthcare costs and improves qual- ity-of-life outcomes relative to usual home healthcare services for elderly high resource users with complex co-morbidities. Study patients were identified through the medical center’s database. Intervention patients received home telehealth units that used standard phone lines to communicate with the hospital. FDA-approved peripheral devices monitored vital signs and valid questionnaires were used to evaluate quality-of-life outcomes. Out-of-range data triggered electronic alerts to nurse case managers. (No live video or audio was incorporated in either direction.) Templated progress notes facilitated seamless data entry into the patient’s electronic medical record. Participants (n ؍ 104) with complex heart failure, chronic lung dis- ease, and/or diabetes mellitus were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group for 6–12 months. Parametric and nonparametric analyses were performed to compare outcomes for (1) subjective and objective quality-of-life measures, (2) health resource use, and (3) costs. In contrast to the control group, scores for home telehealth subjects showed a statistically sig- nificant decrease at 6 months for bed-days-of-care (p Ͻ 0.0001), urgent clinic/emergency room visits (p ؍ 0.023), and A1C levels (p Ͻ 0.0001); at 12 months for cognitive status (p Ͻ 0.028); and at 3 months for patient satisfaction (p Ͻ 0.001). Functional levels and patient-rated health status did not show a significant difference for either group. Integrating home telehealth with the healthcare institution’s electronic database significantly reduces resource use and im- proves cognitive status, treatment compliance, and stability of chronic disease for homebound elderly with common complex co-morbidities. INTRODUCTION
vism.2 This study examines the effect on a high-resource-use veteran population of imple-
THE ELDERLY WITH COMPLEX CO-MORBIDITIES menting these strategies by means of telemed-
who receive traditional healthcare services
icine. In 2001, the three most active sources for
fail to show long-term compliance with pre-
veteran home care were general hospitals (70%
scribed regimens, medications, and dietary re-
of all such referrals), community sources
strictions.1 It has been shown, however, that
(19.5%), and nursing homes (5.5%). Of the 23
strategies that include extrinsic motivators pro-
listed major diagnoses, those with the highest
mote long-term compliance and reduce recidi-
percentage were diabetes mellitus (DM) (12%),
VA Connecticut Healthcare Systems, West Haven, Connecticut. HOME TELEHEALTH REDUCES COSTS
heart disease and circulatory system disease
and decreased clinic and emergency room vis-
(24%), stroke (Ͼ9%), and chronic obstructive
its. Long-term disease-specific patient educa-
tion is incrementally effective in sustaining
ing dependency in activities-of-daily-living
long-term compliance for patients with chronic
(ADLs), diabetes (6%), heart and circulatory
Telemedicine’s role as a technological com-
counted for 22% out of a total of 41% not in-
munication tool has evolved beyond early
dependent in ADLs. Stroke is associated with
experimental applications into a real-world
dependency in six ADLs (3.2%), whereas dia-
cost-saving strategy. For example, a 4-year tele-
betes, heart and circulatory system diseases,
health Medicare- and Medicaid-funded project
and COPD are associated with dependency in
will examine healthcare and resource use out-
one ADL (Ͼ1.5%), two ADLs (Ͻ1.4%), and six
comes for elderly diabetics in underserved ar-
ADLs (Ͻ1%), respectively. Of the 5449 veter-
eas in New York State. End points will include
ans transferred from HBPC, three major desti-
A1C and lipid levels, blood pressure (BP), pa-
nations accounted for 89% of the total: general
tient satisfaction, and healthcare resource costs
hospital (43%), other community-based service
and use.8 National healthcare systems beyond
Home telemedicine (telehealth) transports
telemedicine to provide clinical healthcare ser-
data rather than people. Telemedicine is a vices in remote regions. In Ankara, Turkey,globally expanding technology,4–7 poised par-
combining fields of medicine, telecommunica-
ticularly to benefit homebound elderly with
tion, and informatics enables clinical healthcare
chronic complex co-morbidities. Elderly usu-
to reach rural areas.4 In Italy, seven 3-year
ally require high levels of monitoring and are
research projects served a dual goal: To im-
more likely than younger people to have bar-
prove healthcare, management, and perfor-
riers in ambulation, geographic distance, and
mance and to encourage large-scale imple-
transportation to their healthcare providers.8
mentation for actual reduction in healthcare
costs.6 The goal of Bhutan’s Health Telematics
show improved health outcomes for complex-
Project is to decrease time and distance barri-
ill elderly.9,10 Telehealth is achieving integra-
ers and optimize use of limited available health
tion with home-based primary care services us-
services.7 Telemedicine in Norway enhances
ing a patient-centered approach. Innovative
the working environment in psychiatry, der-
strategies for patient education focus on long-
matology, pathology, and otolaryngology by
term patient compliance and disease-specific
decreasing provider travel, increasing time for
education and alert systems for rapid detection
other work, and by promoting professional se-
and treatment of early signs and symptoms of
curity through integrated support systems.16 In
instability.2,11 Decreasing the cost of healthcare
Ecuador, a telemedicine project achieved sig-
is a product of preventing unnecessary clinic
nificant positive clinical outcomes and eco-
visits, hospitalizations, and trips to the emer-
nomic value for pre-surgical and post-surgical
consultations; the project reached people in re-
A positive perception of provider support-
mote rural regions outside of Cuenca and the
iveness (patient centeredness) is the key to
achieving improved, sustained, and effective
coping mechanisms, motivation, self-determi-
traditional in-person clinic visits showed
nation, self-management of chronic diseases,
shorter waiting times for scheduling patients,
and enhanced sense of well-being.1 A positive
increased efficiency and productivity for clini-
perception of provider supportiveness en-
cians, and less operational costs for the clinic.
hances objective health outcomes for hyper-
For patients, time and cost reductions resulted
tension, DM, COPD, and congestive heart from reduced travel to clinic and fewer unnec-failure (CHF). In addition, positive patient per-
essary clinic visits.9 Teledermatology facilitates
ceptions and positive objective outcomes cor-
transmission of dermatologic images, accurate
relate with decreased bed-days-of-care (BDOC)
diagnoses, and provider satisfaction, although
one-way video is not patient-centered and re-
(7) ongoing community nurse visits. Large-
duces patient satisfaction by weakening the pa-
sample, long-term studies (rather than small-
tient–provider relationship.10 A multination
scale pilot studies) can more accurately simu-
late real-world healthcare challenges and can
broadband with video-conferencing and eight
more closely determine whether telemedicine
telehealth services. Positive outcomes included
strategies influence access to care and reduce
user satisfaction with video and audio com-
munication as well as confidentiality for three
Quality-of-life questionnaires require objec-
levels of participants—medical staff, patients,
tive and subjective measures to accurately as-
and supporters. Medical staff trusted some re-
sess individualized patient-centered healthcare
mote assessments, although not assessment or
approaches. Elderly patients in declining life-
treatment for critical situations.18 Video-tele-
stages with chronic co-morbidities may show
phone and regular telephone reminders each
divergent responses to subjective and objective
improve medication compliance in elderly pa-
questionnaires. Elderly with chronic complex
tients with CHF more than usual healthcare
diseases may react differently from young peo-
services or prepoured pillboxes. Long-term re-
ple with reversible conditions to the functional
inforcement methods and patient centeredness
effects of illness and therapy. Satisfaction and
instill positive perceptions of provider sup-
happiness each characterize a particular time-
portiveness and increase the likelihood of suc-
frame between present experience and expec-
tations. Among chronically-ill elderly, satis-
approved peripheral devices and supported by
depending on perceptions of well-being. The
patient education enables transmission of valid
domains affecting perceptions of health and
and reliable data to healthcare providers and
disease are level of physical functioning, psy-
eliminates the need for frequent and costly pre-
chological state, socioeconomic status, envi-
ventive community nurse visits.19 Comparing
ronment, social relationships, and somatic sen-
the cost–benefit ratio of traditional healthcare
management in a clinic setting to home tele-health healthcare management is vital to shift-ing telemedicine from an under-utilized health-
care model to a pragmatic operational methodof providing healthcare services. Retrospective
Our current telehealth project was preceded
reviews of telemedicine studies show little at-
by a pilot project. Results of the 90-day pilot
tention to sustained real-world viability. Too
study (n ϭ 20), conducted at VA Connecticut
few studies have focused on (1) cost benefit
analysis, (2) long-term outcome data, (3) confi-
mote patient monitoring decreases healthcare
dentiality issues, and (4) access to care.20,21
costs and improves well-being of frail elderly
Cost-effectiveness analysis of telemedicine
veterans with complex co-morbidities residing
for real-world application requires examining
at home. Although the pilot study differed
healthcare costs and the broad spectrum of fac-
from the present study in that it included a
tors that influence them. A comprehensive
costly central station for collecting and trans-
multivariable approach is necessary to identify
mitting patient data, findings showed that
and measure direct and indirect healthcare
costs. Fundamental variables that determine
mented highest healthcare resource use at
costs of alternate healthcare models include (1)
transportation between remote site and clinic,
nisms and patient satisfaction with a first-gen-
(2) clinic timeframe and support personnel, (3)
eration bulky home telehealth unit. A key les-
target population such as elderly with complex
chronic co-morbidities, (4) specialist consulta-
importance of uploading data from the pa-
tion, (5) type of telemedicine device and pe-
tient’s telehealth unit into the healthcare facil-
ripherals, (6) telephone connection costs, and
ity’s electronic database. The design of the
large-sample project reported here focused on
lated to disease-specific education modules
achieving improved healthcare for homebound
were acquired via the home-based telehealth
elderly through integration with the healthcare
units. These user-friendly devices feature a
touch screen interface with 16-bit color, and
The current project was conducted in real-
step-by-step instructions using graphics, large
world settings at an operational scale. It incor-
text, and audio. FDA-approved peripheral de-
porated: (1) an active working relationship
vices plug into the telehealth unit and collect
with a corporate partner, (2) home telehealth
data for temperature, blood pressure, pulse,
units placed in 47 homes, (3) use of the WEB
(VA Intranet) and database server at VACT for
stethoscope for heart and lung sounds, pulse
data access and VISTA (VACT’s electronic
oximetry, and weight. Pain level (0–9) is self-
database) integration, (4) physiologic data in-
reported using a simple questionnaire. Data are
tegrated with VISTA, and (5) outcome data
transmitted over POTS (plain old telephone
from educational resources also integrated
system) lines to VACT’s Web-based Intranet
system and directly into the facility’s electronic
This single-blind, single-site, randomized,
database (VISTA). A patient-specific intake
large-sample project was conducted at VACT.
form was completed before deployment of the
The target population comprised frail elderly
healthcare unit. The intake form addresses de-
mographics and needs assessment for periph-
ticipation duration for each subject was at least
eral devices and safe range settings. Out-of-
6 months. Inclusion criteria included docu-
range patient data trigger VA alerts via the
mented high use of healthcare resources and
Web to nurse case managers. The device sup-
barriers to accessing healthcare services due ports on-screen hospital-to-home messaging,to geographic, economic, physical, linguistic,
scheduling, and advice from providers to pa-
technologic, and/or cultural factors. Candi-
tients. Incoming data were automatically writ-
dates who qualified for participation met these
ten into the VA’s electronic patient record to
inclusion criteria and had been actively receiv-
templated progress notes or the vital sign
record. A digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 880)
months preceding the study and throughout
was used to monitor wound care with images
study participation. A needs assessment, de-
transmitted to the Web server. Disease-specific
patient education modules included pass/fail
nursing care protocols, determined whether
tests to demonstrate learning achieved. Pa-
patients qualified for nurse case management.
tients completed on-screen assessment surveys
The control group (n ϭ 57) received usual
for pain, well-being, and patient satisfaction.
home healthcare services plus nurse case man-
This project involved multiple issues relating
agement. The intervention group (n ϭ 47) re-
to information security. The system’s design
ceived home telehealth plus nurse case man-
was examined and approved by computer sys-
agement. Informed consent was obtained from
tem security professionals (Corbett Technolo-
all participants. Approval to conduct the study
gies, Inc.). A comprehensive security plan was
was granted by VACT’s institutional review
implemented to ensure viability, confidential-
board. Participants were instructed to call 911
ity, and security of the system. The system’s
for emergencies because the home telehealth
unit was not a life-saving device.18 Subjectiveand objective quality-of-life measures were
• The Telewall server allowing only preregis-
taken at baseline and quarterly. Cost data were
tered phone numbers to connect to the sys-
collected for 6 months preceding study entry
and 6 months during participation in the study.
• An isolated network segment for the main
Data analysis included parametric and non-
system servers. These servers are protected
parametric tests and made use of the SPSS 10.0
from VACT’s Intranet by a firewall.
• Virus protection software with scheduled
Vital sign data and answers to quizzes re-
• A software maintenance program to ensure
vices Program. The 4-construct tool uses a 5-
that all system security software is fully
point Likert scale with 5 ϭ excellent and 1 ϭ
poor responses, yes/no responses, and re-
• User authentication scheme whereby pa-
sponses based on current events. A sample
tients must log on to their home units with
question from the 10-item cognitive assessment
asks: “Who is the president of the U.S. now?”
• Machine authentication scheme that requires
A typical question from the 15-item functional
a unique log on from the patient’s terminal
level questionnaire asks: “Can patient take care
of perineum/clothing at toilet?” A 28-item pa-tient satisfaction question asks the patient to
Maintaining a complete electronic patient
rate “thoroughness of treatment.” A sample 37-
record (EPR) was a fundamental goal of the
item self-rated health status question asks:
telemedicine design team. The developers at
“During the past four weeks, have you accom-
VACT wrote a suite of applications that sup-
port data sharing between VISTA and the home
Each study participant was assigned to the
telehealth unit. All vital sign data collected in
intervention (home telehealth unit) or control
the home are written to VISTA and available
(usual healthcare services) group. Due to ethi-
for clinicians within 10 minutes of being re-
cal concerns for this high-risk frail popula-
ceived. Results of disease management surveys
tion, all subjects continued receiving nurse
and education assessments trigger the creation
case management during study participation.
of VISTA progress notes and become part of
VACT’s electronic database was used to deter-
the permanent record. This VISTA Integration
mine selection of qualified candidates. Partici-
Process uses the same software technology
pants who met inclusion criteria were highest
used for the VA Healthcare System’s CPRS
users of healthcare services with complex
(Computerized Patient Record System). Data
chronic co-morbidities—CHF, COPD, and/or
are passed from an SQL Server using the VISTA
Integration software and written to VISTA with
standard RPC (Remote Procedure Call) func-
Participation was skewed toward males be-
tions. This automated approach eliminates un-
cause too few female veterans met inclusion
necessary documentation workloads, improves
criteria for study participation. Regression
data accuracy, and helps make VA Telemedi-
techniques were performed to establish a rela-
cine a fully supported extension of the VA
tionship between co-morbid conditions and
Healthcare System’s EPR. Patient confidential-
healthcare use. Limitations were related to the
ity was maintained throughout the study. In-
small sample size in each group and diminish-
struments were coded for data entry. Demo-
ing participation in the study beyond 6 months.
graphic data were completed at baseline.
Means and standard deviations showed broad
A research nurse administered quality-of-life
fluctuations. Therefore, statistical tests were se-
questionnaires at baseline and quarterly. Qual-
lected on the assumption that data were distri-
ity-of-life was assessed with a valid and reli-
bution free. Parametric and nonparametric
able published instrument comprising two ob-
tests for independent groups and for paired
jective tools that measure cognitive status and
groups were performed to compare length in
functional level and two subjective tools that
study (baseline 3, 6, 9, and 12 months) with
measure patient satisfaction with care and self-
scores for healthcare resource use and scores
rated health status (the OARS Multidimen-
for quality-of-life measures. Regression and
sional Functional Assessment).28 These instru-
analysis of variance were performed to deter-
ments were chosen because results of research
mine whether a significant difference existed
have shown a correlation between healthcare
between intervention and control groups and
costs in elderly patients with co-morbidities in
according to disease conditions CHF, COPD,
declining life and responses to subjective-ob-
jective surveys.29 The OARS questionnaire de-
Reliability of the difference in means among
rives from the Americans Resources and Ser-
dependent and independent variables was lim-
ited due to small sample sizes for each disease
morbidities, CHF ϩ COPD ϭ 22, CHF ϩ DM ϭ
condition and due to tapering effects of inter-
35, and COPD ϩ DM ϭ 13; and three, CHF ϩ
vention and control group samples at 9 and 12
months. The t test, nonparametric tests, and lo-
The VACT electronic database was used to col-
gistic regression were performed to compare
lect healthcare use for BDOC, total visits, urgent
visits (unscheduled clinic and emergency
scores for health resource variables BDOC, to-
room), A1C levels for the diabetic sample, and
tal visits, urgent visits (unscheduled clinic and
coumadin visits for the anticoagulated sample.
emergency room visits), A1C levels for the di-
Number of nurse home visits was collected from
abetic sample, and RN home visits for 6 months
community agencies and VACT’s home-based
preceding study entry and 6 months of study
program. Data are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
participation. The t test and nonparametric
tests were performed to compare between- and
the intervention group (p Ͻ 0.001) and the
within-group differences for scores for quality
control group (p ϭ 0.001). Urgent visits de-
of life for four variables, at baseline, 3, 6, 9, and
creased for the intervention group (p ϭ 0.023,
12 months of study participation. Data analy-
z ϭ 0.003) and increased for the control group
ses were performed for direct and indirect
(p ϭ 0.902). Total visits also decreased for the
healthcare costs using a standard average cost
control group (z ϭ 0.042). The number of
for each variable. The t test and nonparametric
coumadin visits showed broad variability pre-
ceding and during study participation; varia-
tion was most likely related to varying risks of
anticoagulation in this vulnerable population.
Table 4 shows results for A1C levels for 51
participants with active diabetes; seven partic-
ipants were not included in the data analysisbecause diabetes was not active, no A1C levels
Table 1 shows demographic data. Of the 104
were performed, and no hypoglycemic agent
participants, 101 were males and 3 were fe-
was prescribed. At baseline, A1C levels were
males. Average age was 71 years old (range
higher for the intervention group (M ϭ 8.30)
54–90 years). Distribution of the participants’
and lower for the control group (M ϭ 7.03). At
morbidities was as follows: one morbidity,
6 months in study, the intervention group
CHF ϭ 59, COPD ϭ 35, and DM ϭ 58; two co-
showed a strong statistically significant decrease
cCOPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. NOEL ET AL.
dScheduled specialty and primary care clinic visits.
eUnscheduled clinic and emergency room visits.
in A1C levels (M ϭ 7.30; p Ͻ 0.001), whereas the
Results for self-rated health status showed no
control group showed a strong statistically sig-
between-group difference and no within-group
nificant increase in A1C levels (M ϭ 7.83; p ϭ
difference from baseline to 12 months. The in-
0.002). Results for logistic regression for each cost
tervention group showed a higher average mean
variable showed p values Ͼ 0.05; change in R2
and standard deviation from baseline (M ϭ 81.32
and SD ϭ 13.07) at 12 months (M ϭ 88.00; SD ϭ
Findings for quality-of-life scores are shown in
22.16). In contrast, the control group at 12 months
Tables 5–8. Results for cognitive level showed no
showed a lower average mean and standard de-
differences at 6 months in the study for either
viation (M ϭ 82.21; SD ϭ 10.81) than at baseline
group. The standard deviation decreased for
each group from baseline to 12 months. Between-
Healthcare costs of participants were re-
group analysis showed a statistically significant
trieved from VACT’s electronic database for re-
difference at 12 months (p Ͻ 0.001) with the 8 re-
source utilization. Healthcare costs were com-
maining participants in the intervention group
pared between groups and within groups for 6
achieving perfect cognitive scores. Mean average
months preceding study and for 6 months en-
score for the control group did not change at 12
rolled in study as shown in Table 9. Current
months (M ϭ 19.43) compared to baseline (M ϭ
year 2002 was used to compute cost for each
19.43). Results for functional level showed no be-
variable: Round-trip transportation cost be-
tween-group difference and no within-group
tween the patient’s home and VACT, $69.00;
difference from baseline to 12 months.
RN home visit, $93.00; BDOC, $1286 (average
Findings for patient satisfaction showed wide
admission and discharge days plus integral
variability in average mean and standard devia-
days as inpatient); ER, $50.00; Specialty Clinic,
tion for each group throughout the 12-month
$50.00; Primary Care, $15.00; Coumadin Clinic,
study period. Scores for the control group
$15.00; use of telehealth unit for 36 months,
showed a statistically significant improvement at
$10,000.00 (6-month/participant, $1666.00).
3 months (p ϭ 0.001) and 6 months (p ϭ 0.020)
Costs shown are for fiscal year 2002 VA defined
compared to the intervention group. At 12
costs for services listed. These values were used
months, a significant improvement was shown
to calculate the cost for each cost item in Table
within the control group (p ϭ 0.004).
9 for both patient groups pre- and post-study. HOME TELEHEALTH REDUCES COSTS
Total sample, n ϭ 104; intervention group, n ϭ 47; control group, n ϭ 57.
Results of two-tailed t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for two independent groups and paired samples for
within-group at baseline and 6 months in study. Effect size on A1C levels showing a statistical significant differencewithin each group and no significant difference between groups. NOEL ET AL.
Results of two-tailed t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for two independent groups and paired samples for
within-group at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months in study. Effect size on cognitive status showing significant and nonsignifi-cant findings. DISCUSSION
creasing elderly population with shortened lifespans and with complex, chronic co-morbidi-
Combining home telehealth, nurse case man-
ties.29 A primary goal of our project was to
agement, and patient-centered care has the po-
implement a coordinated telecommunication
tential to control healthcare costs effectively
monitoring system for detecting early signs of
and optimize wellness, especially for an in-
instability and implement early intervention
Results of two-tailed t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for two independent groups and paired samples for
within-group at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months in study. Effect size on functional level showing nonsignificant findings. HOME TELEHEALTH REDUCES COSTS
Results of two-tailed t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for two independent groups and paired samples for
within-group at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months in study. Effect size on patient satisfaction showing significant and non-significant findings.
measures to prevent costly and unnecessary re-
functional level, patient satisfaction with care,
and self-rated health status. We expected that
were coupled to VACT’s VA alert system,
outcome quality-of-life data would not neces-
which triggered patient feedback for out-of-
sarily correlate with healthcare costs for
range data. We used subjective and objective
BDOC, total clinic visits, urgent visits, and A1C
quality-of-life tools to measure cognitive status,
levels in an aging high-risk population, with
Results of two-tailed t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for two independent groups and paired samples for
within-group at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months in study. Effect size on self-rated health status showing nonsignificant findings. NOEL ET AL.
Total sample, n ϭ 104; intervention group, n ϭ 47; control group, n ϭ 57.
aCoumadin Clinic visits listed to demonstrate real-world costs without an approved, alternative safe, valid, and
bTotal Clinic visits represent all scheduled visits.
cUrgent Clinic visits represent all unscheduled visits.
dCriteria for VA-paid transportation: Category C (low income), service-connected disability and unstable medically.
An average of 50% participants in each group met inclusive criteria and received VA-paid transportation. The remaining 50% of participants used private sources for transportation to the health-care facility.
chronic and complex co-morbidities, shortened
intervention group, operating the telehealth
life span, and fluctuating perceptions of well-
unit functions provided mental stimulation but
not intrinsic motivation. It required repetitive
task completion and commitment regardless of
for the intervention and control groups (an ex-
the desire to perform the functions because
pected effect of nurse case management), the
noncompliance with prescribed telehealth unit
telehealth group showed a significant addi-
tasks triggered VA alerts and follow-up tele-
tional drop in BDOC and a significant drop in
phone calls to the patient. This kind of regular
unscheduled (urgent) visits at 6 months.
reinforcement strategy is known to improve
Health and quality of life are multidimen-
compliance and health outcomes but does not
sional constructs that are weighted differently
by each individual during health and illness
Similar reasoning applies to the significant
and during end-of-life stages. Satisfaction with
decrease in A1C levels observed in the inter-
care and self-rated health status belong to a
vention group but not for the control group.
particular moment in time and represent shift-
Diabetics in both groups performed home fin-
ing areas of life deemed important by the in-
gerstick glucose monitoring, but compliance
dividual.26 Psychological, social, and spiritual
was more likely with telehealth participants be-
cause glucose readings outside preset ranges
being, functional level, and satisfaction with
triggered VA alerts and follow-up phone call
life.27 This complex, personal, and varying
inquiries. Other studies have found that tele-
character may explain why, in our study, qual-
health works as an effective reinforcement tool
ity of life outcomes did not correlate with each
for promoting long-term compliance for dia-
other or with outcomes for health resource use.
betics through human motivation, perceptions
The intervention group showed improved cog-
of diabetic patient centeredness, perceived au-
nitive status at 12 months whereas three other
tonomy self-determination, and perceptions of
measures for quality of life showed no im-
provement. In contrast, the control group
showed improved patient satisfaction with care
vention group and might have been expected
whereas three other measures for quality of life
to bias outcome data for quality of life and re-
showed no improvement. It may be that for the
source use. Nevertheless, no relationship was
shown between functional level, satisfaction
which saves 90–120 minutes of RN time and
with care, or self-perceived health status and
eliminates unnecessary home visits for moni-
the presence or absence of caregivers. Only
toring vital signs. Home telehealth prevents
cognitive status showed significant improve-
unnecessary primary care clinic visits through
ment at 12 months for the few remaining ac-
early detection, diagnosis, and intervention, a
tive participants in the intervention group.
saving of 30 or more minutes of primary care
Participants receiving home telehealth used
fewer RN home visits, BDOC, unscheduled (ur-
A reduction in number of home visits, clinic
gent) visits, and transportation to the health-
visits, and bed-days-of-care enhances produc-
care facility. Telehealth added $1666.00 to tivity for healthcare team members by open-outcome costs during 6 months in study. Nev-
ing time frames to enroll larger numbers of
ertheless, healthcare costs decreased by 58% for
the telehealth group. Participants in the control
programs and expand caseloads for clinic-
group with usual home healthcare services
ians. Fewer hospitalized patients translates to
fewer BDOC, scheduled (total) visits, and
greater flexibility for hospital-based personnel
transportation to the healthcare facility dur-
to care for in-patients with the greatest health-
ing 6 months in the study. Health-care costs
dropped by 47% for the control group. Nurse
We collected Coumadin cost data to demon-
case management was the variable shared by
strate high costs for traditional methods of per-
the intervention and control groups and was
forming anticogulation tests. Variation in total
expected to alter healthcare costs for both
number of Coumadin Clinic visits for each
group pre-study and during the study reflected
high risks associated with anticogulation and
frequency rates for blood tests from weekly to
ables homebound patients to participate ac-
monthly depending on INR levels. All of the
tively in their healthcare through feedback and
three traditional methods are costly: (1) An RN
healthcare provider collaboration. Unstable
home visit for blood drawing, (2) blood tests in
events are deemed preventable inasmuch as
the healthcare facility, or (3) blood tests in a
early symptoms and signs of instability are community laboratory. Each method signifi-targeted with early intervention measures
cantly increases healthcare costs. Currently
through automated, electronic, VA-alert sys-
there is no approved safe, valid, and reliable
tems. Reductions in healthcare costs showed a
method for INR/PT to be performed at home
direct relationship between home telehealth
and elimination of unnecessary RN home vis-its, urgent visits, emergency room visits, andhospitalization. CONCLUSION
Time-saving and cost-saving strategies im-
prove efficiency and productivity in multiple
This project targeted an elderly population
interrelated ways: (1) data collection with pe-
ripheral device in the home environment, (2)
DM—three of the highest users of healthcare
transmission of data over POTS lines, (3) auto-
resources. Outcomes demonstrated that con-
matic electronic medical entry of within-range
data, (4) automatic VA alert and pager activa-
healthcare facility’s electronic database pro-
tion of nurse case manager for out-of-range
vides mechanisms for early intervention, effi-
data, (5) trigger of out-of-range data into elec-
cient reinforcement strategies, increased pa-
tronic templated progress notes with interven-
tient compliance, and decreased unnecessary
tion strategies and patient education, (6) pa-
resource use. The home telehealth unit added
tient/specific nurse case manager/provider
an additional cost. Nevertheless, a significant
collaboration, and (7) patient-specific disease
decrease in healthcare costs was shown for the
feedback. Time from data transmission to tem-
plated progress note drops to 10 minutes,
Home telehealth did not influence patient
satisfaction. In our pilot study, the home tele-
exercise regimens, and enhances patient satis-
health unit was equipped with a video screen
faction. Home telerehabilitation encourages
for viewing by nurses at the central station. Pa-
shortened rehabilitation hospital stays, less use
tients communicated by voice with nurses in
of expensive community rehabilitative practi-
the central station. The pilot study telehealth
tioners, and transparent teleconsultation by
group showed higher satisfaction with care
specialists. Concurrently, telehealth is used to
than the control group. Videoconferencing
monitor medical conditions and prevent signs
adds a supportive link between patient and
provider and supports the assumption thatvideoconferencing between patient and health-care provider directly influences patient sat
isfaction.10 Socioeconomic, technological, polit-ical, and professional barriers impede imple-
This research was funded by VA Health Ser-
mentation of high-quality, two-way, video-im-
vices Research and Development (HSR&D).
age conferencing between remote patients and
The authors deeply appreciate the assistance
healthcare facility-based providers. The infra-
and support of the following: Leo Calderone,
structure at state and national levels lacks uni-
form policies and standards for healthcare fa-
ment; Margaret Veazey, M.S.N., A/D for Pa-
cilities and for patient confidentiality issues. A
tient/Nursing Services; Kathleen O’Neill and
national licensing system could eliminate legal
Nurse Case Managers Gail Barrows, Phyllis
and regulatory inconsistencies that block the
Carlson, Elaine DiCicco, Susan Dicker, Cather-
current system. Corporate economic strategies
ine Smith, and Lorraine Urquhart at VA Con-
add additional barriers through competition,
necticut Healthcare System. In addition, the
arbitrary boundaries for services, and high
authors deeply appreciate the in-depth com-
costs to support broadband connectivity. Pub-
mitment of Panasonic Corporation to this proj-
lic and private payers’ reluctance to establish
ect and for re-engineering and upgrading the
reimbursement policy at lower levels adds an-
home telehealth unit throughout the 2-year
other obstacle to broader deployment of real-
multiple-site, large-sample, home telehealth
studies with videoconferencing between pa-tient and provider in particular studies that tar-
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