ISPS Health Standards and Benchmarks Grades 6-8 Standard 1 - Knows the availability and effective use of health resources in the community Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 1 – 1 Know the validity of common health products, services, and information 1 – 2 Know how to locate and use community health information, products, and
services that provide valid health information
1 – 3 Know community health consumer organizations and the advocacy
1 – 4 Know situations that require professional health services (e.g.,
management of health conditions such as asthma, diabetes)
Standard 2 - Knows external factors that affect individual and community Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 2 – 1 Know cultural beliefs, socioeconomic considerations, and other
environmental factors within a community that influence the health of its members
2 – 2 Understand how various messages from the media, technology, and other
sources impact health practices (e.g., health fads, advertising, misconceptions about treatment and prevention options)
2 – 3 Understand how peer relationships affect health (e.g., name calling,
prejudice, exclusiveness, discrimination, risk-taking behaviors)
Standard 3 - Understands the relationship of family health to individual Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 3 – 1 Know strategies that improve or maintain family health (e.g., how one's
personal behavior can affect the behavior and feelings of other family members)
3 – 2 Describe the changing roles and responsibilities of family members
3 – 3 Understand the development of adolescent independence.
3 –4 Know how communication techniques can improve family life (e.g., talking
openly and honestly with parents when problems arise)
Standard 4 - Knows how to maintain mental and emotional health Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 4 – 1 Know strategies to manage stress and feelings caused by disappointment,
separation, or loss (e.g., talking over problems with others, understanding that feelings of isolation and depression will pass, examining the situation leading to the feelings)
4 – 2 Know characteristics and conditions associated with positive self-esteem 4 – 3 Know strategies for coping with concerns and stress related to the
4 – 4 Know appropriate ways to build and maintain positive relationships with
peers, parents, and other adults (e.g., interpersonal communication)
4 – 5 Understand the difference between safe and risky or harmful behaviors in
4 – 6 Know techniques for seeking help and support through appropriate
Standard 5 - Knows essential concepts and practices concerning injury prevention and safety Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 5 – 1 Knows injury prevention strategies for family health (e.g., having a
personal and family emergency plan, including maintaining supplies in readiness for emergencies; identifying and removing safety hazards in the home)
5 – 2 Knows strategies for managing a range of situations involving injury (e.g.,
first aid procedures, abdominal thrust maneuver, cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
5 – 3 Analyze situations (e.g. hitchhiking, violence in relationships) that are
potentially dangerous to personal safety.
5 – 4 Knows the various possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and
communities, and strategies to manage conflict
5 – 5 Knows how refusal and negotiation skills can be used to enhance health
Standard 6 - Understands essential concepts about nutrition and diet Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 6 – 1 Explain and demonstrate the use of the food pyramid. 6 – 2 Analyze personal eating habits in a variety of situations (e.g. home, school
6 – 3 Describe the benefits of healthy eating for active living. 6 – 4 Determine the influence of various factors (e.g. the media, family
traditions, allergies) on personal food choices, body image and self-esteem.
6 – 5 Understand how eating properly can help to reduce health risks (in terms
of anemia, dental health, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, malnutrition)
6 – 6 Know appropriate methods to maintain, lose, or gain weight according to
individual needs and scientific research
6 – 7 Know eating disorders that affect health adversely (e.g., anorexia,
6 – 8 Know the principles of food safety involved with food storage and
preparation (e.g., proper refrigeration, hand washing, proper cooking and storage temperatures)
Standard 7 - Knows how to maintain and promote personal health Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 7 – 1 Know personal health strengths and risks (e.g., results of a personal
7 – 2 Know how positive health practices and appropriate health care can help
to reduce health risks (e.g., good personal hygiene, health screenings, self-examinations)
7 – 3 Know strategies and skills that are used to attain personal health goals
(e.g., maintaining an exercise program, making healthy food choices)
7 – 4 Understand how changing information, abilities, priorities, and
responsibilities influence personal health goal
7 – 5 Know how health is influenced by the interaction of body systems
Standard 8 - Understands aspects of substance use and abuse Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 6, students will: 8 – 1 Identify household substances, medicines and other drugs that have a
potential for harm when used improperly.
8 – 2 Read a prescription label effectively. 8 – 3 List beverages, pills and foods containing caffeine and explain its effect on
8 – 4 Describe the short-term and long-term effects of tobacco and alcohol on
8 – 5 Describe the effects of tobacco, alcohol and other drug use on the
8 – 6 Identify healthy alternatives to drugs. Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 8 – 7
Know conditions that may put people at higher risk for substance abuse problems (e.g., genetic inheritability, substance abuse in family, low frustration tolerance)
Know factors involved in the development of a drug dependency and the early, observable signs and symptoms (e.g., tolerance level, drug-seeking behavior, loss of control, denial)
Know the short- and long-term consequences of the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (e.g., physical consequences such as shortness of breath, cirrhosis, lung cancer, emphysema; psychological consequences such as low self-esteem, paranoia, depression, apathy; social consequences such as crime, domestic violence, loss of friends)
Know public policy approaches to substance abuse control and prevention (e.g., pricing and taxation, warning labels, regulation of advertising, restriction of alcohol consumption at sporting events)
Know community resources that are available to assist people with alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems.
Recognize the benefits of a drug-free lifestyle
Standard 9 - Understands the fundamental concepts of growth and development Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 6, students will: 9 – 1 Understands how the human body changes as people age, including
9 – 2 Exhibits and understanding of the hormonal, emotional, physiological and
physical changes that occur during adolescence.
9 – 3 Knows the similarities and differences between male and female sexuality 9 – 4 Identifies the basic parts and functions of the male and female
9 – 5 Understands the importance of developing an attitude towards sexuality
that is a credit to oneself, one’s family and community.
Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 7, students will: 9 – 6 Describe the body’s systems and the role each plays. 9 – 7 Explain the male and female reproductive systems as they relate to
9 – 8 Use effective communication skills to deal with various relationships and
9 – 9 Students will recognize abstinence as the only sure means of preventing
Benchmarks - By the end of Grade 8, students will: 9 – 10
Understand the process of conception, prenatal development and birth.
Identify the advantages of abstinence from pre-marital sexual activity.
• List freedoms that come with avoiding sexual activity.
• Describe risks of a pre-marital sexually active lifestyle to
marriage partners, emotional compatibility and chances of a sexual marriage.
• Practice refusal skills for risk-taking behaviors.
Explain how abstinence from sexual activity can prevent the transmission of disease.
Identify sources of support (parents, counselors, nurse, doctor) related to healthy sexuality issues.
Osteoporose Botontkalking (osteoporose) is een botaandoening, waarbij de hoeveelheid en vaak ook de stevigheid van het botweefsel is afgenomen. Hierdoor worden de botten bros en breken bij het minste of geringste. Vooral polsen, ruggewervels en heupen zijn gevoelig. Door botontkalking kunnen de ruggewervels inzakken, waardoor iemand krimpt of krom gaat lopen. Anderen worden strammer en h