David Alan Schwartz Education Ph. D., 1999 Psychology (Cognitive) M.S., 1994 B. A., 1988
2001-2 NIH National Research Service Award1999 Horace Rackham Dissertation Award, Univ. of Michigan1998-9 Fellow, Rackham Interdisciplinary Institute1997 University of Michigan Psychology Department Pre-dissertation Fellowship1996 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation Student Award Program
1995-8 University of Michigan Department of Psychology Research Partnership grant
Professional Affiliations
Cognitive Neuroscience SocietyAcoustical Society of AmericaAmerican Psychological SocietyAssociation for Research in OtolaryngologySociety for Neuroscience
Current positions
Research Associate, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke University Medical CenterFaculty Fellow, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill
Schwartz DA, Howe CQ, Purves D (2003) The statistical structure of human speech sounds
predicts musical universals. J. Neurosci. 23: 7160-7168.
Schwartz DA, Howe C, Purves D (2003) Statistical evidence that musical universals derive from
the acoustic characteristics of human speech. J. Acous. Soc. Am., 113: 2326.
Schwartz DA, Howe C, Purves D (2003) Evidence that musical universals are determined by the
statistical characteristics of human voices. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Abs.: 74-75.
Schwartz DA, Howe C, Purves D (2003) Evidence that musical universals are determined by
the statistical characteristics of human speech sounds. Cog. Neurosci. Soc. Abs.: 81.
Schwartz, D. A. (2001). An alternate route to a theory of mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Ivancich, E., Schwartz, D. A., and Kaplan, S. (2000). Integrating exemplars in category
learning: Better late than never, but better early than late. Behavioral and BrainSciences, 23, 4, 481 .
Schwartz, D.A. (1999). Fatigue of inhibitory processes in selective attention: Evidence for a
mechanism of intentional control of thought and action. Dissertation. University ofMichigan.
Schwartz, D. A., Weaver, M., and Kaplan, S. (1999) "A little mechanism can go a long way."
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 631-632.
Schwartz, D. A. and Kaplan, S. (1999). Attention and concentration: New directions in theory
and assessment. In D. Clement-Croome (Ed.), Creating the Productive Workplace. London: Routledge.
Schwartz, D. A. (1998). Indexical constraints on symbolic cognitive functioning. Proceedings ofthe 20th Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference, 935-938.
Schwartz, D. A., Ivancich, E., and Kaplan, S. (1997) "Suppression, attention, and effort: A
proposed enhancement for a promising theory." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20,34-35. Invited talks
"Il canto di mille voci: Prove a sostegno dell'origine vocalica degli universali musicali." Universityof Padua (Italy) Department of Psychology. June 25, 2003.
“Evidence that consonance derives from the acoustic structure of human speech.” Invited talkpresented at the Second Annual Neuroesthetics Conference. Berkeley, CA, January 11, 2003.
“Evidence that consonance reflects the statistical structure of human vocalization.” Invited talkpresented at the Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Pre-conference Meeting at thePsychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Kansas City, November 21-24, 2002.
“An explanation of consonance and chromatic scale structure in terms of the statistics of humanvocalization.” Invited talk presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Conference. New Orleans, June 6-9, 2002.
“Indexical constraints on symbolic cognitive functioning." Invited talk presented at the 20thannual Cognitive Science Society conference, Madison, WI, August 4, 1998
"Fatigue of inhibitory processes in selective attention." Invited talk presented to the Departmentof Psychology,Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, June 19, 1998.
"Indexical constraints on symbolic cognitive functioning." Invited talk presented to the Universityof North Carolina Department of Psychology, Chapel Hill, NC, January 12, 1998.
"Attention and concentration: New directions in theory and assessment." Invited paperpresented to the International Workplace Productivity Forum. London, England; October 29,1997.
"Peace of mind promotes health of body: Why psychosocial. interventions work." University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI, September 19, 1997.
"The persistence of erroneous intuitions: An experimental analysis of implicit biologicalconceptions." Invited symposium paper presented at the 7th European Conference forResearch on Learning and Instruction, Athens, Greece. August 28, 1997.
"The perils of positive thinking." University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, September 15, 1996.
"The species of attention." University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI , September 25, 1995. Teaching
Co-instructor, Duke Univ. Dept. of Neurobiology
Founding Director, University of Zagreb Psychology summer school,
Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, UNC-Asheville
Visiting Assistant Professor, Albion College, Michigan
Visiting Professor, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel
Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan
Courses Taught (# of terms)
Introductory Psychology (4)Biological Psychology (2)Laboratory in Biological Psychology (2)Research Methods and Statistics (3)Environmental Psychology (1)Psychology of Thinking (1)Cognitive Psychology w/lab (1)Hearing (1)
Other Professional Activity
Promotion of higher education reform in Eastern Europe by organizing summer facultydevelopment workshops and building institutional linkages between United States and EasternEuropean universities. Work sponsored in part by the Open Society Institute-Budapest.
Writing tutor for non-native English speaking graduate students at Duke University
Dale PurvesDepartment of NeurobiologyDuke University Medical CenterDurham, NC 27710purves@neuro.duke.edu
Stephen KaplanDepartment of Psychology andDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan525 E. University St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109skap@umich.edu
Roger ShepardDepartment of PsychologyJordan Hall, Building 420450 Serra MallStanford UniversityStanford, CA 94305rshepard@cox.net
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REGIS VAILLANCOURT, RABIAH SIDDIQUI, CHRIS VADEBONCOEUR, MARION RATTRAY, and DORIS LARIVIÈRE,Roger’s House Pediatric Palliative Hospice, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT Lactose intolerance is a clinical deficiency of theC.H., a three-and-a-half-year-old Caucasian boy,intestinal enzyme lactase, which is responsible forwas admitted for a routine respite stay at ahydrol