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Troisième cycle de subventions Fonds des Nations Unies pour la démocratie Guide pour les propositions de projet Troisième cycle de subventions 10 novembre-31 décembre 2008 Sommaire Ce guide décrit la procédure de présentation des propositions de projet dans le cadre du troisième appel à candidatures lancé par le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la démocratie (FNUD).

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Pandey et al. UJP 2013, 02 (02): Page 1-3 www.ujponline.com Review Article Universal Journal of Pharmacy ISSN 2320-303X TREATMENT FOR CERTAIN PARASITIC DISEASES OF FISHES * Professor/Principal Scientist & In-Charge, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Rewa The Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinar

Revmedagosto 2003.p65pa

Rev Méd Chile 2003; 131: 947-953 MEDICINA BASADA EN EVIDENCIA Introducción La Revista Médica de Chile, en sus 130 años deexistencia, ha favorecido el desarrollo de lasciencias biomédicas, siendo tal vez el medio másLa falta de acceso a la información, la escasez deimportante de difusión de la investigación médicatiempo y a veces dificultades para leer en idiomanacional1.

Microsoft word - lilly_controls_forigin.doc

UBERMORGEN.COM (lizvlx/Hans Bernhard) Lilly controls my Foriginals For their first Italian personal exhibition, the Austrian artist duo UBERMORGEN.COM (lizvlx/Hans Bernhard) is showing a synthesis of their recent work -- a subtle membrane connecting the digital and the biological: a mix that UBERMORGEN.COM, an identity that lives and works on the Net, experienced on their own bodies. One o


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Microsoft word - nicolsonlymetownsend-07 1.doc

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients 2007 Diagnosis and Therapy of Chronic Systemic Co-infections in Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Borne Infectious Diseases Prof. Garth L. Nicolson* Department of Molecular Pathology, The Institute for Molecular Medicine, 16371 Gothard St. H, Huntington Beach, California 92647, USA Correspondence: Prof. Garth L. Nicolson, Tel: +1-714-596-6636,

Microsoft word - jl-r guidelines.doc

Code: JL-R SOUTHWEST HARBOR SCHOOL DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR LOCAL WELLNESS POLICY These guidelines are subject to ongoing administrative and school department review and modification as necessary to help assure compliance with the purpose and intent of the Southwest Harbor School Department Local Wellness Policy. Students, staff, and community will be informed about any changes made


CAPTOPRIL TEST (6.25 mmol/d) in women. (See also Section I:majora contain the terminal portion of the round CALCIFICATIONS, BLADDER “Urolithiasis, Adult, General”; Section I: “Urolithiasis,ligaments of the uterus and an obliterated remnant of DESCRIPTION Bladder calcifications on CT or Calcium Oxylate/Phosphate”; Section II:peritoneum similar to the tunica vaginalis, which may


Publicación de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de CubaAño 2, números 6 - 7. La Habana, enero, 2008Con una conferencia del doctor Eusebio Leal, Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana, se iniciaron en la UnEAC los actos por el 50 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución. Para celebrar ese importante acontecimiento, la Asociación de Escritores convocó el ciclo La Revolución, la escri-

Final report, cpie lessons learnt workshop, feb 2009.pdf

FINAL REPORT Child Protection in Emergencies Lessons Learnt Workshop on 2008 Flooding February 10-11, 2009 Organized by: UNICEF Nepal Executive Summary The breach of the Koshi dam on the 18th of August 2008 resulted in massive flooding across Sunsari and Saptari districts in the east of Nepal. Over 60,000 people were displaced, taking refuge in schools, and eventually lo

Microsoft word - ufo-koerper.doc

Bei diesem Aufsatz handelt es sich um das IX. Kapitel aus „Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der UFO-Falle*) – postmodernes Leben und Handeln am Abgrund zur Neoklassik“ *) U nsicherheit, F äulnis, O pportunismus; www.ufo-falle.de Autor: Dietram Schneider Zitieren und Weiterverwendung nur nach Rücksprache mit dem Autor www.dietram-schneider.de Nachdem in den bisherigen K

Eating one's words: part iii. mentalisation-based psychotherapy for anorexia nervosa-an outline for a treatment and training manual

European Eating Disorders ReviewEur. Eat. Disorders Rev. 15, 323–339 (2007)Eating One’s Words: Part III. Mentalisation-BasedPsychotherapy for AnorexiaNervosa—An Outline for aTreatment and Training Manual1Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Lillehammer University College,Norway2Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Eastern and SouthernNorway, Oslo, NorwayThis paper presents a ne


Family Planning Methods Family planning (FP) is the intentional planning of when to have children, the healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, and the ability of couples and individuals to freely choose to use birth control (or contraceptive) methods and other approaches to implement these plans. While FP is often used as a synonym for birth control, FP includes a range of approaches


III Seminário de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar A primeira década novo milênio: sociedade, instituições e inovações Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil, 9, 10 e 11 de maio de 2011 A PROTEÇÃO JURIDICA DOS DIREITOS DE PROPRIEDADE INDUSTRIAL AO DEPOSITANTE DO PEDIDO DA CARTA-PATENTE E DO REGISTRO DE MARCA, PENDENTE O PRAZO DE ANÁLISE JUNTO AO INSTITUTO NACI

Seagate crystal reports - ergeb

XXIX. Internationaler Usedom-Marathon 2008 und 18. Halbmarathon Ergebnisprotokoll für den XXIX. Internationaler Usedom-Marathon 2008 Marathon Stark bewölkt, ca. 20°C, schwacher Wind aus westlicher Ehrung der Gesamtsiegerinnen beim XXIX. Usedom-Marathon Veranstalter Örtlicher Ausrichter Ort/Datum XXIX. Internationaler Usedom-Marathon 2008 und 18. Halbmarathon Altersk

Microsoft word - bois de la cambre.doc

CCN VOGELZANG CBN CCN VOGELZANG CBN VOGELZANG VOGELZANG COMPTE BANCAIRE - 210-0062146-21 C.C.N. VOGELZANG C.B.N. - BANKREKENING : Réaménagement du Bois de la Cambre – Enquête publique Dans le cadre de l’enquête publique organisée suite à la demande pour l’obtention du permis d’urbanisme et d’environnement pour le réaménagement du Bois de la Cambre, la CCN Vo

Microsoft word - revised miralax 8 12 11.doc

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLONOSCOPY: MIRALAX/GATORADE DATE: _____________________ TIME: ______________________ PLEASE REPORT TO: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ *Arrive 45 minutes prior to procedure time to register * PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO HAVE SOMEONE DRIVE YOU HOME BECAUSE YOU WILL BE MEDICATED FOR THIS PROCEDURE. If

Richtlinie für die verwendung von arzneimittelbezeichnungen bei der verordnung

Arzneimittel-Kommission Verordnungsrichtlinie Richtlinie für die Verwendung von Arzneimittelbezeichnungen bei der Verordnung Hintergrund Hintergrund war eine Diskussion im Rahmen des CIRS, nachdem Tazobac® aus dem Sorti- ment gestrichen und das Generikum Piperazillin/Tazobactam eingeführt wurde. Dieser Name ist sehr lang und verleitet verordnende Ärzte dazu, entweder wei


How foundations garble their messageand lose their audience Table of Contents A foreword by Michael Bailin, President How foundations garble their message and lose their audiencePhilanthropy’s favorite noise,and the meaning it concealsDrawing sense from the wells of gibberishCopyright © 2001 by The Edna McConnell Clark FoundationIt was in that spirit that a little over a yearA forewor


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5th Annual Columbus CANstruction® Competition It starts with one can. To feed the hungry. To lift the spirit. To change the world.® architects, engineers, artists or designers What design & build structures made entirely Where Fair Oaks Mall, Columbus, Indiana CANstruction®, a charity committed to ending hunger, is using


Articles Elena Kostadinova* 1. Introduction Summary: Segmentation has been a central fundamental to traditional marketing for concept in marketing theory and practice decades. It is believed that these three for decades. Since F.B. Evans` controversial activities, performed in that order, describe article "Psychological and objective factors the content of strategic marketing

Microsoft word - i080117.doc

I n f o r m a t i o n s m a t e r i a l v o m 1 7 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 8 Zysten, Fisteln und Co. Der 18. November 1686 war der aufregendste Tag im Leben des Chirurgen Charles- François Félix (1653-1703). Ein Jahr lang hatte sich sein Patient der von ihm vorge- schlagenen Operation seiner Analfistel verweigert. Nun reckte er ihm den After ent- gegen, bereit, einige schmerzhafte Schnitte zu ertragen,

Pressemeddelelse vedr

Pressemeddelelse vedrørende koncert i Nordjysk Sangselskab søndag den 6. marts 2011. Søndag den 6. marts kl. 14, i hjertet af Aalborg Operafestival, inviterer Nordjysk Sangselskab til en koncert, hvor de store følelser er på spil. I brudfladen mellem romantik og senromantik maler komponisterne med store penselstrøg. I selskab med Schubert, Schumann, Strauss, Wolf og Berg skal vi møde

Microsoft word - service level agreement - supplement testing

Service Level Agreement: Nutritional Supplements HFL Sport Science will provide the following services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Master Services Agreement (or Informed-Sport / Informed-Choice License Agreements) agreed by both parties. Technical Description of Service Each sample is extracted and tested using GCMS or LCMS for the presence of substances detailed w

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Revista QuímicaViva - Número 2, año 10, agosto 2011 - quimicaviva@qb.fcen.uba.ar Contaminantes emergentes: efectos y tratamientos de remoción Emerging contaminants: effects and removal treatments García-Gómez C.1*, Gortáres-Moroyoqui P.1 y Drogui P.2 1Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, 5 de Febrero 818 Sur, Colonia Centro, Cd. Obregón, Sonora, 2Institut national de la rec


Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial CommentsNephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: 463–466Uraemic toxins and cardiovascular diseaseRaymond Vanholder, Griet Glorieux, Norbert Lameire and for the European Uremic Toxin WorkGroup (EUTox)Nephrology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Ghent, BelgiumKeywords: cardiovascular disease; uraemic toxinsCardiovascular dis

Microsoft word - guidelines version 5.0.doc

ESUR-guidelines 2005 Printed: 13-04-2006 Page: 1 of 15 ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 5.0 Content: 1. Renal adverse reactions ESUR guidelines 1.1.To avoid contrast medium induced nephrotoxicity 1.2 Determination of serum creatinine 1.3 Dialysis and contrast media administration 1.4 Administration of contrast media to diabetics taking metformin ESUR Position Statement 1


Rev Biomed 1998; 9:92-96. Helicobacter pylori : susceptibility Original Article to amoxycillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacine, nitrofurantoin and metronidazole in Costa Rica. Eugenia M. Quintana-Guzmán1, María L. Arias-Echandi1, Pilar Salas-Chaves1, Henry Davidovich-Rose2,Karl Schosinsky-Neverman1. 1Facultad de Microbiología, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2Servicio d

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TITULARES DE CONTRATOS DEL PNUD: DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA COBERTURA MÉDICA Table of Content Tratamiento de problemas psicológicos. 4 Gastos de desplazamiento médico/paramédico . 4 Embarazo & nacimiento de un niño . 6 Aparatos / ayudas ortopédicas (por ejemplo para las personas discapacitadas) . 7 Institutos especiales / cuidado institucional . 10 _________________________


Bulletin d’information du Centre Régional de Pharmacovigilance de Limoges N°53, octobre 2008 Le Centre a pour mission de répondre à vos Les effets indésirables graves ou nouveaux doivent être déclarés au Centre régional de pharmacovigilance (décret du 13 mars 1995). E-mail : pharmacovigilance@chu-limoges.fr¨ Le mois d’octobre a été riche en événements du dom

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UNCA LA CARPA Y LA PREVENCION DEL BLANQUEAMIENTO DE I . Presentación de la Carpa (1): Hasta 1954, el manejo de los fondos ha sido efectuado por los Procuradores judiciales lo que permitía a los abogados descuidarse de las preocupaciones contables y dedicarse totalmente al desempeño de la Pero, los conflictos de la postguerra y las evoluciones que tendían a dispensar ciertas j


UJJVAL PANCHAL ARCHITECT AND INTERACTION DESIGNER 02/05/1980 http://ujjvalpanchal.com STATEMENT Ujjval is an Interaction Designer and Architect. He recently completed his Interaction Design studies at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID). Prior to this, he graduated in Architecture from the School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Over the past six yea


Study Sees a Slant in Articles on DrugBy Nicholas BakalarA new analysis of reviews and articles about the controversial diabetes drug Avandia hasfound that experts who were paid by its manufacturer have been significantly more likelythan others to draw positive conclusions about the drug’s safety and efficacy. Since 2007, scientists have published hundreds of studies, reviews and opinion arti

Microsoft word - prk_form5.doc

THE DAY OF YOUR LASER PROCEDURE BEFORE THE PROCEDURE : There are no restrictions with regard to eating, drinking or medications on the day of surgery. You are encouraged to eat prior to arriving for your procedure. Excessive caffeine should be avoided. Wear comfortable clothing. All traces of make-up should be removed. We ask that you abstain from wearing perfume, cologne or aftershave for

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MARCHE A PROCEDURE ADAPTEE OBJET DE LA CONSULTATION Fourniture de Médicaments pour la Ville de Nice MARCHE A BONS DE COMMANDE BORDEREAU DE PRIX UNITAIRE BORDEREAU DE PRIX UNITAIRE DESIGNATION SPECIALITE Conditionne Prix Unitaire H.T PHARMACEUTIQUE ment proposé Anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien : Ibuprofène / Antalgique Suspension buvable pour enfant

приложения ИП-2010

List of prospective investment proposals for attraction of direct foreign investment Cost of the Brief description of the project objectives projects and initiators "Uzbekneftegaz" National Holding Company Organization of production of gas filling Organization of production of gas filling stations stations equipment for compressed gas fuel equipment for compressed gas

Fortitoken-200cd datasheet

One Time Password Token for Strong Authentication Strong Authentication at Your Fingertips The OATH compliant, time-based One-Time-Password (OTP) FortiToken-200CD is part of Fortinet’s broad and flexible two-factor authentication offering; it is a small, key-chain sized device that offers real mobility and flexibility for the end-user. There is no client software to install; simply press

Curriculum vitae

ALFRED ANDREW VAN BAAK 80 Fort Brown LHSB – 1830 Brownsville, Texas 78520 Telephone: (956) 882.5032 e-mail: Alfred.Vanbaak@utb.edu EDUCATION: Doctor of Medicine, December 1987 São Paulo- SP, Brazil RPSGT, 2007 CURRENT PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: Lecturer Anatomy & Physiology – UTB/TSC 2007-present QEP Biology I Lecture – UTB/TSC 2010 Program Director Polyso

Chronic granulomatous disease treatment options

CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE TREATMENT OPTIONS CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE – TREATMENT OPTIONS THERAPY Prevention of infection Antibiotic, antimycotic and Interferon-gamma (IFNγ) prophylaxis Treatment of Acute infections Treatment of inflamatory complications • Corticoesteroides (low dose prednisolone) Curative • CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE – TREATMENT OPTIONS P


BRIEF REPORT Generalized Anxiety late-life GAD as a chronic disorder distinct from MDD. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 13:77–80) Disorder in Late Life Lifetime Course and Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in elderly Comorbidity With Major persons is highly prevalent1 and positively as-sociated with functional disability and healthcare Depressive Disorder utilization


UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE FEIRA DE SANTANA Autorizada pelo Decreto Federal N.º 77.496 de 27/04/76 Reconhecida pela Portaria Ministerial N.º 874/86 de 19/12/86 Colegiado do Curso de Farmácia INTERAÇÕES MEDICAMENTOSAS POTENCIAIS EM PRESCRIÇÕES AMBULATORIAIS DE UM HOSPITAL ESPECIALIZADO DE FEIRA DE Orientador Kaio Vinicius Freitas de Andrade Interações medicamentosas consistem na mo


European Journal of Neurology 2004, 11: 483–488Pergolide mesylate can improve sexual dysfunction in patientswith Parkinson’s disease: the results of an open,prospective, 6-month follow-upM. Pohankaa, P. Kanˇovsky´b, M. Baresˇb, J. Pulkra´bekb and I. RektorbaDepartment of Sexology, Teaching Hospital, Brno Bohunice; and bFirst Department of Neurology, Masaryk University, St Anne Hospital,


Upper Skagit Library District Board of Trustees December 8, 2011 Present: Laurie Thomas, Keith Alesse, Ingeborg Hightower, Ann Innes. Absent: Heather Haj Others: Carol Fabrick, Karen Smith, Nancy Sparkowich, Aimee Hirschel Keith Alesse called the meeting to order at 5:04pm Minutes of the Public Budget Hearing approved as mailed. IH/AI M/S/P Minutes of the November 10 regular meeting ap

Helyhez kötött kapcsolatok. egy társadalmi kapcsolathálókon alapuló magyarázat a földrajzi munkamegosztás kialakulására

Közgazdasági Szemle, XLIX. évf., 2002. október (875–888. o.) LETENYEI LÁSZLÓ Helyhez kötött kapcsolatok Egy társadalmi kapcsolathálókon alapuló magyarázat a földrajzi munkamegosztás kialakulására A „földrajzi munkamegosztás” vagy „elhelyezkedés probléma” arra a kérdésre utal, miért alakulnak ki egy-egy gazdasági tevékenységre szakosodott

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