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Microsoft word - instructions for use - tadalafil.doc

Can TADALAFIL TABLET be taken simultaneously with other medicines? As a general rule, always tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicine, even those not prescribed, because occasionally they might interact. This is particularly important if you are treated with nitrates as you should not take TADALAFIL if you are taking these medicines. Do not take TADALAFIL wi

Osteoporose og frakturer som følge af lægemidler

DKMS – baggrundsartikel – dec. 2009. Effekter af behandling med konventionelle lægemidler på knoglemetabolismen og risikoen for fraktur. v/Lars Rejnmark & Peter Vestergaard En række lægemidler som primært anvendes til behandling af ikke-skelet relaterede sygdomme (konventionelle lægemidler) har side-effekter som påvirker knogleomsætningen og risikoen for fraktur i enten

Wichita angels

Angels Academy 2012-13 Release & Medical Form Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Parents Names ______________________ Home Phone _______________ Cell # ______________________

2530469 792.798

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2000) 54: 792±798M. Saayman á H. J. J. van Vuuren á W. H. van ZylM. Viljoen-BloomDifferential uptake of fumarate by Candida utilisReceived: 15 March 2000 / Received revision: 4 July2000 / Accepted: 9 July2000Abstract The dicarboxylic acid fumarate is an impor- of the TCA cycle (Barnett and Kornberg 1960). Previoustant intermediate in cellular processes and also s


Sports Nutrition www.nancyclarkrd.com The Athlete’s Kitchen Caffeine: Performance Enhancement in a Mug Whether you are looking for a hit, boost, pleasing stimu- means you don't know what you will be getting if you planlant, or excuse to socialize with your friends, coffee is the to purchase a pre-exercise espresso or coffee. go-to beverage for many athletes. Coffee-drinkers enjoy the



Microsoft word - band trip emergency form-chaperone

RIVER FALLS HIGH SCHOOL BAND CHAPERONE 2010-2011 Emergency Information Please Print Chaperone’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________ Home Address:____________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Significant Other’s Name: ________________

Rsp - 46_1.indb

Joseane AmesI,II Falsifi cação de medicamentos Daniele Zago SouzaIII no Brasil Counterfeiting of drugs in Brazil OBJETIVO: Identifi car os principais medicamentos falsifi cados apreendidos pela Polícia Federal brasileira e os estados em que houve a apreensão. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo descritivo dos laudos periciais elaborados por Peritos Criminais da Polícia Feder


- Available via M2M on a deferred basis. - The sound files will be sent to the M2M as soon as the EBU receives the recordings. - Recordings may not be given to any third party. - Please notify the offering organization of your broadcast date. - Documentation not revised by the EBU; available in English only. - Available for live or deferred broadcast (see each concert). The concerts are of

Pii: s0090-4295(97)00700-0

ADULT UROLOGY USE OF INTRALESIONAL VERAPAMIL TO DISSOLVE PEYRONIE’SDISEASE PLAQUE: A LONG-TERM SINGLE-BLIND STUDYJAMIL REHMAN, ALEXANDRU BENET, AND ARNOLD MELMAN ABSTRACT Objectives. Multiple conservative therapies for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease have been offered with variable and poor response rates. Calcium channel blockers have been shown in vitro and in vivo to inhibit

Mental health facts:

Mental Health Facts: Almost half of Americans Will Have a Mental Illness A survey by Harvard Medical School found that in the American population lifetime prevalence estimates for any mental disorder were 46.6%, 28.8% for anxiety disorders, 20.8% for mood disorders, 24.8% for impulse control disorders, and 14.6% for substance use disorders. Half of all cases started by age 14 and t


Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 657 – 668Cortitrol supplementation reduces serum cortisolWilliam J. KraemerT, Duncan N. French, Barry A. Spiering, Jeff S. Volek,Matthew J. Sharman, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Daniel A. Judelson,Ricardo Silvestre, Greig Watson, Ana Go´mez, Carl M. MareshHuman Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology andDepartment of Physiology and Neu

Innovation and technology drive p&g’s multi-billion dollar business

Innovation and technology drive P&G’s multi-billion dollar business Dr Peter Ling, Edith Cowan University Procter & Gamble (P&G) has over 20 billion-dollar brands with each generating over US$1 billion sales annually. These brands are Actonel (osteoporosis pill), Always (sanitary pad), Ariel (detergent), Bounty (paper towels), Braun (shaver), Charmin (toilet paper), Crest

Role of megalin and cubilin in the metabolism of vitamin d3

Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 15(Supplement 1):14–17doi: 10.1111/j.1744-9987.2011.00920.x© 2011 The AuthorsTherapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis © 2011 International Society for ApheresisRole of Megalin and Cubilin in the Metabolism ofRyohei Kaseda,1 Michihiro Hosojima,1 Hiroyoshi Sato,2 and Akihiko Saito2 1Division of Clin

Beniamino andrea piccone

Spione, gola profonda o whistle-blower? E’ notizia di settimana scorsa che GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), colosso farmaceutico mondiale, ha patteggiato con il Dipartimento di Giustizia americano per la somma di 750 milioni di dollari, tra multe e indennizzi. La GSK ha sottovalutato le forti tutele federali statunitensi a favore dei whistle-blower (letteralmente coloro che soffiano il fischietto),

2009 h1n1 influenza vaccine consent form

2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Consent Form Information about Child to Receive Vaccine (please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S DATE OF BIRTH month_________ day________ year __________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S AGE STUDENT’S GENDER PARENT/GUARDIAN DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: SCHOOL NAME Screening for Vaccine Eligibility I f your ch


Comptroller General of the United States United St ates General Accounting Office Washingto n, DC 20548 Decision Matter of: GlaxoSmithKline File: Frank M. Rapoport, Esq., Alison L. Doyle, Esq., and David M. Glynn, Esq., McKenna Long & Aldridge, for the protester. Maura C. Brown, Esq., Department of Veterans Affairs, for the agency. Charles W. Morrow, Esq.,

P026-27mar06resshorts d.indd

Diabetes Linked To Falls After 299 days, nearly 80 percent of those residents with diabetes had at least Type 2 and have diabetes, percent of residents without dents between the ages of 70 determine whether or not and 105 at the Hebrew Home betes. Instead, they made an workers to take steps to pre- Aspirin Is Underused 2003, and focused on aspirin use surveys included about


Safety Data Sheet Tetracycline 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Tetracycline Synonyms/Generic Names: 4-(Dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12aoctahydro-3,6,10,12,12a- pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide hydrochloride SDS Number: 753.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc.

Microsoft word - alcohol-facts.doc

1. What is alcoholism? Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependence, is a disease that includes the following four symptoms: • Craving --A strong need, or urge, to drink. • Loss of control --Not being able to stop drinking once drinking has begun. • Physical dependence --Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety after stopping drinking.

Microsoft word - nutraadvantage application wwfi 8v11 _2_.docx

mêçÖê~ã=^Çãáåáëíê~íçêëW=jçêÖ~å=jççêÉ=fff=EããççêÉ]ïïÑáKÅçãFX=mÜçåÉW=ONPJOPSJQRSS========================================pí~Åó=mçáåíÉê=EëéçáåíÉê]ïïÑáKÅçãFX=mÜçåÉW=ONPJOPSJQRTR Worldwide Facilities, Inc. – 725 Figueroa Street, Suite 1900 – Los Angeles, CA 90017 APPLICANT: 1. Full name and description of operations

Protocol for wirral support stop smoking service

Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Guidelines Introduction This document is aimed at Specialist Advisors from NHS Wirral Stop Smoking Service (SSS) and Intermediate Advisors who have attended SSS training to help patients stop smoking. It is based on NICE Public Health guidance 10 ‘Smoking cessation services’ (2008), NICE Technology Appraisal 123 ‘Varenicline for smoking cessation (


National Transportation Safety Board FACTUAL REPORT AVIATION Brief narrative statement of facts, conditions and circumstances pertinent to the accident/incident:*** Note: NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted asignificant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from varioussources to prepare this aircraft accide


Please fill in both sides of this form completely and return to West London Alliance Church with complete fees. Registrations may be mailed to 750 Wonderland Road North London, ON N6H 4K9. Upon receiving your application, an information package and receipt will be sent to you. If you have any questions concerning WIRED Registration, please contact the church at (519) 471-8716. See you i


Wyoming Seminary Non-prescription Medication Consent The following over-the-counter medications are kept in the nurse’s office for dispensing by the school nurse on an as needed basis, for relief of short-term complaints: ** The lowest effective dose will be used** Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 325mg.-1000 mg. every 4 hours. Not to exceed 4000 mg. in 24 hours unless Ibuprofin ( Advil/

Microsoft word - publications 2004.doc

PUBLICATIONS 2004 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Ahmad, S., Fowler, L.J., Whitton, P.S., 2004. Effect of acute and chronic lamotrigine on basal and stimulated extracellular 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine in the hippocampus of the freely moving rat. British Journal of Pharmacology 142, 136-142. Gaitatzis, A., Kartsounis, L.D., Gacinovic, S., Costa, D.C., Harvey, K., Harvey, R.J., de


Département du Bas-Rhin – Arrondissement de Saverne COMPTE RENDU DES DELIBERATIONS DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL L’an deux mil douze, Le 26 mars à 20h15 Le conseil Municipal légalement convoqué s’est réuni à la Mairie en séance publique sous la présidence de Monsieur Gaston STOCK, Maire. Date de convocation et affichage convocation: 19 mars 2012 Date d’affichage : 4 avril 2012 Nomb


SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau Gebrauchshundeklasse RÜDEN VA 1 VA= vorzüglich Auslese; V = vorzüglich; SG = sehr gut; G = gut; U = ungenügend; EZ = entschuldigt zurückgezogenT1 = läßt nicht ab, ohne Bew. TSB; T2 = TSB vorhanden; T3 = TSB nicht genügend; T4 = abgebrochen wegen mangelnder Führigkeit Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. - EDV Sonntag, 7. September 2003 17:02:4


ASTHMA POLICY RATIONALE Asthma affects up to one in four children and one in seven adolescents. It is important for teachers and staff to be aware of the symptoms, triggers and the management of asthma in the school environment. Asthma is the most common reason for school non-attendance and hospital admission in school age children. Teachers also need to be aware of exercise-in

Publications umr inserm 476 /inra 1260 – 2005 / 2007

PUBLICATIONS UMR INSERM 476 /INRA 1260 – 2005 / 2007 • Allegre C, Moulin P, Gleize B, Pieroni G & Charbit F (2006) Cholesterol removal by nanofiltration: Applications in nutraceutics and nutritional supplements. Journal of Membrane Science 269, 109-117. • Andrieu E, Darmon N & Drewnowski A (2005) Low-cost diets: more energy, fewer nutrients. • Andrieu E, Darmon N & Drew


Natürliche Hormontherapie Alles Wissenswerte über Hormone,die Ihre Gesundheit nebenwirkungsfreiins Gleichgewicht bringen können! Kapitel 1 Was sind Hormoneund warum sind sie so wichtig? Kapitel 2 Der Unterschied zwischen biologischen /bioidentischen und körperfremden Hormonen Kapitel 3 Eine kurze Einführung in das Zusammenspielder Hormone – ein Überblick EXKURS Der Mythos vo


17315 Studebaker Rd, Ste 110 Cerritos, CA, 90703 INTENSIVE CARE EXAMINATION (CRITICAL CARE) Date: _______________ Score __________________ 1. Michael is a 19 year old college student. Last week he suffered an MI. he was pledging to a fraternity and as part of the hazing ritual, he was required to consume large amount of alcohol. He passed out and the other members left him on the lawn

Near patient testing national enhanced service

National enhanced service Provision of near-patient testing Introduction 1. All practices are expected to provide essential and those additional services they are contracted toprovide to all their patients. This enhanced service specification outlines the more specialisedservices to be provided. The specification of this service is designed to cover the enhanced aspectsof clinical care o

Microsoft word - 02-slater-s.doc

World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education Partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry to promote sustainability C. Stewart Slater & Mariano J. Savelski Glassboro, New Jersey, United States of America ABSTRACT: Rowan University has implemented unique project-based industrial partnerships for advancing sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry. Our project-base


PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET – METFORMIN Metformin is a medication used for treatment of the symptoms of polycystic ovaries. It has been used for 40 years in the treatment of some types of diabetes. It works by reducing the insulin resistance of the ovaries in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Metformin may improve the quality of the eggs and the pregnancy rate in women with polycystic o


This document addresses two of the biggest problems in IT today. On the one hand there is the increasing plague of viruses and wormswhich is estimated to cost the european economy about 9 billion euro in2004. As the battle between virus writers and anti-virus companies getharder, the used means become more technologically advanced. In thispaper the basic mechanism of worms and viruses, called ”


Los efectos de la inmersión ( embeddedness ) organizativa y política sobre los actos financieros ilícitos en las corporaciones más grandes de los Estados Unidos: dependencia, incentivos y oportunidades (The Effects of Organizational and Political Embeddedness on Financial Malfeasance in the Largest U.S. Corporations: Dependence, Incentives and Opportunities) Harland Prechel Texas


Strategies for Employers to Help Employees Who Want to Quit Using Tobacco Using your company’s health plan to help employees and their families quit using tobacco Research shows that the most effective tobacco dependence treatment includes medication(s) and coaching/counseling - this combination can double or triple the employee’s chances of quitting successfully. Businesses that have in

Microsoft word - two linked cases of legionellosis with an unusual industrial source

Two linked cases of legionella with an unusual industrial  Two linked cases of legionellosis with an unusual industrial source Noelene S O'Keefe,* Kristina A Heinrich- Morrison,† Bruce McLaren‡ * Project Officer, Legionella Program, Environmental Health, † Public Health Nurse, ‡ Medical Officer, Communicable Diseases Section, Department of Human Services, 17/120

Sample letter explaining annual written notification and individual application registry:

PESTICIDE NOTIFICATION August 2013 The Healthy Schools Act of 2000/AB2260 contains the following procedures to control pests and minimize exposure of children, faculty, and staff to pesticides/herbicides: • Warning signs will be posted at all entrances to school district property 48 hours prior to regular pesticide/herbicide applications and will remain posted for 72 hours after the applic

Ktk opinto-opas 2. painos

Oli varhainen aamu vuonna 1986. Aurinko oli mään valinnan. Minulle kävi nimittäin selväksi, jo ehtinyt hätistää hyönteiset liikkeelle. Ihmi-että minusta tulee isona . OPETTAJA. set kiirehtivät, kuka minnekin. Astelin ennak-koluulottomana elokuun aamuauringossa kohti kanopettajakoulutus alkoi vihjailla asiasta, jota punatiilistä, tasakattoista rakennusta, jonka sei-opintojen alu


International School of Liquid Crystals 10th Workshop COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR POLYMERS AND LIQUID CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS A NATO Advanced Research Workshop Erice (TP), Centre E. Majorana, July 16 - 22, 2003 Directors of the Workshop: P. Pasini, S. Žumer INVITED TALKS G. Allegra G. Allegra J. H.R. Clarke and W. den Otter J. H.R. Clarke, A. Sunaidi


Arch Dis Child 1999; 80 :241–247 Systemic availability and pharmacokinetics ofnebulised budesonide in preschool childrenL Agertoft, A Andersen, E Weibull, S Pedersen Abstract patient to patient, the average daily nominal Aim —To evaluate the systemic availability dose being 1 mg.2 3 Considering the ages and and basic pharmacokinetic parameters of body weights of preschool child

Download the woman who ran for president: the many lives of victoria woodhull, lois beachy underhill, penguin books, 1996

The Woman Who Ran for President: The Many Lives of Victoria Woodhull, Lois Beachy Underhill,Penguin Books, 1996, 0140256385, 9780140256383, 347 pages. This biography of VictoriaWoodhull is the story of how a major feminist pioneer, scarcely known today, moved from povertyand spiritualism to become the first woman Wall Street broker, the first woman to testify beforeCongress on suffrage and, in 1


Warwickshire Vein Centre – Patient Information Sheet ENDOVENOUS LASER THERAPY (EVLT) FOR VARICOSE VEINS UNDER GENERAL ANAESTHESIA Introduction You have been advised that your varicose veins are suitable for endovenous laser therapy (EVLT). Here is some information regarding the procedure and after care. You will have the opportunity to ask your surgeon questions or discuss any aspe

Telemetry lift link / underhook / crane weighing load cell - 1t to 250t - et

Underhook/In-Line Strain Gauge Lift Link with Remote Telemetry Linked Display LIFT LINK SYSTEM Ranges 1 tonne to 500 tonne CHARACTERISTICS ET LIFT LINK Ranges (F.R.): 1, 2, 5, 12, 25, 35, 50, 100, 250, 500 tonne Designed for use with standard Accuracy: Lifting Shackles Temperature Range: Safe Overload: Link Sealed to IP67 Ultimate Overload: Display Seal

Mrsa community acquired vs

MRSA Fact Sheet 1. What is Staphylococcus aureus ? - Staphylococcus aureus , often referred to simply as "staph," are bacteria commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people. Approximately 25% to 30% of the population is colonized (when bacteria are present, but not causing an infection) in the nose with staph bacteria. Sometimes, staph can also cause an infe

Male condom

PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID) PID is an infection in the upper genital tract and includes endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscesses and pelvic abscesses. Sexually transmitted organisms, such as N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis, are responsible for many cases, but almost half of all PID cases follow procedures such as D&Cs, vaginal delivery and pelvic surgeries. PID is dia

Malaria erradication program

MALARIA ERADICATION PROGRAM BACKGROUND Malaria is one of the life threatening diseases for the people live in tropical and sub-tropical area, especially infants, toddlers, child and pregnant women. Worldwide every year 500 millions cases are found all over the world which takes lives of 1 million people. According to the Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) 2001, 70 millions people


Ohio’s Green GOLD AmericAn GinsenG Life History prefers mature woodlands, frequently leaflets. With each growing season, on slopes, where it favors rich soil Plants produce flowers during June The development of additional leaves crimson berries and drop. Each berry er variations and damage by humans contains two to three seeds. Seed Get Permission to Harvest

Microsoft word - wanbury press release

PRESS RELEASE Wanbury enters Urinary infection antibiotic market with NDDS Nitrofur SR October 13, Mumbai: Wanbury Ltd, one of the fastest growing pharma companies in the domestic market, has launched its New Drug Delivery System (NDDS) product Nitrofur SR (Nitrofurantoin-100mg, sustained release) targeted at Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), for the first time in India. The m

Does mental illness exist?

Does Mental Illness Exist? By Dr. Edward Watke Jr. I. Mental Illness -- Becomes a New Theory A . Historical aspects 1 . Historically, illness was referred to as a bodily disorder. 2 . Altered bodily structure constituted illness. B. A new criterion for determining illness came on the scene. When man began to label illness on the basis of observing behavior a new criterion was

Microsoft word - pregnancy en

STAGES OF PREGNANCY First Trimester  During the first trimester, you can expect a host of pregnancy symptoms including breast changes, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination and many more.  At the end of the first trimester, your uterus will have grown into the size of a grapefruit, while the baby inside is the size of a cherry.  The baby will grow from being a mas


Mike Nichols MD Health Management Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est. Happy New Year! "A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues." - Cicero . and thus we find the courage and vision to always have a Happy New Year. Trials there will be, "In this life you will have many sorrows", so breathe. Just breathe. Heck its even t

Parent contract

West Coast Christian School PARENT-SCHOOL CONTRACT IN ORDER TO SOLEMINIFY the desire of the undersigned parties to glorify the Lord with their obedience to Him and to promote a clear understanding of the duties and responsibilities of each party, the undersigned parties adopt the following agreement:I, being the legal parent or Guardian, for and in consideration of, _______________________

Microsoft word - travelassessmentform_final_march2013.docx

1. BEFORE YOUR TRAVEL CONSULTATION with us you must complete as much of SECTION A of this form as you can. Section B is for our use and will be completed by your travel nurse. Please print out all three pages. 2. PLEASE BRING any vaccination history you may have to any vaccination appointments you arrange. e.g. from your GP. 3. DO NOT eat or drink for 1 hour before vaccination

Oa guide to high altitude: acclimatization and illnesses

OA Guide to High Altitude: Acclimatization and Illnesses Outdoor Action Guide to High Altitude: Acclimatization and Illnesses by Rick Curtis, Director, Outdoor Action Program Navigation Other Altitude Information ❍ - information on altitude illness recognition and treatment Traveling at high altitude can be hazardous. The information provided here is designed for educational


DIE WEISSEN & ROTEN REBSORTEN ITALIENS Weißweinreben Abbondosa syn. Abbsudosa syn. Abundans syn. Acchiappapalmento syn. Aglionza synAglionzina syn. Agostenga Agrifone Aibana synAlabarola dei Piani syn. Albaluce syn. Albana Albana di Bertinoro syn. Albana di Forlì syn. Albana di Romagna syn. Albana Gentile syn. Albanella syn. Albanello Albanese syn. Albanilla syn. Albano syn. Alb

Managing your health care costs - options for lower cost settings

Health Care CostsOPTIONS FOR LOWER COST SET TINGSAs a CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield or CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc. (CareFirst) member, how you use your benefits can reduce your health care costs. Use the information below to make smart choices to help you keep more of your money. Additional resources can be found by visiting www.carefirst.com/members and clicking on Managing Care Costs in the

Untitled document

VIDENSKAB OG PRAKSIS | Retningslinjer for behandling af overvægt/fedme anno 2006 STATUSARTIKEL Overlæge Ole Lander Svendsen, overlæge Søren Toubro, øgning af fysisk aktivitet og motion vanskelig at gennemføre læge Jens Meldgaard Bruun, læge Jens Peder Linnet & for fede personer, og øgningen i sig selv fremkalder ofte kun et beskedent vægttab. Hvis man kombinerer øget fysi

Favorite native plants

Native Plants, Natural Landscapes Lexington KY Chapter Some of our favorite native wild flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees: Wild Flowers Asters : Aromatic Aster ( Aster oblongifolius ) – blooms in October Smooth Aster ‘Bluebird” ( Aster laevis ‘Bluebird’) – no mold, no staking New England Aster ( Symphyotrichum novae-angliae , was Aster novae-angliae ) Beardtongue

00 indices 57 (4) (page 1)

J. Physiol. Biochem., 57 (4), 343-344, 2001 Verapamil sensitisation to alkaloids on colchicine-selected human colon adenocarcinoma cells exposed to different drug doses for 1 hour(MDR), the main cause of failure in canceruntil colony formation. The effect of ver-extrusion of the antineoplastic drugs fromapamil as a drug sensitiser was performedby the exposure of colon cells to differ


(combined response) (lamivudine) (adefovir dipivoxil) (entecavir) 1 Strader DB, Wright T, Thomas DL, and Seeff LB. Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C. 2 Seeger C, Mason W. Hepatitis B virus biology. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 2000, 64:51-68. 3 Scaglioni PP, Melegari M, Wands JR. Biologic properities of hepatitis B viral genomes with mutations in the precore prom

Microsoft word - arhewoh et al pdf 2.doc

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (13), pp. 1591-1597, December 2005 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB ISSN 1684–5315 © 2005 Academic Journals Optimising oral systems for the delivery of therapeutic proteins and peptides Ikhuoria M. ARHEWOH, Edith I. AHONKHAI and Augustine O. OKHAMAFE Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty o


BioChain NAD+/NADH V002 NAD+/NADH Assay Kit (Z5030037) Ultrasens itive Colorimetric Determination of NAD+/NADH at 565 nm DESCRIPTION Transfer 40 mL standards into w el s of a clear flat-bottom 96-w el Pyr idine nuc leotides play an important role in metabolis m and, thus, ther e is continual interest in monitoring their concentration Samples . Add 40 mL sample per w el in se


dear parents: please complete this form in english and submit together with the application materials. student name family name, first name, middle name date of Birth day/month/year grade applying for student health history Please indicate if your child has or has had any of the medical conditions listed below. Medical Condition Medical Condition If you have answered yes to

Oxidation of pharmaceutically active compounds during water treatment

Oxidation of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds During Water Treatment [Project #4066] ORDER NUMBER: 4066 DATE AVAILABLE: Fall 2010 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Timothy J. Strathmann, Lanhua Hu, and Heather M. Martin OBJECTIVES: The principal objectives of this project were to characterize the oxidation reactions of representative pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) and othe

Wga white paper

FDA Protection Removed William Gallagher Associates Phone: 888.261.8884 The Impact of Wyeth v. Levine and the future of Pharma Product Liability Defense The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates drug William Gallagher Associates is a warning labels to ensure that drugs are safe for public distribution. However pharmaceutical companies have used the FDA’s role as a shield in p


The summary of product characteristics (SPC) for bupropion ( Zyban ®) has been updated sincepublication of the accompanying Bulletin. The initial dosage regimen has been modified and new safetyprecautions have been added to the SPC. It is important to consult the current SPC for full prescribinginformation. (The rINN has also been changed from amfebutamone to bupropion.) WeMeReC Bulletin Pr

Flu fact sheet - schools

What Schools Need to Know About Preventing The Flu the Spread of. About Flu Influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Infection withinfluenza viruses can result in illness ranging from mild to severe and to life-threatening complications. Five hundredout of 100,000 children with high-risk conditions (such as heart disease or

Microsoft word - msd_4457580123803433

Effects of childhood body size on breast cancer tumour characteristics Jingmei Li1,2, Keith Humphreys1, Louise Eriksson1, Kamila Czene1, Jianjun Liu2 and Per 1Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Box 281, 171 2Human Genetics, Genome Institute of Singapore, 60 Biopolis Street, Singapore, 138672, Corresponding author: Jingmei Li, Jingmei.Li@ki.se A

Microsoft word - nuvaring morg

The NuvaRing What Is the NuvaRing? The NuvaRing is a flexible ring that is about two inches in diameter. It contains hormones similar to the natural hormones in a woman’s body (estrogen and progestin). These hormones are also used in the Pill. The hormones in the NuvaRing stop the release of an egg from the ovaries; it also changes the mucus produced by the cervix, which slows


HEALTH Managing Multiple Medications Steps to Minimize the Risk By Kim Murdock, MBA N ot long ago, I was talking to a friend about her mother, who recently was released from the hos- At a Glance pital where she was treated for severe vertigo and an The average senior takes two to seven daily medica-tions, and about 4 percent of adults age 57 to 85 inner-ear infection. In add


South Africa is generally sunny and pleasant and the winters are usualy mild. Snow mostly fal s on the high mountain peaks of the Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. The South African seasons are the reverse of those of the Northern Hemisphere. Despite regional climate differences, South Africa generally enjoys a mild climate throughout the year. The areas with the most significant differences in cl

Is there an affective working memory deficit in patients with chronic schizophrenia?

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / s c h r e sIs there an affective working memory deficit in patients with chronic schizophrenia?Nicola Mammarella ,, Beth Fairfield Valeria De Leonardis , Barbara Carretti , Erika Borella Elisa Frisullo Alberto Di Domenico a Department of Neuroscience and Imaging, University of Chieti, Italyb Department of Gene

Microsoft word - programbook_session_ss+em-tua

Tuesday Afternoon, November 1, 2011 Surface Science Division molecule with a 3.5 dipole moment. Ordered TiOPc monolayer films of the honeycomb phase thus represent a regular 2-d dipolar lattice, which was Room: 110 - Session SS+EM-TuA investigated as an electrostatic template for the growth of the highly polarizable C70. Films of C70 grown layer-by-

Microsoft word - epic - prostate cancer qol questionnairedupont .doc

Please be sure to answer ALL pages Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you leaked urine? 1. Rarely or never Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you urinated blood? Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you had pain or burning with urination? 1. Rarely or never Which of the following best describes your urinary control during the last 4 weeks? 1. Total control How many pads or adult


AVIVA PLC Estate, GB-KY6 2SD Glenrothes; Tel: +44-1592 ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATIONS Adr: GB-KT22 7YG Leatherhead; Tel: ++44/01372/www.ardmel-group.co.uk; A: 1980; Eff: 175; Dev:GBP and Euro; Cap: 40.002000 (GBP); Act: Measuringairto@pira.co.uk; Eff: 5; Dev: £; TO: 132000; Act:and testing equipment; Decid: R. Fernando (DirectorInternational

January 2013

West Road Dental Practice www.wrdp.co.uk Welcome to our latest practice news letter. We would like to wish all our patients a very Happy New Year letter indicated that most mouthwashes, some of which the information provided. month’s newsletter. If you In addition to our newslet- by many, with several pa- always looking for new sub-Dental Health and had learnt something new enlightening fo

Lo que se debe y no se debe hacer en la cultura tailandesa

Lo que se debe y no se debe hacer en la cultura tailandesa La hoy permite una comunicación rápida e inmediata entre la población mundial. Surgen constantemente, y sin que nos demos cuenta, ocasiones en las cuales entramos en contacto con personas de diferentes creencias y culturas. De esta manera, el conocimiento de las distintas culturas conducirá a una mayor comprensión mutua y fom


woman whose laugh reminded me of chimes time reporting on the hundreds of thousands at a Burger King outside of Brockton would of dollars he was earning in annual personal be one of my less adventurous outings. Or so income from the same drug makers whose I thought. products he studied and touted in medical In a small corner booth, Donna explained journals. As with my fi rst series, t

Proscreen-cassette-australia cutoff.doc

ProScreenTM Drug Screen Cassette injection. It produces hallucinations, lethargy, disorientation, loss of coordination, trance-like ecstatic states, a sense of euphoria and visual distortions. It is well absorbed following all routes of administration. Unchanged PCP is excreted in Testing urine in moderate amounts (10% of the dose). FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE 1. Remove the cass


Early and Late Second Trimester Abortion in an Outpatient Clinic Completed in Less Than 24 hours The performance of second trimester abortion between 17 to 34 weeks in an outpatient clinic setting is only safe in the hands of Physicians who are experienced with abortion care. Normally, it usually takes two to four days to complete the abortion procedure. That is because the majority of Ph

Opening lecture

Opening lecture: Paul Vanhoutte (Hong Kong University, China) Endothelium-mediated control of vascular tone: COX1 and COX2 products Session 1. PGE2 IN PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Francis Berenbaum (Paris 6 University, France) PGE2 and osteoarthritis  Helen Wise (Hong Kong University, China) Neuroinflammation: role of PGE2 in neuron- glial interactions  Maria G


República de Colombia Ministerio de la Protección Social Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos – INVIMA RESOLUCION No. 2012018562 DE 6 de Julio de 2012 Por la cual se declara la pérdida de fuerza de ejecutoria al Registro Sanitario No. INVIMA 2003M-0002659 del producto AVANDAMET 4 MG/500 MG La Subdirectora de Registros Sanitarios del Instituto

Nassau county protocol update notes

Pharmacology – study of drugs and their interaction with living systems Drug – any chemical that affects living tissues Pharmacokinetics – The study of how drugs enter the body, reach their sites of action and are eliminated from the body. Absorption, excretion, metabolism, excretion Agonist – Drugs that bind t specific receptors and elicit a physiological response Antagonist – A Dru


Time of Abraham begins Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization in flower Time of Isaac begins Time of Jacob begins Joseph sold into slavery Joseph welcomes his family to Egypt Israelites enslaved in Egypt Egyptian cities of Pithom and Ramses are built Time of Moses begins Torah given at Mt. Sinai Conquest of Promised Land Time of the Judges begins Phillistines occupy c

Registration form

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this application and health form and send it to the address below. Applications must be mailed in prior to April 1; after April 1, applications may be hand-delivered to the Summer Camp office. Completed Summer Programs health form and immunization record must accompany applications in order for your child to be registered. Faxed copies will not be accepted. Send a $100 non


Neurochemical Basis and Pharmacological Interventions in Addictive Disease James D. Stoehr, Ph.D. Professor, Midwestern University PA Program, Glendale, AZ Take home points: 1. The reinforcing and rewarding properties of all drugs of abuse are due to enhancements in the dopaminergic system. 2. The behavioral loss of control associated with dependence and addiction involves dys


1. Approvazione Verbale n.250 del 23 luglio 2002 ; 2. Comunicazioni; 3. Biblioteca dell’Area Letteraria, Storica, Filosofica; 4. Proposta di nomina ad emerito del prof. Benedetto Ristretto ai rappresentanti ricercatori 6. Ratifica designazione membro di competenza della Facoltà per la procedura di valutazione comparativa per 1 posto di ricercatore per il settore M-STO/04 (G.U. 16/07/200


Treatment If the patient is very symptomatic or has a very high blood glucose level, diet and lifestyle changes are unlikely to achieve target values. In this instance, pharmacological therapy should Algorithms showing the treatment of obese and non-obese individuals Sulphonylureas Traditionally, sulphonylureas have been regarded as the first-line drug treatment in type 2 diabetes

Agenda 9 public analysts report


Microsoft word - hoofdstuk 5_wetenschappelijk onderzoek.doc

Hoofdstuk 5 – Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek 5.1 Dissertaties Promoties binnen afdeling 1. Dr. M. van den Beuken, Universiteit Maastricht. ‘Symptoms in patients with cancer’, 15- 01-2009. Promotor: Prof. dr. M. Van Kleef; co-promotor: Dr. J. Patijn. 2. Dr. A.F. Gabriel, Universiteit Maastricht. ‘Effect of housing in an enriched environment on the recovery from pain’,


ORDER FORM FAX to (03) 9311 0024 or SEND to Shop 12, 254 Hampshire Rd Sunshine Vic 3020 PLEASE PRINT IN CAPITAL LETTERS Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr. First Name: ____________________________________Last Name: __________________________________________________________Home Address: ________________________________________________Suburb: ____________________________________ Post Code: ______________

Andrea’s help sheet on preparing solutions

Andrea’s Help Sheet on Preparing Solutions There are several types of stock solutions made in the research lab: Percent (%) solutions, Molar (M) solutions, X solutions, and mg/ml solutions. First are instructions on how to make % solutions. First, know the definition of a % solution: 1% = 1g/100ml That’s the basic formula, and it is logical because “per cent” means “per hundred


Bicycle Accident 12/21/11 and Consequences S. J. PealeIn riding my bicycle to work, I have a choice between two routes: 1. Over Fairview overpassfor a distance of about 4 miles. 2: On a bikeway under both the freeway and Hollister Avefor a distance of about 6.7 miles. The latter is safer with less traffic. On the morning ofDec. 21, 2011, I decided to take the shorter route because it was cold. Th


%LET DATAIN="XXX:\CTUMS2004_C1_PR_Micro.txt"; proc format; /* tProv format applies to: PROV */ VALUE tProv 10 = "N.L." 11 = "P.E.I." 12 = "Nova Scotia" 13 = "N.B." 24 = "Quebec" 35 = "Ontario" 46 = "Manitoba" 47 = "Saskatchewan" 48 = "Alberta" 59 = "B.C."; /* DVURBAN format applies to: DVURBAN */ VALUE DVURBAN

Stinging nettle – medicinal uses

Stinging nettle – Medicinal uses Overview: Stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica and the closely related Urtica urens ) has a long medicinal history. In medieval Europe, it was used as a diuretic (to rid the body of excess water) and to treat joint pain. Stinging nettle has fine hairs on the leaves and stems that contain irritating chemicals that are released when the plant comes in contact

Microsoft word - general welfare policy.doc

Aim: At Wimbledon Language Academy we try to provide our students are provided with an enjoyable and profitable learning experience. Our Principles • The general wellbeing of our students is extremely important. We believe that if a student is happy this will have a beneficial effect on their studies. Together these factors enhance their self-confidence and consequently their developme


Yachting Australia 2009-2013 YA SPECIAL REGULATIONS EQUIPMENT AUDIT FORM - CATEGORY 3 MONOHULLS For Offshore Races across mostly protected open water or close to shorelines Sail No. Boat Name Owner/s LOA Displ tonnes Max Crew State Maritime Hull Registration No. Compliance Form valid until 30th June of the year following the date of this form, or __ __ / __ __ / __ __ wh


Beware The Urologist Dear Dr. Strum, My name is Patricia xxxxx. I am writing on behalf of/with my husband, Mark who is too weak and is unable to write himself at this time. Included here is a PCa diary of all the information I have.I have obtained a complete copy of his hospital file and so can provide any furtherup info required. Mark had a negative prostate biopsy in Aug 2007. PSA 7.81. Fo


Wildlife Veterinary Hospital Wish List  Our wildlife hospital and veterinarian need medical supplies and other items to help care for the thousands of wild animals brought to us every year. Some of the medical items and a few common household items needed are listed below. Please contact the wildlife hospital director at 925-627-2918 if you’d like to donate or would like additional in

Participant information

Weiser River Trail October Trek – October 5 & 6, 2013 October Trek - Participant Information CONTACT INFO Email: octobertrek@gmail.com Craig Kjar, Event Director at 208-571-7447 REGISTRATION Registration for the event is through Blue Circle Sports a MEMBER DISCOUNT Members of the Friends of the Weiser River Trail will receive a discount by using their member number


Proflen hir set 0316xb tudalen 1 26 Mehefin 2013 9:39 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.75 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.25] FFEIL: TOR/0316XB.TOR Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3hh breichfras [ braich + bras 1] a . a hefyd gyda grym enwol. A chanddo freichiau cryfion neu brei

Medications used in the treatment of addiction

Medications Used in the Treatment of Addiction Developed by Randall Webber, MPH Alcohol Withdrawal MEDICATION MECHANISM EFFECTS SIDE OF ACTION Sedation occurs if too high a dose is administered. Alcohol Relapse MEDICATION PRIMARY MECHANISM EFFECTS SIDE OF ACTION 1 Once a month “depot” injection. Available June 2006. glutamate) thrown out of balance by


(Items listed below were approved unanimously by all members present, except where noted. Updegrove and Stroup were absent.) Approved: 2010/2011 Athletic Event Ticket Prices with the cost of Sr. Citizen Tickets set at $15. (McCready, Matter and Minnich voted no.) The 2010/2011 Student Activity Fee of $10. Contracted services for the period July

Microsoft word - health promotion training bulletin issue 3.doc

the quarterly update on training courses provided by the Health Promotion Team Sexual Health Awareness: Basic Level (2 days) Thursday 18th & Friday 19th September 2008, 9.30am to 4.30pm Bargeman’s Rest, Newport (Captain’s Cabin) A two-day introductory course on sexual health promotion that explores attitudes, builds on knowledge and develops practical skills for working with clients

Asia unversity:item 310904400/3220

| 正體中文 | | 全文筆數/總筆數 : 11819/20407 RC Version 5.0 © Powered By DSPACE, MIT. Enhanced by > > > > > Item 310904400/3220請使用永久網址來引用或連結此文件 : http://asiair.asia.edu.tw/ir/handle/310904400/3220 鍵詞: 日期: 2006上傳 2009-11-17 19:12:12 (UTC+8)Abstract Introdution: Hospital Global Budget Payment System has been executed s

Bone density laboratory

Bone Density Laboratory Name_______________________ Birth Date____/____/____ Physician___________ Tallest Ht. _____ Present Ht. ______ Present Wt_______ Ethnic Group_______ IS THERE ANY CHANCE YOU MAY BE PREGNANT? YES / NO (CIRCLE ONE) HAVE YOU HAD A BARIUM X-RAY OR NUCLEAR MEDICINE TEST WITHIN THE LAST 2 WEEKS? YES / NO (CIRCLE ONE) By taking the time to completely fill out this ques



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