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Microsoft word - 013-065l_s1_rosazea_2013-03.doc

AWMF-Register Nr. Leitlinie der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft Markus Reinholz 1, Julia K. Tietze 1, Katharina Kilian 1, Martin Schaller 2, Helmut Schöfer 3,Percy Lehmann 4, Manfred Zierhut 5, Winfried Klövekorn 6, Thomas Ruzicka 1, Jürgen1 Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität2 Universitäts-Hautklinik, Eberhard Karls Univ

Microsoft word - healthy minds wk 60 2009-10-25 alcoholism - part iii

HEALTHY MINDS A WEEKLY COLUMN ALL ABOUT MENTAL WELLNESS Elliott B. Sewell, MAE, LPCC, NCC Alcoholism Part III Times are very stressful and the future is looking more and more certain. In these situations, alcohol addiction and abuse, always a problem, increases, often dramatically. That is why I have written a three-part series on alcoholism. In part I, I defined alcoholism, disc

Polo de medina, jacinto, academia de jardin

ACADEMIA DE Jacinto Polo de Medina (1603 – 1676) El ála mo Aquesta ya de Alcides osadía, que profana del sol sagrado asiento, contra sus rayos verde atrevimiento, pasando a descortés su demasía. Ésta, que no al Olimpo desafía, pues besa de su alteza el fundamento, vanidad de esmeralda, que en el viento bate tornasolada argentería. Ésta del prado Babilonia h

Boletin redsaf 8

Red Sudamericana de Atención Farmacéutica Colaborando con la investigación, investigando para salvar vidas 22 razones para la Atención Farmacéutica En febrero de 2004, la Organización Farmacéutica Colegial de España promovió la conformación de un equipo de debate constituido por representantes de varias instituciones de todos los ámbitos de interés vinculados con la Atención Farmac


RF 9 Efecto del momento de administrar el benzoato de estradiol al finalizar un tratamiento con progesterona y del número de espermatozoides con motilidad progresiva sobre el porcentaje de preñez a la IATF. Echevarria, S., Zapiola, A., Cabodevila, J. y Callejas, S. Actividad Privada. Cnel Vidal. Fac.Cs.Vet., UNCPBA, Tandil, Buenos Aires. callejas@vet.unicen.edu.ar Effect of time of adminis

Rchc formulary in excel format_122712.xls

CODE 1 - RESTRICTED TO MILD-MODERATE DEMENTIA FOR CODE 1 - MAX (# 45 TABS/FILL), (3 FILLS/75 DAYS)CODE 1 - MAX (# 10 PATCHES/FILL), (3 FILLS/75 DAYS)CODE 1 - MAX (# 10 PATCHES/FILL), (3 FILLS/75 DAYS)CODE 1 - MAX (# 10 PATCHES/FILL), (3 FILLS/75 DAYS)CODE 1 - MAX (# 10 PATCHES/FILL), (3 FILLS/75 DAYS)CODE 1 - Restricted to a TOTAL of 90 tablets per 30 day period of Norco TAB CODE 1 - Restri

Aurodil super pb

FICHE DE DONNEES DE SECURITE AURODIL SUPER PB 1 IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE / PRÉPARATION ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ / ENTREPRISE Nom commercial Type de produit Responsable de la mise sur le marché : Compagnie Générale des Biocides Parc d'activités des quatre routes35390 GRAND FOUGERAY FRANCEEmail contact: regulatory@cgbiocides.fr N° de téléphone en cas d'urgence 2 IDENTIF


ASCA Forum über AD(H)S Das Aufmerksamkeits- bzw. Hyperaktivitäts-Syndrom AD(H)S stand im Mittelpunkt des 5. ASCA Forums am 14. November im Züricher Volkshaus. Die 500 TherapeutInnen konnten sich interdisziplinär-fachübergreifend über den aktuellen Stand in der Diagnose und Behandlung informieren. Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung. Kindern und Jugendlichen mit AD(H)S fehlt gewissermassen

Microsoft word - may 14 2009 uhc minutes.doc

Gallatin County Unified Health Command Meeting Minutes May 14, 2009 8:00 – 9:00 am Sapphire Room Introductions Mike Layman (Belgrade Urgent Care), Mark Winton, Steph Nelson, Tim Roark, Sid Williamson, Jim Feist, Buck Taylor, Betty Kalakay, Leslie Teachout, Ita Killeen, Pam Shrauger, Patrick Lonergan, Kevin Stickler, Sean Grabbe, Vickie Groeneweg Review prior minutes


6:00 – LA PUERTA DEL SOL Joseph HAYDN Trio para piano, violín y violonchelo en Re mayor Trio 1790 Movs. 1. Allegro – 2. Andante – 3. Allegro ma dolce Mauro Giuliani Gran duetto concertante Op 52 para flauta y guitarra Andrea Griminelli, flauta Filomena Moretti, guitarra Movs. Andante sostenuto – Minuetto – Rondo militare ANONIMO (siglo XIV) Tres piezas del tiempo d

Microsoft word - hypertension editorial individualized therapy.doc

Individualized therapy for hypertension ( a shorter version of this was published in J. David Spence M.D., FRCPC, FAHA Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre 1400 Western Rd., London, ON, Canada N6G 2V2 Phone: 519-663-3113; Fax 519-663-3018; email dspence@robarts.ca The recent publication of the Blood Pressure management of resistant hypertension7, 8. As Lowering Arm

Európakiállítás eredmények

Európakiállítás Eredmények Leeuwarden Hollandia, 2011. szeptember 1-4. Magyar eredmények EGY szuka, Ultimate Joy's Fake the Funk bull terrier T.: C. C. A. Maton, t.: Rebman György EGY szuka, Fajtagyőztes, Morgótelki Bella drótszőrű magyar vizsla T.: Fele Tibor, t.: Hámori Tibor EGY szuka, Luxatori Zeline rövid szőrű magyar vizsla T+t.: Hámori Tibor EGY kan, Fajtagyőztes, Bonett B


1. Name of your regular family doctor ______________________________________ Phone _____________________OR ❏ I do not have a regular family doctor2. Have you ever had any problems with blood pressure, previous heart disease, palpitations or angina? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________3. Have you had an EKG in t


Rosenberg Gesellschaft für ganzheitliche Gesundheit & Bildung gemeinnützige GmbH Mit Ayurveda fit durch den Winter Artikel von Kerstin Rosenberg Auch vor dem heute vorherrschenden Klimachaos und global warming warnten die alten, ayurvedi-schen Schriften bereits vor den Gefahren, denen sich unser Körper zu den wechselnden Jahreszeitenausgesetzt. Denn entsprechend der untersc


Patient Breaks Hip as a Result of Falling at Home After Taking Her Prescribed Nortriptyline Root Cause Analysis Report Analysis Name: Injury Due to Medication PROACTOnDemand P.O. Box 1421 Hopewell, VA 23860 Table of Contents Appendices (see attached if applicable) Preserve (5P's) PReserve Event Data As in any investigative occupation, it is a REQUIREMENT that data

Recommandation sanitaires pour le voyageur - 2ème partie : prophylaxie du paludisme / cespharm

FICHE TECHNIQUE juin 2006 Voir en complément : VACCINATIONS ET HYGIÈNERecommandations sanitaires pour le voyageur, RECOMMANDATIONS SANITAIRES POUR LE VOYAGEUR 2e partie : Prophylaxie du paludisme D’après les recommandations éditées par le Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire Introduction Le nombre de cas de paludisme d’importation en France métropolitaine a été est


(The first 15 minutes of the examination are for reading the paper only.)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer all questions in Part I and five questions from Part II, choosing three questions from Section A and two questions from Section B. All workings, including rough work, should be done on the separate an

Microsoft word - riad-conclusions-adr_121019.docx

Impact of the proposed legislation on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and online dispute resolution (ODR) on legal protection insurance RIAD evaluated whether the proposed legislation on alternative dispute resolution (ADR)1 and online dispute resolution (ODR)2 will have an impact on legal protection insurance and whether it will necessitate changes of national provisions regulating l


Feeling better – Lifestyle management for chronic mental disorders In this module we have learned about three risk factors associated with poor physical health: overweight, lack of physical activity and smoking. All three factors are more common in patients with chronic mental disorders than in the general population and may be associated with a tangible reduction of life expectancy.

Microsoft word - prostate enlargement.doc

Prostate Enlargement BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA The Prostate Gland The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that forms part of the male productive system. The gland is made of two lobes, or regions, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue. As the diagrams show, the prostate is located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder, where urine is stored. The prostate also surroun

C:\documents and settings\ken safir\desktop\wocal-pap.wpd

On Person as a Model for Logophoricity* Following a line of thought initiated by Kuno (1972), it has been suggested that thecoconstrual of first person pronouns is a model for the coconstrual of a logophoric pronoun withits antecedent. This particular proposal has been extended to the forms of logophoricity that havebeen observed in some African languages (e.g., Ewe, as remarked in passing b


EJEMPLOS DE REFERENCIAS ESTILO VANCOUVER Artículos de Revistas (1) Artículo estándar Autor/es*. Título del artículo. Abreviatura** internacional de la revista. año; volumen (número***): página inicial-final del artículo. Medrano MJ, Cerrato E, Boix R, Delgado-Rodríguez M. Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en la población española: metaanálisis de estudios


Residential Tue, May 4, 2010 04:03 PM SFR Detached RES Closed Sale Hawthorne (HAWT) Price $575,000 Zip 90250- TGNO 733C3 Los Angeles County (LA) Builder Tract () 05042337 Bed 3 Craftsman HOA Dues $ 0 Land View No View ASqFt 1,328 YrBlt 1930 ALotSize 5,502 Dim Prkng Garage Detached Garages Acc No Home is gorgeously renovated, sp


-Génération 1 : 1.1 : DGR-LPL Malonyl x IND Cookie (pages 2-3)1.2 : DGR-LPL Malonyl x RTQ Liouba (pages 4-5-6) -Génération 2 : 2.1 : RMM Liola x IND Milhouse (pages 7-8) 2.2 : RMM Nastia x IND-RMM Mushroom (pages 9-10) -Génération 3 : 3.1 : RMM Danaé x IND-RMM Mushroom (pages 11-12)Raterie Dragara (Opaloune) et "Les pti' loups" Particulier sur Paris (Amandine) (Wul

Microsoft word - projecto de cód reg predial.doc

Após um período de reflexão e estudos no seio de uma equipa constituída para o efeito, o Ministério da Justiça disponibiliza as versões dos ante-projectos dos códigos do Registo Predial e do Notariado. Com a revisão dos códigos do registo Predial e do Notariado que vigoram desde 1967, o Ministério da Justiça pretende prosseguir os objectivos de modernização e adequação dos referid

Microsoft word - manuscript 081003 c.doc

Reduced hospital stay, morphine consumption, and pain intensity with local infiltration analgesia after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. A randomized double-blind study of 40 patients Per Essving1, Kjell Axelsson2, Jill Kjellberg2, Örjan Wallgren1, Anil Gupta2, ___________________________________________________________________________ 1Department of Orthopedic Surgery and 2D




2008 SUMMER HEALTH HISTORY FOR ROCKY RIVER RANCHWe use this information to: (a) Brief kitchen staff about diet needs; (b) Educate counseling staff about camper needs; and (c) Provide healthcare staff with background about your child. Receiving adequate information by May 1, 2007 is crucial to our ability to provide a supportive environment. Health History: To be completed and signed by pa

Microsoft word - plaguial_infopa_panama_dec105medicamenprodsaludhumana_03.d…

REPÚBLICA DE PANAMÁ MINISTERIO DE SALUD DECRETO EJECUTIVO No.105 de 15 de abril de 2003 Que modifica el Decreto Ejecutivo 178 de 12 de julio de 2001, modificado por el Decreto Ejecutivo 319 de 28 de septiembre de 2001, que reglamenta la Ley 1 de 10 de enero de 2001, sobre Medicamentos y otros Productos para la Salud Humana LA PRESIDENTA DE LA REPÚBLICA, en uso de sus facu

(microsoft word - informe t\351cnico 2 fluoxetina.doc)

Boletim Farmacoterapêutico Número 2, maio de 2006 Informativo da Comissão de Farmácia e Terapêutica da Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Ribeirão Preto FLUOXETINA 20 mg - cápsula INDICAÇÕES A fluoxetina é indicada no tratamento da depressão, ansiedade crônica, bulimia nervosa, transtorno obsessivo- compulsivo (TOC) e transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual (TDP


October 20, 2010 Media Reports on Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer A study published in today’s issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on the increased risk of breast cancer and HRT is drawing a great deal of attention from the lay press. As is often the case, your patients will be turning to you for advice, questions, and information. To help you


Internationale Rassehundeausstellung Oberwart 2011 Labrador Retriever Richter: Grill Ingrid 654 KLIFF VON DER MOLZ Besitzer: Bewertung: Hund fehlt 655 WAVE LAB HOOLIGAN Besitzer: 16 monate alter rüde, vorzüglicher typ mit maskulinem ausdruck, korrekte größe, korrekte äußere linien, ausreichende winkelungen der vor- und rückhand, noch passende knochenstärke, bewegt sich


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ZODIAC® GROOMERS’ SPOT ON PACK Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1501 E. Woodfield Rd., Suite 200-West, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-950-4783 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Zodiac® Groomers’ Spot On Pack Chemical Name/Synonym: (S)-Me

Microsoft word - dal hcbc 07-08 hot weather advisory.doc

M E M O R A N D U M Adult Care Facilities and Assisted Living Members SUBJECT: DOH Issues Hot Weather Advisory Letter ROUTE TO: ABSTRACT: DOH reminds ACF operators to take certain precautions during hot weather months. Every year, the Department of Health (DOH) issues a hot weather advisory letter to adult care facility (ACF) operators. The letter outlines the department’s

Capítulo 11 - luciene dias

Gláuks v. 10 n. 1 (2010) 243-270 A Recontextualização da Informação sobre a “Pílula Anti-Barriga” nos S ites Folha e Minha Vida The Recontextualization of Information about the “Anti-Belly Pill” in “Folha” and “Minha Vida” Websites RESUMO: Este trabalho pretende analisar o tratamento linguístico-discursivo dado às informações de caráter c

Microsoft word - contrato_voip.doc

Termo de uso para assinatura CLÁUSULA PRIMEIRA: DO OBJETO 1.1- Disponibilizar o serviço de voz sobre IP da CONTRATADA, popularmente conhecido como VOIP, aqui denominado PARÁGRAFO ÚNICO voip permitirá ao CLIENTE realizar para qualquer lugar do mundo, chamadas telefônicas iniciando-se pela internet e terminando na rede pública ou na própria internet. PARAG


REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE MEDICAL COLLEGE CAMPUS TENDER NO.1/RCC/13:14 FOR ANTI CANCER DRUGS Competitive tenders in two bid system in separate sealed covers superscribed with the name and number of tender are invited from the Manufacturers/Direct Importers of Anti Cancer Drugs with Indian/ International market standing certificate of at least 3 years for the supply of Anti Cancer Drugs to Regio


Todo o conteúdo deste periódico, exceto onde está identificado, está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. O uso de filmes como recurso pedagógicono ensino de neurofarmacologia Introdução Os recursos audiovisuais têm sido frequentemente utilizados com

Microsoft word - linda report - apr-2-2011.doc

Linda Report, Apr.2, 2011 Thank you to all those who have expressed their encouragement, visited Linda and sent positive thoughts and prayers these last few weeks. As you may have seen from a quick-report I did on Mar. 4, Linda and I took a trip to the Ottawa General hospital on Mar. 1 in order to have her ventricular shunt tested with radioactive dye – and apparently it shows that her shunt

Mifepristone in south australia – the first 1343 tablets

professional Ea Mulligan Hayley Messenger Mifepristone in South Australia The first 1343 tablets completed the steps required to obtain a licence Background to market mifepristone in Australia. One avenue for medical practitioners to access Mifepristone has recently become available in Australia but its use is restricted. an unlicensed drug is to gain the support of a Human Res


Management of chronic pain in the elderly: focus on transdermal buprenorphine Abstract: Chronic pain in the elderly is a signifi cant problem. Pharmacokinetic and metabolic changes associated with increased age makes the elderly vulnerable to side effects and overdosing associated with analgesic agents. Therefore the management of chronic cancer pain and chronic nonmalignant pain in this gr

The my child matters awards: new funding, new countries, new hope

Special Report: International The My Child Matters Awards: new funding, new countries, new hope Published Online On Jan 28, 2009, the International in low-middle income countries by Selected candidates will get hands-Union Against Cancer (UICC) and building treatment capacity. Childhood cancer is a problem Hospital (Karachi) for 3 months.” the recipients of the third My Child worldwi

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. gezupftes aus dem garten . - salads Rucolasalat mit Apfel-Balsamicovinaigrette, gebratenen Riesengarnelen und gehobeltem Parmesan Rocket salad with apple balsamic vinaigrette, fried king prawns and Parmesan-cheese … leicht & lecker … - delight and delicate with basilpesto and springtime salad Gratinierte Zucchini und Auberginenschiffchen Gratinated z

College admission result


Microsoft word - second year

RCPIOP SECOND YEAR 1. PHARMACEUTICS II Theory (75 hours) 1. Dispensing Pharmacy : (i) Prescriptions –Reading and understanding of prescription; Latin terms commonly used (Detailed study is not necessary), Modern methods of prescribing, adoption of metric system. Calculations involved in dispensing. (ii) Incompatibilities in Prescriptions –Study of various types of in

Chemwatch msds 4614-46

EQUINE RAZOR WORMER Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet For Workplace - Small Volume Use Only. CHEMWATCH 4614-46 Issue Date: 7-Sep-2006 CD 2006/3 Page 1 of 9 NC317ELP Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME SYNONYMS PRODUCT USE Oral anthelmintic for horses. Administered into the back of a horse' s mouth. SUPPLIER Company: ArcherVet Pty

Guidelines for the supply of sildenafil for erectile dysfunction

REMOTE HEALTH ATLAS – Section #: TITLE (SPACE TO RIGHT FLUSH GUIDELINES FOR THE SUPPLY OF MEDICINES FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Note: where sildenafil 20mg tablets (Revatio®) are prescribed for pulmonary hypertension please refer to th regarding use under the Highly Specialised Drugs program. Medicines (including phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadal

Managing behavior problems in patients with dementia

Managing Behaviour and Psychological Problems in Patients with Diagnosed or S anagement guidelines for people over 65 with diagnosed or uspected dementia in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire s  Rowan Harwood, geriatrician, Nottingham University Hospitals Jonathan Waite, psychiatrist, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust John Lawton, pharmacist, Nottingham

Microsoft word - r0986867

SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EU) No. 1907/2006 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING : Tetracycline hydrochloride The Old Brickyard NEW ROAD, GILLINGHAM Dorset SP8 4XT UNITED KINGDOM 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Risk advice to man and the environment Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATIO


REGIS VAILLANCOURT, RABIAH SIDDIQUI, CHRIS VADEBONCOEUR, MARION RATTRAY, and DORIS LARIVIÈRE,Roger’s House Pediatric Palliative Hospice, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT Lactose intolerance is a clinical deficiency of theC.H., a three-and-a-half-year-old Caucasian boy,intestinal enzyme lactase, which is responsible forwas admitted for a routine respite stay at ahydrol

Microsoft word - rehsfil0.wwi

SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC directive 2001/58/EC KLERAT Version 5 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT INFORMATION Product name Design Code Dangerous for the environment Telephone Emergency telephone number 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous components For the


The ambiguous success of gender studies in practical R.Ruard Ganzevoort A paper for the Expert meeting Gender Studies in Theology and Religion: A Success- Story? Groningen, 27-28 January 2011 Adam, where are you? That is the first question that comes to mind when I think about the success of gender studies in practical theology. It is not difficult at all to list dozens of women who have c

Microsoft powerpoint - cardiovascular pharmacology handout.ppt

Current Cardiovascular Pharmacology Arthur Jones, EdD, RRT http://rc-edconsultant.com/ Learning Objectives:  Explain the actions, effects, indications, adverse effects and precautions for agents from the following drug categories: ƒ cardiotonic agents ƒ antidysrhythmic agents ƒ nitrates ƒ miscellaneous cardiovascular agents Cardiotonic Agents Epinephrine  A


EIDON, nº 40 diciembre 2013, 40:25-38 DOI: 10.13184/eidon.40.2013.25-38 Adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico en los pacientes con alteraciones crónicas de la conciencia José Ramón Ara Callizo Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza Los estados de alteración crónica de la conciencia, específicamente el estado vegetativo y el estado de míni


Compounding Service Order Form—LISMORE Placing your order 1. Phone or email us if you would like information on services, including prices 2. Complete the form below, placing a in the appropriate boxes 3. Mail your order form and original current prescription to us Customer details Contact information: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other title:_____ First Name:__________________________Last Nam


MEDIA RELEASE November 27, 2010 MORE THAN TWENTY TEAMS REGISTERED FOR RAID THE NORTH EXTREME 2011 - WEST KOOTENAYS With more than twenty teams already registered for Raid the North Extreme 2011, organizers have decided to release the list of team The internationally acclaimed expedition race will happen July 23 to 31, 2011, in the rugged Over 6 days non-stop, day & nigh


www.researchportal.be - 10 Mar 2014 04:16:17 Research projects (1460 - 1480 of 10149) Search filter: Classifications: BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (B) The influence of compression on the phase behavior of amorphous solid dispersions. K.U.Leuven Abstract: The objective of the current project is to understand the physics of compression induced phase separation and to find a solution fo

Microsoft word - 1. the pharmacology of murder psych blog by rich norman .docx

The Pharmacology of Murder: SSRI Drugs, Hysterical Psychosis, 5-HT and Repression by Rich Norman We are in an age which is fraught with change, some positive and some less so. It seems as if the basic fabric of our culture has torn, as if a qualitatively new and distinct rash of horror and criminal activity has overtaken this age and defined it: the rampage killing, a new sort of crime which appea


J O U R N A L O F B L O O D G R O U P S E R O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T I O NV O L U M E 1 6 , N U M B E R 3 , 2 0 0 0J O U R N A L O F B L O O D G R O U P S E R O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T I O N A review: modification of the red blood ce ll membrane and its application in blood group serology Key Words: red cell antigens,enzymes,modification of able for use in the blood bank. These incl

Microsoft word - common drugs used in the er

Common drugs used in the Emergency Room By Henry Feldman, ‘2001 (Edited by Lewis Nelson, MD) Routes of administration Intravenous administration is when the drug is given in liquid form directly into a vein. This is oftendone by placing a venous catheter to allow easy administration. Direct injection into the muscle. Often a painful mode of administration, and provides a slow routeo


Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association0002-9432/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0002-9432.76.1.134Emotional Effects of Sertraline: Novel Findings Revealed by MeditationUse of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors continues to increase, as does concern about previouslyunrecognized, subtle side effects and questions about whether these drugs produce effects on healthysubjects. The auth

A - pg193-194

J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2005; 35: 258–260 © 2005 Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghGoat's rue – French lilac – Italian fitch –Spanish sainfoin: gallega officinalis andmetformin:The Edinburgh connectionDR Hadden Hon. Consultant Physician, Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast, Ireland ABSTRACT The hypoglycaemic drug metformin is derived from galegine, which is Correspondence

Microsoft word - 2010 feb march rssl

URL: http://www.qsl.net/rssl 0 T H E MO NT HL Y NE WS LE T TE R OF T HE R AD IO SO CI ET Y OF S RI L A NK A The General Meeting for the Month of March 2010 will be He was President of the RSSL from 1984-1987 and in his held on Wednesday the of 31st. The venue is the tenure took steps to make the RSSL an Incorporated body with Balcony Hall of the Otters Aquatic Club 380 / 1 Cecil de

Microsoft word - stimulant drugs sex _4_.docx

From: Cocaine and Methamphetamine Addiction: Treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention. By A.M. Washton & J.E. Zweben. Norton Professional Books, 2009. Copyrighted. Chapter 3 Stimulant Drugs and Sex Many stimulant users report that their use of cocaine or methamphetamine is strongly associated with sex. Male users in particular report that stimulant drugs increase their libi

Prostate gland enlargement

Prostate Gland Enlargement Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia This leaflet only deals with benign (non-cancerous) enlargement of the prostate. Cancer of the prostate is a separate condition and is dealt with in another leaflet. What is the prostate gland? The prostate gland (just called 'prostate' from now on) is only found in men. It lies just beneath the bladder (see diagram). It is n

Microsoft word - poster program

Lesion Characteristics in Familial Age-related Macular Degeneration Combined Inhibition of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) for the Treatment of Macular Edema of Varied Etiologies: A Pilot Study Treatment of Macular Edema in Vein Occlusion Correlation Between Spectral Domain - Optical Coherence Tomography and Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis C


Flytown Power Co., Ltd Specification of Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery 1. Preface This document describes the Product Specification of the Lithium-ion Polymer rechargeable battery cell supplied by Flytown Power Co., Ltd 3. Voltage Single battery voltage is 3.7V/cell, so N pcs pack together in series is 3.7V x N=3.7NV 4. Rating 2200mAh MIN 2100mAh Standard charge: 0.5C Rap


Resolution of Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms Associated With Chronic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Therapy has a Positive Impact on Patient-Reported Productivity Peter Wahlqvist,1 Klas Bergenheim,1 Göran Långström,1 Jørgen Næsdal1 1Clinical Science, AstraZeneca, Mölndal, Sweden Table 1. Productivity results for all patients at baseline and for responders/non-responder

Microsoft word - disastersupplies.doc

Disaster Supplies Kit!! This list should include all items you may need in the event you have to relocate to a shelter or evacuate the island. Supplies should be sorted in sturdy, easy to carry containers such as duffel bags, backpacks or covered garbage containers.!! Store water in plastic containers such as soft drink bottles. Avoid using containers that will decompose or break, such as milk ca

Microsoft word - el estado de la ciencia final.doc

El Estado de la Ciencia 1. Inversión en I+D Durante el período comprendido en el presente informe, entre los años 1994 y 2003, la inversión en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) en el mundo registró un fuerte incremento, en una tendencia acorde con el crecimiento registrado durante dicho lapso por la economía mundial. Con una tendencia alcista, pero a la vez fluctuante debido a


The reduction of rhinitis symptoms by nasal filters during naturalexposure to ragweed and grass pollenBackground: Prototype nasal filters were developed to collect inhaled pollen. This study evaluated the efficacy of the filters for prevention of rhinitis symp-toms during acute outdoor pollen exposure. Methods: A randomized double-blind design was used. Subjects (n ¼ 46) with a1Woolcock I

Microsoft word - acta cfp 26-2010.doc

ACTA CFP Nº 26/2010 En Buenos Aires, a los 6 días del mes de julio de 2010, siendo las 17:30 horas, se reúne el CONSEJO FEDERAL PESQUERO (CFP) en la sede ubicada en Av. Paseo Colón 922, 1° piso, oficina 102, Capital Federal. Se encuentran presentes: el Suplente del Presidente del CONSEJO FEDERAL PESQUERO (CFP), Ing. Marcelo Santos, el Representante del PODER EJECUTIVO NACIONAL (PEN), Sr.


Vet Food Agro Diagnostics (M) Sdn Bhd VET FOOD AGRO DIAGNOSTICS (M) SDN BHD (560721-X) Lot 18B, Jalan 241, Seksyen 51A, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. (T) 603-7873 6405/603-7873 7355 (Ext. 344/372/380) (F): 603-7873 9209Email: vfad@rhonema.com (General) Website: www.vfad.com.my LIST OF TESTS AND SUPPLIES ORDER As at 1 July 2013 SEROLOGY


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Capping The GST Risks With Robust Internal Controls Framework On 5 April 2011, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) announced a new GST initiative known as Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme (ACAP). It sets out what is expected of a company’s framework for good GST risk management and governance. What are the salient points and how will this in


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LES ADOLESCENTS ET LES ASSUÉTUDES Préfet des Etudes, A.R. Fragnée-LiègeMaître de Conférences-Université de Liègel’évidence. Par contre, entre la négation pure et simple du problème à coup de répression, d’exclusion et de refusd’inscription et un laxisme aveugle tendant à ne gommerL’importance croissante que connaissent le commerce que la partie la plus visible de l’ic


ARRHYTHMIA THERA The evidence on emergency treatment of arrhythmias was reviewed and the only change was the addition of procainamide as possible therapy for refractory supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Unstable VT Consensus on Science There is insufficient evidence to support or refute the efficacy of electric therapy over drug therapy or the superiority of any drug for the emergenc

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All information provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. In case of emergency or illness, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the Emergency Contact for my child(ren). I give Colorado Christian Service Camp (Camp Como) permission to seek medical treatment for my child(ren) in case of emergency. I give Camp Como medical staff permission to provide my child(ren

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After either a referral by a recognized organization or contact via telephone or walk-in, the client will be placed on the waiting list. While on waiting list client wil participate in a screening process: an initial interview with a staff member to confirm criteria for entry and suitability. This is done either over the phone or in person. If individual is eligible, she will have to have these it

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Reading group questions

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Reading Guide Reading Group Questions 1. Would you have enjoyed Pride and Prejudice as much if Jane were its heroine? 2. Does Mr Darcy’s character change throughout the novel, or does Elizabeth’s – and the reader’s – perception of him change? Or both? Discuss how Jane Austen handles both 3. Jane Austen wrote i

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Piebiak, Jill Coms 646 19 June 2013 Dr. Yasmin Jiwani RemovingViolence.com Home  is  supposed  to  be  safe.  It  is  where  I  was  assigned  to  be  and  was  supposed  to   be  protected.  However,  when  I  log  on  to  the  Internet,  I  see  that  the  space  is  not   safe  anymore  (Ju  Oh  2012;  246

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Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense, XLI (2008) 27-48 / ISSN: 1133-3677 La armonización de impuestos en una europa libre Juan Antonio MARTÍNEZ MUÑOZ Resumen: Este artículo propone un nuevo sistema tributario para la Unión Europea, basado en una diferente concepción del poder político. Abstract: This article presents a new system of taxes for the European Union

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MARVIN I. SIEGEL, PH.D SENIOR PHARMACEUTICAL/BIOTECH EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Senior Executive leader with expertise building companies and managing strategic alliances. Member of board of directors of two biotech companies. Managed a joint venture between two biotechnology companies and a $200 million joint development program between a biotech and a major pharmaceutical compan

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Published online May 11, 2004 2594±2597 Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, Vol. 32, No. 8Mapping of the second tetracycline binding site onthe ribosomal small subunit of E.coliMaria M. Anokhina1, Andrea Barta2, Knud H. Nierhaus3, Vera A. Spiridonova4 andAlexei M. Kopylov1,4,*1Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Institute ofBiochemistry, Universi

To dispense or not to dispense: a pharmacist’s right to refuse

To Dispense or Not To Dispense: A Pharmacist’s Right To Refuse By: Jon Rys It is 4:00 am. Stephanie J. has just left the hospital after suffering a terrifying ordeal. The night before, she was the victim of a sexual assault. On her way home she stops by a local community pharmacy to have a prescription filled for an emergency contraceptive. This medication will prevent her from becomi

Release notes

R&S ® ARB Toolbox PLUS Software Release Notes Version 2.8 © 2014 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Printed in Germany – Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding. R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners. The following abbreviations are used throughout this document


Ergebnisübersicht: Harsewinkel,PLS vom 01.05.und 03.-0 [ 460818010 ] 01.05.2008 - 03.05.2008 Reiter-WB 1. P Marlien Hülser (ZRFV Gütersloh e.V.)2. P Ann-Katrin Rosalewski (RFV Avenwedde e.V.)3. P Christina Bombeck (RFV Clarholz-Lette e.V.)4. P Madeline Rinne (RFV Lopshorn-Lage e.V.)Katharina Hegemann (RFV Harsewinkel e.V.) Reiter-WB 2. P Sarah Meyer (LRFV Herzebrock-Rheda e.V.)

«fname» «lname»: monday, august 09, 2010

Pre treatment guidelines for patients scheduled for periodontal or dental implant surgery. The following guidelines are intended to facilitate the surgical process. Please follow these guidelines closely and call our office if you need additional help. Medications: Firstly, advise our office of any changes in your medical history, including any changes in your medication history,

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