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0031-6997/04/5602-159 –159$7.00PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWSCopyright © 2004 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics PharmGKB Update: II. CYP3A5, Cytochrome P450, Family 3, Subfamily A, Polypeptide 5 E. G. SCHUETZ, M. V. RELLING, S. KISHI, W. YANG, S. DAS, P. CHEN, E. H. COOK, G. L. ROSNER, C. H. PUI, J. G. BLANCO,M. J. EDICK, M. L. HANCOCK, N. J. WINICK, T.

Msi192 2022.2026

Nina Stoletzki,* John Welch,  Joachim Hermisson,* and Adam Eyre-Walker *Section of Evolutionary Biology, Department Biology II, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany;and  Centre for the Study of Evolution, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomIt has been suggested that volatility, the proportion of mutations which change an amino acid, can be used to infer


Reglement zum D + W - Cup www.mcc-druffel.com www.mcc-rheda-wiedenbrueck.deElektro Tourenwagen schmal EGTW Open Stock alle Tourenwagen nach DMC Reglement 2012 (EGTWMO/SP Maßstab 1:10)13.5 brushless; Hersteller freigestellt *** LRP Vector X12 Brushless StockSpec (Bestellnr.: 50832); oooo-Einsatz; -10° Timing (Wicklung 10.5 T) *** der LRP X12-Motor mit 10.5 T darf nur in Verbindung mit

Microsoft word - bcn_qualityinterchange_jan 2007_no pg#_112806_final.doc

Quality Interchange Program January 2007 Prior Authorization or Step Therapy may be necessary for coverage of certain medications for BCN’s Commercial members. Clinical criteria, based on current medical information as approved by the BCBSM/BCN Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee must be met, or other information must be provided, before coverage is approved for these drugs. Drugs subjec

Student 2009-2010 pandemic h1n1 ("swine flu") vaccination consent form

Annual Influenza Vaccine Consent Form-FLU SHOT and NASAL SPRAY Section 1: Information about Child to Receive Vaccine (please print) Fill out one form for EACH child receiving vaccine. STUDENT’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S DATE OF BIRTH month_________ day________ year __________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S AGE STUDENT’S GENDER PARENT/GUAR


Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE, lupoid dermatosis of the nose) DLE is a sun-aggravated (and probably induced) sterile immune mediated disease that mainly affects the nasal planum of dogs (and less commonly the muzzle skin, eyelids and paws). There is likely a hereditary component to the disease as it is seen more frequently in Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Border Collies, and


2010-2011 Dille Fund For Excellence Grant Recipients The Grant committee received 22 proposals requesting a total of $36,049.85 and was able to award only $6,000, supporting 14 projects. This year’s committee members included: Teri Walseth (Dean of Education & Human Services), Joan Justesen (Vice President Alumni Foundation), Brittney Goodman (Associate Vice President for Instruction


Department of MathematicsThe University of Toledo2801 W. Bancroft St Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390Tel:(O)(419) 530-2998 Fax: (419) 530-4720Email:mao-pei.tsui@utoledo.eduHomepage:http://www.math.utoledo.edu/∼mtsuiDifferential Geometry (53), General Relativity and Gravitation (83) andPartial Differential Equations (35). • Ph. D. in Mathematics, 2001, Brandeis University• M.S. in Applied Mathemat



Press release

News Release June 10, 2008 Merck Serono Strengthens Its Prescription Medicines Portfolio in Latin America • Merck Serono to commercialize portfolio of established pharmaceutical medicines from Bristol-Myers Squibb in Latin America Geneva, Switzerland, June 10, 2008 – Merck Serono, a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, announced today the signing of a distributio

Microsoft word - 100121 research wall chart.doc

Research Coordinator Alternate Name Pharmacy Supplies Description A multicenter, single arm, non-blinded safety and dose TMC-CLV-07- Rebecca Violette: 662-2066, Accelerate Clevidipine in 100ml Type II clear glass titration study evaluating the ability of clevidipine to rapidly Clevidipine pager: 741-3257, fax: 662- control elevated blood pressure


Interacciones farmacológicas Se denomina interacción farmacológica a la modificación del efecto de un fármaco causado por la administración conjunta de otros fármacos. l Hay 2 tipos de interacciones: A- Favorables para el paciente B- Defavorables para el paciente, que se incluyen en el capítulo de los efectos indeseados de los fármacos Mabel Valsecia- Cátedra F


V i s m e d i c a t r i x n a t u r a e FOOD MULTI II Rationale Disclaimer: The information within is for professional use only and is not intended as medical advice. The authors and Innate Response Formulas®, a division of BioSan Laboratories,disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information within. Food Multi II Rationale Crafted as a foundationa

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Treatment Menu Yon-Ka Facial Treatments Relax and feel rejuvenated with Yon-Ka Facial Treatments A fully professional facial should not only leave you with a radiant complexion but also a deep feeling of well-being. Based upon Pure Essential Oils – Lavender, Cyrpress, Rosemary, Thyme and Geranium that’s exactly what you get from a Yon-Ka facial treatment. These divine and d

Lettre version finale.pdf

La Lettre de MG France RA Mars 2009 COTATION EN CS : LA BELLE VICTOIRE DES GENERALISTES DROMOIS POUR L’EQUITE La Cour d’Appel de Grenoble vient de donner raison à délégation l’honneur de tous les Médecins neuf médecins de MG26 : elle reconnaît le droit aux spécialistes en médecine générale de coter leurs consultations CS. Devant cette victoir

Jake olivier

Jake Olivier, Ph.D. PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES * Supervision of student or post-doc in underline 1. Heinzelmann-Schwarz VA, Nixdorf S, Valadan M, Diczbalis M, Olivier J , Otton G, Fedier A, Hacker NF & Scurry JP. A clinicopathological review of 33 patients with vulvar melanoma identifies c-KIT as a prognostic marker. International Journal of Molecular Medicine , accept

Dodecalen de vida

1.- Lo DESCONOCIDO que es la esencia que en la era del aire se da en luz perspectiva del ser. 2. Lo DESCONOCIDO es de donde nos damos y cambiamos en amores y vidas. 3.-Lo DESCONOCIDO es )==) 4.- Es silencio, quietud, transparencia, vaciedad, soledad y nada que se pueda demostrar con la palabra, con la escritura, con los símbolos, pinturas o dibujos, esculturas o tallas, es la esencia en el sumun


Essentials MS can affect your emotions as well as your body. Although this has been recognised since MS was firstdescribed in the 19th century, it is only more recently thatwe have begun to understand more about how MS candepression cause changes in mood and feelings. 1 There are now many treatments available to help manage these often upsettingand difficult aspects of MS. Medication, talk

Searching for harmony: one music therapist’s journey towards self-care

Searching for Harmony: One Music Therapist’s Journey Towards Self-Care Linda Dessau, MTA Why is self-care is important to me? Self-care is important to me, largely because I want to feel better, emotionally and physically. I also want to decrease my risks of illness and injury. I know that I have the power to do these things, with a positive attitude and with self-care habits. Why i

Copie de tableau.xls

SUIVIS RENFORCES / ENQUETES DE PHARMACOVIGILANCE EN COURS Avertissements aux lecteurs Tous les médicaments disponibles sur le marché en France font l’objet d’une surveillance dans le cadre de la pharmacovigilance. Figurent sur la liste ci-dessous des médicaments ou classes de médicaments faisant l’objet, à ce jour, d’un suivi renforcé ou d’une enquê

Step therapy criteria

Step Therapy Criteria 2014 MSOFL_Medica Last Updated: 01/01/2014 ANTIDEPRESSANT THERAPY - UHCMR Products Affected Criteria Step 1: One of the following Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3 antidepressants: SSRI, SNRI, bupropion, mirtazepine. Step 2: Emsam CAMPTOSAR INJECTION THERAPY - UHCMR Products Affected Criteria Step 1: Irinotecan 20 mg/mL injection (generic). Step 2: C

Microsoft word - eighth grade trip medical permission forms 2-6-12

MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS HEALTH SERVICES Cedar Hill: 331-7130 Valley View: 331-7100 ext. 1410 Hilldale: 808-2042 William Mason: 331-7137 Lazar Middle: 331-7100 ext. 2315 Woodmont: 808-2032 Lazar Nurse’s Fax: 973-334-1033 Montville High: 331-7100 ext. 2609/2610 February 6, 2012 Dear Parents/Guardians, As you know, the Eighth grade trip is coming up and many of the details are be

Negativizzazione hbv dna

NEGATIVIZZAZIONE HBV DNA IN UNA PAZIENTE TRATTATA OMEOPATICAMENTE Dott. Fagone Giuseppe Studio di Omeopatia Milano – Via Guerrazzi 13 – 20143 Tel. 02.33107718 E-mail: giuseppe.fagone@medicina-omeopatica.it VII Congresso nazionale di Medicina Omeopatica, 10-12-novembre 2006, Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma. Riassunto Dal marzo 2005 una paziente affetta da epatite B con


Black, Green Tea May Slow Alzheimer's Disease Adapted from WebMD Medical News, Oct. 27, 2004 A study from England's University of Newcastle upon Tyne shows that green and black teas may inhibit certain brain enzymes linked to Alzheimer's disease. The study's findings may lead to new therapeutic developments for dementia and Alzheimer's disease, which is estimated to affect 10 million people


The Role of Hypnotherapy in Working With Clutter, which is often related to procrastination, is a leading cause of disorganization. There are many reasons why people clutter. Some reasons include things such as feeling overwhelmed, and your highest priorities at that time, are somewhere else. Perhaps you just don’t know where to start in removing your clutter. How many times have you heard your


Novel My Way Tabs Size: 12-1/8 x 13-1/2 Fold: 1-3/8 x 1-3/8 Type: 6 pt. Side A Rev 4/2012 Proof 5 6/11/2012 JBmonohydrate, magnesium stearate, and talc. HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION My Way is not effective in terminating an existing pregnancy. (5.2)Effect on menses: My Way may alter the next expected menses. If menses is delayed beyond 1Levonorgestrel has a molecular weight of 312.


05 QSW 048024_hardiman (ds) 22/10/04 8:45 am Page 431Qualitative Social WorkCopyright ©2004 Sage Publications London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi, Vol. 3(4): 431–448 Networks of Caring University at Albany, State University of New York, USA ABSTRACT This article examines consumer-run agency participation by adults with psychiatric disabilities. Using qualitative data from 10 intensi

Microsoft word - 2009-02_report.doc

2ND QUARTER 2009 NURSING REPORT Matibi Mission hospital is a 125 bedded hospital situated in Mwenezi District. It covers ward 3 of the district and serves as a primary center for surrounding wards within a walkable distance +-10km of Mberengwa and Chivi. The total catchment population is 8219. This report will cover staffing, staff development, services provided in OPD, FCH, PMTCT, VCT,

Haiti talk

MY REWARD Matthew 28:19-20 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you… I became acquainted with Tim Mastenbrook and his dedication to missions in Haiti many years ago. A little over five years ago my wife, Kischa, enrolled our family in h

Microsoft word - posters.docx

The 59th annual Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin presents POSTERS Ewout M. Baerveldt1,2 , Armanda J. Onderdijk1,2, Chris Wohn2, Marius Kant1,2, Eddy F. Florencia1,2, Jon D. Laman2, H. Bing Thio1, Johann E. Gudjonsson2, Errol P. Prens1,2 1Departments of Dermatology and 2Immunology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann

Microsoft word - cenacolo 2014-01-18.doc

Chiudiamo questo incontro, come sempre con la preghiera del Rosario, per questo mondo assetato di pace e di speranza. Grazie a chi era presente e grazie anche a coloro che di lontano hanno par- Una missione per il mondo d’oggi Gesù Cristo non è amato perché non è conosciuto. Cenacolo n. 10 del 18 gennaio 2014 - Torino “Vi annuncio una grande gioia …” (Luca 2,10) Quest




EIK studie Dit is een studie naar het effect, veiligheid en verdraagzaamheid van ezetimibe in combinatie met simvastatine therapie in de behandeling van adolescenten met heterozygote familiare hypercholesterolemie (FH). Deze Fase IIIb, multinationale, gerandomiseerde, dubbelblinde, gecontroleerde studie met parallelle groepen duurt 60 weken. Achtergrond van het onderzoek: Hypercholesterol

Microsoft word - estimate-14.doc

ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Afghanistan Aruba* Ascension Island Australia Anguilla* Antigua and Barbuda* Argentina ESTIMATED WORLD REQUIREMENTS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS IN GRAMS FOR 2014 Total of estimates before adjustment to stocks Azerbaijan Bahamas* Banglade

Competencia desleal

COMPETENCIA DESLEAL – ETICA DEPORTIVA En la década del 90 comencé a percibir en mi entorno que atletas con marcas similares a las mías y que a lo largo del tiempo iban mejorando dentro de los límites esperables, de la noche a la mañana daban un giro inesperado obteniendo registros que no estarían acordes a la progresión atlética que se venía teniendo. Recuerdo un compañero

Grow a great mood boosting backyard

wakeup-world.com Ward off bad moods with a mood-boostingbackyard garden. Just being outside, whether you’re gardening,exercising, or simply taking a strol , is a great moodbooster. But getting your hands dirty in a garden isso effective at combating depression that it’s oftenused in “horticultural therapy” at psychiatrichospitals. If you feel like your energy levels aredropping or


FDA NEWS RELEASE: PPI Warning For Immediate Release : May 25, 2010 Media Inquiries: Elaine Gansz Bobo, 301-796- FDA: Possible Fracture Risk with High Dose, Long-term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today warned consumers and health care professionals about a possible increased risk of fractures of the hip, wrist, and spine with high doses or long

Microsoft word - sugar or stress.doc

SUGAR OR STRESS (SOS): WHICH IS By Brian G.M. Durie, MD on March 1, 2012 4:26 PM| Sometimes it takes very bad news to get people to make necessary changes in their lives. Someone diagnosed with lung cancer might finally give up the 2-pack-a-day habit they've had since high school. Someone who experiences a heart attack might finally cut some fats from their diet and increase their So wha

Microsoft word - patient transplant testimonial.doc

My Experience Undergoing a Stem Cell Transplant I recently completed an autologous stem cell transplant at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, under the supervision of Dr. Tomer Mark, an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. The transplant process was a very physically and psychologically challenging procedure, both in the hospital and during the at-home recovery. A

Microsoft word - what is breast cancer _2_.doc

What is Breast Cancer ? Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that has developed from cells of the breast. The disease occurs mostly in women, but does occur rarely in men. The remainder of this document refers only to breast cancer in women. Normal Breast Structure The main components of the female breast are lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (milk passages that connect the lobules an


ZELNORM- tegas erod maleate tablet Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation ---------- T2004-53/T2004-54 89015305 ZELNORM® (tegas erod maleate) Tablets Rx only Pres cribing Information DESCRIPTION Zelnorm® (tegaserod maleate) tablets contain tegaserod as the hydrogen maleate salt. As the maleate salt, tegaserod is chemically designated as 3-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)-N-

Olaf wolkenhauer, phd

J. Barbara Nebe, Dr. Vice-Chair, Dept. of Cel Biology Address Center of Medical Research, Dept. of Cel Biology Medical Faculty, University of Rostock18057 Rostock, GermanyTel./Fax: +49 (0)381 494 7771/7764 Curriculum Vitae Vice Chair of the Dept. of Cel Biology, Center of Medical Research, Medical Faculty,University of RostockHabilitation, University of Rostock: Integrin receptors and t


This game was designed with the thought of simplicity(except for situations where jokers have to be dealt with),illusion of strategy (luck actually takes place most of thetime), and scalability in terms of amount of players. This presentation will elaborate on the rules of the game,hopefully in a simple way. Try to first play without jokers to understand the game morequickly, then play with j


Sankt Marien-Hospital Buer Patient-Information Knee-joint-replacement operation Before checking in After arranging an appointment for the implantation of your knee joint, you should take into account the following recommenda-tions:1. Please inform your family doctor and all other treating practitioners about your upcoming knee-joint-replacement operation. They might prepare you


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is becoming more common in the United States affecting anestimated 18.2 million Americans. Not only is the number of American’s with DM stagger-ing, but so are the medical and economic costs of DM. DM accounts for nearly 15% of allhealth care costs in the United The chronic hyperglycemia of DM is associatedwith long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of multiple orga

Layout 1 (page 1)

If you want to take advantage of the $1,350 homeWant another reason to renovate now? It pays torenovation tax credit, you’ll need to get that renovationrenovate. The right improvements will boost the valuedone before February 1, 2010. So if it’s time for a newof your home. So you’re building on your biggestroof, new flooring, or a fresh new recreation room…investment – while you


Med jævne mellemrum bringer dagspressen beretninger om, at der mellem erhvervs-virksomheder er opstået uoverensstemmelser, der har baggrund i, at en af parternehar parallelimporteret og markedsført produkter inden for et område, som en andenvirksomhed påberåber sig en eneret til at betjene. Disse konflikter kalder ofte på de store overskrifter, hvor der ikke er sparet påbeskyldninger o

Microsoft word - teething.doc

THE TEETHING BABY “OH BABY…Birth, Babies & Motherhood Uncensored” Did you know some babies are born with teeth? My great-uncle was born with two! On the other hand, some infants don’t get their first teeth until after their first birthday. Babies vary tremendously as to when, and in what order, the little ‘pearls’ arrive in their mouth. But as a big generalisation: Estima

Microsoft word - detia_degesch_plates_strip

Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. 1089 Budapest, Orczy u. 6. - 1464 Bp. Pf. 1403 Telefon: 464-4938, Fax: 464-4991 Verziószám: 1.5. (Hu) A kiállítás kelte: 2005. 08. 05. Degesch plates, strip gázositószer 2009.10.22. 1. A készítmény és a vállalat/vállalkozás azonosítása A készítmény neve: Degesch plates, strip gázosítószer A készítmény felhasználása:


GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist, has released its new report, “Irritaable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) - Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017”. The report is an essential source ofinformation and analysis on the global IBS market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving theglobal IBS market. The report also provides insights on the prevalent c


A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in the United States Cite as Lawrence RA. 1997. A Review of the Medical Benefits and Contraindications to Breastfeeding in theUnited States (Maternal and Child Health Technical Information Bulletin). Arlington, VA:National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. A Review of the Medical Benefi


Preclinical pharmacokinetics and metabolism of MK-0518, a potent HIV Integrase inhibitor in phase III clinical trials Odalys Gonzalez Paz, Marina Taliani, Annalise Di Marco, Edith Monteagudo, Fabio Bonelli, Fabrizio Fiore, Massimiliano Fonsi, Francesca Naimo, Maria Verdirame, Anna Alfieri, Isabella Marcucci, Vincenzo Summa, Michael Rowley, Ralph Laufer IRBM-Merck Research Laborat

Microsoft word - colytegolytelynulytelyprep2-132013

COLYTE, GOLYTELY OR NULYTELY COLONOSCOPY PREP Tanya Davis, MD and Ashita Shah, P.A.-C Patient’s Name________________________________ Date__________ Time__________ Location____________ * There is a $150 fee for procedures cancelled with less than 72 hours notice. Colyte, Golytely or Nulytely and Reglan prescriptions need to be filled at your pharmacy. Dulcolax laxative tablets ar


• -35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F) measurement range• USB interface for set-up and data download• Status indication via red, green and orange LEDs• Supplied with replaceable internal lithium This standalone data logger measures and stores up to 16,382 temperature readings over a -35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°F) range. The user can easily set up the logging rate and start-time, an

Stat 333

The instructions for using the t-distribution on the computer are the same as the instructions given for the z-distribution on the last assignment except you have to input degrees of freedom for the t-distribution. Note: some answers may be off due to rounding. 1. The length of human pregnancies is approximately normally distributed with mean equal to 266 days and standard deviation equal to 16


CHECKLIST FOR PRESCRIBERS – COMBINED HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES Please use this checklist in conjunction with the Summary of Product Characteristics during combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) consultations.  Thromboembolism (e.g. deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart attack and stroke) is a rare but important risk with use of a CHC.  A woman’s risk will also depe

Microsoft word - 8-30-005 treatment of malaria - june 2009_ab and jk revised _3_.doc

TREATMENT OF MALARIA The following guidelines have been adapted from the 2004 Canadian recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria among international travellers. Canada Communicable Disease Report - Supplement (Vol 30, June 2004): http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr- rmtc/04vol30/30s1/index.html. The 2006 WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria are also a useful re


1. On the sidewalk Excuse me, but do you happen to know what time it is? Um, yeah. Just a sec…let me find my cellphone. I know it’s in my purse somewhere… here it is. It’s about quarter to three. Are you serious? I’m supposed to be at an interview across town from here at three. Is there any way I can make it to Hartford Center by then? Sure, but not by walking or even running. Ac

Exelon nuclear internship opportunities

Student  Responsibility    for  Applying  to  the   Grundy  Education   Industrial  Partnership   1. Cover  Letter  2. Current  Resume  3. Signed  Parent  Permission  Slip  4. MCHS  transcript   Please  submit  the  above   information  for  each  position  you   are  applying  for  to  the  Central   C

Microsoft word - 1156065102 montebio cti-402 spanish insert 091013

En la zona de control de la membrana los reactivos inmovilizados capturan el y Solo para uso diagnóstico profesional in vitro . No se debe utilizar después de conjugado coloreado y una línea de color siempre aparecerá en la zona de control indicando que un volumen adecuado del espécimen ha sido añadido y y La prueba debe permanecer en la bolsa sellada hasta el momento de su que la reac

Renaissance studies in italy packing tips:

Italy Packing Tips: You’ve heard it a million times; now you’ll hear it once again— pack light. You don’t need a steamer trunk and we are not going to a third-world country. Allow room for purchases. You are your own porter, so get a soft-sided 20-22” bag with wheels and a pull-up handle and one school-size backpack. No more. Airlines have a strict 50 pound limit on each suitcase, s

Microsoft word - ps3.doc

Métis Nation British Columbia Comprehensive Survey By completing and submitting this survey to MNBC you consent to the use of the information that you share. Your personal information (Name, address, phone number and personal health number) is for tracking and data linking purposes only and will not be disclosed or associated to the survey questions or your responses. Your anonymity is a

Making sense of anti

Making sense of antipsychotics (major tranquillisers) Contents Making Sense of antipsychotics What should I know before taking these drugs? What should my doctor take into account? Which type of antipsychotic should I take?Why do people take more than one antipsychotic?Who should avoid taking antipsychotic drugs? The different types of antipsychotic Older antipsychotics Making S


Proposed lists of priority essential medicines for HIV UNITAID Secretariat/WHO proposal Table A.1 Proposed lists of priority essential medicines for HIV Adults: missing essential medicines – medicine/form Rationale from current treatment guidelines or Model List Stand-alone thermostable formulations of ritonavir or in combination with other protease inhibitors (PIs)Tenofovir

Microsoft word - dr woods knee.doc

Dr. Woods Knee Surgery Discharge Instructions WOUND CARE There may be a slight bruising along the wound with discoloration. This bruising may also move down into your calf ankle and foot. There may be a small amount of drainage from the incision area. ___ Keep dressing clean, dry and in place until follow up appointment. ___ Remove dressing: ___ days, ___ physical therapy will remov


Network Working Group ISO Request for Comments: 905 April 1984 ISO Transport Protocol Specification ISO DP 8073 This document is distributed as an RFC for information only. It does not specify a standard for the ARPA-Internet. 1) RFC 892 is an older version of the ISO Transport Protocol Specification. Therefore this RFC should be assumed to supercede RFC 892. 2) This document has been prepa

Microsoft word - 090902 press release-astelin jv purchase.doc

News Release MEDPOINTE ACQUIRES 100% OF ASTELIN® RIGHTS IN US AND CANADA Acquires Joint Venture Interest, Intellectual Property Not Already Owned SOMERSET, NJ – September 9, 2002 – In its third strategic move this year designed to capture the full commercial potential of its flagship product, the anti-allergy nasal spray ASTELIN®, MedPointe announced today it has acquired ex

Microsoft powerpoint - erectile dysfunction and the heart1 - dehaan

• ED is a symptom of many underlying conditions • Endothelial dysfunction seems to be a common final pathway to ED in patients with hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic renal failure• The recognition of ED as a warning sign of silent vascular disease has led to the concept that a man with ED and no cardiac symptoms is a cardiac patient until proven otherwise

Microsoft word - infors-matbestellliste-120511.doc

Version: 1.0 Qualitätsmanagement - EEA 12.05.2011 Informationsrundschreiben zur Bestellliste Bereitschaften 05/2011 Einleitung: Die neue "Bestellliste Bereitschaften 05-2011.xls", die in Abstimmung mit der Chefärztin des KreisverbandesMünchen, Frau Dr. Monika Mirlach, erstellt wurde, ersetzt alle bisherigen Bestelllisten. Eine Aufteilung nach Bereitschaften, Fahrzeuge u


Digital Frequency Analysis of Valve Sound Phenomenain Patients after Prosthetic Valve Surgery: Its Capabilityas a True Home Monitoring of Valve FunctionDirk Fritzsche1, Thomas Eitz1, Kazutomo Minami1, Delewar Reber3, Axel Laczkovics3, UweMehlhorn4, Dieter Horstkotte2, Reiner Körfer1 Clinics for 1Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and 2Cardiology, Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia


RESUMEN DE NOTICIAS 9:00 A.M. PORTADAS DE DIARIOS Correo: ZANJÓN HASTA PANAMERICANA SUR (Propuesta fuerte de Lourdes Flores. Se hará realidad proyecto inicia de Vía Expresa, Villa el Salvador, Vil a María del Triunfo y San Juan de Miraflores se beneficiarán enormemente). Expreso: LOURDES SIGUE AVANZANDO HACIA LA ALCALDÍA DE LIMA (Se estanca candidatura de Susana Villarán).

Microsoft word - document5

UK signals seen as positive, but playing field skewed Representatives from the mortgage industry discussed the UK authorities’ approach to improving the funding environment for lenders at a conference yesterday (Wednesday) where a new industry body, the Mortgage Funding Group, was launched. Tony Ward, vice chairman of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association and CEO of Home Funding, wel


Get ready…. get set……GO! Just a few more weeks until we get started in NET 2410. Hopefully you have been using the information letter you received to get ready so that you can have the smoothest possible transition into the fall. Important Reminders (are there any reminders that AREN’T important??) DEADLINE TO SUBMIT CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS: AUGUST 3!! Make sure appropriate

On behalf of the german society of neurology (dgn) we developed guidelines on neurogenic dysphagia (nd), which were accepted i

Guidelines of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) on Neurogenic Dysphagia (ND) Mario Prosiegel Neurologisches Krankenhaus München (NKM), Tristanstr. 20, D-80804 Munich, Germany The abovementioned guidelines were accepted by the DGN guidelines commission in September 2004 and will be published by the DGN in 2005. The main recommendations of these guidelines are as follows: ! Diagnosis o


Hautabszesse bei Kindergartenkindern: Schwere In beiden Familien wurde der Versuch ei-ner Sanierung unternommen. Hierzu Verl ä ufe durch Panton-Valentine-Leukozidin- wurden bei allen Familienmitgliedern die bildenden Staphylococcus aureus Skin Abscesses in Kindergarten Children: Severe Courses Due to Panton-Valentine Leukocidin Producing S. aureus ▶ Dekolonisation der Na


M A N Y F A C E S … M A N Y C A U S E S … M A N Y T R E A T M E N T S … Sinus Pain: Can Over-the-Counter Medications Why do we suffer from nasal and sinus discomfort? The body’s nasal and sinus membranes have similar responses to viruses, allergic insults, and common bacterial infections. Membranes become swollen and congested. This congestion causes pain and pressure;

Microsoft word - causation agenda.doc

R v Blaue (1975) The defendant entered the home of an 18 year old woman and asked for sex. When she declined his advances, he stabbed her four times; the wound penetrated her lung which necessitated both a blood transfusion and surgery in order to save her life. After refusing treatment because of her religious beliefs (i.e. Jehovah's Witness) she died. Medical evidence showed that she woul


Supplemental Checklist for: Pharmacies MONTEREY BAY AREA GREEN BUSINESS PROGRAM Supplemental Checklist: Pharmacies The following measures are intended to supplement those in the Minimum Measures and Office/Retailchecklist. In addition to completing the Minimum Measures and Office/Retail checklist, this checklistmust also be completed prior to certification. Remember, the program offers

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BIBO Mining Jobs BIBO is quickly developing into a way of life for many workers in the mining industry instead of just a means of transport. In the past, mining villages were formed by the large mining companies to house employees long-term. Nowadays, temporary camps are set up very close to the mine sites. This allows camps to be moved according to the jobs, decreases start up costs which in t


Data revisione 02/01/2013Stampata il 02/01/2013263178 - HORECA SELECT SANIFICANTE CUCINA1. Identificazione della sostanza o della miscela e della società/impresa1.2. Pertinenti usi identificati della sostanza o miscela e usi sconsigliatiDetergente sanificante per la cucina pronto all'uso. Sconsigliati tutti gli usi diversi1.3. Informazioni sul fornitore della scheda di dati di sicurezzae-ma


Varicella Di cosa si tratta La varicella è una malattia infettiva virale, molto contagiosa, che lascia una protezione permanente (per cui, di regola, non ci si riammala una seconda volta). Il virus responsabile della malattia, tuttavia, non viene mai completamente debellato; va a localizzarsi nei gangli nervosi del midollo, dove può rimanere senza dare problemi anche per tutta la


The Abstract Compactness Theorem revisited 1Abstract. The Abstract Compactness Theorem of Makowsky and Shelah for model the-oretic logics is shown to be an immediate consequence of a general characterization oftopological spaces having [ ; ]-compact products, when applied to spaces of structuresendowed with the natural topology induced by the de…nable classes of a logic L. In thiscontext, the n

Cher patient,

TRETINOIN Dear patient, Please read the following instructions carefully. They contain important information about the use of this medicine. If you have any further questions, please ask your doctor or pharmacist. Information about TRETINOIN TRETINOIN is available as 0.1%, 0.05%, and 0.025% viscous topical solutions. TRETINOIN is a form of vitamin A used for the treatment of mild to

Grippe vogelgrippe infoblatt

Ihr Betriebsarzt informiert (Vogel-) Grippe – Pandemie (Information für Arbeitgeber) Die Virusgrippe (Influenza) gehört zu den bedeutsamsten Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen. Sie ist seit alters her bekannt und wird doch in ihrer Gefährlichkeit bis in unsere Tage unterschätzt. Erste Berichte über Epidemien mit zahlreichen Todesopfern gibt es bereits aus der Zeit von Hippokrate

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SatelLite50-TH/E Combined humidity and temperature logger Description Operation SatelLite50-TH/E is a compact two-channel datalogger The built-in electronics are powerd from a single for connection of an external combined termperature standard 1.5V battery. This reduces the battery cost to and humidity sensor. SatelLite50-TH/E is characterised one-tenth of the special 3.6V Lithiu

Microsoft word - 05-01-05 final report.doc

Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative Project 05-01-05 “Bioactive Compounds in Swine Manure” Composted swine manure was examined for the presence of antibacterial and antifungal activities. While commercial composts show some antibacterial activity composted swine manure demonstrated inhibitory activity against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Weaker inhibitory activity against G

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Microsoft word - antibiogram 2013

RESTRICTED ANTIMICROBIALS-ANTI-INFETICIVES 2013 GUIDELINES FOR USE OF ORAL VANCOMYCIN First Dose Rule: Category 1: To obtain a restricted antimicrobial in this category, the If the ID Specialist (Fellow or Staff) cannot be contacted, a first dose may be dispensed -IV preparation will be used for oral useprescriber must contact the Infectious Disease (ID) Fellow or when a phys

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IPM WORKING GROUP – WEBSITE INFORMATION PESTICIDE APPLICATION REGULATIONS Countries will differ in the specific requirements relating to pesticide application. The United States has a basic Federal laws which are the minimum requirement for States to enforce. States are allowed to make stricter requirements as they see appropriate. Pesticides must be registered at the Federal level

C14 add:adhd

THE ADD-ADHD DILEMMA ADD? ADHD? A student in my "regular" junior English class, Joseph was tall, thin, quiet and very well- mannered, with a string of good's following his name—good attendance, motivation, attitude, cooperation, peer acceptance. But his spelling was atrocious and from his first writing sample I realized that Joseph was severely dyslexic. He did write in his jo


Calendr o Ddigwyddiadau Hydref 2012 Calendar of Events October 2012 Digwyddiad Lleoliad Pwyllgor Neuadd Goffa / Memorial Hall Committee Ioga i Famau a Babanod / Yoga for Mums and BabiesGrwp Babis a Plant Bach / Baby and Toddlers GroupIogatastic - gwirion i dawelu / Yogatastic - silly to calm %RUH&RIÀ Coffee Morning (Am fanylion gweler isod / For (Am fanylion gwel

Catalogue lausanne 2009.indd

MUSÉE ET JARDINS BOTANIQUES CANTONAUX VAUDOIS Avenue de cour 14 bis - CH 1007 Lausanne www.botanique.vd.ch graines.botanique@vd.chSemina e plantis in horto botanico cultis lecta ALLIACEAE Aster Allium Centaurea 14 simplicicaulis Boiss. & Huet AMARYLLIDACEAE Leucojum Echinacea Narcissus Lactuca A Onopordum NTHERICACEAE An


Voting is likely the tool most strongly associated with the idea of democratic decisions,be it at national or local elections, decisions within a parliament, committees, juries oreven at company boards. In turn, the outcomes of voting processes potentially affecta large constituency. Therefore, understanding voter behavior is of major interest in avariety of fields. In this thesis we approach vote

Ordenanza plusvalÍas 07

AYUNTAMIENTO DE MONDÉJAR cuenten además con alcantarillado, suministro de agua, suministro de energía eléctrica y Artículo 1 Este Ayuntamiento conforme a lo autorizado Artículo 4 por el artículo 106 de la Ley 7/85, de 2 de abril 1. Se devenga el Impuesto y nace la obligación Reguladora de las Bases de Régimen Local y de acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 60.2 terre


The most common postural tremor in children is called an Essential Tremor , or Benign Tremor . It may occur at any age, but it is more common in the second and sixth decades of life. About half of patients with essential tremor have a family history of this type of tremor. Fortunately, an Essential Tremor is treatable and seldom a sign of a serious Write


Hong Ding, PhD Current Title: Assistant Professor Current working address: Department of Immunology, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Florida International University 11200 SW 8th ST., AHC 1-308 Miami, FL33199, USA Tel: (305)348-1490 (Lab), (716)907-4955 (Cell)/Fax: (305)348-1109 Email: hding@fiu.edu or hding111@gmail.com A. EDUCATION  PhD of Pharmaceutical Sciences, We


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DRAGNET® SFR TERMITICIDE/INSECTICIDE MSDS Ref. No: 52645-53-1-26 Version: Global Date Approved: 05/10/2000 Revision No: 3 This document has been prepared to meet the requirements of the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200; the EC directive, 91/155/EEC and other regulatory requirements. The information contained herein is f


Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 68(2), 2003, pp. 153–158Copyright © 2003 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneDESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF ARTESUNATESUPPOSITORY IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER ANTIMALARIALS IN THEM. I. AWAD, A. M. Y. ALKADRU, R. H. BEHRENS, O. Z. BARAKA, AND I. B. ELTAYEB Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Department of Internal M

Articol 2.cdr

ACÞIUNEA UNOR AGENÞI ANTIINFECÞIOªI ASUPRA TULPINILOR DE ESCHERICHIA COLI UROPATOGENE Anca Ungureanu , Mirela Manolescu , Adriana Turculeanu , Maria Bãlãºoiu , Carmen Avrãmescu , Maria Dobriþoiu Rezumat. În lucrarea de faþã, am luat în studiu Abstract. In the present paper we have studied the sensibilitatea la antibiotice a 312 tulpini de Escherichia coli, susce


The tangent kernel SVM for calibration-stable histogram discrimination Information and Communication Theory GroupFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer ScienceMekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands Keywords: Similarity; Invariant representation; Classification; Kernels; SVM Abstract tween objects. More specifically one can use tan-gent distance [1, 2] (dissim

Coverage of viagra through the medicaid program

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Health Care Financing Administration Center for Medicaid and State Operations 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244-1850 The purpose of this letter is to advise States about the appropriate coverage of Viagra through the Medicaid program and to encourage States to ensure that appropriate medications are provided to the Medica

Marcelo cea

CONFERENCIA NÓRDICA PROFESORES DE ESPAÑOL LENGUA MATERNA SUNDSVALL , 6 - 7 DE MAYO 2010 Es Licenciado en Filología Semítica por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1984). Se ha dedicado a la enseñanza del español en Suecia desde 1985. Es locutor, guionista y productor en la redacción de español de la Radiotelevisión Educativa de Suecia (UR). Escribe libros de texto para

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Provided with permission of author, Dr. Joneja, by MASTOCYTOSIS SOCIETY CANADA (Updated Nov.2012) The Histamine & Tyramine Restricted Diet & Food Guidelines for Mast Cell Disorders The HISTAMINE and TYRAMINE Restricted Diet by Janice Vickerstaff Joneja, PhD., R.D. Please buy the book, Dealing with Food Allergies by Dr. Janice Joneja, as it is important for reference and unders

Barkarte 28.11.201

Sehr geehrter Gast! Herzlich Willkommen in der Bistro-Bar, des Mercure Hotels Kassel. Fühlen Sie sich wohl bei uns, und genießen Sie die angenehme Atmosphäre. Unser Angebot in dieser Karte ist reichhaltig und international. Sollten Sie dennoch auf den nachfolgenden Seiten Ihren Lieblingsdrink nicht finden, lassen Sie sich von unserem Bar- Team, beraten. Für unsere Gäste mixen wir auf

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Thursday » December 14 » 2006 Colwood Corners plan clears hurdle Proposal, calling for eight buildings ranging up to 29 storeys, Judith Lavoie Times Colonist A massive plan to redevelop the centre of Colwood with a highrise hotel, shops, and apartment and office buildings up to 29 storeys squeaked through the city's planning and zoning committee. The rezoning application by Le


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Dan Budwick Pure Communications Inc. Phone: 973-271-6085 Genocea Biosciences Closes $35 Million Series B Financing Funding to Support Therapeutic HSV-2 Vaccine Clinical Development and Advancement of Robust Vaccine Pipeline; Appoints Industry Veteran Seth Hetherington, M.D., as Chief Medical Officer Cambridge, Mass. – January 3, 2011 – a vaccine discovery and development company

Form pack

The Parent Pack receipt form lets us know that you have received and understand the contents of this package. The Health Form is required by NJ State Law and does not require visiting a doctor. Immunization information must be filled out in full; children will not be allowed to attend until all appropriate information is provided. Waivers for persons requesting exemptions from medical examinatio

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Deze folder geeft u informatie over endoveneuze lasertherapie (EVLT) bij spataderen. Wat is precies EVLT en wanneer kan deze methode worden toegepast? Wat moet u weten met betrekking tot de voorbereiding en de nazorg? Wat is EVLT? EVLT staat voor endoveneuze lasertherapie. Met deze methode wordt een dun laserslangetje in een spatader gebracht, die vervolgens met behulp van laserenergi


Orientation diagnostique devant des Dr B. BOUJON Internat ŒDÈMES DES MEMBRES INFÉRIEURS Cabinet de Cardiologie, H O E C H S T I N T E R N A T E S T D I R I G É P A R : W I L L I A M B E R R E B I , P A T R I C K G E P N E R , J E A N N A U DIAGNOSTIC POSITIF DIAGNOSTIC ETIOLOGIQUE . Oedèmes bilatéraux, . phlébite . cellulite . Prise de poids . lympha

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Pre and post treatment patient instructions

PRE- AND POST-TREATMENT PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS In order to provide you with the best possible service we ask that you carefully review these Pre- and Post-Treatment instruc-tions for the Lumenis Light Sheer Diode treatments for laser hair removal and ask any questions necessary to help you fully understand them. If you have any questions about these instructions, please discuss them with us pri

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CASO CLÍNICO Crisis convulsivas desencadenadas por los antidepresivos. Interacción entre los antidepresivos y los antiepilépticos Nogueras Ormazábal E1, Sarrasqueta Sáenz P1, Otamendi Murillo A2, González Alen P1, Presentamos el caso de una paciente que sufriócada 12 horas) porque había presentado nuevosun síndrome comicial con crisis parciales complejassecundariamente general


Diagnose der erektilen Dysfunktion (ED) Die Anamnese liefert wichtige Hinweise darauf, ob die Ursachenschwerpunktmäßig im organischen oder psychischen Bereich liegen und obwirklich alle unten aufgeführten Diagnosemaßnahmen erforderlich sind. Nach der Diagnosestellung und Ermittlung der Ursachen richtet sichdann die erforderliche Therapie, die entweder medikamentös, mittelsHilfsmittel,


Antipsychotika ( Neuroleptika ) - Anwendung Schizophrenie - Epidemiologie LANGZEIT Lebenszeit 1:100 Schizophrenie Nahezu überall auf der Welt ähnlich Paranoia Inzidenz/Jahr/Erwachsene 1:10.000 bipolare Depression Erkrankungsbeginn: Neuroleptika sind Antagonisten an Schizophrenie folgenden Rezeptoren: POSITIV SYMPT. NEGATIV SYMPT. inkohärentes


Chapter 17 Review 17.1 : Psychoanalysis At his friends’ urging, Barney has decided to seek help for the depression he has been struggling with ever since moving away from home and starting college two months ago. He’s heard a lot about Sigmund (1) Freud’s therapy, called (2) psychoanalysis , in which patients use (3) free association to express whatever comes to mind in order to un

Wt vol 9 iss 4.cwk

_____________________________________________________________________________Volume 9 Issue 4 Madison Valley History Association, Inc. website: www.madisonvalleyhistoryassociation.org--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Wagon Seat It looks like fall here. The leaves are turning yellow,

Brain dissection

MUTANT MOUSE REGIONAL RESOURCE CENTER: UC DAVIS 2795 2nd Street, Suite 400, Davis, CA 95618 Tamoxifen Preparation and Oral Dosing of Adult Mice 1.0 Scope: To describe the procedure for preparing tamoxifen and dosing an adult mouse orally with tamoxifen for five consecutive days. 2.0 Materials: Tamoxifen, Minimum 99% (Sigma Cat# T5648-5G) Disposable 1/2 x 1/8 in magnetic stir bar


Perioperative Care Selection of Prophylactic Antibiotic — First OR Second Generation Cephalosporin This measure is to be reported each time a surgical procedure with the indications for a first or second generation cephalosporin antibiotic is performed during the reporting period. Measure description What if this process or outcome of care is not Percentage of surgical patient


Originales de las alucinaciones en la enfermedad de Parkinson Introducción. Aunque se han considerado las alucina- presencia de las alucinaciones, se deben considerar tambiénciones en la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) un fenómeno re-otros factores clínicos como son los trastornos del sueño ylacionado con la medicación dopaminérgica, existe un co-nocimiento limitado sobre su relació


ORTHOPEDIC UNIT Psychiatric unit is a health care facility providing inpatient and outpatient therapeutic services to clients with behavioral or emotional illnesses. PERSONNEL  Psychiatrist  clinical psychologist  psychiatric social worker  occupational therapist  psychiatric nurses  psychiatric aides EQUIPMENT  Lithium Analyzer  BioFeed-back Instrum

Chcde physician formulary notice for pr.doc

November 2009 Dear Participating Provider: Please find highlights of the changes made to the Coventry Commercial Formulary that will take effect for January 1, 2010. We have also enclosed a copy of the Member/Physician Reference 2010 Prescription Drug List. In addition, our formulary is available through Epocrates and on our website at . The formulary is viewable in the Provider Section unde

Productname™ & dose form

RISPERDAL CONSTA  INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION Risperidone Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) if the packaging is torn or shows signs of having What is in this leaflet to treat any other complaints unless your doctor This leaflet contains important information about RISPERDAL CONSTA. It does not contain all of the available information. It does not take the place of Before yo


Linda Ader Bikes Through Israel - May 2006. Thoughts and Observations. Record Number of Bicyclists Arrive in Eilat After a 6-Day Journey From Jerusalem Fundraising Goal for Arava Institute Exceeded $500,000 Tuesday, May 16, 2006, Eilat, Israel - Yesterday afternoon, over 125 men and women from 5 different countries cycled into Eilat, completing a 265-mile journey that started out in Jerus

Normas condicionales y falacia naturalista

NORMAS CONDICIONALES Y FALACIA NATURALISTA* RESUMEN. Este trabajo muestra en qué medida la representación de las normas condicionales como «p → Oq» (la concepción puente de las normas condicionales) conduce a conclusiones paradó-jicas, por ejemplo, que un mundo proposicionalmente consistente es materialmente equivalentea mundos deónticamente contradictorios. Esta conclusión no

Getting the facts

ALCOHOLISM U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ALCOHOLISMFor many people, the facts about alcoholism are not clear. What is alcoholism, exactly? How does it differ from alcohol abuse? When should a person seek help for a problem related to his or her drinking? The National


DRUGS BY THERAPEUTIC GROUP You will find hereafter the medicines used by MSF sorted according to the WHO Therapeutic Groups classification LABEL Section 1: Anaesthetics 1.1. General anaesthetics and oxygen HALOTHANE, 250 ml, bot. KETAMINE hydrochloride, eq. 50 mg/ml base, 10 ml, vial THIOPENTAL sodium, 500 mg, powder, vial 1.2. Local anaesthetics BUPIVACAINE HCl, hyperbaric/spinal, 5


Livre d’or (Mise à jour du 26 août 2006). Amandine - 25-08-2006 14:16:39 Merci à tous pour ce site formidable. Il m'a permis de commencer à comprendre un peu ce qu'est « être bipolaire ». J'espère grâce à tous ce que j'ai trouvé ici pouvoir aider un peu une amie qui a cette maladie. Li - 23-08-2006 17:48:15 Merci. je ne savais plus où me tourner . Thierry

Diario oficial de la república de chile

DIARIO OFICIAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE CHILE Lunes 14 de Mayo de 2012 Constitución Política de la República; en las glosas 05,sindicales y trabajadores y trabajadoras interesa-participado durante 2 o más años como dirigente06, 07 y 08 asociada a la partida 15-01-01-24-01-433,dos en participar en el mundo sindical, con el finde Ley Nº 20.557 de Presupuesto del Sector Públicode logra


MAHARASHTRA STATE ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. Bandhkam Bhavan, Adalat Road, Aurangabad. Tel: 0240-2349830, Fax: 2349501. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Sealed offers in the, percentage rate form are invited by the M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.), Mumbai for carrying out work of “Construction Link Road between Paithan Road to Nagar Road- Road reach Ch. 0 m. to 4041 m. including Bridge at


Chemical biology and bacteria: not simply a matter oflife or deathDeborah T and Eric J RubinChemical biological approaches to understanding bacteriasmall molecules as tools to systematically dissect thehave largely been confined to screening for antibiotics. Morepathways involved in these complex phenotypes, culmi-complex phenotypes, such as virulence, have largely beennating in the gene

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Kapitel 2 Liebe in Zeiten von Viagra Liebe ist die Selbsttäuschung, die wir als Ausrede erfinden, um den Aufwand zu rechtfertigen, den wir in Kauf nehmen, um Sex zu haben. Jetzt betrachten wir dieses Thema jedoch aus einem anderen Blick-winkel. Wir fragen uns: Wie einmalig ist die politische Aufruhr derMassen oder die finanzielle Besessenheit? Sind sie möglicherweiseeinem alltäglichen

Wholesalers application_01_10_v

MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE AND APPLICATION FORM Instructions Medical questions help us to determine your eligibility and premium rate if you are age 55 or over. 1. If you are under the age of 55, proceed to Part C to complete the application. 2. If you are applying for the Quick Trip Plan, you must be 55 to 74 years of age and travelling for 17 days or less. You do not need to complete the Medi

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H E A L T H C A R E P R O F E S S I O N A L * T E C H N I C A L B U L L E T I N Vi ta T r i m P r o ™ Garcinia, Hoodia, Fucoxanthin, & Gymnema Finally, a new breakthrough in weight loss with the potential to help you trim off unsightly excess bodyfat and inches, naturally. We have learned that successful weight reduction requires a mult-dimension-al approach. We know definitely th


domenica 13 maggio 2012 cultura@ilroma.net PROTAGONISTI VERONICA PIVETTI CONDIVIDE CON ISA DANIELI IL SUCCESSO DI “SORELLE D’ITALIA” AL TEATRO DIANA Esplosiva e allegra, praticamente unica di Giuliana Gargiulo me è stata la quotidianità, nella vuto a mia sorella, una storia che quale l’ufficio dei miei genitori Ha dovuto fa- Scriverà ancora? era… il


Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 79(4), 2008, pp. 568–570Copyright © 2008 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneCase Report: A Severe Eosinophilic Meningoencephalitis Caused by Infection ofHua Li, Feng Xu, Jin-Bao Gu, and Xiao-Guang Chen* Department of Parasitology, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China; Department of Neurol

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Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ List phone number(s) Home: ___________________Work: _____________________Cell: ________________ E-mail add

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2009 Detailed Formulary April 2009 INTRODUCTION This Member Formulary is a useful aid to understanding your drug benefit program. The formulary is a list of drugs reviewed and approved by an independent committee of physicians and pharmacists. The formulary includes drugs that are commonly prescribed by physicians, clinically useful, and cost-effective. Bring this Member Formulary to your

Microsoft word - projecto codido do notariado.doc

Após um período de reflexão e estudos no seio de uma equipa constituída para o efeito, o Ministério da Justiça disponibiliza as versões dos ante-projectos dos códigos do Registo Predial e do Notariado. Com a revisão dos códigos do registo Predial e do Notariado que vigoram desde 1967, o Ministério da Justiça pretende prosseguir os objectivos de modernização e adequação dos referid

Ii - do registro

NovoNorm® repaglinida I. Identificação do medicamento NovoNorm® repaglinida Forma farmacêutica Comprimido Via de administração Oral Apresentações Embalagens contendo 30 comprimidos acondicionados em blísteres. Os comprimidos estão disponíveis em 3 concentrações de repaglinida: 0,5 mg (comprimidos de cor branca), 1 mg (comprimidos de cor amarela) e 2 mg


If its consumer rates are frozen, ComEd may actually file for bankruptcy protection, with . Page 1 of 2Story URL: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=4633 Story Retrieval Date: 8/9/2007 7:40:50 PM CST If its consumer rates are frozen, ComEd may actually file for bankruptcy protection, with broad consequences by Melanie G. Rogers Mar 01, 2007 Commonwealth Ediso

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Layer Chicken Mash Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein (Min)…………………. 16% Lysine (Min)………………………. 1.00% Methionine (Min)………………. .35% Crude Fat (Min) ………………….… 5% Crude Fiber (Max) .……………….2.5% Calcium (Min) ….…………………. 3.75% Calcium (Max) …….………………. 4.25% Phosphorus (Min)…………………


OPEN EXPRESS ONE DAY COURSE & INTEGRATED MULTIPHYSICS SIMULATION & DESIGN OPTIMIZATION Salón de Actos del Edificio Central del Parque Científico y Tecnológico REGISTRATIONS AND RESERVATIONS Please, fil the fol owing data and remit us the registration and booking form to the fax (+34) 928 380 380 or by email to Once we receive this form we wil send you a confirmation of regi

Professional memo

Biscayne Building 19 West Flagler Street, Suite 220 The Honorable Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler, Chair and Members of the Board of County Commissioners OIG Investigation of Fraud Against the MDHA and Housing Recipients. Attached please find the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) Press Release regarding an OIG investigation of fraud perpetrated on the Miami-Dade Housing Agency (MDHA) and its

The mystery of soma

THE MYSTERY OF SOMA In the realm of Hinduism, Soma can be recognized as, and is considered to be, a god ( deva ), a magical and hallucinogenic plant, and the juice of that plant. Soma is extraordinary in that it is recognized as one of only a few plants humans have ever deified (see Wasson 3). There are a large variety of other sacred plants (even within India), but none of which have had q

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Rare but serious complications can occur in patients dealing with the common bacterial infection known as strep throat. Welcome to this edition of Patient Listening a Podcast service from Marshfield Clinic where we present health topics to you without all the technical jargon so you can get information that is easy to understand and useful to you in your everyday life. I’m your host John


UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIROBI JOINT MEDICAL SERVICE. Malaria. Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by a parasite and is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes ( Plasmodium Anopheles mosquito ). 25th April every year- is a day of unified commemoration of the global effort to provide effective control of malaria around the world- world malaria da

Division of respirology, critical care and sleep medicine

DIVISION OF RESPIROLOGY, CRITICAL CARE, AND SLEEP MEDICINE 2007 – 2008 ANNUAL REPORT Department of Medicine University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon Health Region Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………………….Page 3 Division Faculty ……………………………………………………

Microsoft word - returning medical forms (2).doc

Dear Student-Athlete/Parent/Guardian, Please review all the forms in this packet. Each of the form contains information important to the student- athlete. Forms are located on the front and back of each page. Please complete, sign and date each form. Please return forms to MSU-Northern Athletic Training only! Please review the forms for completeness. Incomplete forms or information found

Microsoft word - ap 2006-16 pdl.doc

MISSISSIPPI DIVISION OF MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST The agents listed below are preferred products on the Mississippi Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL). The preferred drug list is a medication list recommended to the Division of Medicaid by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and approved by the Executive Director of the Division of Medicaid. These drugs have been selected for t


and generous support of NJIT, Peter was honored with the uni-versity’s 2008 Edward F. Weston Medal. 1989 and today is president and principal of the firm. Based in Brooklyn, New York, JF Con-tracting works with city, state and federal agencies, as well as Anastasia, Peter and Elsa Papanicolaou with clients in the private sector. The firm’s expertise encompasses Weston honor inte

Kz-ct_eng-vers. 12.00.pdf

HIGH INDUCTION DIFFUSERS WITH VARIABLE GEOMETRY WITH AUTOMATIC REGULATION WITH THERMOSTATIC SPRING OVERVIEW : METHOD OF REGULATION : The KZ-CT series of high induction diffusers use a With the use of the selection program it is possible to determine thermostatic spring with form memory mechanism for the the most appropriate model of diffuser for each application.


der Leberzellen auf: In Zone l finden vor allem Glykolyse undHarnstoffzyklus statt, während Glukoneogenese, Arzneimittel-metabolismus und Glutamin-Synthetaseaktivität überwiegend inZone 3 erfolgen. Protein- und Fettstoffwechsel finden im gesam-Die Leber ist das größte parenchymatöse Organ des Körpers, ihrten Azinus statt. Die Leberzellen befinden sich in engem KontaktGewicht macht b


Addendum for NURSING 220 B: Pharmacology in Nursing Schedule or Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a sound understanding of the pharmacologic properties of drug classes, with special emphasis on the clinical application of drug therapy through the nursing process and clinical case studies. Catalog Description: The purpose of this course is to pr


Anesthesiology and Neurosurgery ADDITION OF TRIAMCINOLONE OR PETHIDINETO EPIDURAL BUPIVACAINE CAN NOT IMPROVE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN RELIEF INLUMBAR DISCECTOMYSEYED J. HASHEMI* HASSAN A. SOLTANI*MITRA JABALAMELI*SEYED A. MIRHOSEYNI**BAHRAM SOLEYMANI*** SUMMARY: There is uncertainty as to whether addition of steroids or narcotics to epidural local anesthet- ics improves pain control in spine s

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Dynamically Weighted Hidden Markov Model for Spam Deobfuscation Seunghak Lee Iryoung Jeong Seungjin Choi Abstract and its effect is limited. Other approaches involve varioussearch strategies. The Viterbi decoding is a time-consumingSpam deobfuscation is a processing to detect obfus-task for HMMs which contain a large vocabulary (e.g., 20,000cated words appeared in spam emails and

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December 2008 (Vol. 1, Issue 3, pages 47-50) HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND CLINICAL USE OF CB1 RECEPTOR INVERSE AGONISTS/ANTAGONISTS By Gérard Le Fur, PhD Sanofi-aventis, Paris, France Introduction In 1964, the structure of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in mari-juana, was identified [1]. The breakthrough was given impetus by the di

Annex i

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Leflunomide medac 10 mg film-coated tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each film-coated tablet contains 10 mg of leflunomide. Excipients with known effect: Each film-coated tablet contains 76 mg of lactose (as monohydrate) and 0.06 mg of soya lecithin. For the full list of excipients, see sect

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Appendix 2: travel risk assessment form

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Institut für Coaching, Training und Consulting Arbeit ohne Ende – Am Ende durch Arbeit? Inhalt Einleitung 1. Entwicklungen in der Finanzdienstleistungsindustrie und deren Auswirkungen 1.1. Veränderung des Marktes – der Sport 1.2. Technologische Entwicklung 1.3. Die Kunden 2. Diagnostische Einschätzung 3. Lösungen im Vorgehen der Unternehmen 4. Die Rolle des Betriebsrates E


Mental Health Biography – Michael Black 2011 www.michaelblack.eu Michael has published two books of mental health memoirs, describing his own spiritual experiences and also his contacts within the professional world of mental health 1993-2005. The first volume is called Angels, Cleopatra And Psychosis , and the follow up book is called Leonardo, Romancia and Ra . Both were published by

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SOCIAL SUPPORT AND MATERNAL OUTCOMES OF POSTPARTUM MOTHERS WITH UNPLANNED ADVERSE BIRTH EVENTS This study looked into the social support and maternal outcomes of postpartum mothers with unplanned adverse birth events. Specifically it identified: 1) the respondents’ profile as to age, parity, educational attainment, prenatal care and adverse effects; 2) level of social support received

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Fact Sheet Overview of Malaria Malaria is a disease of contradiction – it is both one of the most deadly and prevalent diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa and also the most preventable and treatable. More than 1 million people die of malaria each year, 75 percent of them African children, and more than 300 million people worldwide fall ill from malaria annually. Defeating malaria is

Prise en charge des fausse

PRISE EN CHARGE DES FAUSSE–COUCHES < 12 SA TROIS POSSIBILITES THERAPEUTIQUES - L’aspiration - Le traitement médical par misoprostol ( Cytotec®) - L’abstention Ne jamais oublier les gamma-globulines si la mère est RH négative ( 200 µg) Se méfier des sacs ovulaires en position isthmique, surtout si césarienne antérieure : possibilité de grossesse cervical

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CHILD REGISTRATION FORM DATE _____________________ Patient Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ First M. Initial Last Name you like to be called Birthdate _____/_____/_____ Age______ □ Male □ Female Mailing Address _______________________________________ Cell Phone (________)___________________________ City, State, Zip ___


Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Psych. Christine Marcelle Heim CharitéCentrum für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften PUBLIKATIONEN (*Publikationen mit supervisierten Doktoranden/Postdoktoranden) ORIGINAL- UND REVIEWARTIKEL Heim, C. , Ehlert, U., Rexhausen, J., Hanker, J. P. & Hellhammer, D. H. (1997). Psychoendocrinological observations in women with chronic pelvic pain.

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